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van der Aalst, Wil; Becker, Jörg; Bichler, Martin; Buhl, Hans Ulrich; Dibbern, Jens; Frank, Ulrich; Hasenkamp, Ulrich; Heinzl, Armin Horst; Hinz, Oliver; Hui, Kai-Lung; Jarke, Matthias; Karagiannis, Dimitris; Kliewer, Natalia; König, Wolfgang; Mendling, Jan; Mertens, Peter; Rossi, Matti; Voss, Stefan; Weinhardt, Christof; Winter, Robert; ... (2018). Views on the Past, Present, and Future of Business and Information Systems Engineering. Business & information systems engineering, 60(6), pp. 443-477. Gabler 10.1007/s12599-018-0561-1
Jussupow, Ekaterina; Spohrer, Kai; Dibbern, Jens; Heinzl, Armin Horst (2018). AI changes who we are - doesn’t it? Intelligent decision support and physicians’ professional identity. In: Twenty-Sixth European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS2018). - Proceedings (pp. 1-11). Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Dibbern, Jens; Heinzl, Armin; Chin, Wynne W (16 February 2011). Adoption, Usage and Impact of Information Systems. In: International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik. Proceedings Vol. 2. Zurich (CH). 16.-18.02 2011.
Dibbern, Jens; Chin, Wynne W.; Heinzl, Armin Horst (2011). Systemic, economic, and environmental influences on the sourcing of application services: a comparison of companies in Germany and the United States (Working Papers in Business Administration and Information Systems 1/2011). Mannheim: University of Mannheim, Department of Business Administration and Information Systems
Dibbern, Jens; Geisser, Michael; Hildenbrand, Tobias; Heinzl, Armin (June 2009). Design, implementation, and evaluation of an ICT-supported collaboration methodology for distributed requirements determination (Working Paper Series in Business Administration and Information Systems 05/2009). Mannheim: University of Mannheim, Department of Business Administration and Information Systems
Dibbern, Jens; Chin, Wynne Wong; Heinzl, Armin Horst (May 2009). Economic, systemic, and environmental influences on the sourcing of application services : a comparative study of German and US companies (Working Paper Series in Business Administration and Information Systems 04/2009). Mannheim: University of Mannheim, Department of Business Administration and Information Systems
Dibbern, Jens; Heinzl, Armin Horst (2009). Outsourcing der Informationsverarbeitung im Mittelstand: Test eines multitheoretischen Kausalmodells. Wirtschaftsinformatik, 51(1), pp. 118-129. Springer Gabler 10.1007/s11576-008-0113-2
Hirschheim, Rudy; Heinzl, Armin; Dibbern, Jens (eds.) (2009). Information Systems Outsourcing. Enduring themes, global challenges, and process opportunities. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag
Winkler, Jessica; Dibbern, Jens; Heinzl, Armin (2009). The Impact of Cultural Differences in Offshore Outsourcing. Case Study Results from German-Indian Application Development Projects. In: Hirschheim, Rudy; Heinzl, Armin; Dibbern, Jens (eds.) Information Systems Outsourcing. Enduring themes, global challenges, and process opportunities (pp. 471-495). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag
Dibbern, Jens; Heinzl, Armin (2009). Outsourcing of Information Systems Functions in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises. A Test of a Multi-Theoretical Model. Business & information systems engineering, 1(1), pp. 101-110. Wiesbaden: Gabler 10.1007/s12599-008-0008-1
Arndt, Jens-Magnus; Kude, Thomas; Dibbern, Jens; Heinzl, Armin (2009). The Emergence of Partnership Networks in the Enterprise Application Software Industry. An SME Perspective. In: Heinzl, Armin; Dadam, Peter; Kirn, Stefan; Lockemann, Peter (eds.) PRIMIUM - Process Innovation for Enterprise Software. GI-Edition. Lecture Notes in Informatics: Vol. P-151 (pp. 179-194). Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik
