Calmy, A

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Journal Article

Hachfeld, A; Atkinson, A; Stute, P; Calmy, A; Tarr, P E; Darling, K E A; Babouee Flury, B; Polli, C; Sultan-Beyer, L; Abela, I A; Aebi-Popp, K (2023). Does menopause transition influence viral suppression and adherence in Women living with HIV? Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes, 92(5), pp. 399-404. Wolters Kluwer Health 10.1097/QAI.0000000000003158

Hovaguimian, F; Martin, E; Reinacher, M; Rasi, M; Schmidt, A J; Bernasconi, E; El Amari, E B; Braun, D L; Calmy, A; Darling, K; Christinet, V; Depmeier, C; Hauser, C; Läuchli, S; Notter, J; Stoeckle, M; Surial, B; Vernazza, P; Bruggmann, P; Tarr, P; ... (2022). Participation, retention and uptake in a multicentre pre-exposure prophylaxis cohort using online, smartphone-compatible data collection. HIV medicine, 23(2), pp. 146-158. Wiley 10.1111/hiv.13175

Kovari, H; Surial, B; Tarr, P E; Cavassini, M; Calmy, A; Schmid, P; Bernasconi, E; Rauch, A; Wandeler, G; Ledergerber, B (2021). Changes in alanine aminotransferase levels after switching from tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) to tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) in HIV-positive people without viral hepatitis in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. HIV medicine, 22(7), pp. 623-628. Wiley 10.1111/hiv.13106

Metral, M; Nadin, I; Locatelli, I; Tarr, P E; Calmy, A; Kovari, H; Brugger, P; Cusini, A; Gutbrod, K; Schmid, P; Schwind, M; Kunze, U; Di Benedetto, C; Pignatti, R; Du Pasquier, R; Darling, Kea; Cavassini, M (2020). How helpful are the European AIDS Clinical Society cognitive screening questions in predicting cognitive impairment in an aging, well-treated HIV-positive population? HIV medicine, 21(5), pp. 342-348. Wiley 10.1111/hiv.12828

Métral, M; Darling, Kea; Locatelli, I; Nadin, I; Santos, G; Brugger, P; Kovari, H; Cusini, Alexia; Gutbrod, Klemens; Tarr, P E; Calmy, A; Lecompte, T D; Assal, F; Monsch, A; Kunze, U; Stoeckle, M; Schwind, M; Schmid, P; Pignatti, R; Di Benedetto, C; ... (2020). The Neurocognitive Assessment in the Metabolic and Aging Cohort (NAMACO) study: baseline participant profile. HIV medicine, 21(1), pp. 30-42. Wiley 10.1111/hiv.12795

Hachfeld, Anna; Darling, K; Calmy, A; Ledergerber, B; Weber, R; Battegay, M; Wissel, K; Di Benedetto, C; Fux, C A; Tarr, P E; Kouyos, R; Ruggia, LS; Furrer, Hansjakob; Wandeler, Gilles (2019). Why do sub-Saharan Africans present late for HIV care in Switzerland? HIV medicine, 20(6), pp. 418-423. Blackwell Science 10.1111/hiv.12727

Biver, E; Calmy, A; Aubry-Rozier, B; Birkhäuser, M; Bischoff-Ferrari, H A; Ferrari, S; Frey, D; Kressig, R W; Lamy, O; Lippuner, Kurt; Suhm, N; Meier, C (2019). Diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of bone fragility in people living with HIV: a position statement from the Swiss Association against Osteoporosis. Osteoporosis international, 30(5), pp. 1125-1135. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00198-018-4794-0

Kusejko, K; Marzel, A; Hampel, B; Bachmann, N; Nguyen, H; Fehr, J; Braun, D L; Battegay, M; Bernasconi, E; Calmy, A; Cavassini, M; Hoffmann, M; Böni, J; Yerly, S; Klimkait, T; Perreau, M; Rauch, Andri; Günthard, H F; Kouyos, R D (2018). Quantifying the drivers of HIV transmission and prevention in men who have sex with men: a population model-based analysis in Switzerland. HIV medicine, 19(10), pp. 688-697. Blackwell Science 10.1111/hiv.12660

