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Number of items: 98.


Prieur, Marine; Whittaker, Alexander C.; Nuriel, Perach; Jaimes-Gutierrez, Rocío; Garzanti, Eduardo; Roigé, Marta; Sømme, Tor O.; Schlunegger, Fritz; Castelltort, Sébastien (2024). Fingerprinting enhanced floodplain reworking during the Paleocene−Eocene Thermal Maximum in the Southern Pyrenees (Spain): Implications for channel dynamics and carbon burial. Geology, 52(9), pp. 651-655. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G52180.1


Forshaw, Jacob B.; Pattison, David R.M. (2023). Major-element geochemistry of pelites. Geology, 51(1), pp. 39-43. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G50542.1

Villa, Igor M.; Bosio, Giulia (2023). "Excess Ar" by laboratory alteration of biotite. Geology, 51(1), pp. 121-125. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G50503.1

Ganade, Carlos E.; Rubatto, Daniela; Lanari, Pierre; Hermann, Joerg; Tesser, Lucas R.; Caby, Renaund (2023). Fast exhumation of Earth’s earliest ultrahigh-pressure rocks in the West Gondwana orogen, Mali. Geology, 51(7), pp. 647-651. Geological Society of America


Peverelli, Veronica; Berger, Alfons; Mulch, Andreas; Pettke, Thomas; Piccoli, Francesca; Herwegh, Marco (2022). Epidote U-Pb geochronology and H isotope geochemistry trace pre-orogenic hydration of midcrustal granitoids. Geology, 50(9), pp. 1073-1077. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G50028.1


Hermann, Jörg; Lakey, Shayne (2021). Water transfer to the deep mantle through hydrous, Al-rich silicates in subduction zones. Geology, 49(8), pp. 911-915. Geological Society of America 10.1130/g48658.1


Valantinas, A.; Schultz, P.H. (2020). The origin of neotectonics on the lunar nearside. Geology, 48(7), pp. 649-653. Geological Society of America 10.1130/g47202.1

Pöppelmeier, F.; Blaser, P.; Gutjahr, M.; Jaccard, S. L.; Frank, M.; Max, L.; Lippold, J. (2020). Northern-sourced water dominated the Atlantic Ocean during the Last Glacial Maximum. Geology, 48(8), pp. 826-829. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G47628.1

Rocha, Brenda C.; Davies, Joshua H.F.L.; Janasi, Valdecir A.; Schaltegger, Urs; Nardy, Antônio J.R.; Greber, Nicolas D.; Lucchetti, Ana Carolina F.; Polo, Liza A. (2020). Rapid eruption of silicic magmas from the Paraná magmatic province (Brazil) did not trigger the Valanginian event. Geology, 48(12), pp. 1174-1178. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G47766.1

Bali, Enikő; Aradi, László E.; Zierenberg, Robert; Diamond, Larryn W.; Pettke, Thomas; Szabo, Ábel; Gudfinnsson, Guðmundur H.; Fridleifsson, Guðmundur Ó.; Szabo, Csaba (2020). Geothermal energy and ore-forming potential of 600 °C mid-ocean-ridge hydrothermal fluids. Geology, 48(12), pp. 1221-1225. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G47791.1

Malvoisin, Benjamin; Austrheim, Håkon; Hetényi, György; Reynes, Julien; Hermann, Jörg; Baumgartner, Lukas P.; Podladchikov, Yury Y. (2020). Sustainable densification of the deep crust. Geology, 48(7), pp. 673-677. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G47201.1


Koshnaw, Renas I.; Stockli, Daniel F.; Schlunegger, Fritz (2019). Timing of the Arabia-Eurasia continental collision—Evidence from detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology of the Red Bed Series strata of the northwest Zagros hinterland, Kurdistan region of Iraq. Geology, 47(1), pp. 47-50. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G45499.1

