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Kaethner, Marc; Zumstein, Pascal; Preza, Matías; Grossenbacher, Philipp; Bartetzko, Anissa; Lochner, Martin; Schürch, Stefan; Regnault, Clement; Villalobos Ramirez, Daniel; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta (27 July 2024). Investigation of the threonine metabolism of Echinococcus multilocularis: the threonine dehydrogenase as a potential drug target in alveolar echinococcosis (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2024.07.27.605433
Bátora, Dániel; Fischer, Jérôme P.; Kaderli, Reto M.; Varga, Maté; Lochner, Martin; Gertsch, Jürg (25 February 2024). Silicon-rhodamine functionalized evocalcet probes (EvoSiR) potently and selectively label calcium sensing receptors (CaSR) in vitro, in vivo and ex vivo (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2024.02.22.581561
Ekundayo, Babatunde; Arullampalam, Prakash; Gerber, Christian E.; Hämmerli, Anne-Flore; Guichard, Sabrina; Boukenna, Mey; Ross, Daniela; Lochner, Martin; Rougier, Jean-Sébastien; Stahlberg, Henning; Abriel, Hugues; Ni, Dongchun (23 January 2024). Identification of a Binding Site for Small Molecule Inhibitors Targeting Human TRPM4 (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2024.01.22.576650
Hill, Emily; Huang, Xianglin; Del Popolo, Ivana; La Mache, Circe; Lochner, Martin; Ladds, Graham; Frenguelli, Bruno G.; Wall, Mark J. (2 December 2022). Species-dependent actions of the Goαb selective adenosine A1 receptor agonist BnOCPA (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2022.12.02.518704
Wall, Mark J.; Hill, Emily; Huckstepp, Robert; Barkan, Kerry; Deganutti, Giuseppe; Leuenberger, Michele; Preti, Barbara; Winfield, Ian; Carvalho, Sabrina; Suchankova, Anna; Wei, Haifeng; Safitri, Dewi; Huang, Xianglin; Imlach, Wendy; La Mache, Circe; Dean, Eve; Hume, Cherise; Hayward, Stephanie; Oliver, Jess; Zhao, Fei-Yue; ... (27 April 2022). Selective activation of Gαob by an adenosine A1 receptor agonist elicits analgesia without cardiorespiratory depression (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2020.04.04.023945
Abou-Hamdan, Abbas; Mahler, Roman; Grossenbacher, Philipp; Biner, Olivier; Sjöstrand, Dan; Lochner, Martin; Högbom, Martin; von Ballmoos, Christoph (23 December 2021). Functional design of bacterial superoxide:quinone oxidoreductase (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2021.12.23.473985
Arullampalam, Prakash; Preti, Barbara; Ross-Kaschitza, Daniela; Lochner, Martin; Rougier, Jean-Sébastien; Abriel, Hugues (2 June 2021). Species-specific effects of cation channel TRPM4 small-molecule inhibitors (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2021.06.01.446517
Deganutti, Giuseppe; Barkan, Kerry; Preti, Barbara; Leuenberger, Michele; Wall, Mark; Frenguelli, Bruno G.; Lochner, Martin; Ladds, Graham; Reynolds, Christopher A. (22 October 2020). Deciphering the Agonist Binding Mechanism to the Adenosine A1 Receptor (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2020.10.22.350827
Lochner, Martin; Thompson, Andrew James (2015). Lighting up neuroscience. Neuropharmacology, 98, pp. 1-2. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2015.10.004
Lochner, Martin; Jack, Thomas; Simonin, Jonathan; Ruepp, Marc-David; Leuenberger, Michele; Hemmings, Jennifer Luise; Singhanat, Suradech; Thompson, Andrew James (2 October 2014). Studying Ion Channels and Receptors Using Synthetic Molecular Probes (Unpublished). In: 3rd Swiss-Japanese Chemical Biology Symposium. Bern, Switzerland. 02.-03.10.2014.
Lochner, Martin; Jack, Thomas; Simonin, Jonathan; Singhanat, Suradech; Leuenberger, Michele; Ruepp, Marc-David; Hemmings, Jennifer Luise; Thompson, Andrew James (20 August 2014). Synthesis of Molecular Tools for the Cellular Study of Ion Channels and Receptors (Unpublished). In: EMBO Conference Chemical Biology. Heidelberg, Germany. 20.-23.08.2014.
Lochner, Martin; Jack, Thomas; Simonin, Jonathan; Leuenberger, Michele; Hemmings, Jennifer Luise; Singhanat, Suradech (24 January 2014). Toolomics - Molecular Probes for Studying and Modification of Ion Channels and Receptors (Unpublished). In: 12th Swiss Snow Symposium. Saas-Fee, Switzerland. 24.01.2014.
Lochner, Martin; Jack, Thomas; Simonin, Jonathan; Singhanat, Suradech; Hemmings, Jennifer Luise; Leuenberger, Michele; Thompson, Andrew James; Ruepp, Marc-David (26 April 2013). Chemical Tools for the Study and Modification of Ion Channels and Receptors (Unpublished). In: BioChemLig Meeting. Bern. 26.04.2013.
