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El-Maarry, M. R.; Groussin, O.; Keller, H. U.; Thomas, Nicolas; Vincent, J.-B.; Mottola, S.; Pajola, M.; Otto, K.; Herny, Clémence Emilie Lucile; Krasilnikov, S. (2019). Surface Morphology of Comets and Associated Evolutionary Processes: A Review of Rosetta’s Observations of 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. Space science reviews, 215(4) Springer 10.1007/s11214-019-0602-1
Auger, A.-T.; Groussin, O.; Jorda, L.; Elmaarry, Mohamed Ramy; Bouley, S.; Séjourné, A.; Gaskell, R.; Capanna, C.; Davidsson, B.; Marchi, S.; Höfner, S.; Lamy, P.L.; Sierks, H.; Barbieri, C.; Rodrigo, R.; Koschny, D.; Rickman, H.; Keller, H.U.; Agarwal, J.; A’Hearn, M.F.; ... (2018). Meter-scale thermal contraction crack polygons on the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Icarus, 301, pp. 173-188. Elsevier 10.1016/j.icarus.2017.09.037
Thomas, Nicolas; El Maarry, M.R.; Theologou, Panagiotis; Preusker, F.; Scholten, F.; Jorda, L.; Hviid, S.F.; Marschall, Raphael; Kührt, E.; Naletto, G.; Sierks, H.; Lamy, P.L.; Rodrigo, R.; Koschny, D.; Davidsson, B.; Barucci, M.A.; Bertaux, J.L.; Bertini, I.; Bodewits, D.; Cremonese, G.; ... (2018). Regional unit definition for the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko on the SHAP7 model. Planetary and space science, 164, pp. 19-36. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pss.2018.05.019
Attree, N.; Groussin, O.; Jorda, L.; Nébouy, D.; Thomas, Nicolas; Brouet, Yann; Kührt, E.; Preusker, F.; Scholten, F.; Knollenberg, J.; Hartogh, P.; Sierks, H.; Barbieri, C.; Lamy, P.; Rodrigo, R.; Koschny, D.; Rickman, H.; Keller, H. U.; A’Hearn, M. F.; Auger, A.-T.; ... (2018). Tensile strength of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko nucleus material from overhangs (Corrigendum). Astronomy and astrophysics, 614(C2), C2. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201732155e
Tornabene, Livio L.; Seelos, Frank P.; Pommerol, Antoine; Thomas, Nicolas; Caudill, C. M.; Becerra Valdes, Patricio; Bridges, John C.; Byrne, Shane; Cardinale, Marco; Chojnacki, Matthew; Conway, Susan J.; Cremonese, Gabriele; Dundas, Colin M.; El-Maarry, M. R.; Fernando, Jennifer; Hansen, Candice J.; Hansen, Kayle; Harrison, Tanya N.; Henson, Rachel; Marinangeli, Lucia; ... (2018). Image Simulation and Assessment of the Colour and Spatial Capabilities of the Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) on the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter. Space science reviews, 214(1) Springer 10.1007/s11214-017-0436-7
Thomas, Nicolas; Cremonese, G.; Miguel, Almeida; Banaszkiewicz, M.; Becerra Valdes, Patricio; Bridges, J.; Byrne, S.; Da Deppo, V.; Debei, S.; El-Maarry, M.R.; Hauber, C.J.; Ivanov, A.; Keszthelyi, L.; Kirk, R.; Kuzmin, R.; Mangold, N.; Marinangeli, L.; Markiewicz, W.; Massironi, M.; McEwen, A.S.; ... (2018). CaSSIS - First Images from science orbit. In: European Planetary Science Congress 2018. Berlin. 16. - 21. September 2018.
