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Blondiaux, Eva; Diamantaras, Andreas; Schumacher, Rahel; Blanke, Olaf; Müri, René; Heydrich, Lukas (2024). The neural correlates of topographical disorientation-a lesion analysis study. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, 11(2), pp. 520-524. Wiley 10.1002/acn3.51967
Thoma, Patrizia; Quinting, Jana; Jonas, Kristina; Regenbrecht, Frank; Schumacher, Rahel; Büttner-Kunert, Julia (2023). Kurzfassung und interdisziplinäre Kommentierung der internationalen INCOG-2.0-Leitlinie „Kognitive Kommunikationsstörungen nach Schädelhirntrauma“. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 34(4), pp. 211-223. Hogrefe 10.1024/1016-264X/a000383
Schumacher, Rahel; Halai, Ajay D; Lambon Ralph, Matthew A (2022). Attention to attention in aphasia - Elucidating impairment patterns, modality differences and neural correlates. Neuropsychologia, 177(108413), p. 108413. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2022.108413
Schumacher, Rahel; Halai, Ajay D; Lambon Ralph, Matthew A (2022). Assessing executive functions in post-stroke aphasia-utility of verbally based tests. Brain Communications, 4(3), fcac107. Oxford University Press 10.1093/braincomms/fcac107
Schumacher, Rahel; Bruehl, Stefanie; Halai, Ajay D; Ralph, Matthew A Lambon (2020). The verbal, non-verbal and structural bases of functional communication abilities in aphasia. Brain Communications, 2(2) Oxford University Press 10.1093/braincomms/fcaa118
Schumacher, Rahel; Halai, Ajay D; Lambon Ralph, Matthew A (2019). Assessing and mapping language, attention and executive multidimensional deficits in stroke aphasia. Brain, 142(10), pp. 3202-3216. Oxford University Press 10.1093/brain/awz258
Schumacher, Rahel; Müri, René Martin; Walder, Bernhard (2017). Integrated Health Care Management of Moderate to Severe TBI in Older Patients-A Narrative Review. Current neurology and neuroscience reports, 17(12), p. 92. Springer 10.1007/s11910-017-0801-7
Haller, Chiara S.; Delhumeau, Cecile; De Pretto, Michael; Schumacher, Rahel; Pielmaier, Laura; Rebetez, Marie My Lien; Haller, Guy; Walder, Bernhard (2017). Trajectory of disability and quality-of-life in non-geriatric and geriatric survivors after severe traumatic brain injury. Brain injury, 31(3), pp. 319-328. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/02699052.2016.1255777
Schumacher, Rahel; Walder, B; Delhumeau, C; Müri, René Martin (2016). Predictors of inpatient (neuro)rehabilitation after acute care of severe traumatic brain injury: An epidemiological study. Brain Injury, 30(10), pp. 1186-1193. Informa Healthcare 10.1080/02699052.2016.1183821
Preisig, Basil; Eggenberger, Noëmi; Zito, Giuseppe Angelo; Vanbellingen, Tim; Schumacher, Rahel; Hopfner, Simone; Gutbrod, Klemens; Nyffeler, Thomas; Cazzoli, Dario; Annoni, Jean-Marie; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin (2016). Eye Gaze Behavior at Turn Transition: How Aphasic Patients Process Speakers' Turns during Video Observation. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 28(10), pp. 1-12. MIT Press Journals 10.1162/jocn_a_00983
Eggenberger, Noëmi; Preisig, Basil; Schumacher, Rahel; Hopfner, Simone; Vanbellingen, Tim; Nyffeler, Thomas; Gutbrod, Klemens; Annoni, JM; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Cazzoli, Dario; Müri, René Martin (2016). Comprehension of co-speech gestures in aphasic patients: An eye movement study. PLoS ONE, 11(1), e0146583. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0146583
Koenig-Bruhin, M; Vanbellingen, Tim; Schumacher, Rahel; Pflugshaupt, Tobias; Annoni, J M; Müri, René Martin; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Nyffeler, Thomas (2016). Screening for Language Disorders in Stroke: German Validation of the Language Screening Test (LAST). Cerebrovascular Diseases extra, 6(1), pp. 27-31. Karger 10.1159/000445778
