06 Faculty of Humanities > Department of Linguistics and Literary Studies > Institute of French Language and Literature > Linguistic Studies

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Number of items at this level: 109.


Berger, Lea; Mouthon, Michael; Jost, Lea B; Schwab, Sandra; Aybek, Selma; Annoni, Jean-Marie (2024). Does Diglossia Impact Brain Structure? Data from Swiss German Early Diglossic Speakers. Brain Sciences, 14(4) MDPI 10.3390/brainsci14040304

Zufferey, Sandrine; Degand, Liesbeth (2024). Connectives and Discourse Relations. Key Topics in Semantics and Pragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Wetzel, Mathis; Zufferey, Sandrine; Gygax, Pascal (2024). The role of complexity in the ability to notice incoherent uses of connectives for L2. (In Press). Journal of second language studies John Benjamins


Tckhovrebova, Ekaterina (2023). Developing the competence with discourse connectives during teenage years (Unpublished). (Dissertation)

Tckhovrebova, Ekaterina; Zufferey, Sandrine; Gygax, Pascal (2023). Exploring the Sensitivity to Alternative Signals of Coherence Relations. Dialogue and Discourse, 14(2), pp. 49-82. 10.5210/dad.2023.202

Tckhovrebova, Ekaterina; Wetzel, Mathis (4 September 2023). Crowdsourcing for Experimental Research: Experiments with Discourse Connectives (Unpublished). In: Cuso Workshop: Crowdsourcing linguistic annotation and experiments.

Zufferey, Sandrine; Gygax, Pascal (eds.) (2023). The Routledge Handbook of Experimental Linguistics. [Edited Textbook] . Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics. Abingdon: Routledge

Rogenmoser, Lars; Mouthon, Michael; Etter, Faustine; Kamber, Julie; Annoni, Jean-Marie; Schwab, Sandra (2023). The processing of stress in a foreign language modulates functional antagonism between default mode and attention network regions. Neuropsychologia, 185, p. 108572. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2023.108572

Wetzel, Mathis; Tckhovrebova, Ekaterina; Gygax, Pascal M.; Zufferey, Sandrine (2023). Pragmatic and syntactic constraints on French causal connectives: An evaluation of native and non-native speakers' sensitivity. Journal of pragmatics, 209, pp. 89-107. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pragma.2023.03.001

Wetzel, Mathis (2023). La maitrise des connecteurs discursifs en langue seconde. Évaluation expérimentale des facteurs linguistiques et cognitifs. (Unpublished). (Dissertation, Institut de langue et de littératures françaises)

Tckhovrebova, Ekaterina; Zufferey, Sandrine; Gygax, Pascal (9 March 2023). Exploring the sensitivity to alternative signals of coherence relations: The case of French-speaking teenagers (Unpublished). In: 45th Annual conference of the German Linguistic Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, DGfS). Cologne, Germany. 08.03.2023.

Kim, Jonathan; Angst, Sarah; Gygax, Pascal; Gabriel, Ute; Zufferey, Sandrine (2023). The masculine bias in fully gendered languages and ways to avoid it: A study on gender neutral forms in Québec and Swiss French. Journal of French language studies, 33(1), pp. 1-26. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S095926952200014X

Tckhovrebova, Ekaterina (14 February 2023). Acquisition of discourse connectives in L1 (Unpublished). In: BeeLing 2023.

Schwab, Sandra; Mouthon, Michael; Jost, Lea B.; Salvadori, Justine; Stefanos‐Yakoub, Ilona; da Silva, Eugénia Ferreira; Giroud, Nathalie; Perriard, Benoit; Annoni, Jean‐Marie (2023). Neural correlates of lexical stress processing in a foreign free‐stress language. Brain and Behavior, 13(1), e2854. Wiley 10.1002/brb3.2854

Toutain, Anne-Gaëlle (2023). Analyse et logique de la signification : une analyse épistémologique de la notion structuraliste de Gesamtbedeutung. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia, 55(1), pp. 55-71. Routledge 10.1080/03740463.2023.2234759

Roig, Audrey; Toutain, Anne-Gaëlle (eds.) (2023). Concert mondial de linguistique française. Mélanges offerts à Franck Neveu. Lyon: ENS éditions

Schwab, Sandra; Pythoud, Orianne (2023). L2 stress discrimination by non-musicians and musicians playing wind or percussion instruments. Langue(s) & Parole(8), pp. 179-193.