Hemmings, Jennifer L.; Frenguelli, Bruno G.; Lochner, Martin (2012). Synthesis of novel fluorescent agonists, with selectivity for the A1 adenosine receptor. In: CUSO summer school "Chemical Biology" book of abstracts.
Jack, Thomas; Lochner, Martin (2012). Synthesis and testing of photoaffinity probes for the site-selective chemical modifications of the 5-HT3 receptor. In: CUSO summer school "Chemical Biology" book of abstracts.
Simonin, Jonathan; Chicca, Andrea; Gertsch, Jürg; Lochner, Martin (2012). High affinity fluorescent probes to study the 5-HT3 receptor: applications in imaging and flow cytometry. In: CUSO summer school "Chemical Biology" book of abstracts.
Singhanat, Suradech; Rougier, Jean-Sébastien; Abriel, Hugues; Lochner, Martin (2012). Towards the site-specific modification of the hERG channel. In: CUSO summer school "Chemical Biology" book of abstracts.
Lochner, Martin (2012). Synthese von molekularen Werkzeugen zur Untersuchung von Ionenkanälen. In: Memorialsymposium zum Gedenken an Prof. M. Hesse, Universität Zürich.
Hemmings, Jennifer L.; Frenguelli, Bruno G.; Lochner, Martin (2012). Synthesis of novel fluorescent agonists, with selectivity for the A1 adenosine receptor. In: Challenges in Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology (ISACS7), Edinburgh, book of abstracts.
Lochner, Martin (2012). Tailor-made tools (feature); Micro machines. International Innovation, pp. 43-45.
Leuenberger, Michele; Lochner, Martin (2012). Developing chemical tools for the study of transporters. In: Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine mini-symposium, University of Bern.
Hemmings, Jennifer L.; Frenguelli, Bruno G.; Lochner, Martin (2012). Synthesis of novel fluorescent agonists, with selectivity for the A1 adenosine receptor. In: CUSO subject day "Chemical Biology", University of Basel, book of abstracts.
Lochner, Martin (16 June 2011). Molecular Tools for the Biological Study of Ion Channels (Unpublished). In: Young Faculty Meeting of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (Platform Chemistry). Bern. 16.06.2011.
Lochner, Martin (2004). The 39th EUCHEM Bürgenstock Conference on Stereochemistry (conference report). CHIMIA, 58, pp. 414-421. Bern: Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Bátora, Dániel; Dienes-Nagy, Ágnes; Zeng, Liming; Gerber, Christian E.; Fischer, Jérôme P.; Lochner, Martin; Gertsch, Jürg (2024). Hypersensitive quantification of major astringency markers in food and wine by substoichiometric quenching of silicon-rhodamine conjugates. Food Chemistry: X, 23, p. 101592. Elsevier 10.1016/j.fochx.2024.101592
Bátora, Daniel; Fischer, Jérôme P.; Kaderli, Reto M.; Varga, Máté; Lochner, Martin; Gertsch, Jürg (2024). Silicon-Rhodamine Functionalized Evocalcet Probes Potently and Selectively Label Calcium Sensing Receptors In Vitro, In Vivo, and Ex Vivo. ACS pharmacology & translational science, 7(5), pp. 1557-1570. ACS Publications 10.1021/acsptsci.4c00096
Kappel, Sven; Melek, Korollus; Ross-Kaschitza, Daniela; Hauert, Barbara; Gerber, Christian E.; Lochner, Martin; Peinelt, Christine (2024). CBA (4-chloro-2-(2-chlorophenoxy)acetamido) benzoic acid) inhibits TMEM206 mediated currents and TMEM206 does not contribute to acid-induced cell death in colorectal cancer cells. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 15 Frontiers 10.3389/fphar.2024.1369513
Tscherrig, Dominic; Bhardwaj, Rajesh; Biner, Daniel; Dernič, Jan; Ross-Kaschitza, Daniela; Peinelt, Christine; Hediger, Matthias A; Lochner, Martin (2024). Development of chemical tools based on GSK-7975A to study store-operated calcium entry in cells. Cell calcium, 117, p. 102834. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ceca.2023.102834
Fischer, Jérôme Paul; Bátora, Dániel; Dick, Luca Julian; Kaderli, Reto Martin; Gertsch, Jürg; Lochner, Martin (8 August 2023). Developing Molecular Tools for the Study and Detection of Calcium-Sensing Receptor [MC-112]. CHIMIA, 77(7/8), p. 526. Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Gerber, Christian Elias; Grossenbacher, Philipp; Singer, Simon Alex; Lochner, Martin (8 August 2023). Development of novel 4-chloro-2-(2-phenoxyacetamido)benzoic acid-based TRPM4 inhibitors [MC-115]. CHIMIA, 77(7/8), p. 526. Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Preti, Barbara; Rougier, Jean-Sébastien; Papapostolou, Irida; Bochen, Florian; Gerber, Christian E; Abriel, Hugues; Lochner, Martin; Peinelt, Christine (2022). Targeting Ion Channel TRPM4. CHIMIA, 76(12), pp. 1039-1044. Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft 10.2533/chimia.2022.1039
Preti, Barbara; Suchankova, Anna; Deganutti, Giuseppe; Leuenberger, Michele; Barkan, Kerry; Manulak, Iga; Huang, Xianglin; Carvalho, Sabrina; Ladds, Graham; Lochner, Martin (2022). Discovery and Structure-Activity Relationship Studies of Novel Adenosine A1 Receptor-Selective Agonists. Journal of medicinal chemistry, 65(21), pp. 14864-14890. American Chemical Society 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.2c01414