Vuillemin, Aurèle; Wirth, Richard; Kemnitz, Helga; Schleicher, Anja M.; Friese, André; Bauer, Kohen W.; Simister, Rachel; Nomosatryo, Sulung; Ordoñez, Luis; Ariztegui, Daniel; Henny, Cynthia; Crowe, Sean A.; Benning, Liane G.; Kallmeyer, Jens; Russell, James M.; Bijaksana, Satria; Vogel, Hendrik; Towuti Drilling Project Science Team, the (2019). Formation of diagenetic siderite in modern ferruginous sediments. Geology, 47(6), pp. 540-544. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G46100.1

Thomas, Camille; Grossi, Vincent; Antheaume, Ingrid; Ariztegui, Daniel (2019). Recycling of archaeal biomass as a new strategy for extreme life in Dead Sea deep sediments. Geology, 47(5), pp. 479-482. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G45801.1


Richter, Lisa; Diamond, Larryn William; Atanasova, Petya; Banks, David A.; Gutzmer, Jens (2018). Hydrothermal formation of heavy rare earth element (HREE)–xenotime deposits at 100 °C in a sedimentary basin. Geology, 46(3), pp. 263-266. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G39871.1

Fletcher, Michael-Shawn; Benson, Alexa; Bowman, David M.J.S.; Gadd, Patricia S.; Heijnis, Hendrik; Mariani, Michela; Saunders, Krystyna; Wolfe, Brent B.; Zawadzki, Atun (2018). Centennial-scale trends in the Southern Annular Mode revealed by hemisphere-wide fire and hydroclimatic trends over the past 2400 years. Geology, 46(4), pp. 363-366. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G39661.1

Diamond, Larryn William; Wanner, Christoph; Waber, Niklaus (2018). Penetration depth of meteoric water in orogenic geothermal systems. Geology, 46(12), pp. 1063-1066. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G45394.1

Kempf, Elias Dominik; Hermann, Jörg (2018). Hydrogen incorporation and retention in metamorphic olivine during subduction: Implications for the deep water cycle. Geology, 46(6), pp. 571-574. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G40120.1

Nibourel, Lukas; Berger, Alfons; Egli, Daniel; Luensdorf, Nils K.; Herwegh, Marco (2018). Large vertical displacements of a crystalline massif recorded by Raman thermometry. Geology, 46(10), pp. 879-882. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G45121.1


Li, Dawei; Zheng, Li-Wei; Jaccard, Samuel; Fang, Tien-Hsi; Paytan, Adina; Zheng, Xufeng; Chang, Yuan-Pin; Kao, Shuh-Ji (2017). Millennial-scale ocean dynamics controlled export productivity in the subtropical North Pacific. Geology, 45(7), pp. 651-654. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G38981.1


Reusch, A.; Moernaut, J.; Anselmetti, Flavio; Strasser, M. (2016). Sediment mobilization deposits from episodic subsurface fluid flow—A new tool to reveal long-term earthquake records? Geology, 44(4), pp. 243-246. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G37410.1

van der Beek, Peter; Litty, Camille; Baudin, Mallory; Mercier, Jonathan; Robert, Xavier; Hardwick, Elizabeth (2016). Contrasting tectonically driven exhumation and incision patterns, western versus central Nepal Himalaya. Geology, 44(4), pp. 327-330. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G37579.1

Litty, Camille; Lanari, Pierre; Burn, Marco; Schlunegger, Fritz (2016). Climate-controlled shifts in sediment provenance inferred from detrital zircon ages, western Peruvian Andes. Geology, 45(1), pp. 59-62. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G38371.1


Pirard, Cassian; Hermann, Jörg (2015). Focused fluid transfer through the mantle above subduction zones. Geology, 43(10), pp. 915-918. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G37026.1


Lanari, Pierre; Riel, Nicolas; Guillot, Stéphane; Vidal, Olivier; Schwartz, Stéphane; Pêcher, Arnaud; Hattori, Keiko H. (2013). Deciphering High-Pressure metamorphism in collisional context using microprobe-mapping methods : application to the Stak eclogitic massif (NW Himalaya). Geology, 41(2), pp. 111-114. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G33523.1

