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Bernard, Ellina; Jenni, Andreas; Toropovs, Nikolajs; Mäder, Urs (2023). Percolation experiment across a 10-year-old interface between Opalinus Clay and Portland concrete. Cement and concrete research, 170, p. 107180. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cemconres.2023.107180
Jenni, Andreas; Meeussen, Johannes C.L.; Pakkanen, Tapani A.; Hirvi, Janne T.; Akinwunmi, Bukunmi; Yustres, Ángel; Navarro, Vicente; López-Vizcaíno, Rubén; Muuri, Eveliina; Niskanen, Mika; Wersin, Paul; Mäder, Urs (2021). Coupling of chemical and hydromechanical properties in bentonite: A new reactive transport model. Applied Clay Science, 214(106274), p. 106274. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clay.2021.106274
Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs (2021). Reactive Transport Simulation of Low-pH Cement Interacting with Opalinus Clay Using a Dual Porosity Electrostatic Model. Minerals, 11(7), p. 664. MDPI 10.3390/min11070664
Navarro, Vicente; Yustres, Ángel; Jenni, Andreas; De la Morena, Gema; Asensio, Laura; López-Vizcaíno, Rubén; Cabrera, Virginia; Wersin, Paul; Mäder, Urs; Muuri, Eveliina; Niskanen, Mika; Akinwunmi, Bukunmi; Hirvi, Janne T.; Pakkanen, Tapani A. (2021). Molecular dynamics data for modelling the microstructural behaviour of compacted sodium bentonites. Applied Clay Science, 201, p. 105932. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clay.2020.105932
Yokoyama, Shingo; Shimbashi, Misato; Minato, Daisuke; Watanabe, Yasutaka; Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs (2021). Alteration of Bentonite Reacted with Cementitious Materials for 5 and 10 Years in the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory (CI Experiment). Minerals, 11(3), p. 251. MDPI 10.3390/min11030251
Gaboreau, Stephane; Rodríguez-Cañas, Enrique; Maeder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas; Turrero, Maria Jesús; Cuevas, Jaime (2020). Concrete perturbation in a 13-year in situ concrete/bentonite interaction from FEBEX experiments. New insight of 2:1 Mg phyllosilicate precipitation at the interface. Applied geochemistry, 118, p. 104624. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2020.104624
Bernard, Ellina; Jenni, Andreas; Fisch, Martin; Grolimund, Daniel; Mäder, Urs (2020). Micro-X-ray diffraction and chemical mapping of aged interfaces between cement pastes and Opalinus Clay. Applied geochemistry, 115, p. 104538. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2020.104538
Shafizadeh, A; Gimmi, T.; Van Loon, LR; Kaestner, AP; Mäder, U. K.; Churakov, S. V. (2020). Time-resolved porosity changes at cement-clay interfaces derived from neutron imaging. Cement and concrete research, 127, p. 105924. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cemconres.2019.105924
Poonoosamy, J.; Wanner, Christoph; Alt-Epping, Peter; Águila, J. F.; Samper, J.; Montenegro, L.; Xie, M.; Su, D.; Mayer, K. U.; Mäder, Urs; Van Loon, L. R.; Kosakowski, G. (2018). Benchmarking of reactive transport codes for 2D simulations with mineral dissolution–precipitation reactions and feedback on transport parameters. Computational geosciences, 25(4), pp. 1337-1358. Springer 10.1007/s10596-018-9793-x
Weibel, Gisela; Eggenberger, Urs; Dmitrii A., Kulik; Hummel, Wolfgang; Schlumberger, Stefan; Klink, Waldemar; Fisch, Martin; Mäder, Urs K. (2018). Extraction of heavy metals from MSWI fly ash using hydrochloric acid and sodium chloride solution. Waste management, 76, pp. 457-471. Elsevier 10.1016/j.wasman.2018.03.022
Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs (2018). Coupling of chemical and hydromechanical properties in bentonite. Applied geochemistry, 97, pp. 147-156. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.08.013
Weibel, Gisela; Eggenberger, Urs; Schlumberger, Stefan; Mäder, Urs (2017). Chemical associations and mobilization of heavy metals in fly ash from municipal solid waste incineration. Waste management, 62, pp. 147-159. Elsevier 10.1016/j.wasman.2016.12.004
