Feedback von Schülerinnen und Schülern als Quelle des Lernprozesses im Praktikum von Lehramtsstudierenden

Hascher, Tina; Baillod, Jürg; Wehr, Silke (2004). Feedback von Schülerinnen und Schülern als Quelle des Lernprozesses im Praktikum von Lehramtsstudierenden. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 50(2), pp. 223-243. Beltz Juventa

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ZfPaed_2004_2_Hascher_Baillod_Wehr_Feedback_von_Schuelerinnen_Schuelern_D_A.pdf - Published Version
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Feedback from pupils on their instruction plays an important role in the improvement of the quality of teaching. This potential is, however, hardly used in the training of teachers. The authors present results from the research project "Learning During Practical Training". 150 students aspiring to become teachers for the first level of secondary education (grades 7 to 9) were questioned as to the significance of feedback from pupils during their practical training; furthermore, 1331 pupils from classes taught by students of the teaching profession answered questions regarding practical training and the learning process of the students completing their practical training. On the one hand, the results confirmed the relevance of systematic feedback from pupils for the learning processes during the practical period of training. On the other hand, they point to the need for continued research on the criteria guiding pupils´ assessment.

Item Type:

Journal Article (Original Article)


09 Interdisciplinary Units > Centre for University Continuing Education
07 Faculty of Human Sciences > Institute of Education > School and Teaching Research

UniBE Contributor:

Hascher, Tina, Wehr Rappo, Silke


300 Social sciences, sociology & anthropology > 370 Education




Beltz Juventa




Michèle Karin Affentranger

Date Deposited:

06 Oct 2014 12:06

Last Modified:

21 Aug 2024 09:51




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