Huyghe, Richard; Lombard, Alizée; Salvadori, Justine; Schwab, Sandra (2023). Semantic rivalry between French deverbal neologisms in -age, -ion and -ment. In: Kotowski, Sven; Plag, Ingo (eds.) The Semantics of Derivational Morphology. Linguistische Arbeiten: Vol. 586. Berlin: De Gruyter 10.1515/9783111074917-006

Dellwo, Volker; Schwab, Sandra; Shi, Rushen (2023). L2 phonological contrasts are not necessarily lost: Evidence from French listeners detecting Mandarin tone. In: 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences.

Martínez García, Maria Teresa; Schwab, Sandra (2023). Relation between musical aptitude and L2 stress perception in French- and Korean-speaking listeners. In: 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences.

Schwab, Sandra; Jost, Lea; Mouthon, Michael; Etter, Faustine; Kamber, Julie; Rogenmoser, Lars; Annoni, Jean-Marie (2023). Neural predisposition for L2 stress learning in French and German listeners. In: 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences.

Schmid, Stephan; Morand, Marie-Anne; Schwab, Sandra (2023). Multiethnolektales Zürichdeutsch: Dialekttransformation und soziolinguistische Wahrnehmung. Journal LIPP, 8, pp. 71-85. 10.5282/journalipp/4895

Schwab, Sandra; Giroud, Nathalie (2023). Analysing speech perception. In: Zufferey, Sandrine; Gygax, Pascal (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Experimental Linguistics (pp. 201-216). Routledge 10.4324/9781003392972-16

Tckhovrebova, Ekaterina; Zufferey, Sandrine; Tribushinina, Elena (2023). Vocabulary size and exposure to print predict mastery of connectives in teenage years. Discourse Processes, 60(10), pp. 722-740. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/0163853X.2023.2266963


Tckhovrebova, Ekaterina; Zufferey, Sandrine (November 2022). Teenagers’ mastery of connectives: The role of vocabulary size and exposure to print (Unpublished). In: DisCorX 2.0.

Tckhovrebova, Ekaterina; Wetzel, Mathis (October 2022). Measuring the Mastery of Discourse Connectives (Unpublished). In: CUSO Workshop: Experimental approaches to meaning.

Wetzel, Mathis; Crible, Ludivine; Zufferey, Sandrine (2022). Processing clause-internal discourse relations in a second language: a case study of specifications in German and French. Journal of second language studies, 5(2), pp. 206-234. John Benjamins 10.1075/jsls.21032.wet

Tckhovrebova, Ekaterina; Zufferey, Sandrine; Tribushinina, Elena (2022). French-speaking teenagers’ mastery of connectives: the role of vocabulary size and exposure to print. Applied psycholinguistics, 43(5), pp. 1141-1163. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0142716422000303

Tckhovrebova, Ekaterina; Zufferey, Sandrine; Gygax, Pascal Mark (September 2022). Exploring the Sensitivity to Alternative Signals of Coherence Relations: The Case of French Speaking Teenagers (Unpublished). In: 9th Experimental Pragmatics Conference. Pavia, Italy. 22-23 September.

Tckhovrebova, Ekaterina; Zufferey, Sandrine (September 2022). Variation individuelle dans la maîtrise des connecteurs discursifs par les adolescent.e.s francophones (Unpublished). In: Quelle place pour la variation sociolinguistique dans les données récoltées empiriquement ?.