Waber, Niklaus; Schneeberger, Raphael; Mäder, Urs; Wanner, Christoph (2017). Constraints on Evolution and Residence Time of Geothermal Water in Granitic Rocks at Grimsel (Switzerland). Procedia earth and planetary science, 17, pp. 774-777. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2017.01.026
Mäder, Urs; Waber, Niklaus (2017). Characterization of pore water, ion transport and water-rock interaction in claystone by advective displacement experiments. Procedia earth and planetary science, 17, pp. 917-920. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2017.01.017
Schneeberger, Raphael; Mäder, Urs; Waber, Niklaus (2017). Hydrochemical and isotopic (d2H, d18O, 3H) characterization of fracture water in crystalline rock (Grimsel, Switzerland). Procedia earth and planetary science, 17, pp. 738-741. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2016.12.187
Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas; Lerouge, Cathérine; Gaboreau, Stephane; Miyoshi, Satoru; Kimura, Yukinobu; Cloet, Veerle; Fukaya, Masaaki; Claret, Francis; Otake, Tsubasa; Shibata, Masahito; Lothenbach, Babara (2017). 5-year chemico-physical evolution of concrete–claystone interfaces, Mont Terri rock laboratory (Switzerland). Swiss journal of geosciences, 110(1), pp. 307-327. Springer 10.1007/s00015-016-0240-5
Jenni, Andreas; Gimmi, Thomas; Alt-Epping, Peter; Mäder, Urs; Cloet, V (2017). Interaction of ordinary Portland cement and Opalinus Clay: Dual porosity modelling compared to experimental data. Physics and chemistry of the earth, 99, pp. 22-37. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pce.2017.01.004
Wersin, Paul; Traber, D; Mäder, Urs; Mazurek, Martin; Waber, Niklaus; Rufer, Daniel; Gimmi, Thomas; Cloet, V (2017). Porewater chemistry in claystones in the context of radioactive waste disposal. Procedia earth and planetary science, 17, pp. 718-721. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2016.12.182
Lerouge, Catherine; Gaboreau, Stéphane; Grangeon, Sylvain; Claret, Francis; Warmont, Fabienne; Jenni, Andreas; Cloet, Veerle; Mäder, Urs (2017). In situ interactions between Opalinus Clay and Low Alkali Concrete. Physics and chemistry of the earth, 99, pp. 3-21. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pce.2017.01.005
Weibel, Gisela; Waber, Niklaus; Eggenberger, Urs; Mäder, Urs (2016). Influence of sample matrix on the alkaline extraction of Cr(VI) in soils and industrial materials. Environmental Earth Science, 75(7), pp. 548-562. Springer 10.1007/s12665-015-5236-3
Wersin, Paul; Mazurek, Martin; Mäder, Urs; Gimmi, Thomas; Rufer, Daniel; Lerouge, Catherine; Traber, Daniel (2016). Constraining porewater chemistry in a 250m thick argillaceous rock sequence. Chemical geology, 434, pp. 43-61. Elsevier 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.04.006
Dolder, Florian Dominik; Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas; Münch, B. (2016). Alteration of MX-80 bentonite backfill material by high-pH cementitious fluids under lithostatic conditions – an experimental approach using core infiltration techniques. Geological Society Special Publications, 443(1), pp. 281-305. Geological Society 10.1144/sp443.10
Greber, Nicolas; Mäder, Urs; Nägler, Thomas (2015). Experimental dissolution of molybdenum-sulphides at low oxygen concentrations: A first-order approximation of late Archean atmospheric conditions. Earth and Space Science, 2(5), pp. 173-180. Wiley 10.1002/2014EA000059
Wersin, Paul; Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs (2015). Interaction of corroding iron with bentonite in the ABM1 experiment at Äspö, Sweden: A microscopic approach. Clays and clay minerals, 63(1), pp. 51-68. Clay Minerals Society 10.1346/ccmn.2015.0630105
Shafizadeh, A; Gimmi, Thomas; Van Loon, L; Kaestner, A; Lehmann, E; Mäder, Urs; Churakov, Sergey (2015). Quantification of water content across a cement-clay interface using high resolution neutron radiography. Physics Procedia, 69, pp. 516-523. Elsevier 10.1016/j.phpro.2015.07.073
