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Anhalt, Elmar Michael (2012). Komplexität der Erziehung. Geisteswissenschaft – Modelltheorie – Differenztheorie. Beiträge zur Theorie und Geschichte der Erziehungswissenschaft: Vol. 35. Bad Heilbrunn: Julius Klinkhardt

Anhalt, Elmar (2014). Petitio Principii: Wissenschaftstheoretische Anmerkungen zu einer bildungsphilosophischen Argumentation. Erwägen, Wissen, Ethik EWE, 25(2), pp. 213-215. Lucius & Lucius


Beisbart, Claus (15 September 2021). Can induction be justified on practical grounds? (Unpublished). In: EPSA21. University of Turin/online. 15.-18.9.2021.

Beisbart, Claus; Betz, Gregor; Brun, Georg (2021). Making Reflective Equilibrium Precise. A Formal Model. Ergo : an open access journal of philosophy, 8(15), pp. 441-472. University of Michigan Library 10.3998/ergo.1152

Beisbart, Claus; Brun, Georg; Betz, Gregor (20 September 2018). How Coherent are Two Notions of Coherence. Reflective Equilibrium and Probabilistic Coherence Measures (Unpublished). In: GAP.10. University of Cologne. 17 -21 sept 2018.

Betz, Gregor; Brun, Georg (2016). Analysing Practical Argumentation. In: Hansson, Sven Ove; Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude (eds.) The Argumentative Turn in Policy Analysis. Reasoning About Uncertainty. Logic, Argumentation & Reasoning: Vol. 10 (pp. 39-77). Cham: Springer 10.1007/978-3-319-30549-3_3

Brun, Georg (2014). Reconstructing Arguments: Formalization and Reflective Equilibrium. Logical analysis and history of philosophy, 17, pp. 94-129. Mentis

Brun, Georg (2016). Textstrukturanalyse und Argumentrekonstruktion. In: Pfister, Jonas; Zimmermann, Peter (eds.) Neues Handbuch des Philosophie-Unterrichts. UTB: Vol. 4514 (pp. 247-274). Bern: Haupt

Brun, Georg (2 November 2016). The Imp of the Explicit (Unpublished). In: Why Rules Matter. Prague. 02.-04. Nov. 2016.

Brun, Georg (2017). Conceptual re-engineering: from explication to reflective equilibrium. Synthese, 197(3), pp. 925-954. Springer Science+Business Media 10.1007/s11229-017-1596-4

Brun, Georg (2019). Logical expressivism, logical theory and the critique of inferences. Synthese, 196(11), pp. 4493-4509. Springer 10.1007/s11229-017-1662-y

Brun, Georg (2017). Die Zähmung der logisch Widerspenstigen. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 65(3), pp. 613-619. Walter de Gruyter GmbH 10.1515/dzph-2017-0044

Brun, Georg (21 June 2017). Deductivism and the Logical Analysis of Non-Deductive Arguments (Unpublished). In: Logica 2017. Hejnice, Czech Republic. 19.6.2017-23.6.2017.

Brun, Georg (8 July 2017). Logical Analysis of Arguments: Aspects of Adequacy (Unpublished). In: Making it (too?) Precise. Ordinary Reasoning, Formalization, and Logical Modelling. University of Geneva.

Brun, Georg (24 February 2020). The Objects of Logic (Unpublished). In: Seminar in Logic and Philosophy. Department of Logic, Institute of Philosophy, The Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague. 24.02.20.

Brun, Georg (26 October 2022). Logical Forms: Validity and Unity (Unpublished). In: What are Logical Forms (Good for)?. Prague. 26.10.22.

Brun, Georg (2023). Logical Forms: Validity and Variety of Formalizations. Logic and logical philosophy, 32(3), pp. 341-361. Nicholas Copernicus Univ. Press 10.12775/LLP.2023.016

Brun, Georg (25 May 2023). Formalization, Valid Inference and Truth Conditions (Unpublished). In: LLC Seminar. Center for Logic, Language, and Cognition Seminar, Università degli Studi di Torino. 25.05.23.