Tckhovrebova, Ekaterina; Zufferey, Sandrine; Gygax, Pascal Mark (July 2022). Exploring the Sensitivity to Alternative Signals of Coherence Relations: The Case of French Speaking Teenagers (Unpublished). In: The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse.

Tckhovrebova, Ekaterina (June 2022). Discovering Discourse: The acquisition of discourse connectives from teenage years to adulthood (Unpublished). In: CSLS Summer School.

Tckhovrebova, Ekaterina; Zufferey, Sandrine (May 2022). La sensibilité aux signaux alternatifs : le cas des adolescent-e-s francophones (Unpublished). In: Cuso PhD Day.

Toutain, Anne-Gaëlle (2022). Sign, function and life. Thinking epistemologically about biosemiotics. Sign systems studies, 50(1), pp. 90-132. University of Tartu Press 10.12697/SSS.2022.50.1.06

Toutain, Anne-Gaëlle (2022). Tesnière et le structuralisme. In: Neveu, Franck; Roig, Audrey (eds.) L’œuvre de Lucien Tesnière. Lectures contemporaines (pp. 175-190). De Gruyter 10.1515/9783110715118-010

Toutain, Anne-Gaëlle; Velmezova, Ekaterina (2022). Semiotics in Structural Linguistics. In: Bloomsbury Semiotics. Semiotics in the arts and social sciences: Vol. 3 (pp. 261-284). Bloomsbury Publishing

Zufferey, Sandrine; Tckhovrebova, Ekaterina; Wetzel, Mathis; Gygax, Pascal (2022). Individual differences in the ability to master connectives: The role of exposure to print. In: Cuenca, Maria-Josep; Degand, Liesbeth (eds.) Discourse Markers in Interaction. Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM]: Vol. 376 (pp. 69-88). De Gruyter 10.1515/9783110790351-004

Wetzel, Mathis; Zufferey, Sandrine; Gygax, Pascal (2022). Do non-native readers rely on connectives? The processing of coherence relations in L2. In: Cuenca, Maria-Josep; Degand, Liesbeth (eds.) Discourse Markers in Interaction. Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM]: Vol. 376 (pp. 89-120). De Gruyter 10.1515/9783110790351-005


Wetzel, Mathis; Zufferey, Sandrine (19 November 2021). Acquiring pragmatic competences in a second language: The case of discourse connectives (Unpublished). In: XPrag.ch 2021: Pragmatics and its Interfaces. Online. 19.11.21.

Wetzel, Mathis (14 September 2021). The acquisition of discourse connectives in a Second Language (Unpublished). In: BeLing Research Colloquium HS 2021. Bern. 14.09.21.

Wetzel, Mathis; Crible, Ludivine; Zufferey, Sandrine (7 September 2021). L'impact du transfert de la L1 et des relations de cohérence implicites sur la lecture et la rédaction en L2 : analyses de corpus et preuves expérimentales (Unpublished). In: Combining Corpus and Experimental Data in Linguistics. Online. 07.09.21.

Wetzel, Mathis; Zufferey, Sandrine (31 August 2021). How do learners process continuous and discontinuous relations? (Unpublished). In: 54th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. Online. 30.08.-03.09.21.

Wetzel, Mathis; Crible, Ludivine; Zufferey, Sandrine (6 July 2021). The impact of crosslinguistic influence on the online processing of connectives in L2 French (Unpublished). In: Réseau d’Acquisition des Langues Secondes. Toulouse. 06.07.21.

Zufferey, Sandrine; Mazzarella, Diana (2 July 2021). Individual differences in Pragmatics (Unpublished). In: International Pragmatics Conference. Winterthur, Switzerland. 27 June to 2 July 2021.

Wetzel, Mathis; Zufferey, Sandrine; Gygax, Pascal (2 July 2021). Individual variations in learners’ ability to use connectives in a foreign language (Unpublished). In: 17th International Pragmatics Conference. Winterthur, Switzerland. 27 June to 2 July 2021.