Dolder, Florian; Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas; Schwendener, Nicole (2014). Experimental characterization of cement–bentonite interaction using core infiltration techniques and 4D computed tomography. Physics and chemistry of the earth, 70-71, pp. 104-113. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pce.2013.11.002
Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs; Lerouge, C.; Gaboreau, S.; Schwyn, B. (2014). In-situ interaction between different concretes and Opalinus Clay. Physics and chemistry of the earth, 70-71, pp. 71-83. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pce.2013.11.004
Dähn, Rainer; Popov, Dmitry; Schaub, Philippe; Pattison, Philip; Grolimund, Daniel; Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas; Wieland, Erich (2014). In-situ X-ray micro-diffraction studies of heterogeneous interfaces between cementitious materials and geological formations. Physics and chemistry of the earth, 70-71, pp. 96-103. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pce.2013.10.010
Alt-Epping, Peter; Tournassat, C.; Rasouli, P.; Steefel, C. I.; Mayer, K. U.; Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs; Sengor, S. S.; Fernández, R. (2014). Benchmark reactive transport simulations of a column experiment in compacted bentonite with multispecies diffusion and explicit treatment of electrostatic effects. Computational geosciences, 19(3), pp. 535-550. Baltzer Science Publishers 10.1007/s10596-014-9451-x
Wersin, Paul; Waber, H. Niklaus; Mazurek, Martin; Mäder, Urs K.; Gimmi, Thomas; Rufer, Daniel; Traber, Daniel (2013). Resolving Cl and SO4 Profiles in a Clay-Rich Rock Sequence. Procedia earth and planetary science, 7, pp. 892-895. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2013.03.197
Wanner, Christoph; Zink, Sonja; Eggenberger, Urs; Mäder, Urs (2013). Unraveling the partial failure of a permeable reactive barrier using a multi-tracer experiment and Cr isotope measurements. Applied geochemistry, 37, pp. 125-133. Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2013.07.019
Wanner, C.; Zink, S.; Eggenberger, U.; Kurz, D.; Mäder, U. (2012). A chromate-contaminated site in southern Switzerland - Part 1: Site characterization and the use of Cr isotopes to delineate fate and transport. Applied geochemistry, 27(3), pp. 644-654. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.11.009
Wanner, C.; Eggenberger, U.; Mäder, U. (2012). A chromate-contaminated site in southern Switzerland - Part 2: Reactive transport modeling to optimize remediation options. Applied geochemistry, 27(3), pp. 655-662. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.11.008
Wanner, C.; Zink, S.; Eggenberger, U.; Mäder, U. (2012). Assessing the Cr(VI) reduction efficiency of a permeable reactive barrier using Cr isotope measurements and 2D reactive transport modeling. Journal of contaminant hydrology, 131(1-4), pp. 54-63. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2012.01.007
Wanner, C.; Eggenberger, U.; Mäder, U. (2011). Reactive transport modeling of Cr(VI) treatment under fast flow conditions. Applied geochemistry, 26(8), pp. 1513-1523. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.06.015
Wersin, Paul; Leupin, X.O.; Mettler, S.; Gaucher, E. C.; Mäder, U.; Vinsot, A.; De Canni re, P.; Gäbler, H.E.; Kunimaro, T.; Kiho, K. (2011). Biogeochemical processes in a clay formation in-situ experiment: Part A - Overview, experimental design and water data of an experiment in the Opalinus Clay at the Mont Terri Underground Research Laboratory, Switzerland. Applied geochemistry, 26(6), pp. 931-953. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.03.004
Aimoz, Laure; Curti, Enzo; Mäder, U. (2011). Iodide interaction with natural pyrite. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 288(2), pp. 517-524. Berlin: Springer Netherlands 10.1007/s10967-010-0959-9
