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Mann, Stefan (2022). Why governments should tax animal production: a system approach to internalise the externalities of agriculture. International journal of sustainable economy, 14(3), p. 294. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. 10.1504/IJSE.2022.123869
Janker, Judith; Mann, Stefan; Rist, Stephan (2019). Social sustainability in agriculture – A system-based framework. Journal of rural studies, 65, pp. 32-42. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2018.12.010
Janker, Judith; Mann, Stefan; Rist, Stephan (2018). What is Sustainable Agriculture? Critical Analysis of the International Political Discourse. Sustainability, 10(12), p. 4707. MDPI 10.3390/su10124707
Haller, Tobias; Liechti, Karina; Mann, Stefan (2021). Commons and peasant studies: Insights from social anthropology, human geography and agrarian economics. In: Haller, Tobias; Liechti, Karina; Stuber, Martin; Viallon, François-Xavier; Wunderli, Rahel (eds.) Balancing the Commons in Switzerland. Institutional Transformations and Sustainable Innovations (pp. 45-56). London: Routledge
Fesenfeld, Lukas; Mann, Stefan; Meier, Matthias; Nemecek, Thomas; Scharrer, Bettina; Bornemann, Basil; Brombach, Christine; Beretta, Claudio; Bürgi, Elisabeth; Grabs, Janina; Ingold, Karin; Jeanneret, Philippe; Kislig, Sol; Lieberherr, Eva; Müller, Adrian; Pfister, Stephan; Schader, Christian; Schönberg, Sonja; Sonnevelt, Martijn; Barjolle, Dominique; ... (2023). Wege in die Ernährungszukunft der Schweiz - Leitfaden zu den grössten Hebeln und politischen Pfaden für ein nachhaltiges Ernährungssystem SDSN Schweiz 10.5281/zenodo.7543576
Mann, Stefan; Haller, Maria (2021). A public economy perspective on private food certification and the role of the state Schweizerischer Nationalfonds - NRP73
Rist, Stephan; Cottier, Thomas; Mann, Stefan (2016). Sustainable Soil Governance and Large-Scale Land Acquisitions originating in Switzerland. Summary for Stakeholders Bern, Switzerland: Schweizerischer Nationalfonds - NFP68
Haller, Tobias; Gerber, Jean-David; Rohr, Christian; Mann, Stefan; Nahrath, Stéphane (8 June 2018). „Kollektives Ressourcenmanagement“ oder „Allmend-Regelwerke“? Überlegungen zu einem interdisziplinären Forschungsprojekt (Unpublished). In: „Pâturages et fôrets collectifs – économie, participation, durabilité“ / „Alpi e boschi comuni – economia, partecipazione, sostentibilità“ / „Kollektive Weiden und Wälder – Ökonomie, Partizipation, Nachhaltigkeit“. Altdorf. 08.-09.06.2018.
Oberlack, Christoph; Boillat, Sébastien; Brönnimann, Stefan; Gerber, Jean-David; Giger, Markus; Heinimann, Andreas; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Mann, Stefan; Messerli, Peter; Rist, Stephan; Wiesmann, Urs (2017). Polycentric governance in telecoupled resource systems: Is the tragedy of the grabbed commons unavoidable? (Unpublished). In: XVI. Global Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons. Utrecht, Netherlands. 10-14 July 2017.
Scharrer, Bettina; Hett, Cornelia; Mann, Stefan (February 2023). Alternative Wertschöpfungsketten und Wege der Vertrauensbildung - jenseits von Zertifizierungssystemen und Labels (Working Paper NRP73 NRP73-WP01-2023). Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern
Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth; Schäli, Judith; Belser, Eva Maria; Mazidi, Simon; Baumgartner, Urs; Giger, Markus; Franc, Andrea; Hett, Cornelia; Jacobi, Johanna; Mann, Stefan; Scharrer, Bettina; Solar, Jimena (2022). Hypothetisches Bundesgesetz über nachhaltigen Agrarhandel (Agrarhandelsgesetz, AhG), Synthese SNF-NFP 73 Projekt «Diversifizierte Ernährungssysteme dank nachhaltiger Handelsbeziehungen» Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), Universität Bern
Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth; Jacobi, Johanna; Mann, Stefan; Schader, Christian; Brechlin, Laura (2023). A sustainable food system for the 21st century. Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)