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Schnegg, Bruno; Deveza, Ricardo; Hayward, Christopher (2024). Apixaban in bridge to transplant and destination LVAD - rationale and study design: the ApixiVAD trial. ESC heart failure, 11(4), pp. 2387-2394. 10.1002/ehf2.14782
Spano, Giancarlo; Buffle, Eric; Walti, Laura Naëmi; Mihalj, Maks; Cameron, David R; Martinelli, Michele; Fürholz, Monika; Que, Yok-Ai; Hayward, Christopher; Reineke, David; Hunziker, Lukas; Schnegg, Bruno (2023). Ten-year retrospective cohort analysis of Ventricular Assist Device infections. Artificial organs, 47(5), pp. 898-905. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/aor.14477
Spano, Giancarlo; Stutz, Emanuel; Eliçin, Olgun; Hugi, Beate; Henzen, Dominik; Fürholz, Monika; Wieser, Monika; Rhyner, Daniel Kaspar; Dobner, Stephan; Pavlicek-Bahlo, Maryam; Robson, Desiree; Nadel, James; Hayward, Christopher; Hunziker, Lukas; Martinelli, Michele; Schnegg, Bruno (2020). Is It Safe to Irradiate the Newest Generation of Ventricular Assist Devices? A Case Report and Systematic Literature Review. Artificial organs, 44(5), pp. 449-456. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/aor.13612