Clark, Ian D.; Al, Tom; Kennell, Laura; Mazurek, Martin; Mohapatra, Ratan; Raven, Ken G. (2013). Paleozoic-aged brine and authigenic helium preserved in an Ordovician shale aquiclude. Geology, 41(9), pp. 951-954. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G34372.1

Stepanov, A. S.; Hermann, J. (2013). Fractionation of Nb and Ta by biotite and phengite: Implications for the "missing Nb paradox". Geology, 41(3), pp. 303-306. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G33781.1


Le Roux, G.; Fagel, N.; De Vleeschouwer, F.; Krachler, M.; Debaille, V.; Stille, P.; Mattielli, N.; van der Knaap, Willem Oscar; van Leeuwen, Jacqueline F. N.; Shotyk, W. (2012). Volcano- and climate-driven changes in atmospheric dust sources and fluxes since the Late Glacial in Central Europe. Geology, 40(4), pp. 335-338. Boulder, Colo.: Geological Society of America 10.1130/G32586.1

Stoffel, M.; Casteller, A.; Luckman, B.H.; Villalba, R. (2012). Spatiotemporal analysis of channel wall erosion in ephemeral torrents using tree roots-An example from the Patagonian Andes. Geology, 40(3), pp. 247-250. Boulder, Colo.: Geological Society of America 10.1130/G32751.1

Schimmelpfennnig, I.; Schaefer, J.M.; Akçar, N.; Ivy-Ochs, S.; Finkel, R.C.; Schlüchter, C. (2012). Holocene glacier culminations in the Western Alps and their hemispheric relevance. Geology, 40(10), pp. 891-894. Boulder, Colo.: Geological Society of America 10.1130/G33169.1

Krüger, Yves; Garcia-Ruiz, Juan Manuel; Canals, Angels; Marti, Dominik; Frenz, Martin; van Driessche, Alexander E.S. (2012). Determining gypsum growth temperatures using monophase fluid inclusions-Application to the giant gypsum crystals of Naica, Mexico. Geology, 41(2), pp. 119-122. Boulder, Colo.: Geological Society of America 10.1130/G33581.1

Swierczynski, Tina; Brauer, Achim; Lauterbach, Stefan; Martín-Puertas, Celia; Dulski, Peter; von Grafenstein, Ulrich; Rohr, Christian (2012). A 1600yr seasonally resolved record of decadal-scale flood variability from the Austrian pre-Alps. Geology, 40(10), pp. 1-4. Geological Society of America

Nicolussi, K.; Schlüchter, Christian (2012). Calendar-dated glacier response in the Alps. Geology, 40(9), pp. 819-822. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G32406.1


Li, G.; Pettke, Thomas; Chen, J. (2011). Increasing Nd isotopic ratio of Asian dust indicates progressive uplift of the north Tibetan Plateauince the middle Miocene. Geology, 39(3), pp. 199-202. Boulder, Colo.: Geological Society of America 10.1130/G31734.1

Berndt, J.; Deutsch, A.; Schulte, P.; Mezger, K. (2011). The Chicxulub ejecta deposit at Demerara Rise (western Atlantic): Dissecting the geochemical anomaly using laser ablation-mass spectrometry. Geology, 39(3), pp. 279-282. Boulder, Colo.: Geological Society of America 10.1130/G31599.1

Goehring, B.; Schaefer, J.; Schlüchter, C.; Lifton, N.; Finkel, R.; Jull, T.; Akçar, N.; Alley, R. (2011). The Rhone Glacier was smaller than today for most of the Holocene. Geology, 39(7), pp. 679-682. Boulder, Colo.: Geological Society of America 10.1130/G32145.1

Rosenberg, T.M.; Preusser, F.; Fleitmann, D.; SChwalb, A.; Penkman, K.; Schmid, T.W.; Al-Shanti, M.A.; Kadi, K.; Matter, A. (2011). Humid periods in southern Arabia: Windows of opportunity for modern human dispersal. Geology, 39(12), pp. 1115-1118. Boulder, Colo.: Geological Society of America 10.1130/G32281.1

