Pedersen, Eva S L

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Journal Article

Eijkemans, Marianne; Mommers, Monique; Harskamp-van Ginkel, Margreet W; Vrijkotte, Tanja G M; Ludvigsson, Johnny; Faresjö, Åshild; Bergström, Anna; Ekström, Sandra; Grote, Veit; Koletzko, Berthold; Bønnelykke, Klaus; Eliasen, Anders Ulrik; Bager, Peter; Melbye, Mads; Annesi-Maesano, Isabella; Baïz, Nour; Barros, Henrique; Santos, Ana Cristina; Duijts, Liesbeth; Mensink-Bout, Sara M; ... (2024). Physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and childhood asthma: a European collaborative analysis. BMJ open respiratory research, 11(1) BMJ 10.1136/bmjresp-2023-001630

Schreck, Leonie D; Pedersen, Eva S L; Dexter, Katie; Manion, Michele; Massin, Nathalie; Maitre, Bernard; Goutaki, Myrofora; Kuehni, Claudia E (2024). Infertility and pregnancy outcomes among adults with primary ciliary dyskinesia. Human reproduction open, 2024(3), hoae039. Oxford University Press 10.1093/hropen/hoae039

Kentgens, Anne-Christianne; Kurz, Johanna M; Mozun, Rebeca; Usemann, Jakob; Pedersen, Eva S L; Kuehni, Claudia E; Latzin, Philipp; Moeller, Alexander; Singer, Florian (2024). Evaluation of the double-tracer gas single-breath washout test in a pediatric field study. Chest, 165(2), pp. 396-404. Elsevier 10.1016/j.chest.2023.09.006

Schreck, Leonie D; Goutaki, Myrofora; Jörger, Philippa; Dexter, Katie; Manion, Michele; Christin-Maitre, Sophie; Maitre, Bernard; Kuehni, Claudia E; Pedersen, Eva S L (2024). Fertility care among people with primary ciliary dyskinesia. Pediatric pulmonology, 59(2), pp. 281-290. Wiley 10.1002/ppul.26743

Mallet, Maria Christina; Pedersen, Eva S L; Makhoul, Ronny; Blanchon, Sylvain; Hoyler, Karin; Jochmann, Anja; Latzin, Philipp; Moeller, Alexander; Regamey, Nicolas; Goutaki, Myrofora; Spycher, Ben D; Kuehni, Claudia E (2023). Phenotypes of cough in children: A latent class analysis. Clinical and experimental allergy, 53(12), pp. 1279-1290. Wiley 10.1111/cea.14416

Mallet, Maria C; Mozun, Rebeca; Ardura-Garcia, Cristina; Pedersen, Eva S L; Jurca, Maja; Latzin, Philipp; Moeller, Alexander; Kuehni, Claudia E (2023). Phenotypic characteristics, healthcare use, and treatment in children with night cough compared with children with wheeze. Pediatric pulmonology, 58(11), pp. 3083-3094. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/ppul.26626

Pedersen, Eva S L; Schreck, Leonie D; Goutaki, Myrofora; Bellu, Sara; Copeland, Fiona; Lucas, Jane S; Zwahlen, Marcel; Kuehni, Claudia E (2023). Incidence and Severity of SARS-CoV-2 Infections in People With Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia. International journal of public health, 68, p. 1605561. Frontiers 10.3389/ijph.2023.1605561

Mallet, Maria Christina; Mozun, Rebeca; Pedersen, Eva S L; Ardura-Garcia, Cristina; Gaillard, Erol A; Latzin, Philipp; Moeller, Alexander; Kuehni, Claudia E (2023). Prevalence of childhood cough in epidemiological studies depends on the question used: findings from two population-based studies. Swiss medical weekly, 153, p. 40044. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.57187/smw.2023.40044

Pedersen, Eva S L; Kuehni, Claudia E (2023). Preventing bronchiolitis among infants with non-pharmaceutical interventions outside pandemics: is it realistic? European respiratory journal, 61(2), p. 2202214. European Respiratory Society 10.1183/13993003.02214-2022

Berger, Daria O; Pedersen, Eva S L; Mallet, Maria C; de Jong, Carmen C M; Usemann, Jakob; Regamey, Nicolas; Spycher, Ben D; Ardura-Garcia, Cristina; Kuehni, Claudia E (2022). External Validation of the Predicting Asthma Risk in Children (PARC) tool in a clinical cohort. Pediatric pulmonology, 57(11), pp. 2715-2723. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/ppul.26088