Elmaarry, Mohamed Ramy; Thomas, Nicolas; Gracia Berná, Antonio; Pajola, M.; Lee, J.-C.; Massironi, M.; Davidsson, B.; Marchi, S.; Keller, H. U.; Hviid, S. F.; Besse, S.; Sierks, H.; Barbieri, C.; Lamy, P. L.; Koschny, D.; Rickman, H.; Rodrigo, R.; A’Hearn, M. F.; Auger, A.-T.; Barucci, M. A.; ... (2017). Regional surface morphology of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from Rosetta/OSIRIS images: The southern hemisphere (Corrigendum). Astronomy and astrophysics, 598(C2), C2. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201628634e
Elmaarry, Mohamed Ramy; Groussin, O.; Thomas, Nicolas; Pajola, M.; Auger, A.-T.; Davidsson, B.; Hu, X.; Hviid, S. F.; Knollenberg, J.; Güttler, C.; Tubiana, C.; Fornasier, S.; Feller, C.; Hasselmann, P.; Vincent, J.-B.; Sierks, H.; Barbieri, C.; Lamy, P.; Rodrigo, Rafael; Koschny, D.; ... (2017). Surface changes on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko suggest a more active past. Science, 355(6332), pp. 1392-1395. American Association for the Advancement of Science 10.1126/science.aak9384
Pajola, M.; Höfner, S.; Vincent, J. B.; Oklay, N.; Scholten, F.; Preusker, F.; Mottola, S.; Naletto, G.; Fornasier, S.; Lowry, S.; Feller, C.; Hasselmann, P. H.; Güttler, C.; Tubiana, C.; Sierks, H.; Barbieri, C.; Lamy, P.; Rodrigo, Rafael; Koschny, D.; Rickman, H.; ... (2017). The pristine interior of comet 67P revealed by the combined Aswan outburst and cliff collapse. Nature astronomy, 1(5), 0092. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41550-017-0092
Thomas, Nicolas; Cremonese, G.; Ziethe, Ruth; Gerber, Michael; Brändli, Mathias; Bruno, Giordano; Erismann, Marc; Gambicorti, Lisa; Gerber, Thomas; Ghose, Kaustav; Gruber, Mario; Gubler, Pascal Elias; Mischler, Harald; Jost, Jürg; Piazza, Daniele; Pommerol, Antoine; Rieder, Martin; Roloff, Victoria Ann; Servonet, Anthony; Trottmann, Werner; ... (2017). The Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) for the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter. Space science reviews, 212(3-4), pp. 1897-1944. Springer 10.1007/s11214-017-0421-1
Schmitt, M. I.; Tubiana, C.; Güttler, C.; Sierks, H.; Vincent, J.-B.; Elmaarry, Mohamed Ramy; Bodewits, D.; Mottola, S.; Fornasier, S.; Hofmann, M.; Barbieri, C.; Lamy, P. L.; Rodrigo, R.; Koschny, D.; Rickman, H.; A’Hearn, M. F.; Agarwal, J.; Barucci, M. A.; Bertaux, J.-L.; Bertini, I.; ... (2017). Long-term monitoring of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko’s jets with OSIRIS onboard Rosetta. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 469(Suppl_2), S380-S385. Oxford University Press 10.1093/mnras/stx1780
Pajola, M.; Lucchetti, A.; Fulle, M.; Mottola, S.; Hamm, M.; Da Deppo, V.; Penasa, L.; Kovacs, G.; Massironi, M.; Shi, X.; Tubiana, C.; Güttler, C.; Oklay, N.; Vincent, J. B.; Toth, I.; Davidsson, B.; Naletto, G.; Sierks, H.; Barbieri, C.; Lamy, P. L.; ... (2017). The pebbles/boulders size distributions on Sais: Rosetta’s final landing site on comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 469(Suppl_2), S636-S645. Oxford University Press 10.1093/mnras/stx1620