Grossenbacher, Philipp; Essers, Maria C; Moser, Joël; Singer, Simon A; Häusler, Stephanie; Stieger, Bruno; Rougier, Jean-Sébastien; Lochner, Martin (2022). Bioorthogonal site-selective conjugation of fluorescent dyes to antibodies: method and potential applications. RSC advances, 12(44), pp. 28306-28317. Royal Society of Chemistry 10.1039/d2ra05580e
Abou Hamdan, Abbas; Mahler, Roman; Grossenbacher, Philipp; Biner, Olivier; Sjöstrand, Dan; Lochner, Martin; Högbom, Martin; von Ballmoos, Christoph (2022). Functional design of bacterial superoxide:quinone oxidoreductase. Biochimica et biophysica acta. Bioenergetics, 1863(7), p. 148583. Elsevier 10.1016/j.bbabio.2022.148583
Wall, Mark J; Hill, Emily; Huckstepp, Robert; Barkan, Kerry; Deganutti, Giuseppe; Leuenberger, Michele; Preti, Barbara; Winfield, Ian; Carvalho, Sabrina; Suchankova, Anna; Wei, Haifeng; Safitri, Dewi; Huang, Xianglin; Imlach, Wendy; La Mache, Circe; Dean, Eve; Hume, Cherise; Hayward, Stephanie; Oliver, Jess; Zhao, Fei-Yue; ... (2022). Selective activation of Gαob by an adenosine A1 receptor agonist elicits analgesia without cardiorespiratory depression. Nature communications, 13(1), p. 4150. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41467-022-31652-2
Fischer, Jérôme; Batora, Daniel; Kaderli, Reto Martin; Gertsch, Jürg; Lochner, Martin (July 2022). Developing Molecular Tools for the Study and Detection of Calcium-Sensing Receptor (CaSR) in Parathyroid Glands [MC-112]. CHIMIA, 76(7/8), p. 693. Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Grossenbacher, Philipp; Lochner, Martin (July 2022). Rapid Synthesis of Trifunctionalised Chemical Biology Probe from Unprotected L-Cysteine [MC-115]. CHIMIA, 76(7/8), p. 693. Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Arullampalam, Prakash; Preti, Barbara; Ross, Daniela; Lochner, Martin; Rougier, Jean-Sébastien; Abriel, Hugues (2021). Species-Specific Effects of Cation Channel TRPM4 Small-Molecule Inhibitors. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 12 Frontiers 10.3389/fphar.2021.712354
Grossenbacher, Philipp; Damala, P; Kunji, Edmund; Lochner, Martin (July 2021). Chemical Approaches to Stabilise the Structure of Mitochondrial Carrier AGC2 (SLC25A13) [MC-111]. CHIMIA, 75(7/8), p. 666. Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Preti, Barbara; Suchankova, Anna; Barkan, Kerry; Leuenberger, Michele; Ladds, Graham; Lochner, Martin (July 2021). Structure-activity relationship study to find novel potent and selective adenosine A1 receptor agonists [MC-125]. CHIMIA, 75(7/8), p. 667. Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Leuenberger, Michele; Häusler, Stephanie; Höhn, Vera; Euler, Adriana; Stieger, Bruno; Lochner, Martin (2021). Characterization of Novel Fluorescent Bile Salt Derivatives for Studying Human Bile Salt and Organic Anion Transporters. Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics, 377(3), pp. 346-357. American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 10.1124/jpet.120.000449
Deganutti, Giuseppe; Barkan, Kerry; Preti, Barbara; Leuenberger, Michele; Wall, Mark; Frenguelli, Bruno G.; Lochner, Martin; Ladds, Graham; Reynolds, Christopher A. (2021). Deciphering the Agonist Binding Mechanism to the Adenosine A1 Receptor. ACS pharmacology & translational science, 4(1), pp. 314-326. ACS Publications 10.1021/acsptsci.0c00195
Preti, Barbara; Leuenberger, Michele; Lochner, Martin (25 August 2020). Synthesis and characterization of an adenosine A1 receptor agonist with non-opioid analgesic properties based on Galpha signaling bias [MC-014]. CHIMIA, 74(7/8), p. 594. Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Grossenbacher, Philipp; Singer, Simon Alex; Moser, Joel; Stephanie A., Bernhard; Stieger, Bruno; Lochner, Martin (25 August 2020). Bioorthogonal site-selective conjugation of fluorescent dyes to antibodies: method and potential applications [MC-119]. CHIMIA, 74(7/8), p. 603. Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Lam, K.-T.; Taylor, E. L.; Thompson, Andrew James; Ruepp, Marc-David; Lochner, Martin; Martinez, M. J.; Brozik, James A. (2020). Direct Measurement of Single-Molecule Ligand-Receptor Interactions. Journal of physical chemistry - B, 124(36), pp. 7791-7802. American Chemical Society 10.1021/acs.jpcb.0c05474
Schild, Achille; Bhardwaj, Rajesh; Wenger, Nicolas; Tscherrig, Dominic; Kandasamy, Palanivel; Dernič, Jan; Baur, Roland; Peinelt, Christine; Hediger, Matthias A.; Lochner, Martin (2020). Synthesis and Pharmacological Characterization of 2-Aminoethyl Diphenylborinate (2-APB) Derivatives for Inhibition of Store-Operated Calcium Entry (SOCE) in MDA-MB-231 Breast Cancer Cells. International journal of molecular sciences, 21(16) MDPI 10.3390/ijms21165604
Kappel, Sven; Kilch, Tatiana; Baur, Roland; Lochner, Martin; Peinelt, Christine (2020). The Number and Position of Orai3 Units within Heteromeric Store-Operated Ca2+ Channels Alter the Pharmacology of ICRAC. International journal of molecular sciences, 21(7) MDPI 10.3390/ijms21072458