Soler, J.M.; Mäder, Urs (2005). Interaction Between Hyperalkaline Fluids and Rocks Hosting Repositories for Radioactive Waste: Reactive Transport Simulations. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 151(1), pp. 128-133. American Nuclear Society
Eggenberger, Urs; Schenk, K.; Mäder, Urs (2004). Chemistry and mineralogy of municipal solid waste incinerator bottom ash. Geological Society Special Publications, 236(1), pp. 411-422. Geological Society 10.1144/GSL.SP.2004.236.01.23
Soler, J.M.; Mäder, Urs (2003). The GTS-HPF experiment: reaction-induced permeability changes. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 66(Supplement 1), p. 721. Elsevier Science
Perret, Didier; Crovisier, Jean-Louis; Stille, Peter; Shields, Graham; Mäder, Urs; Advocat, Thierry; Schenk, Kaarina; Chardonnens, Marc (2003). Thermodynamic stability of waste glasses compared to leaching behaviour. Applied geochemistry, 18(8), pp. 1165-1184. Elsevier 10.1016/S0883-2927(02)00245-7
Traber, D.; Mäder, U.; Eggenberger, U. (2002). Petrology and geochemistry of a municipal solid waste incinerator residue treated at high temperature. Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 82(1), pp. 1-14. Stäubli
Traber, D.; Mäder, Urs; Eggenberger, Urs; Simon, F.G.; Wieckert, C. (1999). Phase Chemistry Study of Products from the Vitrification Processes AshArc and Deglor. Glass Science and Technology, 72, pp. 91-98. Deutsche Glastechnische Gesellschaft
Adler, M.; Mäder, U.; Waber, Niklaus (1999). High-pH Alteration of Argillaceous Rocks: An Experimental Study. Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 79(3), pp. 445-454. Stäubli
Mäder, Urs; Mazurek, Martin (1997). Oxidation Phenomena and Processes in Opalinus Clay: Evidence From the Excavation-Disturbed Zones in Hauenstein and Mt. Terri Tunnels and Siblingen Open Clay Pit. MRS Proceedings, 506, pp. 731-739. Materials Research Society 10.1557/PROC-506-731
Mäder, Urs; Ramseyer, Karl; Daniels, Eric; Althaus, Egon (1996). Gibbs free energy of buddingtonite (NH4AlSi3O8) extrapolated from experiments and comparison to natural occurrences and polyhedral estimation. European journal of mineralogy, 8(4), pp. 755-766. E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Nägele u. Obermiller) 10.1127/ejm/8/4/0755
Traber, D.; Jacobs, F.; Mäder, Urs; Eggenberger, Urs (2000). Sekundärstoffe im Beton: Technische und ökologische Anforderungen. Betonwerk und Fertigteil-Technologie, 66, pp. 76-84.
Traber, D.; Mäder, Urs (1999). Langzeitverhalten und stoffliche Charakterisierung thermisch behandelter KVA-Rückstände: Stoffübergänge in die Umwelt und Einsatz als Sekundärstoffe. In: Forschung für eine nachhaltige Abfallwirtschaft: Ergebnisse des Integrierten Projekts Abfall im Schwerpunktprogramm Umwelt des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds 1996-1999. Paul Scherrer Institut
Mäder, U.; Wersin, P. (2023). Reference porewaters for SGT Stage 3 of the Opalinus Clay for the siting regions Jura Ost (JO), Nördlich Lägern (NL) and Zürich Nordost (ZNO) (Arbeitsbericht NAB 22-47). Wettingen, Switzerland: Nagra
Wersin, P.; Pekala, M.; Mazurek, M.; Gimmi, T.; Mäder, U.; Jenni, A.; Rufer, D.; Aschwanden, L. (2020). Porewater Chemistry of Opalinus Clay: Methods, Data, Modelling & Buffering Capacity (Technical Report, Nagra 18-01). NAGRA, National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste
Jenni, Andreas; Wersin, Paul; Thoenen, T.; Baeyens, B.; Ferrari, A.; Gimmi, Thomas; Mäder, Urs; Marschall, P.; Hummel, W.; Leupin, O. (2019). Bentonite backfill performance in a high-level waste repository: a geochemical perspective (Technical Report, Nagra NTB 19-03). Wettingen, Switzerland: NAGRA, National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste
Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas; Naumann, B.; Reichenwallner, Simon; Cloet, V. (2017). CI Experiment: 4th Sampling Campaign (2017) for 10-year-old interfaces of OPA with OPC/LAC/ESDRED concrete, MX-80 bentonite with OPC/LAC, and 2-year-old interfaces of OPA with Belgian super container concrete and Japanese HFSC St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project