Crible, Ludivine; Wetzel, Mathis; Zufferey, Sandrine (2021). Lexical and structural cues to discourse processing in first and second language. Frontiers in psychology, 12, p. 685491. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.685491

Zufferey, Sandrine; Moeschler, Jacques (2021). Initiation à la linguistique française. Cursus. Linguistique. Paris: Armand Colin

Gygax, Pascal Mark; Zufferey, Sandrine; Gabriel, Ute (2021). Le cerveau pense-t-il au masculin ? Cerveau, langage et représentations sexistes. Temps de Parole. Paris: Le Robert

Gillioz, Christelle; Zufferey, Sandrine (2021). Introduction to experimental linguistics [Textbook] . London: Wiley-ISTE 10.1002/9781119801719

Wetzel, Mathis; Zufferey, Sandrine; Gygax, Pascal (2021). Do non-native and unfamiliar accents sound less credible? An examination of the processing fluency hypothesis. Journal of articles in support of the null hypothesis, 17(2), pp. 61-70. Reysen Group

Toutain, Anne-Gaëlle (2021). La place de la syntaxe dans l’œuvre de Ferdinand de Saussure. Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure, pp. 95-114. Librairie Droz

Toutain, Anne-Gaëlle (2021). Une lecture de Gustave Guillaume : l’aphasiologie de Gisèle Gelbert. Bulletin de la société de linguistique de Paris, CXV(1), pp. 61-102. Peeters

Gygax, Pascal; Gabriel, Ute (2021). Le langage inclusif: futile ou utile ? In: Faniko, Kléa; Dardenne, Benoît (eds.) Psychologie du sexisme. Des stéréotypes de genre au harcelement sexuel. Ouvertures psychologiques (pp. 211-225). Bruxelles: De Boeck supérieur


Gillioz, Christelle Olivia; Zufferey, Sandrine (2020). Introduction à la linguistique expérimentale [Textbook] . Londres: ISTE

Zufferey, Sandrine (2020). La théorie de la pertinence: développements expérimentaux en psychologie cognitive. In: Al-Saleh, Christophe; Charolles, Michel (eds.) Cohérence, cohésion et pertinence. L'ajustement de la signification en contexte. Les concepts fondateurs de la philosophie du langage: Vol. 7 (pp. 175-192). Londres: ISTE editions

Schumann, Jennifer; Zufferey, Sandrine; Oswald, Steve (2020). The linguistic formulation of fallacies matters: the case of causal connectives. Argumentation, 35(3), pp. 361-388. Springer 10.1007/s10503-020-09540-0

Zufferey, Sandrine (2020). Introduction to corpus linguistics [Textbook] . London: Iste Ltd

Schumann, Jennifer (8 September 2020). The Pragmatics of Straw Men. An experimental approach. (Unpublished). In: CUSO-Workshop: Identifier et analyser l’argumentation dans les textes et les interactions. University of Lausanne. 7-8 september 2020.

Schumann, Jennifer; Zufferey, Sandrine (27 August 2020). Empirical evidence for the role of connectives on the acceptability of straw man fallacies (Unpublished). In: 53rd SLE Conference. Bucharest. 26.08. - 01.09.2020.

Tckhovrebova, Ekaterina; Zufferey, Sandrine (27 August 2020). Do teenagers understand connectives from the written mode? In: 53rd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (pp. 468-469). Online: Executive Committee of the SLE

Schumann, Jennifer; Zufferey, Sandrine (6 June 2020). Connectives and Straw Men. Experimental approach on French and English. Proceedings of the OSSA Conference, 12, pp. 1-15. University of Windsor: OSSA Conference Archive

Zufferey, Sandrine (2020). Introduction à la linguistique de corpus. Collection : Sciences cognitives. London: ISTE

Tckhovrebova, Ekaterina (13 January 2020). The Role of Discourse Connectives for Reading Comprehension Skills of French-speaking Teenagers (Unpublished). In: LOT Winter School 2020. Tilburg. 13. - 24.01.2020.