Knight, Anthony; Hemmings, Jennifer L.; Winfield, Ian; Leuenberger, Michele; Frattini, Eugenia; Frenguelli, Bruno G.; Dowell, Simon J.; Lochner, Martin; Ladds, Graham (2020). Correction to Discovery of Novel Adenosine Receptor Agonists That Exhibit Subtype Selectivity. Journal of medicinal chemistry, 63(18), p. 10531. American Chemical Society 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.0c01416
Leuenberger, Michele; Bernhard, Stephanie; Grossenbacher, Philipp; Stieger, Bruno; Lochner, Martin (6 September 2019). Synthesis of Fluorescent Tools to Better Understand the Canalicular Lipid Transporter System. CHIMIA, 73(7/8). Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Preti, Barbara; Leuenberger, Michele; Lochner, Martin; Frenguelli, Bruno G.; Ladds, Graham (6 September 2019). Development of Molecular Tools for the Cellular Study of Adenosine A1 Receptors. CHIMIA, 73(7/8). Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Schild, Achille; Bhardwaj, Rajesh; Hediger, Matthias; Lochner, Martin (6 September 2019). Diverse effects of halogenated 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate derivatives on store-operated calcium entry in breast cancer cells. CHIMIA, 73(7/8). Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Tscherrig, Dominic; Bhardwaj, Rajesh; Dernic, Jan; Hediger, Matthias; Lochner, Martin (6 September 2019). Synthesis of functionalized probes based on GSK7975A to study SOCE. CHIMIA, 73(7/8). Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Beswick, Paul; Wahab, Ben; Honey, Mark A.; Paradowski, Michael; Ke, Jiang; Lochner, Martin; Murrell-Lagnado, Ruth D.; Thompson, Andrew J. (2019). A challenge finding P2X1 and P2X4 ligands. Neuropharmacology, 157(107674), p. 107674. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2019.107674
Jack, Thomas; Leuenberger, Michele; Ruepp, Marc-David; Vernekar, Sanjeev Kumar V; Thompson, Andrew James; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Lochner, Martin (2019). Mapping the Orthosteric Binding Site of the Human 5-HT3 Receptor Using Photo-crosslinking Antagonists. ACS chemical neuroscience, 10(1), pp. 438-450. American Chemical Society 10.1021/acschemneuro.8b00327
Lochner, Martin; Leuenberger, Michele; Preti, Barbara; Tesfazghi, Bereket; Bartlome, Pascal; Frenguelli, Bruno G.; Barkan-Bulman, Kerry; Ladds, Graham (10 September 2018). Development of Molecular Tools for the Study of Adenosine A1 Receptors (Unpublished). In: 7th RSC/SCI Symposium on GPCRs in Medicinal Chemistry. Verona. 10.-12.09.2018.
Preti, Barbara; Tesfazghi, Bereket; Bartlome, Pascal; Leuenberger, Michele; Frenguelli, Bruno G.; Ladds, Graham; Lochner, Martin (7 September 2018). Molecular Tools for the Cellular Study of Adenosine A1 Receptors. CHIMIA, 72(7/8). Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Schild, Achille; Bhardwaj, Rajesh; Hediger, Matthias; Lochner, Martin (7 September 2018). Study of 2-Aminoethoxy Borate (2-APB) Analogues in MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 Cells towards Orai Isoform-specific Modulation of Store-operated Calcium Entry (SOCE). CHIMIA, 72(7/8). Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Tscherrig, Dominic; Bhardwaj, Rajesh; Hediger, Matthias; Lochner, Martin (7 September 2018). Synthesis of Functionalised Probes Based on GSK7975A to Study SOCE. CHIMIA, 72(7/8). Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Ozhathil, Lijo Cherian; Delalande, Clémence Marie Sandrine; Bianchi, Beatrice; Nemeth, Gabor; Kappel, Sven; Thomet, Urs; Ross, Daniela; Simonin, Céline; Rubin, Matthias; Gertsch, Jürg; Lochner, Martin; Peinelt, Christine; Reymond, Jean-Louis; Abriel, Hugues (2018). Identification of potent and selective small molecule inhibitors of the cation channel TRPM4. British journal of pharmacology, 175(12), pp. 2504-2519. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/bph.14220
Leuenberger, Michele; Bernhard, Stephanie; Stieger, Bruno; Lochner, Martin (21 August 2017). Fluorescent Bile Salt Derivatives for the Investigation of the Canalicular Lipid Transporter System. CHIMIA, 71(7/8). Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Schild, Achille; Bhardwaj, Rajesh; Hediger, Matthias; Lochner, Martin (21 August 2017). Diaryl Boronic Acid Modulate Store-operated Calcium Entry (SOCE). CHIMIA, 71(7/8). Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Tscherrig, Dominic; Bhardwaj, Rajesh; Hediger, Matthias; Lochner, Martin (21 August 2017). Synthesis of Novel Probes based on GSK7975A to study SOCE. CHIMIA, 71(7/8). Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Lochner, Martin; Hemmings, Jennifer Luise; Leuenberger, Michele; Meyer, Jonas; Bartlome, Pascal; Perozzo, Alyssa Victoria; Frenguelli, Bruno G.; Winfield, Ian; Ladds, Graham (12 February 2017). Molecular Tools for the Cellular Study of Adenosine A1 Receptors (Unpublished). In: GDCh/SCS conference on Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry. Bern. 12.-15.02.2017.