Preusser, F.; Rufer, D.; Schreurs, G. (2011). Direct dating of Quaternary phreatic maar eruptions by luminescence methods. Geology, 39(12), pp. 1135-1138. Boulder, Colo.: Geological Society of America 10.1130/G32345.1


Norton, Kevin P.; Abbühl, Luca M.; Schlunegger, Fritz (2010). Glacial conditioning as an erosional driving force in the Central Alps. Geology, 38(7), pp. 655-658. Boulder, Colo.: Geological Society of America 10.1130/G31102.1

Mueller, A. D.; Islebe, G. A.; Anselmetti, Flavio; Ariztegui, D.; Brenner, M.; Hodell, D. A.; Hajdas, I.; Hamann, Y.; Haug, G. H.; Kennett, D. J. (2010). Recovery of the forest ecosystem in the tropical lowlands of northern Guatemala after disintegration of Classic Maya polities. Geology, 38(6), pp. 523-526. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G30797.1

Qian, Q.; O'Neill, H. St.C.; Hermann, Jörg (2010). Comparative diffusion coefficients of major and trace elements in olivine at 950 C from a xenocryst included in dioritic magma. Geology, 38(4), pp. 331-334. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G30788.1

Beltrando, M.; Rubatto, Daniela; Manatschal, G. (2010). From passive margins to orogens: The link between ocean-continent transition zones and (ultra)high-pressure metamorphism. Geology, 38(6), pp. 559-562. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G30768.1


Steffen, Damian; Schlunegger, Fritz; Preusser, Frank (2009). Drainage basin response to climate change in the Pisco Valley, Peru. Geology, 37(6), pp. 491-494. Boulder, Colo.: Geological Society of America 10.1130/G25475A.1

Janots, Emilie; Engi, Martin; Rubatto, Daniela; Berger, Alfons; Gregory, Courtney; Rahn, Meinert (2009). Metamorphic rates in collisional orogeny from in situ allanite and monazite dating. Geology, 37(1), pp. 11-14. Boulder, Colo.: Geological Society of America 10.1130/G25192A.1

Cheng, H.; Fleitmann, Dominik; Edwards, R.L.; Wang, X.F.; Cruz, F.W.; Auler, A.S.; Mangini, A.; Wang, Y.J.; Burns, S.J.; Matter, Albert (2009). Timing and structure of the 8.2 kyr B.P. event inferred from 18O records of stalagmites from China, Oman, and Brazil. Geology, 37(11), pp. 1007-1010. Boulder, Colo.: Geological Society of America 10.1130/G30126A.1

Darling, James; Storey, C.; Hawkesworth, C. (2009). Impact melt sheet zircons and their implications for the Hadean crust. Geology, 37(10), pp. 927-930. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G30251A.1


Wohlfahrt, B.; Veres, D.; Ampel, L.; Lacourse, T.; Blaauw, M.; Preusser, Frank; Andrieu-Ponel, V.; Kéravis, D.; Lallier-Vergès, E.; Björk, S.; Davies, S.; de Beaulieu, J.L.; Risberg, J.; Hormes, A.; Kasper, H.U.; Possnert, G.; Reille, M.; Thouveny, N.; Zander, A. (2008). Rapid ecosystem response to abrupt climate changes during the glacial period in Western Europe, 40 - 16 kyr BP. Geology, 36(5), pp. 407-410. Boulder, Colo.: Geological Society of America 10.1130/G24600A.1

Neubert, Nadja; Nägler, Thomas; Böttcher, Michael E. (2008). Sulfidity controls molybdenum isotope fractionation into euxinic sediments: Evidence from the modern Black Sea. Geology, 36(10), pp. 775-778. Boulder, Colo.: Geological Society of America 10.1130/G24959A.1

Scambelluri, M.; Pettke, Thomas; van Roermund, H.L.M. (2008). Majoritic garnets monitor deep subduction fluid flow and mantle dynamics. Geology, 36(1), pp. 59-62. Boulder, Colo.: Geological Society of America 10.1130/G24056A.1