Brun, Georg; Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude (2018). Textanalyse in den Wissenschaften. Inhalte und Argumente analysieren und verstehen [Textbook] . Zürich: vdf

Brun, Georg; Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude (2021). Textanalyse in den Wissenschaften. Inhalte und Argumente analysieren und verstehen [Textbook] . Zürich: vdf 10.3218/4034-0

Brun, Georg; Hirsch-Hadorn, Gertrude (2014). Textanalyse in den Wissenschaften. Inhalte und Argumente analysieren und verstehen. 2. überarb. Auflage [Textbook] . Zürich: vdf

Brun, Georg; Kuenzle, Dominique (2023). Kritische Selbstreflexion, vernünftige Meinungsbildung und argumentative Kompetenzen. In: Löwenstein, David; Romizi, Donata; Pfister, Jonas (eds.) Argumentieren im Philosophie- und Ethikunterricht. Grundlagen, Anwendungen, Grenzen (pp. 19-37). Göttingen / Wien: V&R unipress / Vienna University Press 10.14220/9783737016292.19


Freivogel, Andreas (2021). Modelling Reflective Equilibrium with Belief Revision Theory. In: Blicha, Martin; Sedlar, Igor (eds.) The Logica Yearbook 2020 (pp. 65-80). Rickmansworth: College Publications

Freivogel, Andreas (26 February 2022). Is Reflective Equilibrium too Conservative? [Poster] (Unpublished). In: Doctoral Students Day. Basel. 26.02.2022.


Kaufmann, Michael; Portmann, Edy (May 2015). Biomimetics in Design Oriented Information Systems Research. In: Tenth International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (pp. 53-60). At the Vanguard of Design Science: First Impressions and Early Findings from Ongoing Research Research-in-Progress Papers and Poster Presentations from the 10th International Conference: DESRIST 2015


Röthlisberger, Christoph; Metcalfe, George (2013). Admissibility in Finitely Generated Quasivarieties. Logical Methods in Computer Science, Volume 9, Issue 2(2) International Federation for Computational Logic 10.2168/LMCS-9(2:9)2013


Suzuki, Yumi (2 July 2019). Is Mengzi’s biàn 辯 philosophy or rhetorical persuasion?: Undermining an argument through its own reasoning (Unpublished). In: ISCP - International Society for Chinese Philosophy. University of Bern. 02.-05.07.2020.

Suzuki, Yumi (2021). Míng (名) in the Laozi Daodejing (老子道德經): Interpretations and Translations of the Opening Verse (In Press). Philosophy East and West: A Quarterly of Comparative Philosophy, 71(3), pp. 747-766. Univ. of Hawaii Press


Tascon-Morales, Sergio; Márquez-Neila, Pablo; Sznitman, Raphael (2023). Logical Implications for Visual Question Answering Consistency. In: IEEE / CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR). Vancouver. Jun 18-22, 2023.

Torra-Mattenklott, Caroline (2013). Denkfiguren. In: Küpper, Joachim; Rautzenberg, Markus; Strätling, Regine; Schaub, Mirjam (eds.) The Beauty of Theory. Zur Ästhetik und Affektökonomie von Theorien (pp. 59-76). München: Wilhelm Fink


von Kügelgen, Anke (2010). Muslimische Theologen und Philosophen im Wett- und Widerstreit um die Ratio - Ein Thesenpapier zum Diktum der 'Vernunftreligion' Islam im 11.-14. Jahrhundert. Asiatische Studien / Etudes asiatiques AS/EA, 64(3), pp. 601-648. Berlin: de Gruyter

von Kügelgen, Anke (2013). The poison of philosophy – Ibn Taymiyya’s struggle for and against reason. In: Krawietz, Birgit; Tamer, Georges (eds.) Islamic Theology, Philosophy and Law – Debating Ibn Taymiyya and Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya. Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des islamischen Orients. Neue Folge: Vol. 27 (pp. 253-328). Berlin: De Gruyter


Werner, Jonas (2022). Solving a puzzle of definition. Inquiry - an interdisciplinary journal of philosophy, pp. 1-11. Routledge, Taylor & Francis 10.1080/0020174X.2022.2124543

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