Höfner, S.; Vincent, J.-B.; Blum, J.; Davidsson, B. J. R.; Sierks, H.; Elmaarry, Mohamed Ramy; Deller, J.; Hofmann, M.; Hu, X.; Pajola, M.; Barbieri, C.; Lamy, P. L.; Rodrigo, R.; Koschny, D.; Rickman, H.; Keller, H. U.; A’Hearn, M. F.; Auger, A.-T.; Barucci, M. A.; Bertaux, J.-L.; ... (2017). Thermophysics of fractures on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Astronomy and astrophysics, 608(A121), A121. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201628726
Gambicorti, Lisa; Piazza, Daniele; Pommerol, Antoine; Roloff, Victoria Ann,; Gerber, Michael; Ziethe, Ruth; Elmaarry, Mohamed Ramy; Weigel, T.; Johnson, M.; Vernani, D.; Pelo, E.; Da Deppo, V.; Cremonese, G.; Ficai Veltroni, I.; Thomas, Nicolas (2017). First light of Cassis: the stereo surface imaging system onboard the exomars TGO. In: International Conference on Space Optics 2016 (p. 77). SPIE 10.1117/12.2296096
Gambicorti, Lisa; Piazza, Daniele; Pommerol, Antoine; Roloff, Victoria Ann; Gerber, Michael; Ziethe, Ruth; Elmaarry, Mohamed Ramy; Weigel, T.; Johnson, M.; Vernani, D.; Pelo, E.; Da Deppo, V.; Cremonese, G.; Ficai Veltroni, I.; Thomas, Nicolas (26 June 2016). The CaSSIS imaging system: optical performance overview. In: MacEwen, Howard A.; Fazio, Giovanni G.; Lystrup, Makenzie; Batalha, Natalie; Siegler, Nicholas; Tong, Edward C. (eds.) Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave. Proceedings of SPIE: Vol. 9904 (99041E). SPIE 10.1117/12.2233255
Vincent, J. B.; Oklay, N.; Pajola, M.; Hoefner, S.; Sierks, H.; Hu, X.; Barbieri, C.; Lamy, P. L.; Rodrigo, R.; Koschny, D.; Rickman, H.; Keller, H. U.; A'Hearn, M. F.; Barucci, M. A.; Bertaux, J. L.; Bertini, I.; Besse, S.; Bodewits, D.; Cremonese, G.; Da Deppo, V.; ... (2016). Are fractured cliffs the source of cometary dust jets? Insights from OSIRIS/Rosetta at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Astronomy and astrophysics, 587(A14), A14. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201527159
Lucchetti, A.; Cremonese, G.; Jorda, L.; Poulet, F.; Bibring, J. P.; Pajola, M.; La Forgia, F.; Massironi, M.; Elmaarry, Mohamed Ramy; Oklay, N.; Sierks, H.; Barbieri, C.; Lamy, P.; Rodrigo, R.; Koschny, D.; Rickman, H.; Keller, H. U.; Agarwal, J.; A'Hearn, M. F.; Barucci, M. A.; ... (2016). Characterization of the Abydos region through OSIRIS high-resolution images in support of CIVA measurements. Astronomy and astrophysics, 585(L1), L1. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201527330
Fornasier, S.; Mottola, S.; Keller, H. U.; Barucci, M. A.; Davidsson, B.; Feller, C.; Deshapriya, J. D. P.; Sierks, H.; Barbieri, C.; Lamy, P. L.; Rodrigo, R.; Koschny, D.; Rickman, H.; A’Hearn, M.; Agarwal, J.; Bertaux, J.-L.; Bertini, I.; Besse, S.; Cremonese, G.; Da Deppo, V.; ... (2016). Rosetta’s comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko sheds its dusty mantle to reveal its icy nature. Science, 354(6319), pp. 1566-1570. American Association for the Advancement of Science 10.1126/science.aag2671
Barucci, M. A.; Filacchione, G.; Fornasier, S.; Raponi, A.; Deshapriya, J. D. P.; Tosi, F.; Feller, C.; Ciarniello, M.; Sierks, H.; Capaccioni, F.; Pommerol, Antoine; Massironi, M.; Oklay, N.; Merlin, F.; Vincent, J.-B.; Fulchignoni, M.; Guilbert-Lepoutre, A.; Perna, D.; Capria, M. T.; Hasselmann, P. H.; ... (2016). Detection of exposed H₂O ice on the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Astronomy and astrophysics, 595(A102), A102. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201628764