Zufferey, Sandrine; Gygax, Pascal Mark (2020). "Roger broke his tooth. However, he went to the dentist": why some readers struggle to evaluate wrong (and right) uses of connectives. Discourse Processes, 57(2), pp. 184-200. Taylor & Francis

Zufferey, Sandrine; Gygax, Pascal (2020). Do teenagers know how to use connectives from the written mode? Lingua, 234, p. 102779. Elsevier 10.1016/j.lingua.2019.102779

Wetzel, Mathis; Zufferey, Sandrine; Gygax, Pascal (2020). Second language acquisition and the mastery of discourse connectives: assessing the factors that hinder L2-learners from mastering French connectives. Languages : open access journal, 5(3), pp. 1-26. MDPI 10.3390/languages5030035

Toutain, Anne-Gaëlle (2020). Langage et signifiant. Une analyse épistémologique de la distinction structuraliste entre langage et langues. Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure, 72, pp. 107-122. Librairie Droz


Schumann, Jennifer (11 November 2019). The Pragmatics of Straw Men (Unpublished). In: X-Prag Workshop. Université de Neuchâtel. 8.11.2019.

Tckhovrebova, Ekaterina; Zufferey, Sandrine (8 November 2019). The acquisition of discourse connectives in L1 (Unpublished). In: Xprag.ch: Experimental Pragmatics in Switzerland. University of Neuchâtel. 08.11.2019.

Zufferey, Sandrine; Moeschler, Jacques; Reboul, Anne (2019). Implicatures. Key Topics in Semantics and Pragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Schumann, Jennifer; Zufferey, Sandrine; Oswald, Steve (25 June 2019). Empirical evidence for the role of information structure (and connectives) on the acceptability of straw man fallacies (Unpublished). In: 3rd European Conference on Argumentation. University of Groningen. 24.06.2019-27.06.219.

Schumann, Jennifer; Zufferey, Sandrine; Oswald, Steve (2019). What makes a straw man acceptable? Three experiments assessing linguistic factors. Journal of pragmatics, 141, pp. 1-15. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pragma.2018.12.009

Hoek, Jet; Zufferey, Sandrine; Evers-Vermeul, Jacqueline; Sanders, Ted J. M. (2019). The linguistic marking of coherence relations: Interactions between connectives and segment-internal elements. Pragmatics & cognition, 25(2), pp. 276-309. John Benjamins 10.1075/pc.18016.hoe


Sanders, Ted; Demberg, Vera; Hoek, Jet; Scholman, Merel; Asr, Fatemeh; Zufferey, Sandrine; Evers-Vermeul, Jacqueline (2018). Unifying dimensions in discourse relations. How various annotation frameworks are related. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, 17(1), pp. 1-71. De Gruyter 10.1515/cllt-2016-0078

Schumann, Jennifer; Zufferey, Sandrine; Oswald, Steve (7 February 2018). What makes a Straw Man efficient? Three experiments assessing cognitive and linguistic factors (Unpublished). In: ARGAGE 2018. Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano. 7-9 February 2018.

Zufferey, Sandrine; Mak, Willem; Verbrugge, Sara; Sanders, Ted (2018). Usage and processing of the French causal connectives 'car' and 'parce que'. Journal of French language studies, 28(1), pp. 85-112. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0959269517000084

Toutain, Anne-Gaëlle (2018). Le Cours de linguistique générale et la psychanalyse. In: Le Cours de linguistique générale 1916-2016. Cercle Ferdinand de Saussure

Toutain, Anne-Gaëlle (2018). Quelques enjeux de la rédaction du Cours de linguistique générale. In: Le cours de linguistique générale 1916-2016. Cercle Ferdinand de Saussure

Toutain, Anne-Gaëlle (2018). Qu’est-ce qu’être a-saussurien? In: Gambarara, Daniele; Reboul, Fabienne (eds.) Le Cours de linguistique générale 1916-2016. Cercle Ferdinand de Saussure


Zufferey, Sandrine (15 November 2017). The acquisition and processing of French causal discourse markers. (Unpublished). In: Discourse Markers in Romance Languages.. Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgique.