Aebi-Popp, Karoline; Mercanti, V; Voide, C; Nemeth, J; Cusini, Alexia; Jakopp, B; Nicca, D; Rasi, M; Bruno, A; Calmy, A; Martinez de Tejada, B (2018). Neglect of attention to reproductive health in women with HIV infection: contraceptive use and unintended pregnancies in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. HIV medicine, 19(5), pp. 339-346. Blackwell Science 10.1111/hiv.12582

Marzel, A; Shilaih, M; Turk, T; Campbell, N K; Yang, W-L; Böni, J; Yerly, S; Klimkait, T; Aubert, V; Furrer, Hansjakob; Calmy, A; Battegay, M; Cavassini, M; Bernasconi, E; Schmid, P; Metzner, K J; Günthard, H F; Kouyos, R D (2017). Mining for pairs: shared clinic visit dates identify steady HIV-positive partnerships. HIV medicine, 18(9), pp. 667-676. Blackwell Science 10.1111/hiv.12507

Calmy, A; van Delden, C; Giostra, E; Junet, C; Rubbia Brandt, L; Yerly, S; Chave, J-P; Samer, C; Elkrief, L; Vionnet, J; Beldi, Guido; Huynh-Do, Uyen; Stirnimann, Guido; Berney, T; Swiss Transplant Cohort Study, STCS (2016). HIV-Positive-to-HIV-Positive Liver Transplantation. American journal of transplantation, 16(8), pp. 2473-2478. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/ajt.13824

Hasse, Barbara; Tarr, Philip E; Marques-Vidal, Pedro; Waeber, Gerard; Preisig, Martin; Mooser, Vincent; Valeri, Fabio; Djalali, Sima; Rauch, Andri; Bernasconi, Enos; Calmy, Alexandra; Cavassini, Matthias; Vernazza, Pietro; Battegay, Manuel; Weber, Rainer; Senn, Oliver; Vollenweider, Peter; Ledergerber, Bruno; Aubert, V; Barth, J; ... (2015). Strong Impact of Smoking on Multimorbidity and Cardiovascular Risk Among Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Individuals in Comparison With the General Population. Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 2(3), ofv108. Oxford University Press 10.1093/ofid/ofv108

Rosin, C; Elzi, L; Thurnheer Zürcher, Maria Christine; Fehr, J; Cavassini, M; Calmy, A; Schmid, P; Bernasconi, E; Battegay, M (2015). Gender inequalities in the response to combination antiretroviral therapy over time: the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. HIV medicine, 16(5), pp. 319-325. Blackwell Science 10.1111/hiv.12203

Kouyos, Roger D; Hasse, Barbara; Calmy, Alexandra; Cavassini, Matthias; Furrer, Hansjakob; Stöckle, Marcel; Vernazza, Pietro L; Bernasconi, Enos; Weber, Rainer; Günthard, Huldrych F; Aubert, V; Battegay, M; Bernasconi, E; Böni, J; Bucher, H C; Burton-Jeangros, C; Calmy, A; Cavassini, M; Dollenmaier, G; Egger, M; ... (2015). Increases in Condomless Sex in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 2(2), ofv077. Oxford University Press 10.1093/ofid/ofv077

Weber, R; Huber, M; Battegay, M; Stähelin, Cornelia Johanna; Castro Batanjer, E; Calmy, A; Bregenzer, A; Bernasconi, E; Schoeni-Affolter, F; Ledergerber, B (2015). Influence of noninjecting and injecting drug use on mortality, retention in the cohort, and antiretroviral therapy, in participants in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. HIV medicine, 16(3), pp. 137-151. Blackwell Science 10.1111/hiv.12184