Fisch, Martin; Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs; Grolimund, D.; Cloet, V. (2017). CI Experiment: Micro-XRD studies on 3.2-year-old interfaces between Opalinus Clay and OPC and ESDRED mortar (3rd sampling campaign 2015) St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project
Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs (2015). FE-C Experiment: Investigation of the interface between Opalinus Clay and the shotcrete used in the FE tunnel (Arbeitsbericht). St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project
Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas; Dolder, Florian Dominik (2014). CI Experiment: Sample preparation and sample inventory of the 2nd sampling campaign (2012) for concrete/Opalinus Clay and concrete/MX-80 bentonite interfaces (Arbeitsbericht). St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project
Mäder, Urs; Eul, A.; Jenni, Andreas; Frieg, B.; Dolder, Florian Dominik (2014). CI Experiment: Sampling by stabilized overcoring for the 2nd campaign (2012) (Arbeitsbericht). St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project
Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs; Lerouge, C.; Gaboreau, S. (2014). CI Experiment: Synthesis of in-situ interaction for 2.2 y between different concretes and Opalinus Clay (Arbeitsbericht). St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project
Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs (2014). CI (Cement Clay Interaction) Experiment: SEM/EDX characterisation of concrete/Opalinus Clay interfaces from 2nd sampling campaign and comparison to state after 1st sampling (Arbeitsbericht). St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project
Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs (2014). CI (Cement Clay Interaction) Experiment: Set-up and first results for modelling of concrete/Opalinus Clay interfaces (Arbeitsbericht). St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project
Wersin, P.; Mazurek, M.; Waber, H.N.; Mäder, U.K.; Gimmi, Th.; Rufer, D.; de Haller, A. (2013). Rock and porewater characterisation on drillcores from the Schlattingen borehole (Nagra Arbeitsberichte NAB 12-54). Wettingen, Switzerland: Nagra
Mazurek, Martin; Waber, Niklaus; Mäder, Urs; Gimmi, Thomas; de Haller, Antoine; Koroleva, Margarita (2012). Geochemical synthesis for the Effingen Member in boreholes at Oftringen, Gösgen and Küttigen (Technical Report, Nagra 12-07). Wettingen: Nagra
Leupin, O.; Wersin, P.; Mettler, S.; Mäder, U.; Gaucher, E. C.; Vinsot, A.; De Cannière, P.; Gäbler, H.E.; Eichinger, L.; Kunimaro, T.; Kiho, K. (2012). PC (Porewater chemistry) Experiment: Synthesis report (Mont Terri Technical Report TR 2009-06). Mont Terri Project
Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas (2009). CI Experiment: First sampling campaign of the in-situ experiment to recover concrete/Opalinus Clay interfaces after 2.2 years (Arbeitsbericht). St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project
Dolder, Florian Dominik; Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas; Münch, Beat (23 March 2015). Stability of bentonite under high-pH conditions: An experimental approach including modeling (Unpublished). In: 6th international conference on Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement. Brüssel. 23.-26.03.2015.
Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs; Wieland, E.; Lerouge, C.; Gaboreau, S. (2015). Concrete-clay interaction: give-and-take without a loser? (Unpublished). In: 6th Meeting on Clays in Natural and Engineered Barrier for Radioactive Waste Confinement. Brussels, Belgium.
Wersin, Paul; Mazurek, Martin; Waber, Niklaus; Mäder, Urs; Gimmi, Thomas; Rufer, Daniel; Lerouge, Catherine; Oyama, Takahiro; Traber, Daniel (2015). Constraining porewater chemistry in a clay–rich rock sequence. In: Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement: 6th International Conference. Brussels. 23.-26.03.2015.