Dupont, Maïté; Zufferey, Sandrine (13 November 2017). Methodological issues in the use of directional parallel corpora: The case of English and French concessive connectives. (Unpublished). In: Discourse Markers in Romance Languages. Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgique.

Zufferey, Sandrine (26 October 2017). Connectives in second language acquisition. (Unpublished). In: Doctoral School on Discourse, Multimodality and Experimental Techniques.. Heidelberg, Allemagne.

Zufferey, Sandrine; Degand, Liesbeth (2017). Annotating the meaning of discourse connectives in multilingual corpora. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, 13(2), pp. 399-422. De Gruyter 10.1515/cllt-2013-0022

Hoek, Jet; Zufferey, Sandrine; Evers-Vermeul, Jacqueline; Sanders, Ted (2017). Cognitive complexity and the linguistic marking of coherence relations. A parallel corpus study. Journal of pragmatics, 121(2), pp. 113-131. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pragma.2017.10.010

Hoek, Jet; Zufferey, Sandrine (1 October 2017). Assessing explicitation and implicitation phenomena in translation using large parallel corpora. (Unpublished). In: Discourse, Technology and Translation Conference.. Vilnuis, Lithuanie.

Gillioz, Christelle Olivia; Lüthold, Patrick Marcel; Gygax, Pascal; Zufferey, Sandrine (13 September 2017). Assessing the role of L1 transfer and working memory for learners's ability to process discourse connectives. (Unpublished). In: Societas Linguistica Europea. Zurich.

Dupont, Maïté; Zufferey, Sandrine (2017). Methodological issues in the use of parallel directional corpora: A case study with English and French concessive connectives. International journal of corpus linguistics, 22(2), pp. 270-297. Benjamins

Zufferey, Sandrine; Gygax, Pascal (2017). Processing connectives with a complex form-function mapping in L2: the case of French 'en effet'. Frontiers in psychology, 8(1198), pp. 1-11. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01198

Zufferey, Sandrine (2017). Discourse connectives: theoretical models and empirical validations in humans and computers. In: Blochowiak, Joanna; Grisot, Cristina; Durrlemann, Stephanie; Laenzlinger, Christopher (eds.) Formal Models in the Study of Language (pp. 375-390). Cham, Schweiz: Springer

Zufferey, Sandrine; Gygax, Pascal (1 January 2017). Why leaners get lost when processing discourse relations in a second language. (Unpublished). In: Communication and Cognition Conference. Fribourg (CH).

Hoek, Jet; Zufferey, Sandrine; Evers-Vermeul, Jacqueline; Sanders, Ted (1 January 2017). Connectives in translation. (Unpublished). In: CogLing7. Nijmegen.

Toutain, Anne-Gaëlle (2017). Du signifiant à la structure : Lacan lecteur de Saussure. In: Claudine Normand, une vie dans le langage (pp. 149-161). Nanterre: Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre

Toutain, Anne-Gaëlle (2017). Compte rendu de : Estanislao Sofia, La « Collation Sechehaye » du Cours de linguistique générale de Ferdinand de Saussure, édition, introduction et notes, Leuven, Paris, Bristol, C. T., Peeters, coll. Orbis supplementa, 2015, CIII + 878 p., ISBN 978-90-429-3254-8. Histoire épistémologie langage, XXXIX(1), pp. 180-182. EPD Sciences


Degand, Liesbeth; Zufferey, Sandrine (2016). French connectives. In: Chapelle, Carol A. (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell

Zufferey, Sandrine (2016). Pragmatic acquisition. In: Östman, Jan-Ola; Verschueren, Jef (eds.) Handbook of Pragmatics 2016 (pp. 1-20). Amsterdam, Niederlande: John Benjamins 10.1075/hop.20.pra5