Heitkamp, Nari; Schumacher, Rahel; Croot, Karen; de Langen, Ernst G.; Monsch, Andreas U.; Baumann, Thomas; Danek, Adrian (2016). A longitudinal linguistic analysis of written text production in a case of semantic variant primary progressive aphasia. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 39, pp. 26-37. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jneuroling.2015.12.002
Kalla, Roger; Meichtry, Jurka; Schumacher, Rahel; Cazzoli, Dario; Wiest, Roland; Seifert, Eberhard; Müri, René Martin (2015). Dancing Jaw and Dancing Eyes. JAMA neurology, 73(1), p. 122. American Medical Association 10.1001/jamaneurol.2015.2299
Schumacher, Rahel; Cazzoli, Dario; Eggenberger, Noëmi; Preisig, Basil; Nef, Tobias; Nyffeler, Thomas; Gutbrod, Klemens; Annoni, Jean-Marie; Müri, René M. (2015). Cue Recognition and Integration - Eye Tracking Evidence of Processing Differences in Sentence Comprehension in Aphasia. PLoS ONE, 10(11), e0142853. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0142853
Vanbellingen, Tim; Schumacher, Rahel; Eggenberger, Noëmi; Hopfner, Simone; Cazzoli, Dario; Preisig, Basil Christoph; Bertschi, Manuel; Nyffeler, Thomas; Gutbrod, Klemens; Bassetti, Claudio; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin (2015). Different visual exploration of tool-related gestures in left hemisphere brain damaged patients is associated with poor gestural imitation. Neuropsychologia, 71, pp. 158-164. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2015.04.001
Preisig, Basil; Eggenberger, Noëmi; Zito, Giuseppe Angelo; Vanbellingen, Tim; Schumacher, Rahel; Hopfner, Simone; Nyffeler, Thomas; Gutbrod, Klemens; Annoni, Jean-Marie; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin (2015). Perception of co-speech gestures in aphasic patients: A visual exploration study during the observation of dyadic conversations. Cortex, 64, pp. 157-168. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cortex.2014.10.013
De León Rodríguez, Diego; Bütler, Karin; Eggenberger, Noëmi; Preisig, Basil C.; Schumacher, Rahel; Laganaro, Marina; Nyffeler, Thomas; Annoni, Jean-Marie; Müri, René Martin (2015). The modulation of reading strategies by language opacity in early bilinguals: an eye movement study. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 19(03), pp. 567-577. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S1366728915000310
Cazzoli, Dario; Schumacher, Rahel; Baas, Uli; Müri, René M; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Hess, Christian W; Nyffeler, Thomas (2012). Bilateral neglect after bihemispheric strokes. Cortex, 48(4), pp. 504-508. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.cortex.2011.09.006
Kindler, Jochen; Schumacher, Rahel; Cazzoli, Dario; Gutbrod, Klemens; Koenig, Monica; Nyffeler, Thomas; Dierks, Thomas; Müri, René M (2012). Theta Burst Stimulation Over the Right Broca's Homologue Induces Improvement of Naming in Aphasic Patients. Stroke, 43(8), pp. 2175-2179. Baltimore, Md.: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1161/STROKEAHA.111.647503
Cazzoli, Dario; Müri, René Martin; Schumacher, Rahel; von Arx, Sebastian; Chaves, Silvia; Gutbrod, Klemens; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Bauer, Daniel; Vanbellingen, Tim; Bertschi, Manuel; Kipfer, Stefan; Rosenthal, Clive R; Kennard, Christopher; Bassetti, Claudio L; Nyffeler, Thomas (2012). Theta burst stimulation reduces disability during the activities of daily living in spatial neglect. Brain, 135(Pt 11), pp. 3426-3439. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/brain/aws182
Schumacher, Rahel; Wirth, Miranka; Perrig, Walter J.; Strik, Werner; Koenig, Thomas (2009). ERP correlates of superordinate category activation. International journal of psychophysiology, 72(2), pp. 134-144. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2008.11.006