Leuenberger, Michele; Lochner, Martin; Bernhard, Stephanie; Stieger, Bruno (12 February 2017). Synthesis of Fluorescent Bile Salt Derivatives and Their Utility as Tracers of the Canalicular Lipid Transporter System (Unpublished). In: GDCh/SCS conference on Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry. Bern. 12.-15.2.2017.
Ruepp, Marc-David; Wei, Hao; Leuenberger, Michele; Lochner, Martin; Thompson, Andrew James (2017). The binding orientation of structurally-related ligands can differ; A cautionary note. Neuropharmacology, 119, pp. 48-61. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2017.01.023
Thompson, Andrew J.; Metzger, Simon; Lochner, Martin; Ruepp, Marc-David (2017). The binding orientation of epibatidine at α7 nACh receptors. Neuropharmacology, 116, pp. 421-428. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2017.01.008
Mu, Linjing; Müller Herde, Adrienne; Rüefli, Pascal; Sladojevich, Filippo; Sephton, Selena Milicevic; Krämer, Stefanie D.; Thompson, Andrew James; Schibli, Roger; Ametamey, Simon M.; Lochner, Martin (2016). Synthesis and Pharmacological Evaluation of [11C]granisetron and [18F]fluoropalonosetron as PET Probes for 5-HT3 Receptor Imaging. ACS chemical neuroscience, 7(11), pp. 1552-1564. American Chemical Society 10.1021/acschemneuro.6b00192
Lochner, Martin; Jack, Thomas; Simonin, Jonathan; Leuenberger, Michele; Rüefli, Pascal; Bur-Cecilio Hechavarria, Yamileidi; Ruepp, Marc-David; Thompson, Andrew J. (August 2016). Investigation of the interaction between 5-HT3R and its modulators: progress in understanding the agonist binding site. CHIMIA, 70(7/8), MC121. Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Leuenberger, Michele; Ritler, Andreas; Aerni, Valerie; Metzger, Simon G.; Ruepp, Marc-David; Lochner, Martin (August 2016). New insights into glutamate transport in brain: Concise asymmetric synthesis of TFB-TBOA and photoaffinity probes. CHIMIA, 70(7/8), MC123. Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Schild, Achille; Tscherrig, Dominic Armin; Wenger, Nicolas; Rajesh, Rajesh; Lüscher, Benjamin; Hediger, Matthias; Lochner, Martin (August 2016). Design, synthesis and pharmacological characterization of novel store-operated calcium channel (SOCE) modulators. CHIMIA, 70(7/8), MC125. Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Lochner, Martin; Thompson, Andrew James (2016). The muscarinic antagonists scopolamine and atropine are competitive antagonists at 5-HT3 receptors. Neuropharmacology, 108, pp. 220-228. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2016.04.027
Leuenberger, Michele; Ritler, Andreas; Simonin, Alexandre; Hediger, Matthias; Lochner, Martin (2016). Concise Asymmetric Synthesis and Pharmacological Characterization of All Stereoisomers of Glutamate Transporter Inhibitor TFB-TBOA and Synthesis of EAAT Photoaffinity Probes. ACS chemical neuroscience, 7(5), pp. 534-539. American Chemical Society 10.1021/acschemneuro.5b00311
Knight, Anthony; Hemmings, Jennifer Luise; Winfield, Ian; Leuenberger, Michele; Frattini, Eugenia; Frenguelli, Bruno G.; Dowell, Simon J.; Lochner, Martin; Ladds, Graham (2016). Discovery of Novel Adenosine Receptor Agonists That Exhibit Subtype Selectivity. Journal of medicinal chemistry, 59(3), pp. 947-964. American Chemical Society 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.5b01402
Lochner, Martin; Thompson, Andrew J. (eds.) (2015). Fluorescent Tools in Neuropharmacology. Special Issue of Neuropharmacology, 98. Elsevier
Hemmings, Jennifer Luise; Lochner, Martin (August 2015). Development of small molecular tools for the cellular study of adenosine A1 receptors. CHIMIA, 69(7/8), p. 467. Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Simonin, Jonathan; Lochner, Martin (August 2015). Fluorescent probes for the cellular study of the 5-HT3A receptor - synthesis and evaluation of near-infrared probes. CHIMIA, 69(7/8), p. 467. Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Jack, Thomas; Lochner, Martin (August 2015). Synthesis of photo-crosslinking probes and their application for the site-selective chemical modification of the 5-HT3 receptor. CHIMIA, 69(7/8), p. 468. Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Lochner, Martin; Hemmings, Jennifer Luise; Knight, Anthony; Frenguelli, Bruno G.; Ladds, Graham (15 June 2015). Development of small molecular tools for the cellular study of adenosine receptors (Unpublished). In: Challenges in Chemical Biology (ISACS16). ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, Switzerland. 15.06.-18.06.2015.