Winkler, Jessica; Dibbern, Jens; Heinzl, Armin (2009). The Impact of Software Product and Service Characteristics on International Distribution Arrangement for Software Solutions. In: Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) (pp. 1-19). Association for Information Systems AIS
Heinzl, Armin; Dadam, Peter; Kirn, Stefan; Lockemann, Peter (eds.) (2009). PRIMIUM. Process Innovation for Enterprise Software, 15.4.2009 in Mannheim, Proceedings. GI-Edition. Lecture Notes in Informatics: Vol. P-151. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik
Willi, Fabian; Knolmayer, Gerhard (2009). The Effects of Outsourcing Announcements on Market Values of Swiss Firms: An Event Study. In: Hirschheim, Rudolf; Heinzl, Armin; Dibbern, Jens; Winkler, J. (eds.) Information Systems Outsourcing. Enduring Themes, Global Challenges, and Process Opportunities, 3rd ed. (pp. 201-214). Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Universität Bern
Winkler, Jessica; Dibbern, Jens; Heinzl, Armin (2009). The Influence of product-specific determinants on software firms’ international entry mode choices (Working papers in general management and information systems 02/2009). Mannheim: University of Mannheim, Department of General Management and Information Systems
Kude, Thomas; Dibbern, Jens; Arndt, Jens-Magnus; Heinzl, Armin (2009). Why do complementors participate? : an empirical analysis of the emergence of partnership networks in the enterprise application software industry (Working Paper Series in Business Administration and Information Systems 06/2009). Mannheim: University of Mannheim, Department of Business Administration and Information Systems
Hirschheim, Rudy; Dibbern, Jens; Heinzl, Armin (2008). Foreword to the special issue on IS sourcing. Information systems frontiers, 10(2), pp. 125-127. Springer 10.1007/s10796-008-9069-4
Winkler, Jessica K.; Dibbern, Jens; Heinzl, Armin (2008). The impact of cultural differences in offshore outsourcing - Case study results from German-Indian application development projects. Information systems frontiers, 10(2), pp. 243-258. Norwell, Mass.: Springer 10.1007/s10796-008-9068-5
Dibbern, Jens; Winkler, Jessica K.; Heinzl, Armin (2006). Offshoring of Application Services in the Banking Industry – A Transaction Cost Analysis (Working Papers in Information Systems 16/2006). Mannheim: University of Mannheim, Department of Business Administration and Information Systems 1
Tan, X; Dibbern, Jens; Autzen, B; Heinzl, Armin Horst (September 2005). Verbesserungspotenziale in der Distributionslogistik durch den Einsatz mobiler Informationstechnologien - eine fallstudienbasierte Untersuchung. In: Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik.
Dibbern, Jens; Chin, Wynne Wong; Heinzl, Armin Horst (May 2005). The Impact of Human Asset Specificity on the Sourcing of Application Services. Proceedings of the 13th European Conference of Information Systems.
Dibbern, Jens; Chin, Wynne W.; Heinzl, Armin (2004). Testing The Moderated And Mediated Impact Of Human Asset Specificity On The Sourcing Of Application Software Services (Working Paper 17/2004). University of Mannheim
Dibbern, Jens; Heinzl, Armin; Leibbrandt, Silvia (2003). Interpretation des Sourcing der Informationsverarbeitung: Hintergründe und Grenzen ökonomischer Einflussgrößen. Wirtschaftsinformatik, 45(5), pp. 533-540. Springer Gabler 10.1007/BF03250918
Dibbern, Jens; Heinzl, Armin; leibbrandt, Silvia (2003). Interpretation des Sourcing der Informationsverarbeitung: Hintergründe ökonomischer, strategischer und politischer Einflussgrößen (Working Papers in Information Systems 5/2003). University of Mannheim, Department of Information Systems 1
Dibbern, Jens; Brehm, Lars; Heinzl, Armin Horst (January 2002). Rethinking ERP-Outsourcing Decisions for Leveraging Technological and Preserving Business Knowledge. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, pp. 2770-2779. 10.1109/HICSS.2002.994320