Jagoutz, Oliver; Muntener, O.; Manatschal, G.; Rubatto, D.; Peron-Pinvidic, G.; Turrin, B.D.; Villa, Igor Maria (2008). The rift-to-drift transition in the southern North Atlantic: A stuttering start of the MORB machine?: COMMENT and REPLY: REPLY. Geology, 36(1), e175-e175. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G25020Y.1


Rieu, Ruben; Allen, Philip; Plotze, Michael; Pettke, Thomas (2007). Climatic cycles during a Neoproterozoic snowball glazial epoch. Geology, 35(4), pp. 299-302. Boulder, Colo.: Geological Society of America 10.1130/G23400A.1

Lehmann, Bernd; Nägler, Thomas; Holland, Heinrich; Wille, Martin; Mao, Jingwen; Pan, Jiayong; Ma, Dongsheng; Dulski, Peter (2007). Highly metalliferous carbonaceous shale and Early Cambrian seawater. Geology, 35(5), pp. 403-406. Boulder, Colo.: Geological Society of America 10.1130/G23543A.1

Jagoutz, Oliver; Müntener, Othmar; Manatschal, Gianreto; Rubatto, Daniela; Péron-Pinvidic, Gwenn; Turrin, Brent; Villa, Igor (2007). The rift-to-drift transition in the North Atlantic: A stuttering start of the MORB machine? Geology, 35(12), pp. 1087-1090. Boulder, Colo.: Geological Society of America 10.1130/G23613A.1

Anselmetti, Flavio; Hodell, David A.; Ariztegui, Daniel; Brenner, Mark; Rosenmeier, Michael F. (2007). Quantification of soil erosion rates related to ancient Maya deforestation. Geology, 35(10), p. 915. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G23834A.1

Lehmann, B.; Nägler, Thomas; Wille, Martin; Holland, H. D.; Mao, J. (2007). Highly metalliferous carbonaceous shale and Early Cambrian seawater: COMMENT and REPLY: REPLY. Geology, 35(1), e159-e159. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G24563Y.1


Bookhagen, Bodo; Fleitmann, Dominik; Nishiizumi, Kuni; Strecker, Manfred; Thiede, Rasmus (2006). Holocene monsoonal dynamics and fluvial terrace formation in the northwest Himalaya India. Geology, 34(7), pp. 601-604. Boulder, Colo.: Geological Society of America 10.1130/G22698.1

Willett, Sean; Schlunegger, Fritz; Picotti, Vincenzo (2006). Messinian climate change and erosional destruction of the central European Alps. Geology, 34(8), pp. 613-616. Boulder, Colo.: Geological Society of America 10.1130/G22280.1

Strasser, Michael; Anselmetti, Flavio; Fäh, Donat; Giardini, Domenico; Schnellmann, Michael (2006). Magnitudes and source areas of large prehistoric northern Alpine earthquakes revealed by slope failures in lakes. Geology, 34(12), pp. 1005-1008. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G22784A.1


Herwegh, Marco; Berger, Alfons; Ebert, Andreas (2005). Grain coarsening maps: A new tool to predict microfabric evolution of polymineralic rocks. Geology, 33(10), pp. 801-804. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G21789.1

Berry, Andrew J.; Hermann, Jörg; O'Neill, Hugh S.C.; Foran, Garry J. (2005). Fingerprinting the water site in mantle olivine. Geology, 33(11), pp. 869-872. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G21759.1


Cederbom, Charlotte E.; Sinclair, Hugh D.; Schlunegger, Fritz; Rahn, Meinert K. (2004). Climate-induced rebound and exhumation of the European Alps. Geology, 32(8), p. 709. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G20491.1

Tenthorey, Eric; Hermann, Jörg (2004). Composition of fluids during serpentinite breakdown in subduction zones: Evidence for limited boron mobility. Geology, 32(10), pp. 865-868. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G20610.1