Pajola, Maurizio; Lucchetti, Alice; Vincent, Jean-Baptiste; Oklay, Nilda; Elmaarry, Mohamed Ramy; Bertini, Ivano; Naletto, Giampiero; Lazzarin, Monica; Massironi, Matteo; Sierks, Holger; Barbieri, Cesare; Lamy, Philippe; Rodrigo, Rafael; Koschny, Detlef; Rickman, Hans; Keller, Horst U.; Agarwal, Jessica; A’Hearn, Michael F.; Barucci, Maria A.; Bertaux, Jean-Loup; ... (2016). The southern hemisphere of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: Analysis of the preperihelion size-frequency distribution of boulders ≥7 m. Astronomy and astrophysics, 592(L2), L2. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201628887
Pajola, Maurizio; Oklay, Nilda; La Forgia, Fiorangela; Giacomini, Lorenza; Massironi, Matteo; Bertini, Ivano; Elmaarry, Mohamed Ramy; Marzari, Francesco; Preusker, Frank; Scholten, Frank; Höfner, Sebastian; Lee, Jui-Chi; Vincent, Jean-Baptiste; Groussin, Olivier; Naletto, Giampiero; Lazzarin, Monica; Barbieri, Cesare; Sierks, Holger; Lamy, Philippe; Rodrigo, Rafael; ... (2016). Aswan site on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: Morphology, boulder evolution, and spectrophotometry. Astronomy and astrophysics, 592(A69), A69. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201527865
Davidsson, B. J. R.; Sierks, H.; Güttler, C.; Marzari, F.; Pajola, M.; Rickman, H.; A’Hearn, M. F.; Auger, A.-T.; Elmaarry, Mohamed Ramy; Fornasier, S.; Gutiérrez, P. J.; Keller, H. U.; Massironi, M.; Snodgrass, C.; Vincent, J.-B.; Barbieri, C.; Lamy, P. L.; Rodrigo, R.; Koschny, D.; Barucci, M. A.; ... (2016). The primordial nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Astronomy and astrophysics, 592(A63), A63. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201526968
Ip, W.-H.; Lai, I.-L.; Lee, J.-C.; Cheng, Y.-C.; Li, Y.; Lin, Z.-Y.; Vincent, J.-B.; Besse, S.; Sierks, H.; Barbieri, C.; Lamy, P. L.; Rodrigo, R.; Koschny, D.; Rickman, H.; Keller, H. U.; Agarwal, J.; A’Hearn, M. F.; Barucci, M. A.; Bertaux, J.-L.; Bertini, I.; ... (2016). Physical properties and dynamical relation of the circular depressions on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Astronomy and astrophysics, 591(A132), A132. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201628156
Gutiérrez, P. J.; Jorda, L.; Gaskell, R. W.; Davidsson, B. J. R.; Capanna, C.; Hviid, S. F.; Keller, H. U.; Maquet, L.; Mottola, S.; Preusker, F.; Scholten, F.; Lara, L. M.; Moreno, F.; Rodrigo, R.; Sierks, H.; Barbieri, C.; Lamy, P.; Koschny, D.; Rickman, H.; Agarwal, J.; ... (2016). Possible interpretation of the precession of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Astronomy and astrophysics, 590(A46), A46. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201528029
Shi, X.; Hu, X.; Sierks, H.; Güttler, C.; A’Hearn, M.; Blum, J.; El-Maarry, M. R.; Kührt, E.; Mottola, S.; Pajola, M.; Oklay, N.; Fornasier, S.; Tubiana, C.; Keller, H. U.; Vincent, J.-B.; Bodewits, D.; Höfner, S.; Lin, Z.-Y.; Gicquel, A.; Hofmann, M.; ... (2016). Sunset jets observed on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko sustained by subsurface thermal lag. Astronomy and astrophysics, 586(A7), A7. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201527123