Toutain, Anne-Gaëlle (2016). Le Cours de linguistique générale et l’histoire du saussurisme. Entornos, 29(2), pp. 185-208. Universidad Surcolombiana

Toutain, Anne-Gaëlle (2016). Compte rendu de: Jacques Coursil, Valeurs pures. Le paradigme sémiotique de Ferdinand de Saussure, Limoges, Lambert-Lucas, 2015. L'Information grammaticale, 151, pp. 56-57. Paris: Peeters Publishers

Toutain, Anne-Gaëlle (2016). Compte rendu de: Marcio Alexandre Cruz, Carlos Piovezani & Pierre-Yves Testenoire (dir.), Le discours et le texte: Saussure en héritage, Louvain-la-Neuve, Academia-Bruylant, 2015. L'Information grammaticale, 150, pp. 56-58. Peeters Publishers


Zufferey, Sandrine; Hoek, Jet (2015). Factors influencing the implicitation of discourse relations across languages. In: Proceedings of the 11th Joint ISO-ACL/SIGSEM Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation. London. April 2015.

Zufferey, Sandrine; Crible, Ludivine (2015). Using a unified taxonomy to annotate discourse markers in speech and writing. In: Proceedings of the 11th Joint ISO-ACL/SIGSEM Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation. London. April 2015.


Xirou, Adamantia (2014). Analyse interculturelle des interactions dans les situations de commerce en Grèce et en Suisse Romande (Unpublished). (Dissertation, Université de Berne, Faculté des Lettres, Institut de Langue et de Littérature françaises)


Fryba, Annette (2013). Philologie et linguistique romanes. Institutionnalisation des disciplines dans les universités suisses (1872-1945). Orbis. Supplementa: Vol. 40. Leuven-Paris-Walpole, MA: Peeters

Fryba, Annette (2013). Ernst Tappolet. In: Hist. Kommission bei der Bayer. Akademie der Wissenschaften, (ed.) Neue Deutsche Biographie 25 (p. 789). Berlin: Duncker & Humblot

Fryba, Annette; Swiggers, Pierre (eds.) (2013). L’œuvre scientifique de Cyprien Ayer (1825-1884). Grammaire, Pédagogie et Dialectologie. Orbis. Supplementa: Vol. 39. Leuven: Peeters

Fryba, Annette (2013). Cyprien Ayer (1825-1884). In: Fryba, Annette; Swiggers, Pierre (eds.) L’œuvre scientifique de Cyprien Ayer (1825-1884). Grammaire, Pédagogie et Dialectologie. Orbis. Supplementa: Vol. 39 (pp. 3-22). Leuven-Paris-Walpole: Peeters

Fryba, Annette (2013). La correspondance de Cyprien Ayer à Eugène Ritter (1874-1881). In: Fryba, Annette; Swiggers, Pierre (eds.) L’œuvre scientifique de Cyprien Ayer (1825-1884). Grammaire, Pédagogie et Dialectologie. Orbis. Supplementa: Vol. 39 (pp. 101-118). Leuven-Paris-Walpole: Peeters

Fryba, Annette (2013). Cyprien Ayer : Bibliographie des écrits scientifiques. In: Fryba, Annette; Swiggers, Pierre (eds.) L’œuvre scientifique de Cyprien Ayer (1825-1884). Grammaire, Pédagogie et Dialectologie. Orbis. Supplementa: Vol. 39 (pp. 23-29). Leuven-Paris-Walpole: Peeters

Fryba, Annette (2013). Cyprien Ayer et l’étude des dialectes francoprovençaux. In: Fryba, Annette; Swiggers, Pierre (eds.) L’œuvre scientifique de Cyprien Ayer (1825-1884). Grammaire, Pédagogie et Dialectologie. Orbis. Supplementa: Vol. 39 (pp. 133-139). Leuven-Paris-Walpole: Peeters


Crogiez, Michèle (2001). Rousseau et le théâtre : le pour et le contre [Audio].

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