Trapp, Endres; Kaufmann, Bernd; Mezger, Klaus; Korn, Dieter; Weyer, Dieter (2004). Numerical calibration of the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary: Two new U-Pb isotope dilution–thermal ionization mass spectrometry single-zircon ages from Hasselbachtal (Sauerland, Germany). Geology, 32(10), pp. 857-860. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G20644.1


Amthor, Joachim E.; Grotzinger, John P.; Schröder, Stefan; Bowring, Samuel A.; Ramezani, Jahandar; Martin, Mark W.; Matter, Albert (2003). Extinction of Cloudina and Namacalathus at the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary in Oman. Geology, 31(5), pp. 431-434. Geological Society of America 10.1130/0091-7613(2003)031<0431:EOCANA>2.0.CO;2

Cesare, B.; Marchesi, C.; Hermann, Jörg; Gómez-Pugnaire, M.T. (2003). Primary melt inclusions in andalusite from anatectic graphitic metapelites: Implications for the position of the Al2SiO5 triple point. Geology, 31(7), pp. 573-576. Geological Society of America 10.1130/0091-7613(2003)031<0573:PMIIAF>2.0.CO;2

Dutkiewicz, Adriana; Volk, Herbert; Ridley, John; George, Simon (2003). Biomarkers, brines, and oil in the Mesoproterozoic, Roper Superbasin, Australia. Geology, 31(11), pp. 981-984. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G19754.1

Hermann, Jörg (2003). Carbon recycled into deep Earth: Evidence from dolomite dissociation in subduction-zone rocks: Comment. Geology, 31(1), e4-e5. 10.1130/0091-7613-31.1.e4

Hewawasam, Tilak; von Blanckenburg, Friedhelm; Schaller, Mirjam; Kubik, Peter (2003). Increase of human over natural erosion rates in tropical highlands constrained by cosmogenic nuclides. Geology, 31(7), p. 597. Geological Society of America 10.1130/0091-7613(2003)031<0597:IOHONE>2.0.CO;2


Schlunegger, Fritz; Simpson, Guy (2002). Possible erosional control on lateral growth of the European Central Alps. Geology, 30(10), p. 907. Geological Society of America 10.1130/0091-7613(2002)030<0907:PECOLG>2.0.CO;2

Schnellmann, Michael; Anselmetti, Flavio S.; Giardini, Domenico; McKenzie, Judith A.; Ward, Steven N. (2002). Prehistoric earthquake history revealed by lacustrine slump deposits. Geology, 30(12), p. 1131. Geological Society of America 10.1130/0091-7613(2002)030<1131:PEHRBL>2.0.CO;2


Tinner, Willy; Lotter, André F. (2001). Central European vegetation response to abrupt climate change at 8.2 ka. Geology, 29(6), pp. 551-554. Geological Society of America 10.1130/0091-7613(2001)029<0551:CEVRTA>2.0.CO;2

Burns, Stephen J.; Fleitmann, Dominik; Matter, Albert; Neff, Ulrich; Mangini, Augusto (2001). Speleothem evidence from Oman for continental pluvial events during interglacial periods. Geology, 29(7), pp. 623-626. Geological Society of America 10.1130/0091-7613(2001)029<0623:SEFOFC>2.0.CO;2

Engi, Martin; Berger, Alfons; Roselle, Gregory T. (2001). Role of the tectonic accretion channel in collisional orogeny. Geology, 29(12), p. 1143. Geological Society of America 10.1130/0091-7613(2001)029<1143:ROTTAC>2.0.CO;2

Rubatto, Daniela; Hermann, Jörg (2001). Exhumation as fast as subduction? Geology, 29(1), pp. 3-6. Geological Society of America 10.1130/0091-7613(2001)029<0003:EAFAS>2.0.CO;2


de Sigoyer, Julia; Chavagnac, Valérie; Blichert-Toft, Janne; Villa, Igor M.; Luais, Béatrice; Guillot, Stéphane; Cosca, Michael; Mascle, Georges (2000). Dating the Indian continental subduction and collisional thickening in the northwest Himalaya: Multichronology of the Tso Morari eclogites. Geology, 28(6), pp. 487-490. Geological Society of America 10.1130/0091-7613(2000)28<487:DTICSA>2.0.CO;2

