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Janzen, Benedikt; Radulescu, Doina Maria (2020). Electricity Use as a Real Time Indicator of the Economic Burden of the COVID-19-Related Lockdown: Evidence From Switzerland. CESifo Economic Studies, 66(4), pp. 303-321. Oxford University Press 10.1093/cesifo/ifaa010
v. Ehrlich, Maximilian; Radulescu, Doina Maria (2017). The taxation of bonuses and its effect on executive compensation and risk‐taking: Evidence from the UK experience. Journal of economics & management strategy, 26(3), pp. 712-731. Wiley 10.1111/jems.12203
Egger, Peter; Radulescu, Doina Maria; Rees, Ray (2015). Heterogeneous Beliefs and the Demand for D&O Insurance by Listed Companies. The journal of risk and insurance, 82(4), pp. 823-852. Wiley 10.1111/jori.12082
Radulescu, Doina Maria; Egger, Peter (2014). A test of the Bolton-Scheinkman-Xiong hypothesis of how speculation affects the vesting time of options granted to directors. Journal of Corporate Finance, 29, pp. 511-519. Elsevier
Radulescu, Doina Maria (2014). Buchbesprechung von: Rumpf, Dominik: Zinsbereinigung bei der Dualen Einkommensteuer. Die Unternehmensteuerreform 2008 und der Vorschlag einer „Zinsbereinigung des Grundkapitals“Grundkapitals“. (Beiträge zur Finanzwissenschaft 32, Hrsg. Clemens Fuest und Kai Konrad). Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2013. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, 234(6), pp. 834-837. Lucius & Lucius
Egger, Peter H.; v. Ehrlich, Maximilian; Radulescu, Doina Maria (2012). How Much it Pays to Work in the Financial Sector. CESifo Economic Studies, 58(1), pp. 110-139. Oxford University Press 10.1093/cesifo/ifr033
Radulescu, Doina Maria (10 November 2021). Wenn der Strom knapp wird: mehr Versorgungssicherheit durch Ausgleich von Angebot und Nachfrage. Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Radulescu, Doina Maria (June 2021). Verteilungswirkungen von CO2 Preisen und des Ausbaus erneuerbarer Energien. ifo Schnelldienst, 74(6), pp. 14-18. ifo Institut
Radulescu, Doina Maria (26 May 2021). Klimaziele nicht mit Umverteilung vermischen. Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ, p. 18. Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Radulescu, Doina Maria (January 2021). Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure and Repercussions of EVs on Household Electricity Load - What Can We Learn From Research Findings? IAEE Energy Forum, 2021(First quarter), pp. 20-21. International Association for Energy Economics
Radulescu, Doina Maria; Sulger, Philippe (26 April 2020). Eine verpasste Chance. Für die Erreichung der Klima- und Energieziele braucht es ein umfassendes Lenkungssystem. Der Bund
Radulescu, Doina Maria (18 April 2019). Strommarktliberalisierung – was kann die Schweiz von den Erfahrungen anderer Länder lernen? NZZ Neue Zürcher Zeitung Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Bigler, Patrick; Radulescu, Doina Maria (2021). Heating System Choice Among Swiss Households: Determinants and Effects of Policy Counterfactuals. In: Franzen, Axel; Mader, Sebastian (eds.) Research Handbook on Environmental Sociology. Research handbooks in sociology (pp. 187-215). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781800370456.00020
Ritz, Adrian; Blankart, Rudolf; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Lienhard, Andreas; Radulescu, Doina Maria; Sager, Fritz (2021). Einleitung. In: Ritz, Adrian; Blankart, Carl Rudolf; Jacobs, Claus D.; Lienhard, Andreas; Radulescu, Doina; Sager, Fritz (eds.) Praxisfälle Public Management: Ein multidisziplinärer Ansatz mit konzeptionellen Bausteinen (pp. 1-9). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler 10.1007/978-3-658-31068-4_1
Radulescu, Doina Maria; Feger, Fabian Stefan (2016). Spannungsfeld Regulierung: Eine Studie zu direkten und indirekten Folgen von Regulierung mit Bezug zur Schweiz. KPM-Schriftenreihe: Vol. 64. Bern: KPM-Verlag
Radulescu, Doina Maria (12 September 2022). Environmental, Redistributive and Revenue Effects of Policies Promoting Fuel Efficient and Electric Vehicles (Unpublished). In: Verein für Socialpolitik.
Radulescu, Doina Maria (29 June 2022). Environmental, Redistributive and Revenue Effects of Policies Promoting Fuel Efficient and Electric Vehicles (Unpublished). In: Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.
Radulescu, Doina Maria (22 June 2022). Environmental, Redistributive and Revenue Effects of Policies Promoting Fuel Efficient and Electric Vehicles (Unpublished). In: SSES Annual Congress.
Radulescu, Doina Maria (6 June 2022). Environmental, Redistributive and Revenue Effects of Policies Promoting Fuel Efficient and Electric Vehicles (Unpublished). In: Monte Verità Conference on Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics.
Radulescu, Doina Maria; Bigler, Patrick (11 June 2021). Welfare, Redistributive and Revenue Effects of Policies Promoting Fuel Efficient and Electric Vehicles (Unpublished). In: 10th Florence School of Regulation Annual Conference. 10.-11.06.2021.
Radulescu, Doina Maria (June 2021). Interdependencies Between Countries in the Provision of Energy (Unpublished). In: 39th International Energy Workshop. Freiburg i. Br. (online). 14.-17.06.2021.