Halbeisen, Florian S; Pedersen, Eva S L; Goutaki, Myrofora; Spycher, Ben D; Amirav, Israel; Boon, Mieke; Malena, Cohen-Cymberknoh; Crowley, Suzanne; Emiralioglu, Nagehan; Haarman, Eric G; Karadag, Bulent; Koerner-Rettberg, Cordula; Latzin, Philipp; Loebinger, Michael R; Lucas, Jane S; Mazurek, Henryk; Morgan, Lucy; Marthin, June; Pohunek, Petr; Santamaria, Francesca; ... (2022). Lung function from school age to adulthood in primary ciliary dyskinesia. European respiratory journal, 60(4), p. 2101918. European Respiratory Society 10.1183/13993003.01918-2021

van Meel, Evelien R; Mensink-Bout, Sara M; den Dekker, Herman T; Ahluwalia, Tarunveer S; Annesi-Maesano, Isabella; Arshad, Syed Hasan; Baïz, Nour; Barros, Henrique; von Berg, Andrea; Bisgaard, Hans; Bønnelykke, Klaus; Carlsson, Christian J; Casas, Maribel; Chatzi, Leda; Chevrier, Cecile; Dalmeijer, Geertje; Dezateux, Carol; Duchen, Karel; Eggesbø, Merete; van der Ent, Cornelis; ... (2022). Early-life respiratory tract infections and the risk of school-age lower lung function and asthma: a meta-analysis of 150 000 European children. European respiratory journal, 60(4), p. 2102395. European Respiratory Society 10.1183/13993003.02395-2021

Lam, Yin Ting; Pedersen, Eva S L; Schreck, Leonie D; Hüsler, Leonie; Koppe, Helena; Belle, Fabiën N; Clarenbach, Christian; Latzin, Philipp; Kuehni, Claudia E; Goutaki, Myrofora (2022). Physical activity, respiratory physiotherapy practices, and nutrition among people with primary ciliary dyskinesia in Switzerland - a cross-sectional survey. Swiss medical weekly, 152, w30221. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/smw.2022.w30221

Goutaki, Myrofora; Hüsler, Leonie; Lam, Yin Ting; Koppe, Helena M; Jung, Andreas; Lazor, Romain; Müller, Loretta; Pedersen, Eva S L; Kuehni, Claudia E (2022). Respiratory symptoms of Swiss people with primary ciliary dyskinesia. ERJ Open Research, 8(2), 00673-2021. European Respiratory Society 10.1183/23120541.00673-2021

Mozun, Rebeca; Ardura-Garcia, Cristina; Pedersen, Eva S L; Usemann, Jakob; Singer, Florian; Latzin, Philipp; Moeller, Alexander; Kuehni, Claudia E (2022). Age and body mass index affect fit of spirometry Global Lung Function Initiative references in schoolchildren. ERJ Open Research, 8(2), 00618-2021. European Respiratory Society 10.1183/23120541.00618-2021

de Jong, Carmen C M; Pedersen, Eva S L; Mozún, Rebeca; Goutaki, Myrofora; Trachsel, Daniel; Barben, Juerg; Kuehni, Claudia E (2019). Diagnosis of asthma in children: the contribution of a detailed history and test results. European respiratory journal, 54(6), p. 1901326. European Respiratory Society 10.1183/13993003.01326-2019

Mozun, Rebeca; Pedersen, Eva S L; Ardura-Garcia, Cristina (2019). Does high-flow oxygen reduce escalation of care in infants with hypoxaemic bronchiolitis? [commentary]. Breathe, 15(3), pp. 247-249. European Respiratory Society 10.1183/20734735.0192-2019

Pedersen, Eva S L; Spycher, Ben D; de Jong, Carmen; Halbeisen, Florian; Ramette, Alban; Gaillard, Erol A; Granell, Raquel; Henderson, A John; Kuehni, Claudia E (2019). The simple 10-item PARC tool to predict childhood asthma - an external validation. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 7(3), 943-953.e4. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jaip.2018.09.032

Pedersen, Eva S L; de Jong, Carmen C M; Ardura Garcia, Cristina; Barben, Juerg; Casaulta, Carmen; Frey, Urs; Jochmann, Anja; Latzin, Philipp; Moeller, Alexander; Regamey, Nicolas; Singer, Florian; Spycher, Ben; Sutter, Oliver; Goutaki, Myrofora; Kuehni, Claudia E (2018). The Swiss Paediatric Airway Cohort (SPAC) [protocol]. ERJ Open Research, 4(4), 00050. European Respiratory Society 10.1183/23120541.00050-2018

Ardura Garcia, Cristina; Pedersen, Eva S L; Goutaki, Myrofora (2018). The limitations of cross-sectional data: perinatal risk factors for asthma [letter]. European respiratory journal, 52(3), p. 1801197. European Respiratory Society 10.1183/13993003.01197-2018

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