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Harre, J.-V.; Smith, A. M. S.; Barros, S. C. C.; Boué, G.; Csizmadia, Sz.; Ehrenreich, D.; Florén, H.-G.; Fortier, A.; Maxted, P. F. L.; Hooton, M. J.; Akinsanmi, B.; Serrano, L. M.; Rosário, N. M.; Demory, B.-O.; Jones, K.; Laskar, J.; Adibekyan, V.; Alibert, Y.; Alonso, R.; Anderson, D. R.; ... (2023). Examining the orbital decay targets KELT-9 b, KELT-16 b, and WASP-4b, and the transit-timing variations of HD 97658 b,. Astronomy and astrophysics, 669, A124. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/202244529
Hobson, Melissa J.; Trifonov, Trifon; Henning, Thomas; Jordán, Andrés; Rojas, Felipe; Espinoza, Nestor; Brahm, Rafael; Eberhardt, Jan; Jones, Matías I.; Mekarnia, Djamel; Kossakowski, Diana; Schlecker, Martin; Tala Pinto, Marcelo; Torres Miranda, Pascal José; Abe, Lyu; Barkaoui, Khalid; Bendjoya, Philippe; Bouchy, François; Buttu, Marco; Carleo, Ilaria; ... (2023). TOI-199 b: A Well-characterized 100 day Transiting Warm Giant Planet with TTVs Seen from Antarctica. The astronomical journal, 166(5), p. 201. American Astronomical Society 10.3847/1538-3881/acfc1d
Delrez, L.; Leleu, A.; Brandeker, A.; Gillon, M.; Hooton, Matthew John; Collier Cameron, A.; Deline, A.; Fortier, Andrea; Queloz, D.; Bonfanti, A.; Van Grootel, V.; Wilson, T. G.; Egger, Jo Ann; Alibert, Yann Daniel Pierre; Alonso, R.; Anglada, G.; Asquier, J.; Bárczy, T.; Barrado y Navascues, D.; Barros, S. C. C.; ... (2023). Refining the properties of the TOI-178 system with CHEOPS and TESS. Astronomy and astrophysics, 678, A200. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/202245479
Cabrera, J.; Gandolfi, D.; Serrano, L. M.; Csizmadia, Sz.; Egger, J. A.; Baumeister, Ph.; Krenn, A.; Benz, W.; Deline, A.; Florén, H.-G.; Collier Cameron, A.; Adibekyan, V.; Alibert, Y.; Bellomo, S. E.; Delrez, L.; Fossati, L.; Fortier, A.; Grziwa, S.; Hoyer, S.; Bonfanti, A.; ... (2023). The planetary system around HD 190622 (TOI-1054). Astronomy and astrophysics, 675, A183. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/202245774
Delrez, L.; Murray, C. A.; Pozuelos, F. J.; Narita, N.; Ducrot, E.; Timmermans, M.; Watanabe, N.; Burgasser, A. J.; Hirano, T.; Rackham, B. V.; Stassun, K. G.; Van Grootel, V.; Aganze, C.; Cointepas, M.; Howell, S.; Kaltenegger, L.; Niraula, P.; Sebastian, D.; Almenara, J. M.; Barkaoui, K.; ... (2022). Two temperate super-Earths transiting a nearby late-type M dwarf. Astronomy and astrophysics, 667, A59. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/202244041
Barros, S. C. C.; Demangeon, O. D. S.; Alibert, Y.; Leleu, A.; Adibekyan, V.; Lovis, C.; Bossini, D.; Sousa, S. G.; Hara, N.; Bouchy, F.; Lavie, B.; Rodrigues, J.; da Silva, J. Gomes; Lillo-Box, J.; Pepe, F. A.; Tabernero, H. M.; Osorio, M. R. Zapatero; Sozzetti, A.; Mascareño, A. Suárez; Micela, G.; ... (2022). HD 23472: a multi-planetary system with three super-Earths and two potential super-Mercuries. Astronomy and astrophysics, 665, A154. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/202244293
Schanche, N.; Pozuelos, F. J.; Günther, M. N.; Wells, R. D.; Burgasser, A. J.; Chinchilla, P.; Delrez, L.; Ducrot, E.; Garcia, L. J.; Gómez Maqueo Chew, Y.; Jofré, E.; Rackham, B. V.; Sebastian, D.; Stassun, K. G.; Stern, D.; Timmermans, M.; Barkaoui, K.; Belinski, A.; Benkhaldoun, Z.; Benz, W.; ... (2022). TOI-2257 b: A highly eccentric long-period sub-Neptune transiting a nearby M dwarf. Astronomy and astrophysics, 657(A45), A45. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/202142280