Leuenberger, Michele; Jack, Thomas; Ruepp, Marc-David; Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Mühlemann, Oliver; Thompson, Andrew J.; Lochner, Martin (15 June 2015). Synthesis of photo-crosslinking probes and their application for the site-selective chemical modification of the 5-HT3 receptor (Unpublished). In: Challenges in Chemical Biology (ISACS16). Book of Abstracts. ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, Switzerland. 15.06.-18.06.2015.
Barden, Adam O.; Goler, Adam S.; Humphreys, Sara C.; Tabatabaei, Samaneh; Lochner, Martin; Ruepp, Marc-David; Jack, Thomas; Simonin, Jonathan; Thompson, Andrew James; Jones, Jeffrey P.; Brozik, James A. (2015). Tracking individual membrane proteins and their biochemistry: The power of direct observation. Neuropharmacology, 98, pp. 22-30. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2015.05.003
Lochner, Martin; Thompson, Andrew James (2015). A review of fluorescent ligands for studying 5-HT3 receptors. Neuropharmacology, 98, pp. 31-40. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2015.04.002
Jack, Thomas; Simonin, Jonathan; Ruepp, Marc-David; Thompson, Andrew James; Gertsch, Jürg; Lochner, Martin (2015). Characterizing New Fluorescent Tools for Studying 5-HT3 Receptor Pharmacology. Neuropharmacology, 90, pp. 63-73. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2014.11.007
Lochner, Martin; Thompson, Andrew James (2014). The Antimalarial Drug Proguanil Is An Antagonist at 5-HT3 Receptors. Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics, 351(3), pp. 674-684. American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 10.1124/jpet.114.218461
Jack, Thomas; Lochner, Martin (August 2014). Site-selective chemical modification of the 5-HT3 receptor with newly developed photo-crosslinking probes. CHIMIA, 68(7/8), p. 552. Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Leuenberger, Michele; Lochner, Martin (August 2014). Synthesis of inhibitors and probes for the cellular study of glutamate transporters. CHIMIA, 68(7/8), p. 552. Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Simonin, Jonathan; Lochner, Martin (August 2014). Fluorescent probes for the cellular study of the 5-HT3A receptor - development of binding assay and in-vivo imaging. CHIMIA, 68(7/8), p. 553. Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Hemmings, Jennifer Luise; Lochner, Martin (July 2014). Novel fluorescent agonists for the A1 adenosine receptor. CHIMIA, 68(7/8), p. 552. Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Jack, Thomas; Ruepp, Marc-David; Thompson, Andrew J.; Mühlemann, Oliver; Lochner, Martin (2014). Synthesis and Characterization of Photoaffinity Probes that Target the 5-HT<SUB>3</SUB> Receptor. CHIMIA, 68(4), pp. 239-242. Bern: Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft 10.2533/chimia.2014.239
Jack, Thomas; Ruepp, Marc-David; Mühlemann, Oliver; Thompson, Andrew James; Lummis, Sarah C. R.; Lochner, Martin (August 2013). Synthesis and testing of photoaffinity probes for the site-selective chemical modification of the 5-HT3 receptor. CHIMIA, 67(7/8), p. 519. Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Simonin, Jonathan; Jack, Thomas; Ruepp, Marc-David; Hothersall, Daniel; Connolly, Christopher; Chicca, Andrea; Gertsch, Jürg; Thompson, Andrew James; Lummis, Sarah C. R.; Lochner, Martin (August 2013). Synthesis of fluorescent probes for the study of the 5-HT3 receptor: applications in imaging and fluorescence polarization. CHIMIA, 67(7/8), p. 524. Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Hemmings, Jennifer Luise; Ladds, Graham; Knight, Anthony; Frenguelli, Bruno G.; Lochner, Martin (August 2013). Synthesis of novel fluorescent agonists, with selectivity for the A1 adenosine receptor. CHIMIA, 67(7/8), p. 532. Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Singhanat, Suradech; Ruepp, Marc-David; Jack, Thomas; Rougier, Jean-Sébastien; Abriel, Hugues; Mühlemann, Oliver; Lochner, Martin (August 2013). Towards the site-specific modification of the hERG K+ channel. CHIMIA, 67(7/8), p. 532. Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Lochner, Martin; Jack, Thomas; Simonin, Jonathan; Singhanat, Suradech; Hemmings, Jennifer Luise; Leuenberger, Michele; Ruepp, Marc-David; Thompson, Andrew James (9 June 2013). Synthesis of Molecular Tools for the Cellular Study of Ion Channels and Receptors (Unpublished). In: Gordon Research Conference Bioorganic Chemistry. Andover, NH, USA. 09.-14.06.2013.
