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Daxer, Christoph; Huang, Jyh-Jaan Steven; Weginger, Stefan; Hilbe, Michael; Strasser, Michael; Moernaut, Jasper (2022). Validation of seismic hazard curves using a calibrated 14 ka lacustrine record in the Eastern Alps, Austria. Scientific Reports, 12(1), p. 19943. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41598-022-24487-w
Daxer, Christoph; Ortler, Marcel; Fabbri, Stefano C; Hilbe, Michael; Hajdas, Irka; Dubois, Nathalie; Piechl, Thomas; Hammerl, Christa; Strasser, Michael; Moernaut, Jasper (2022). High-resolution calibration of seismically-induced lacustrine deposits with historical earthquake data in the Eastern Alps (Carinthia, Austria). Quaternary science reviews, 284, p. 107497. Elsevier 10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107497
Nigg, Valentin; Wohlwend, Stephan; Hilbe, Michael; Bellwald, Benjamin; Fabbri, Stefano C.; de Souza, Gregory F.; Donau, Florian; Grischott, Reto; Strasser, Michael; Anselmetti, Flavio S. (2021). A tsunamigenic delta collapse and its associated tsunami deposits in and around Lake Sils, Switzerland. Natural Hazards, 107(2), pp. 1069-1103. Springer 10.1007/s11069-021-04533-y
Haas, Mischa; Kaltenrieder, Petra; Ladd, S. Nemiah; Welte, Caroline; Strasser, Michael; Eglinton, Timothy Ian; Dubois, Nathalie (2020). Land-use evolution in the catchment of Lake Murten, Switzerland. Quaternary science reviews, 230, p. 106154. Elsevier 10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.106154
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Harms, Ulrich; Raschke, Ulli; Anselmetti, Flavio S.; Strasser, Michael; Wittig, Volker; Wessels, Martin; Schaller, Sebastian; Fabbri, Stefano C.; Niederreiter, Richard; Schwalb, Antje (2020). Hipercorig – an innovative hydraulic coring system recovering over 60 m long sediment cores from deep perialpine lakes. Scientific Drilling, 28, pp. 29-41. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/sd-28-29-2020
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Strupler, Michael; Hilbe, Michael; Kremer, Katrina; Danciu, Laurentiu; Anselmetti, Flavio; Strasser, Michael; Wiemer, Stefan (2018). Subaqueous landslide-triggered tsunami hazard for Lake Zurich, Switzerland. Swiss journal of geosciences, 111(1-2), pp. 353-371. Birkhäuser 10.1007/s00015-018-0308-5
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Sammartini, Maddalena; Moernaut, Jasper; Anselmetti, Flavio S.; Hilbe, Michael; Lindhorst, Katja; Praet, Nore; Strasser, Michael (2020). An Atlas of Mass‐Transport Deposits in Lakes. In: Ogata, Kei; Festa, Andrea; Pini, Gian Andrea (eds.) Submarine Landslides: Subaqueous Mass Transport Deposits from Outcrops to Seismic Profiles. Geophysical Monograph Series (pp. 201-226). Wiley 10.1002/9781119500513.ch13