Giacomini, L.; Massironi, M.; Elmaarry, Mohamed Ramy; Penasa, L.; Pajola, M.; Thomas, Nicolas; Lowry, S. C.; Barbieri, C.; Cremonese, G.; Ferri, F.; Naletto, G.; Bertini, I.; La Forgia, F.; Lazzarin, M.; Marzari, F.; Sierks, H.; Lamy, P. L.; Rodrigo, R.; Rickman, H.; Koschny, D.; ... (2016). Geologic mapping of the Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko's Northern hemisphere. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 462(Suppl 1), S352-S367. Oxford University Press 10.1093/mnras/stw2848
Vincent, J.-B.; A'Hearn, M. F.; Lin, Z.-Y.; Elmaarry, Mohamed Ramy; Pajola, M.; Sierks, H.; Barbieri, C.; Lamy, P. L.; Rodrigo, R.; Koschny, D.; Rickman, H.; Keller, H. U.; Agarwal, J.; Barucci, M. A.; Bertaux, J.-L.; Bertini, I.; Besse, S.; Bodewits, D.; Cremonese, G.; Da Deppo, V.; ... (2016). Summer fireworks on comet 67P. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 462(Suppl 1), S184-S194. Oxford University Press 10.1093/mnras/stw2409
Gicquel, A.; Vincent, J.-B.; Agarwal, J.; A'Hearn, M. F.; Bertini, I.; Bodewits, D.; Sierks, H.; Lin, Z.-Y.; Barbieri, C.; Lamy, P. L.; Rodrigo, R.; Koschny, D.; Rickman, H.; Keller, H. U.; Barucci, M. A.; Bertaux, J.-L.; Besse, S.; Cremonese, G.; Da Deppo, V.; Davidsson, B.; ... (2016). Sublimation of icy aggregates in the coma of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko detected with the OSIRIS cameras on board Rosetta. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 462(Suppl 1), S57-S66. Oxford University Press 10.1093/mnras/stw2117
Elmaarry, Mohamed Ramy; Thomas, Nicolas; Gracia Berná, Antonio; Pajola, M.; Lee, J.-C.; Massironi, M.; Davidsson, B.; Marchi, S.; Keller, H. U.; Hviid, S. F.; Besse, S.; Sierks, H.; Barbieri, C.; Lamy, P. L.; Koschny, D.; Rickman, H.; Rodrigo, R.; A’Hearn, M. F.; Auger, A.-T.; Barucci, M. A.; ... (2016). Regional surface morphology of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from Rosetta/OSIRIS images: The southern hemisphere. Astronomy and astrophysics, 593(A110), A110. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201628634
Sunshine, Jessica M.; Thomas, Nicolas; Elmaarry, Mohamed Ramy; Farnham, Tony L. (2016). Evidence for geologic processes on comets. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 121(11), pp. 2194-2210. Wiley 10.1002/2016je005119
Elmaarry, Mohamed Ramy; Watters, W. A.; Yoldi Martínez d. M., Zuriñe; Pommerol, Antoine; Fischer, D.; Eggenberger, U.; Thomas, Nicolas (2015). Field investigation of dried lakes in western United States as an analogue to desiccation fractures on Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 120(12), pp. 2241-2257. Wiley 10.1002/2015je004895
La Forgia, F.; Giacomini, L.; Lazzarin, M.; Massironi, M.; Oklay, N.; Scholten, F.; Pajola, M.; Bertini, I.; Cremonese, G.; Barbieri, C.; Naletto, G.; Simioni, E.; Preusker, F.; Thomas, Nicolas; Sierks, H.; Lamy, P.; Rodrigo, R.; Koschny, D.; Rickman, H.; Keller, H. U.; ... (2015). Geomorphology and spectrophotometry of Philae's landing site on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Astronomy and astrophysics, 583(A41), p. 18. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201525983
