Id | 484 |
Grant Value | UNSPECIFIED |
Commencement Date / Completion Date | UNSPECIFIED - UNSPECIFIED |
Contributors | Dr. Elisabeth Bürgi Bonanomi (Principle Investigator) |
Keywords | CDEProject |
Publications |
Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth
Trade Law and Responsible Investment.
International Instruments Influencing the Rights of People Facing Investment in Agricultural Lands (pp. 68-88).
Rom, Italien: International Land Coalition ILC
Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth (2012). Right to food, sustainable development and trade: all faces of the same cube? In: Rayfuse, Rosemary; Weisfelt, Nicole (eds.) The challenge of food security: International policy and regulatory frameworks (pp. 70-91). Cheltenham: Elgar Bürgi, Elisabeth (2014). Von Ernährungssouveränität zu kooperativer Ernährungssouveränität: genügend und gesunde Nahrungsmittel für alle Menschen. Widerspruch - Beiträge zu sozialistischer Politik, 64, pp. 104-110. Zürich: Rotpunktverlag Bürgi, Elisabeth (2014). An Enabling Regulatory Environment for Sustainable Investment: The Example of Trade Law. Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Comercial Internacional, 2(1), pp. 227-244. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Bürgi, Elisabeth (2015). Eckpfeiler eines nachhaltigen Agrarhandelssystems. In: Borsani, Fausta; Gröbly, Thomas (eds.) Zwischen Fairtrade und Profit: Wer sät, der erntet - oder doch nicht? (pp. 125-140). Bern, Switzerland: Stämpfli Bürgi, Elisabeth (2015). Trade and sustainable development: the role of impact assessments. In: De Schutter, Olivier (ed.) Trade in the Service of Sustainable Development: Linking Trade to Labour Rights and Environmental Standards (pp. 41-44). Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing Cottier, Thomas; Pauwelyn, Joost; Bürgi, Elisabeth (eds.) (2005). Human rights and international trade. International Economic Law Series. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press Bürgi, Elisabeth; Niklaus, Hans Jakob (2005). A country study on trade in tobacco: Switzerland. In: Meyer, Matthias (ed.) Agricultural exports as engine of growth for developing countries? (pp. 69-89). Bern, Switzerland: Seco Bürgi, Elisabeth (2005). The regulatory aspects of international trade in tobacco. In: Meyer, Matthias (ed.) Agricultural exports as engine of growth for developing countries? (pp. 17-28). Bern, Switzerland: Seco Cottier, Thomas; Bürgi, Elisabeth; Wüger, Daniel; Foltea, Marina (2005). Helping to tackle non-tariff barriers in South Eastern Europe (SEE): Final report to the Stability Pact Working Group on trade liberalisation and facilitation Bern, Switzerland: World Trade Institute (WTI) Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth (2019). Die Nachhaltigkeit im Handelsabkommen mit Indonesien - Mit besonderem Fokus auf die Regulierung des Palmöl-Imports Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth; Musselli, Irene (2019). HRIA of trade agreements involving agriculture. Enabling innovative trade options that protect human rights. In: Götzmann, Nora (ed.) Handbook on Human Rights Impact Assessment (pp. 219-237). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth; Dubach, Barbara (3 July 2023). Differenzierung im Agrarhandel, mit Fokus auf die Produktionsbedingungen und Biodiversität - hier muss die Schweiz konsistent vorgehen. In: “Sustainable Economy”. Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth; Jacobi, Johanna; Mann, Stefan; Schader, Christian; Brechlin, Laura (2023). A sustainable food system for the 21st century. Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) NFP 73, Leitungsgruppe des Nationalen Forschungsprogramms (2023). «Nachhaltige Wirtschaft: ressourcenschonend, zukunftsfähig, innovativ». Politikempfehlungen. White Paper. Schlusssynthese des Nationalen Forschungsprogramms «Nachhaltige Wirtschaft» (NFP 73) Bern: Schweizerischer Nationalfonds |
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