Dolder, Florian Dominik; Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas (21 November 2014). Stability of bentonite under high-pH conditions (Unpublished). In: 12th Swiss Geoscience Meeting. Fribourg. 21.-22.11.2014.
Dolder, Florian Dominik; Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas (25 August 2013). Tracking high-pH reaction fronts in MX-80 bentonite using infiltration techniques and 4D CT (Unpublished). In: Goldschmidt Conference. Florence. 25.-30.08.2013.
Dolder, Florian Dominik; Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs (22 October 2012). Experimental characterization of cement-bentonite interaction using core infiltration techniques coupled with 4D X-ray tomography (Unpublished). In: Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. Montpellier. 22 – 25 October 2012.
Mäder, U.K.; Waber, H.N.; Gautschi, A. (2004). New method for porewater extraction from claystone and determination of transport properties with results for Opalinus Clay (Switzerland). In: Wanty, R.B.; Seal, R.R. (eds.) 11th Internat. Symp. on Water-Rock Interaction - WRI-11 1 (pp. 445-449). London: Taylor & Francis Group
Traber, D.; Mäder, Urs (2004). Exploring the diffusive interaction between Opalinus Clay and concrete using reactive transport modelling. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 68, p. 512. Elsevier Science
Soler, J.M.; Pfingsten, W.; Paris, B.; Mäder, Urs; Frieg, B. (2004). High-pH Plume in a Fractured Granite: Mineral Reaction and Permeability Changes. AGU Fall 2004.. Amercian Geophysical Union
Mäder, Urs; Frieg, Bernd; Puigdomenech, Ignasi; Decombarieu, Michel; Yui, Mikazu (2003). Hyperalkaline Cement Leachate-Rock Interaction and Radionuclide Transport in a Fractured Host Rock (HPF Project). MRS Proceedings, 807. Materials Research Society 10.1557/PROC-807-861
Mäder, U.; Adler, M.; Steefel, C.I.; Waber, Niklaus; Traber, D. (2002). Core infiltration experiment and modelling of reactive transport of high-pH solutions in clay stone. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 66(Supplement 1), A473-A473. Elsevier Science
Adler, M.; Mäder, U.; Waber, Niklaus (2001). Core infiltration experiment investigating high-pH alteration of low-permeability argillaceous rock at 30˚C. In: Cidu, R. (ed.) Water-Rock Interaction: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction, WRI-10 (pp. 1299-1302). A.A. Balkema
Adler, Michael; Mäder, Urs; Waber, Niklaus (1998). Experiment vs modelling: Diffusive and advective interaction of high-pH solution in argillaceous rock at 30C. Mineralogical magazine, 62A, pp. 15-16. Mineralogical Society
Mäder, Urs (2004). Porewater Chemistry (PC) Experiment: A new method of porewater extraction from Opalinus Clay with results for a sample from borehole BPC-A1.
Shafizadeh, Amir (2019). Neutron Imaging Study of Evolution of Structural and Transport Properties of Cement-Clay Interfaces (Unpublished). (Dissertation, Universität Bern, Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät)
Schneeberger, Raphael (2017). Interplay in 3D between faults and water flow paths in crystalline bedrock (Grimsel, Switzerland) (Unpublished). (Dissertation, Institut für Geologie, Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät)
Weibel, Gisela (2017). Optimized Metal Recovery from Fly Ash from Municipal Solid Waste Incineration. (Dissertation, Universität Bern, Philosophisch‐naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät)
Poonoosamy, Jenna (2016). Dissolution-Precipitation in Porous Media: Experiments and Modelling. (Dissertation, University of Bern, Faculty of Science, Institute of Geological Sciences)
Dolder, Florian Dominik; Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas (2015). Experimental Characterization and Quantification of Cement-Bentonite Interaction using Core Infiltration Techniques Coupled with X-ray Tomography (In Press). (Dissertation, Institut für Geologie, Philosophischen-naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät)