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Rolli Salathé, C.; Melloh, M.; Kälin, W.; Semmer, N. K.; Roth, M.; Müller, U.; Elfering, A. (2013). Comparison of pain-resilient working individuals to population-based case controls with/without momentary low back pain. European journal of pain, 17(9), pp. 1411-1421. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/j.1532-2149.2013.00319.x
Keller, S.; Kurmann, A.; Tschan, F.; Seelandt, J.; Semmer, N. K.; Candinas, D.; Beldi, G. (November 2012). Noise and not patient related communication in the OR: Are there associations? (Unpublished). In: 6th International Workshop on Behavioural Science Applied to Acute Care Teams. Copenhagen. 11.2012.
Tschan, F.; Seelandt, J. C.; Semmer, N. K.; Keller, S.; Kurmann, A.; Candinas, D.; Beldi, G. (November 2012). Quality of collaboration influences concentration in the OR (Unpublished). In: 6th International Workshop on Behavioural Science Applied to Acute Care Teams. Copenhagen. 11.2012.
Semmer, N. K. (November 2012). Stress as Offense to Self (Unpublished). In: Yearly Conference of German Police Psychologists. Münster. November 2012.
Keller, Anita; Meier, L.; Gross, S.; Semmer, N. K. (September 2012). Reciprocal effects of resourceful job design and self-esteem over time: General and gender-specific effects. In: 48th Conference of the German Psychological Society. Bielefeld. 09.2012.
Krings, R.; Jacobshagen, N.; Mühlethaler, C.; Semmer, N. K. (September 2012). Goal attainment and commitment: the mediating role of appreciation. In: 48th Conference of the German Psychological Society. Bielefeld. 09.2012.
Seelandt, J. C.; Tschan, F.; Semmer, N. K.; Kurmann, A.; Candinas, D.; Beldi, G. (September 2012). Communication and distractors in the operating room: Attacks on concentration? In: 48th Conference of the German Psychological Society. Bielefeld. 09.2012.
Semmer, N. K.; Jacobshagen, N.; Kälin, W.; Kottwitz, M. U.; Mühlethaler, C.; Elfering, A. (September 2012). Social implications of job design: Conceptual basis and empirical evidence for the concept of illegitimate tasks (Unpublished). In: 48th Conference of the German Psychological Society. Bielefeld. 09.2012.
Semmer, N. K.; Jacobshagen, N.; Kottwitz, M. U.; Mühlethaler, C.; Kälin, W.; Elfering, A. (September 2012). Zielerreichung und Commitment: Die mediierende Rolle der Wertschätzung (Unpublished). In: 48th Conference of the German Psychological Society. Bielefeld. 09.2012.
Semmer, N. K.; Widmer, P. S. (September 2012). Challenge-stressors, stress-symptoms, and self-esteem (Unpublished). In: 48th Conference of the German Psychological Society. Bielefeld. 09.2012.
Tschan, F.; Semmer, N. K.; Hunziker, S.; Marsch, S. U. (September 2012). "Keep going": Triggers and effects of unnecessary interruptions in medical teams during simulated resuscitation (Unpublished). In: 48th Conference of the German Psychological Society. Bielefeld. 09.2012.
Wirtz, Petra H.; Kottwitz, M. U.; Grebner, S.; Semmer, N. K. (September 2012). Work uncertainty is independently associated with higher cortisol reactivity to acute psychosocial stress (Unpublished). In: 48th Congress of the German Psychological Society. Bielefeld. 09.2012.
Semmer, N. K.; Jacobshagen, N.; Kottwitz, M. U.; Mühlethaler, C.; Kälin, W.; Elfering, A. (September 2012). Soziale Implikationen der Arbeitsgestaltung: Konzeptionelle Basis und empirische Evidenz für das Konzept der illegitimen Aufgaben. In: 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Bielefeld. 23.-27.09.2012.
Semmer, N. K. (August 2012). "Occupational Health Psychology" (Unpublished). In: Early Career Summer School of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology. Olten. 08.2012.
Seelandt, J. C.; Tschan, F.; Semmer, N. K.; Keller, S.; Kurmann, A.; Candinas, D.; Beldi, G. (July 2012). Concentration ability and stress in the OR: Effects of distractors and collaboration quality. In: 7th Annual INGRoup Conference. Chicago. 07.2012.
Tschan, F.; Semmer, N. K.; Seelandt, J. C.; Keller, S.; Beldi, G. (July 2012). Jeopardizing patient health by having fun? The relationship between tension release in the operating room and surgical site infections. In: 7th Annual INGRoup Conference. Chicago. 07.2012.
Widmer, P. S.; Gardner, D. H.; Semmer, N. K. (June 2012). Challenge stressors, well-being, and attitudes: A three-wave study. In: 3rd Biennial IWP International Conference 2012 on Work, Wellbeing and Performance. Sheffield. 06.2012.
Wong, E.; Tschan, F.; Semmer, N. K. (June 2012). Positive display regulation of emotion improves goal attainment and well being in social interactions. In: 6th European Conference on Positive Psychology. Moscow. 06.2012.
Semmer, N. K. (June 2012). Stress and health at work: The role of appreciation and hurt (Unpublished). In: Yearly Assembly of Managers in Health Care of the Canton St. Gallen. 06.2012.
Wong, E.; Tschan, F.; Semmer, N. K. (May 2012). On reaching goals: Emotional expression and display regulation in workplace and private interactions. In: CERE (Consortium of European Research on Emotion) conference 2012. Kent. 05.2012.
Mühlethaler, C. M.; Pereira, D.; Meier, L. L.; Gross, S.; Semmer, N. K. (April 2012). Daily achievements, serenity, and sleep: A diary study. In: Jain, Aditya; Hollis, David; Andreou, Nicholas; Wehrle, Flavia (eds.) 10th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology. Nottingham: EAOHP
Mühlethaler, C. M.; Haiduk, N.; Scheuber, N.; Semmer, N. K. (March 2012). Subjective success at work and work-related attitudes. In: 30th International Congress on Occupational Health. Cancun. 18.-23.03.2012.
Kottwitz, M. U.; Jacobshagen, N.; Kälin, W.; Meier, L. L.; Semmer, N. K. (February 2012). Illegitimate tasks are associated with higher cortisol levels for men with poor subjective health: An intra-individual analysis (Unpublished). In: Annual Research Forum in Affective Sciences. Geneva.
Semmer, N. K.; Widmer, P. S. (2012). Challenge-Stressoren, Stress-Symptome und Selbstwert (Unpublished). In: 48. Conference of the German Association of Psychology. Bielefeld. 2012.