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Arfman, Tom; Zollet, Valentina; van Es, Nick; Bosch, Floris T M; Nicolaes, Gerry A F; Sorvillo, Nicoletta; Voorberg, Jan (2024). Elevated levels of citrullinated fibrinogen in patients with cancer. eJHaem, 5(1), pp. 136-140. Wiley 10.1002/jha2.825
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Froehlich-Zahnd, Rahel; George, James N; Vesely, Sara K; Terrell, Deirdra R; Aboulfatova, Khatira; Dong, Jing-Fei; Luken, Brenda M; Voorberg, Jan; Budde, Ulrich; Sulzer, Irmela; Lämmle, Bernhard; Kremer Hovinga, Johanna A (2011). Evidence for a role of anti-ADAMTS13 autoantibodies despite normal ADAMTS13 activity in recurrent thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. Haematologica - the hematology journal, 97(2), pp. 297-303. Pavia: Ferrata-Storti Foundation