Pommerol, Antoine; Thomas, Nicolas; Elmaarry, Mohamed Ramy; Pajola, M.; Groussin, O.; Auger, A. T.; Oklay, N.; Fornasier, S.; Feller, C.; Davidsson, B.; Gracia-Berna, A.; Jost, Bernhard; Marschall, Raphael; Poch, Olivier; Barucci, M. A.; Bertaux, J. L.; La Forgia, F.; Keller, H. U.; Kuehrt, E.; Lowry, S. C.; ... (2015). OSIRIS observations of meter-sized exposures of H2O ice at the surface of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko and interpretation using laboratory experiments. Astronomy and astrophysics, 583(A25), A25. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201525977
Rickman, H.; Marchi, S.; A'Hearn, M. F.; Barbieri, C.; Elmaarry, Mohamed Ramy; Guettler, C.; Ip, W. H.; Keller, H. U.; Lamy, P.; Marzari, F.; Massironi, M.; Naletto, G.; Pajola, M.; Sierks, H.; Koschny, D.; Rodrigo, R.; Barucci, M. A.; Bertaux, J. L.; Bertini, I.; Cremonese, G.; ... (2015). Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: Constraints on its origin from OSIRIS observations. Astronomy and astrophysics, 583(A44), A44. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201526093
Soare, R. J.; Horgan, B.; Conway, S. J.; Souness, C.; Elmaarry, Mohamed Ramy (2015). Volcanic terrain and the possible periglacial formation of "excess ice" at the mid-latitudes of Utopia Planitia, Mars. Earth and planetary science letters, 423, pp. 182-192. Elsevier 10.1016/j.epsl.2015.04.033
Elmaarry, Mohamed Ramy; Thomas, Nicolas; Gracia Berná, Antonio; Marschall, Raphael; Auger, A. T.; Groussin, O.; Mottola, S.; Pajola, M.; Massironi, M.; Marchi, S.; Hoefner, S.; Preusker, F.; Scholten, F.; Jorda, L.; Kuehrt, E.; Keller, H. U.; Sierks, H.; A'Hearn, M. F.; Barbieri, C.; Barucci, M. A.; ... (2015). Fractures on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko observed by Rosetta/OSIRIS. Geophysical Research Letters, 42(13), pp. 5170-5178. American Geophysical Union 10.1002/2015gl064500
Elmaarry, Mohamed Ramy; Pommerol, Antoine; Thomas, Nicolas (2015). Desiccation of phyllosilicate-bearing samples as analog for desiccation cracks on Mars: Experimental setup and initial results. Planetary and space science, 111, pp. 134-143. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pss.2015.03.021
Pommerol, Antoine; Jost, Bernhard; Poch, Olivier; E-Maarry, M. R.; Vuitel, B.; Thomas, Nicolas (2015). The SCITEAS experiment: Optical characterizations of sublimating icy planetary analogues. Planetary and space science, 109-110, pp. 106-122. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pss.2015.02.004
Auger, A. T.; Groussin, O.; Jorda, L.; Bouley, S.; Gaskell, R.; Lamy, P. L.; Capanna, C.; Thomas, Nicolas; Pommerol, Antoine; Sierks, H.; Barbieri, C.; Rodrigo, R.; Koschny, D.; Rickman, H.; Keller, H. U.; Agarwal, J.; A'Hearn, M. F.; Barucci, M. A.; Bertaux, J. L.; Bertini, I.; ... (2015). Geomorphology of the Imhotep region on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from OSIRIS observations. Astronomy and astrophysics, 583(A35), A35. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201525947
Elmaarry, Mohamed Ramy; Thomas, Nicolas; Giacomini, L.; Massironi, M.; Pajola, M.; Marschall, Raphael; Gracia Berná, Antonio; Sierks, H.; Barbieri, C.; Lamy, P. L.; Rodrigo, R.; Rickman, H.; Koschny, D.; Keller, H. U.; Agarwal, J.; A'Hearn, M. F.; Auger, A. T.; Barucci, M. A.; Bertaux, J. L.; Bertini, I.; ... (2015). Regional surface morphology of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from Rosetta/OSIRIS images. Astronomy and astrophysics, 583(A26), A26. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201525723