Radulescu, Doina Maria (May 2021). Welfare, Redistributive and Revenue Effects of Policies Promoting Fuel Efficient and Electric Vehicles (Unpublished). In: 9th Mannheim Conference on Energy and the Environment. online. 20.-21.05.2021.
Radulescu, Doina Maria (6 November 2020). Household Preferences for Electric and Hybrid Cars (Unpublished). In: Economics Seminar University of Neuchâtel. University of Neuchâtel (online). 6.11.2020.
Radulescu, Doina Maria (October 2020). Household Preferences for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles (Unpublished). In: SURED Annual conference. online. 19.-22.10.2020.
Radulescu, Doina Maria (August 2020). Strategic Interdependencies Among Governments in the Provision of Energy (Unpublished). In: IIPF annual conference. online. 19.-21.8.2020.
Radulescu, Doina Maria (23 January 2020). Strommarktliberalisierung für Haushalte - was zeigen die Erfahrungen anderer Länder? (Unpublished). In: Kaderinformation 2020, Energie Thun. Thun. 23.01.2020.
Radulescu, Doina Maria (22 January 2020). Residential Solar Panel Adoptions, Electricity Tariffs and Income Redistribution (Unpublished). In: AlpEnForCe, Energieforschungsgespräche Disentis. Disentis. 22.-24.01.2020.
Radulescu, Doina Maria; Sulger, Philippe (13 January 2020). Strategic Interdependencies Among Governments in the Provision of Energy (Unpublished). In: EMEE 2020 - 13th International Workshop on "Empirical Methods in Energy Economics". Zürich. 13.-14.01.2020.
Radulescu, Doina Maria (27 November 2018). Redistribution Through Public Utility Pricing in the Presence of Nonlinear Income Taxation and Energy Efficiency Considerations (Unpublished). In: Florence School of Regulation Climate Annual Conference. Florenz. November 2018.
Radulescu, Doina Maria (August 2018). Effect of Exchange Rate Movements on Profit Shifting. The Case of the Swiss Franc (Unpublished). In: Annual Congress International Institute of Public Finance. Tampere, Finland. 2018.
Radulescu, Doina Maria (April 2018). Effect of Exchange Rate Movements on Profit Shifting: The Case of the Swiss Franc (Unpublished). In: CESifo Area Conference on Public Sector Economics. München, Deutschland. April 2018.
Radulescu, Doina Maria; Feger, Fabian Stefan; Pavanini, Nicola (6 September 2016). Welfare and Redistribution in Energy Markets with Solar Power (Unpublished). In: Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik. Augsburg, Germany. 4.-7.9.2016.
Radulescu, Doina Maria; Egger, Peter; Strecker, Nora (2016). On the Spread of Social Protection Systems (Unpublished). In: Entrepreneurship, innovation and public policy - IIPF 2016 Congress. Lake Tahoe, Nevada US. 09.-11.08.2016.
Radulescu, Doina Maria (30 July 2015). Personal Income Taxes, Profit Taxes, Migration and Trade: An Integrated Model and Quantitative Analysis (Unpublished). In: ERMAS. Cluj, Romania. 29.-31.07.2015.
Radulescu, Doina Maria; Egger, Peter; Nigai, Sergei (2014). Personal Income Taxes, Profit Taxes, Migration and Trade: An Integrated Model and Quantitative Analysis (Unpublished). In: 70th Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance IIPF. Lugano, Switzerland. 20.-23. Aug. 2014.
Radulescu, Doina Maria; v. Ehrlich, Maximilian (2014). The Taxation of Bonuses and its Effect on Executive Compensation - Evidence from the UK Experience (Unpublished). In: ERMAS. Cluj, Romania.
Feger, Fabian Stefan; Radulescu, Doina Maria (August 2018). Redistribution Through Public Utility Pricing in the Presence of Nonlinear Income Taxation and Energy Efficiency Considerations (CESifo Working paper 7195). München: CESifo München
Radulescu, Doina Maria; Egger, Peter; Rees, Ray (2014). The Determinants of Personal Income Tax Progressivity Around the Globe (Submitted)
Blankart, Carl Rudolf Berchtold; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Lienhard, Andreas; Radulescu, Doina Maria; Ritz, Adrian; Sager, Fritz (eds.) (2021). Schriftenreihe des Kompetenzzentrums für Public Management der Universität Bern (KPM-Schriftenreihe). KPM-Verlag
Blankart, Carl Rudolf Berchtold; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Lienhard, Andreas; Radulescu, Doina Maria; Ritz, Adrian; Sager, Fritz (eds.) (2020). Schriftenreihe des Kompetenzzentrums für Public Management der Universität Bern (KPM-Schriftenreihe). KPM-Verlag
Blankart, Carl Rudolf Berchtold; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Lienhard, Andreas; Radulescu, Doina Maria; Ritz, Adrian; Sager, Fritz (eds.) (2019). Schriftenreihe des Kompetenzzentrums für Public Management der Universität Bern (KPM-Schriftenreihe). KPM-Verlag
Blankart, Carl Rudolf Berchtold; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Lienhard, Andreas; Ritz, Adrian; Sager, Fritz (eds.) (2018). Schriftenreihe des Kompetenzzentrums für Public Management der Universität Bern (KPM-Schriftenreihe). KPM-Verlag