Spandler, Carl J.; Eggins, Stephen M.; Arculus, Richard J.; Mavrogenes, John A. (2000). Using melt inclusions to determine parent-magma compositions of layered intrusions: Application to the Greenhills Complex (New Zealand), a platinum group minerals–bearing, island-arc intrusion. Geology, 28(11), pp. 991-994. Geological Society of America 10.1130/0091-7613(2000)28<991:UMITDP>2.0.CO;2


Pettke, Thomas; Diamond, Larryn William; Villa, Igor Maria (1999). Mesothermal gold veins and metamorphic devolatilization in the northwestern Alps: The temporal link. Geology, 27(7), p. 641. Geological Society of America 10.1130/0091-7613(1999)027<0641:MGVAMD>2.3.CO;2


Burns, Stephen J.; Matter, Albert; Frank, Norbert; Mangini, Augusto (1998). Speleothem-based paleoclimate record from northern Oman. Geology, 26(6), p. 499. Geological Society of America 10.1130/0091-7613(1998)026<0499:SBPRFN>2.3.CO;2

Dahl, Peter S.; Frei, Robert (1998). Step-leach Pb-Pb dating of inclusion-bearing garnet and staurolite, with implications for Early Proterozoic tectonism in the Black Hills collisional orogen, South Dakota, United States. Geology, 26(2), pp. 111-114. Geological Society of America 10.1130/0091-7613(1998)026<0111:SLPPDO>2.3.CO;2

Kurth, Michaela; Sassen, Andreas; Suhr, Günter; Mezger, Klaus (1998). Precise ages and isotopic constraints for the Lewis Hills (Bay of Islands Ophiolite): Preservation of an arc–spreading ridge intersection. Geology, 26(12), p. 1127. Geological Society of America 10.1130/0091-7613(1998)026<1127:PAAICF>2.3.CO;2

Blenkinsop, Tom G.; Dirks, Paul H. G. M.; Jelsma, Hielke A.; Ridley, John R.; Kamber, Balz S.; Kramers, Jan Dirk (1998). Horizontal accretion and stabilization of the Archean Zimbabwe Craton: Comments and Replies. Geology, 26(12), pp. 1147-1150. Geological Society of America 10.1130/0091-7613(1998)026<1147:HAASOT>2.3.CO;2


Busch, Jay P.; Mezger, Klaus; van der Pluijm, Ben A. (1997). Suturing and extensional reactivation in the Grenville orogen, Canada. Geology, 25(6), pp. 507-510. Geological Society of America 10.1130/0091-7613(1997)025<0507:SAERIT>2.3.CO;2

Richards, Jeremy P.; Wagner, Paul A.; Frei, Robert; Pettke, Thomas (1997). Mono-sample Pb-Pb dating of pyrrhotite and tourmaline: Proterozoic vs. Archean intracratonic gold mineralization: Comment and Reply. Geology, 25(7), pp. 669-671. Geological Society of America 10.1130/0091-7613(1997)025<0669:MSPPDO>2.3.CO;2

Nägler, Thomas; Kramers, Jan Dirk; Kamber, B. S.; Frei, R.; Prendergast, M. D. A. (1997). Growth of subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath Zimbabwe started at or before 3.8 Ga: Re-Os study on chromites. Geology, 25(11), p. 983. Geological Society of America 10.1130/0091-7613(1997)025<0983:GOSLMB>2.3.CO;2


Frei, R.; Pettke, Thomas (1996). Mono-sample Pb-Pb dating of pyrrhotite and tourmaline: Proterozoic vs. Archean intracratonic gold mineralization in Zimbabwe. Geology, 24(9), pp. 823-826. Geological Society of America 10.1130/0091-7613(1996)024<0823:MSPPDO>2.3.CO;2


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