Clifford, G M; Lise, M; Franceschi, S; Egger, M; Bouchardy, C; Korol, D; Levi, F; Ess, S; Jundt, G; Wandeler, G; Fehr, J; Schmid, P; Battegay, M; Bernasconi, E; Cavassini, M; Calmy, A; Keiser, O; Schöni-Affolter, F; Swiss HIV Cohort Study, (2012). Lung cancer in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study: role of smoking, immunodeficiency and pulmonary infection. British journal of cancer, 106(3), pp. 447-452. Basingstoke: Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/bjc.2011.558

Thierfelder, C; Weber, R; Elzi, L; Furrer, H; Cavassini, M; Calmy, A; Bernasconi, E; Gutmann, C; Ledergerber, B; Swiss HIV Cohort Study Group, (2012). Participation, characteristics and retention rates of HIV-positive immigrants in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. HIV medicine, 13(2), pp. 118-26. Oxford: Blackwell Science 10.1111/j.1468-1293.2011.00949.x

Huber, M; Ledergerber, B; Sauter, R; Young, J; Fehr, J; Cusini, A; Battegay, M; Calmy, A; Orasch, C; Nicca, D; Bernasconi, E; Jaccard, R; Held, L; Weber, R; Swiss HIV Cohort Study Group, (2012). Outcome of smoking cessation counselling of HIV-positive persons by HIV care physicians. HIV medicine, 13(7), pp. 387-397. Oxford: Blackwell Science 10.1111/j.1468-1293.2011.00984.x

Weber, R; Ruppik, M; Rickenbach, M; Spoerri, A; Furrer, Hansjakob; Battegay, M; Cavassini, M; Calmy, A; Bernasconi, E; Schmid, P; Flepp, M; Kowalska, J; Ledergerber, B; Swiss HIV Cohort Study, (SHCS) (2012). Decreasing mortality and changing patterns of causes of death in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. HIV medicine, 14(4), pp. 195-207. Oxford: Blackwell Science 10.1111/j.1468-1293.2012.01051.x

El Amari, E Boffi; Combescure, C; Yerly, S; Calmy, A; Kaiser, L; Hasse, B; Furrer, H; Cavassini, M; Vernazza, P; Hirsch, Hh; Bernasconi, E; Hirschel, B; Swiss HIV Cohort Study, (2011). Clinical relevance of cytomegalovirus viraemia(*,†). HIV medicine, 12(7), pp. 394-402. Oxford: Blackwell Science 10.1111/j.1468-1293.2010.00900.x

Franceschi, S; Lise, M; Clifford, G M; Rickenbach, M; Levi, F; Maspoli, M; Bouchardy, C; Dehler, S; Jundt, G; Ess, S; Bordoni, A; Konzelmann, I; Frick, H; Dal Maso, L; Elzi, L; Furrer, H; Calmy, A; Cavassini, M; Ledergerber, B and Keiser, O (2010). Changing patterns of cancer incidence in the early- and late-HAART periods: the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. British journal of cancer, 103(3), pp. 416-422. Basingstoke: Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/sj.bjc.6605756

Keiser, Olivia; Keiser, O; Tweya, H; Boulle, A; Braitstein, P; Schechter, M; Brinkhof, Martin; Dabis, F; Tuboi, S; Sprinz, E; Pujades-Rodriguez, M; Calmy, A; Kumarasamy, N; Nash, D; Jahn, A; MacPhail, P; Lüthy, R; Wood, R; Egger, Matthias (2009). Switching to second-line antiretroviral therapy in resource-limited settings: comparison of programmes with and without viral load monitoring. AIDS, 23(14), pp. 1867-74. Hagerstown, Md.: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/QAD.0b013e32832e05b2

Nguyen, A; Calmy, A; Schiffer, V; Bernasconi, E; Battegay, M; Opravil, M; Evison, J-M; Tarr, P E; Schmid, P; Perneger, T; Hirschel, B (2008). Lipodystrophy and weight changes: data from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study, 2000-2006. HIV medicine, 9(3), pp. 142-50. Oxford: Blackwell Science 10.1111/j.1468-1293.2007.00537.x

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