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Morinaj, Iuliia; de Moll, Frederick; Hascher, Tina; Hadjar, Andreas; Grecu, Alyssa; Scharf, Jan (2021). School alienation among adolescents in Switzerland and Luxembourg: The role of parent and peer supportive attitudes toward school and teacher autonomy support. Youth & Society, 55(2), pp. 187-212. Sage 10.1177/0044118X211043902
Hadjar, Andreas; Scharf, Jan; Hascher, Tina (2021). Who aspires to higher education? Axes of inequality, values of education and higher education aspirations in secondary schools in Luxembourg and the Swiss Canton of Bern. European Journal of Education, 56(1), pp. 9-26. Wiley 10.1111/ejed.12435
Hadjar, Andreas; Grecu, Alyssa; Scharf, Jan; de Moll, Frederick; Morinaj, Iuliia; Hascher, Tina (2021). Changes in school alienation profiles among secondary school students and the role of teaching style: Results from a longitudinal study in Luxembourg and Switzerland. International Journal of Educational Research, 105(101697), pp. 1-14. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijer.2020.101697
Scharf, Jan; Morinaj, Iuliia; Hadjar, Andreas; Hascher, Tina (7 September 2018). How does classroom composition impact the development of school alienation among immigrants and non-immigrants of low and high social origin in secondary schools? (Unpublished). In: ECER 2018 - "Inclusion and Exclusion, Resources for Educational Research?". Bolzano, Italy. 03.09.-07.09.2018.
Morinaj, Julia; Scharf, Jan; Grecu, Alyssa; Hadjar, Andreas; Hascher, Tina; Marcin, Kaja (2017). School Alienation: A Construct Validation Study. Frontline Learning Research, 5(2), pp. 36-59. EARLI 10.14786/flr.v5i2.298