Kemmer, J.; Dreizler, S.; Kossakowski, D.; Stock, S.; Quirrenbach, A.; Caballero, J. A.; Amado, P. J.; Collins, K. A.; Espinoza, N.; Herrero, E.; Jenkins, J. M.; Latham, D. W.; Lillo-Box, J.; Narita, N.; Pallé, E.; Reiners, A.; Ribas, I.; Ricker, G.; Rodríguez, E.; Seager, S.; ... (2022). Discovery and mass measurement of the hot, transiting, Earth-sized planet, GJ 3929 b. Astronomy and astrophysics, 659, A17. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/202142653
Hoyer, S.; Bonfanti, A.; Leleu, A.; Acuña, L.; Serrano, L. M.; Deleuil, M.; Bekkelien, A.; Broeg, C.; Florén, H.-G.; Queloz, D.; Wilson, T. G.; Sousa, S. G.; Hooton, M. J.; Adibekyan, V.; Alibert, Y.; Alonso, R.; Anglada, G.; Asquier, J.; Bárczy, T.; Barrado, D.; ... (2022). Characterization of the HD 108236 system with CHEOPS and TESS Confirmation of a fifth transiting planet. Astronomy and astrophysics, 668, A117. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/202243720
Serrano, L. M.; Gandolfi, D.; Hoyer, S.; Brandeker, A.; Hooton, M. J.; Sousa, S.; Murgas, F.; Ciardi, D. R.; Howell, S. B.; Benz, W.; Billot, N.; Florén, H.-G.; Bekkelien, A.; Bonfanti, A.; Krenn, A.; Mustill, A. J.; Wilson, T. G.; Osborn, H.; Parviainen, H.; Heidari, N.; ... (2022). The HD 93963 A transiting system: A 1.04 d super-Earth and a 3.65 d sub-Neptune discovered by TESS and CHEOPS. Astronomy and astrophysics, 667, A1. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/202243093
Sozzetti, A.; Damasso, M.; Bonomo, A. S.; Alibert, Y.; Sousa, S. G.; Adibekyan, V.; Zapatero Osorio, M. R.; González Hernández, J. I.; Barros, S. C. C.; Lillo-Box, J.; Stassun, K. G.; Winn, J.; Cristiani, S.; Pepe, F.; Rebolo, R.; Santos, N. C.; Allart, R.; Barclay, T.; Bouchy, F.; Cabral, A.; ... (2021). A sub-Neptune and a non-transiting Neptune-mass companion unveiled by ESPRESSO around the bright late-F dwarf HD 5278 (TOI-130). Astronomy and astrophysics, 648, A75. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/202040034
Wells, R. D.; Rackham, B. V.; Schanche, N.; Petrucci, R.; Gómez Maqueo Chew, Y.; Demory, B.-O.; Burgasser, A. J.; Burn, R.; Pozuelos, F. J.; Günther, M. N.; Sabin, L.; Schroffenegger, U.; Gómez-Muñoz, M. A.; Stassun, K. G.; Van Grootel, V.; Howell, S. B.; Sebastian, D.; Triaud, A. H. M. J.; Apai, D.; Plauchu-Frayn, I.; ... (2021). A large sub-Neptune transiting the thick-disk M4 V TOI-2406. Astronomy and astrophysics, 653, A97. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/202141277
Burt, Jennifer A.; Nielsen, Louise D.; Quinn, Samuel N.; Mamajek, Eric E.; Matthews, Elisabeth C.; Zhou, George; Seidel, Julia V.; Huang, Chelsea X.; Lopez, Eric; Soto, Maritza; Otegi, Jon; Stassun, Keivan G.; Kreidberg, Laura; Collins, Karen A.; Eastman, Jason D.; Rodriguez, Joseph E.; Vanderburg, Andrew; Halverson, Samuel P.; Teske, Johanna K.; Wang, Sharon X.; ... (2020). TOI-824 b: A New Planet on the Lower Edge of the Hot Neptune Desert. The astronomical journal, 160(4), p. 153. American Astronomical Society 10.3847/1538-3881/abac0c
Bourrier, V.; Kitzmann, D.; Kuntzer, T.; Nascimbeni, V.; Lendl, M.; Lavie, B.; Hoeijmakers, H. J.; Pino, L.; Ehrenreich, D.; Heng, K.; Allart, R.; Cegla, H. M; Dumusque, X.; Melo, C.; Astudillo-Defru, N.; Caldwell, D. A.; Cretignier, M.; Giles, H.; Henze, C. E.; Jenkins, J.; ... (2020). Optical phase curve of the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-121b. Astronomy and astrophysics, 637(A36), A36. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201936647