Hofer, Alexandre; Kovacs, Gergely; Zappatini, Anna; Leuenberger, Michele; Hediger, Matthias A.; Lochner, Martin (2013). Design, synthesis and pharmacological characterization of analogs of 2-aminoethyl diphenylborinate (2-APB), a known store-operated calcium channel blocker, for inhibition of TRPV6-mediated calcium transport. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, 21(11), pp. 3202-3213. Elsevier 10.1016/j.bmc.2013.03.037
Kanai, Yoshikatsu; Clemençon, Benjamin; Simonin, Alexandre; Leuenberger, Michele; Lochner, Martin; Weisstanner, Martin; Hediger, Matthias A. (2013). The SLC1 high-affinity glutamate and neutral amino acid transporter family. Molecular aspects of medicine, 34(2-3), pp. 108-120. Elsevier 10.1016/j.mam.2013.01.001
Simonin, Jonathan; Chicca, Andrea; Gertsch, Jürg; Lochner, Martin (2012). High affinity fluorescent probes to study the 5-HT3 receptor: applications in imaging and flow cytometry. CHIMIA, 66(7/8), p. 558. Bern: Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Jack, Thomas; Lochner, Martin (2012). Synthesis and testing of photoaffinity probes for the site-selective chemical modifications of the 5-HT3 receptor. CHIMIA, 66(7/8), p. 558. Bern: Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Hemmings, Jennifer L.; Frenguelli, Bruno G.; Lochner, Martin (2012). Synthesis of novel fluorescent agonists, with selectivity for the A1 adenosine receptor. CHIMIA, 66(7-8), p. 314. Bern: Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Hofer, Alexandre; Leuenberger, Michele; Kovacs, Gergely; Hediger, Matthias A.; Lochner, Martin (2012). Synthesis of 2-APB analogues as inhibitors of TRPV6-mediated Calcium transport. CHIMIA, 66(7-8), p. 558. Bern: Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Singhanat, Suradech; Rougier, Jean-Sébastien; Abriel, Hugues; Lochner, Martin (2012). Towards the site-specific modification of the hERG channel. CHIMIA, 66(7/8), p. 559. Bern: Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Quek, Gracia X. J.; Lin, Diana; Halliday, Jill I.; Absalom, Nathan; Ambrus, Joseph I.; Thompson, Andrew J.; Lochner, Martin; Lummis, Sarah C. R.; McLeod, Malcolm D.; Chebib, Mary (2010). Identifying the Binding Site of Novel Methyllycaconitine (MLA) Analogs at alpha 4 beta 2 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors. ACS chemical neuroscience, 1(12), pp. 796-809. Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society 10.1021/cn100073x
Lochner, Martin; Lummis, Sarah C.R. (2010). Agonists and Antagonists Bind to an A-A Interface in the Heteromeric 5-HT3AB receptor. Biophysical journal, 98(8), pp. 1494-1502. Bethesda, Md.: Biophysical Society 10.1016/j.bpj.2009.12.4313
Vernekar, Sanjeev Kumar V.; Hallaq, Hasan Y.; Clarkson, Guy; Thompson, Andrew J.; Silvestri, Linda; Lummis, Sarah C. R.; Lochner, Martin (2010). Toward Biophysical Probes for the Serotonin 5-HT3 Receptor: Structure–Activity Relationship Study of Granisetron Derivatives. Journal of medicinal chemistry, 53(5), pp. 2324-2328. Easton, Pa.: American Chemical Society 10.1021/jm901827x
Lochner, Martin (2010). Expanding the Small Molecular Toolbox to Study Big Biomolecular Machines. CHIMIA, 64(4), pp. 241-246. Bern: Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft 10.2533/chimia.2010.241
Lochner, Martin; Hallaq, Hasan Y.; Menary, Jennifer; Stephenson, James D.; Vernekar, Sanjeev K.; Thompson, Andrew J.; Lummis, Sarah C. R. (5 June 2009). Synthetic Neuroscience - Towards the Chemical Modification of a Ligand-gated Ion Channel Receptor (Unpublished). In: RSC/BPS conference 'Ion Channels as Therapeutic Targets'. Horsham, UK. 05.-06.02.2009.
Lochner, Martin (23 September 2008). Synthetic Neuroscience -Towards the Chemical Modification of a Ligand-gated Ion Channel Receptor (Unpublished). In: RSC Bio-Organic Group Forum (BOG-F1). Leicester, UK. 23.09.2008.
Thompson, Andrew James; Lochner, Martin; Lummis, S.C.R. (2008). Loop B Is a Major Structural Component of the 5-HT3 Receptor. Biophysical journal, 95(12), pp. 5728-5736. Biophysical Society 10.1529/biophysj.108.135624
Lochner, Martin (28 September 2007). Towards the chemical modification of the serotonin 5-HT3 receptor (Unpublished). In: Gregynog Synthesis Workshop. Gregynog, Wales, UK. 28.-30.09.2007.