Groussin, O.; Jorda, L.; Auger, A. T.; Kuehrt, E.; Gaske, R.; Capanna, C.; Scholten, F.; Preusker, F.; Lamy, P.; Hviid, S.; Knollenberg, J.; Keller, U.; Huettig, C.; Sierks, H.; Barbieri, C.; Rodrigo, R.; Koschny, D.; Rickman, H.; A'Hearn, M. F.; Agarwal, J.; ... (2015). Gravitational slopes, geomorphology, and material strengths of the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from OSIRIS observations. Astronomy and astrophysics, 583(A32), A32. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201526379
Pajola, Maurizio; Vincent, Jean-Baptiste; Guettler, Carsten; Lee, Jui-Chi; Bertini, Ivano; Massironi, Matteo; Simioni, Emanuele; Marzari, Francesco; Giacomini, Lorenza; Lucchetti, Alice; Barbieri, Cesare; Cremonese, Gabriele; Naletto, Giampiero; Pommerol, Antoine; Elmaarry, Mohamed Ramy; Besse, Sebastien; Kueppers, Michael; La Forgia, Fiorangela; Lazzarin, Monica; Thomas, Nicholas; ... (2015). Size-frequency distribution of boulders ≥7 m on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Astronomy and astrophysics, 583(A37), A37. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201525975
Thomas, Nicolas; Davidsson, B.; Elmaarry, Mohamed Ramy; Fornasier, S.; Giacomini, L.; Gracia-Berna, A. G.; Hviid, S. F.; Ip, W. H.; Jorda, L.; Keller, H. U.; Knollenberg, J.; Kuehrt, E.; La Forgia, F.; Lai, I. L.; Liao, Y.; Marschall, Raphael; Massironi, M.; Mottola, S.; Pajola, M.; Poch, Olivier; ... (2015). Redistribution of particles across the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Astronomy and astrophysics, 583(A17), A17. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201526049
Thomas, Nicolas; Sierks, Holger; Barbieri, Cesare; Lamy, Philippe L.; Rodrigo, Rafael; Rickman, Hans; Koschny, Detlef; Keller, Horst Uwe; Agarwal, Jessica; A'Hearn, Michael F.; Angrilli, Francesco; Auger, Anne-Therese; Barucci, M. Antonella; Bertaux, Jean-Loup; Bertini, Ivano; Besse, Sebastien; Bodewits, Dennis; Cremonese, Gabriele; Da Deppo, Vania; Davidsson, Bjoern; ... (2015). The morphological diversity of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Science, 347(6220), aaa0440-aaa0440. American Association for the Advancement of Science 10.1126/science.aaa0440
Tubiana, C.; Guettler, C.; Kovacs, G.; Bertini, I.; Bodewits, D.; Fornasier, S.; Lara, L.; La Forgia, F.; Magrin, S.; Pajola, M.; Sierks, H.; Barbieri, C.; Lamy, P. L.; Rodrigo, R.; Koschny, D.; Rickman, H.; Keller, H. U.; Agarwal, J.; A'Hearn, M. F.; Barucci, M. A.; ... (2015). Scientific assessment of the quality of OSIRIS images. Astronomy and astrophysics, 583(A46), A46. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201525985
Vincent, Jean-Baptiste; Bodewits, Dennis; Besse, Sebastien; Sierks, Holger; Barbieri, Cesare; Lamy, Philippe; Rodrigo, Rafael; Koschny, Detlef; Rickman, Hans; Keller, Horst Uwe; Agarwal, Jessica; A'Hearn, Michael F.; Auger, Anne-Therese; Barucci, M. Antonella; Bertaux, Jean-Loup; Bertini, Ivano; Capanna, Claire; Cremonese, Gabriele; Da Deppo, Vania; Davidsson, Bjoern; ... (2015). Large heterogeneities in comet 67P as revealed by active pits from sinkhole collapse. Nature, 523(7558), pp. 63-66. Macmillan Journals Ltd. 10.1038/nature14564
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