Demory, B.-O.; Pozuelos, F. J.; Gómez Maqueo Chew, Y.; Sabin, L.; Petrucci, R.; Schroffenegger, U.; Grimm, S. L.; Sestovic, M.; Gillon, M.; McCormac, J.; Barkaoui, K.; Benz, W.; Bieryla, A.; Bouchy, F.; Burdanov, A.; Collins, K. A.; de Wit, J.; Dressing, C. D.; Garcia, L. J.; Giacalone, S.; ... (2020). A super-Earth and a sub-Neptune orbiting the bright, quiet M3 dwarf TOI-1266. Astronomy and astrophysics, 642, A49. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/202038616
Gillon, M.; Demory, B.-O.; Lovis, C.; Deming, D.; Ehrenreich, D.; Lo Curto, G.; Mayor, M.; Pepe, F.; Queloz, D.; Seager, S.; Ségransan, D.; Udry, S. (2017). The Spitzer search for the transits of HARPS low-mass planets. Astronomy and astrophysics, 601, A117. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201629270
Van Grootel, V.; Gillon, M.; Valencia, D.; Madhusudhan, N.; Dragomir, D.; Howe, A. R.; Burrows, A. S.; Demory, B.-O.; Deming, D.; Ehrenreich, D.; Lovis, C.; Mayor, M.; Pepe, F.; Queloz, D.; Scuflaire, R.; Seager, S.; Segransan, D.; Udry, S. (2014). TRANSIT CONFIRMATION AND IMPROVED STELLAR AND PLANET PARAMETERS FOR THE SUPER-EARTH HD 97658 b AND ITS HOST STAR. Astrophysical journal, 786(1), p. 2. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/0004-637x/786/1/2
Gillon, M.; Demory, B.-O.; Madhusudhan, N.; Deming, D.; Seager, S.; Zsom, A.; Knutson, H. A.; Lanotte, A. A.; Bonfils, X.; Désert, J.-M.; Delrez, L.; Jehin, E.; Fraine, J. D.; Magain, P.; Triaud, A. H. M. J. (2014). Search for a habitable terrestrial planet transiting the nearby red dwarf GJ 1214. Astronomy and astrophysics, 563, A21. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201322362
Gillon, M.; Demory, B.-O.; Benneke, B.; Valencia, D.; Deming, D.; Seager, S.; Lovis, Ch.; Mayor, M.; Pepe, F.; Queloz, D.; Ségransan, D.; Udry, S. (2012). Improved precision on the radius of the nearby super-Earth 55 Cnc e. Astronomy and astrophysics, 539, A28. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201118309
de Wit, J.; Gillon, M.; Demory, B.-O.; Seager, S. (2012). Towards consistent mapping of distant worlds: secondary-eclipse scanning of the exoplanet HD 189733b. Astronomy and astrophysics, 548, A128. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201219060
Demory, B.-O.; Gillon, M.; Deming, D.; Valencia, D.; Seager, S.; Benneke, B.; Lovis, C.; Cubillos, P.; Harrington, J.; Stevenson, K. B.; Mayor, M.; Pepe, F.; Queloz, D.; Ségransan, D.; Udry, S. (2011). Detection of a transit of the super-Earth 55 Cancri e with warm Spitzer. Astronomy and astrophysics, 533, A114. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201117178
Bonfils, X.; Gillon, M.; Forveille, T.; Delfosse, X.; Deming, D.; Demory, B.-O.; Lovis, C.; Mayor, M.; Neves, V.; Perrier, C.; Santos, N. C.; Seager, S.; Udry, S.; Boisse, I.; Bonnefoy, M. (2011). A short-period super-Earth orbiting the M2.5 dwarf GJ 3634. Astronomy and astrophysics, 528, A111. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201015981
Demory, B.-O.; Seager, S. (2011). Hot Jupiter secondary eclipses measured by Kepler. EPJ web of conferences, 11, 03005. EDP Sciences 10.1051/epjconf/20101103005
Gillon, M.; Bonfils, X.; Demory, B.-O.; Seager, S.; Deming, D.; Triaud, A. H. M. J. (2011). An educated search for transiting habitable planets. Astronomy and astrophysics, 525, A32. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201014239
Gillon, M.; Deming, D.; Demory, B.-O.; Lovis, C.; Seager, S.; Mayor, M.; Pepe, F.; Queloz, D.; Segransan, D.; Udry, S.; Delmelle, S.; Magain, P. (2010). The Spitzer search for the transits of HARPS low-mass planets. Astronomy and astrophysics, 518, A25. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201014144