Thompson, Andrew James; Lochner, Martin; Lummis, S. C. R. (2007). The antimalarial drugs quinine, chloroquine and mefloquine are antagonists at 5-HT 3 receptors. British journal of pharmacology, 151(5), pp. 666-677. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1038/sj.bjp.0707238
Lochner, Martin (6 July 2005). Structural and Functional Study of the Serotonin 5-HT3A/B Receptor Binding Site (Unpublished). In: British Pharmacology Society Summer Meeting. Cambridge, UK. 06.-08.07.2005.
Lochner, Martin (1 June 2005). Models for Ligand-gated Ion Channels - Structural and Functional Study of the Serotonin 5-HT3A/B Receptor Binding Site (Unpublished). In: Young Chemists Workshop/CERC3 meeting 'Biophysical Chemistry Meets Molecular Medicine'. Sesimbra, Portugal. 01.-04.06.2005.
Lochner, Martin; Atkinson, Stephen J.; Di Francesco, Maria Emilia; Kühn, Toralf; Lorenz, Katrin; Paterson, Ian (2005). Studies towards the total synthesis of peloruside A. In: 229th ACS Spring National Meeting, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society. San Diego, Californien. 13.03.-17.03.2005.
Lochner, Martin (7 October 2004). Studies Towards the Total Synthesis of (+)-Peloruside A (Unpublished). In: Fall Meeting of the Swiss Chemical Society. Zürich. 07.10.2004.
Lochner, Martin (13 September 2004). Studies Towards the Total Synthesis of (+)-Peloruside A (Unpublished). In: Young Scientists Conference on Bioorganic Chemistry. Hamburg, Germany. 13.-15.09.2004.
Lochner, Martin; Atkinson, Stephen J.; Di Francesco, Emilia M.; Kühn, Toralf; Paterson, Ian (17 April 2004). Studies Towards the Total Synthesis of (+)-Peloruside A (Unpublished). In: 39. EUCHEM Bürgenstock Conference on Stereochemistry. Bürgenstock, Switzerland. 17.-23.04.2004.
Lochner, Martin; Mu, Linjing; Woggon, Wolf-D. (2003). Remote Effects Modulating the Spin Equilibrium of the Resting State of Cytochrome P450cam –An Investigation Using Active Site Analogues. Advanced synthesis & catalysis, 345(6-7), pp. 743-765. Wiley-VCH 10.1002/adsc.200303011
Lochner, Martin; Meuwly, Markus; Woggon, Wolf-D. (2003). The origin of the low-spin character of the resting state of cytochrome P450cam investigated by means of active site analogues. Chemical communications, 2003(12), pp. 1330-1332. Royal Society of Chemistry 10.1039/b302274a
Lochner, Martin (17 October 2002). A Crown-Capped Iron Porphyrin Mimicking the Resting State of Cytochrome P450cam (Unpublished). In: Fall Meeting of the Swiss Chemical Society. Basel, Switzerland. 17.10.2002.
Lochner, Martin; Woggon, Wolf-D. (25 September 2002). A Crown-Capped Iron Porphyrin Mimicking the Resting State of Cytochrome P450cam (Unpublished). In: 22. Regiosymposium of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry. Falkau-Feldberg, Germany. 25.-27.09.2002.
Lochner, Martin (12 October 2001). A Novel Iron Porphyrin Mimicking the Resting State of Cytochrome P450cam (Unpublished). In: Fall Meeting of the Swiss Chemical Society. Zürich, Switzerland. 12.10.2001.
Lochner, Martin; Mu, Linjing; Müller, Michael; Woggon, Wolf-D. (8 March 2001). Synthesis of an Active Site Analogue of the Resting State of Cytochrome P450cam (Unpublished). In: 4th Lausanne Conference on Bioorganic Chemistry. Lausanne, Switzerland. 08.-09.03.2001.
Robillard, Marc S.; Jansen, Bart A. J.; Lochner, Martin; Geneste, Hervé; Li, Yi; Brouwer, Jaap; Hesse, Manfred; Reedijk, Jan (2001). Mononuclear Tetraamineplatinum(II) Complexes: Synthesis, Anticancer Activity, DNA Binding, and Cellular Uptake. Helvetica chimica acta, 84(10), pp. 3023-3030. Verlag Helvetica Chimica Acta 10.1002/1522-2675(20011017)84:10<3023::AID-HLCA3023>3.0.CO;2-Z
Liao, Ying; Popaj, Kasim; Lochner, Martin; Geneste, Herve; Budriesi, Roberta; Chiarini, Alberto; Melchiorre, Carlo; Hesse, Manfred (2001). Analogues of polyamine alkaloids and their synthetic advantages. Il Farmaco, 56(1-2), pp. 127-131. Elsevier 10.1016/S0014-827X(01)01021-7
Lochner, Martin; Geneste, Hervé; Hesse, Manfred (1998). Allgemeiner Zugang zu Polyaminen mit Ethan-1,2-diamin-Einheiten: Synthese von nicht natürlich vorkommenden homologen und isomerenN1,4-Di(4-cumaroyl)sperminen. Helvetica chimica acta, 81(12), pp. 2270-2281. Verlag Helvetica Chimica Acta 10.1002/(SICI)1522-2675(19981216)81:12<2270::AID-HLCA2270>3.0.CO;2-%23