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Ober, Maya (18 January 2023). Multiple Feminisms, Collective Struggles.
Ober, Maya (2023). The Impact of Feminismo Popular on the Design Field (Unpublished). In: Gender(ed) Labour, Biannual Conference of the Swiss Association for Gender Studies (SAGS). University of Lausanne, Switzerland. 14.-15. September 2023.
Ober, Maya (2023). Displaying the excluded: the clash between the HfG Ulm’s democratic ideals and the reality of the admission practices (Unpublished). In: Displaying Design Design History Society Conference, ESAD. Matosihnos, Portugal. 7.-9. September 2023.
Ober, Maya (2023). Feminismo Popular: Desde los Barrios a la FADU. El Impacto de las Jornadas del Diseño Social del AUGEFADU en el Campo Proyectual (Unpublished). In: X Jornadas de Estudio y Reflexión sobre Movimientos Estudiantiles. Faculty of Philosophy and Literature, University of Buenos Aires. September 2023.
Ober, Maya (2023). Feminismo Popular: Desde los Barrios a la FADU. El impacto de las Jornadas del Diseño Social del AUGE‐FADU en el Campo Proyectual. In: Actas de las IX jornadas de estudio y reflexión sobre movimientos estudiantiles (pp. 284-293). Buenos Aires: Guadalupe Seia; Nayla Pis Diez
Ober, Maya (2023). Polyvocal Feminist Practices of Design. Revista Chilena de Diseño: creación y pensamiento, 8(15), pp. 1-6. Universidad de Chile 10.5354/0719-837X.2023.72876
Ober, Maya (ed.) (2023). Weaving Resistances: Feminist Practices of Design, from Education, Institutional Life to Professional Sphere, 2023(8(15)). Universidad de Chile
Ober, Maya (2022). Design is not for the weak: On the use in design education. Arcos Design, 15(2), pp. 258-267. 10.12957/arcosdesign.2022.64291
Ober, Maya (2022). Affective Classroom: On Choosing Life, Vulnerability and Weakness in Design Education. In: Van der Veer, Joannette (ed.) Unununimimimdededesign: The Hesitant State of Design. Onomatopee
Ober, Maya (2022). El oído feminista: desafíos y luchas de las prácticas feministas en la educación del diseño (Unpublished). In: VII Virtual Symposium International of Design Researchers. Universidad de Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 22 July 2022.
Ober, Maya (2022). Descolonizando y despatriarcalizando la educación del diseño: desafíos, tensiones y luchas en el ámbito universitario (Unpublished). In: VI Congreso de Estudios Poscoloniales y VIII Jornadas de Feminismo Poscolonial "Viajar-Mundes poscoloniales desde el sur. Performances de la tierra y artivismos. University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 5 December 2022.
Lewengard, Johanna; Ober, Maya; Crippa, Benedetta (22 December 2021). Teach What You Need to Learn. A conversation about the Swedish Master program critically addressing visual standards and promoting “norm creativity.”. In: FEMINIST CURRICULA. Online: Futuress
Ober, Maya (18 October 2021). Feminist Practices in-between: Bridging Activism and Design (Unpublished). In: “Design x Intersectional Feminism”. Department of Social Science of the University of Basel. 18.10.–29.11.2021.
Ober, Maya (2021). The past dwelling within Materials. In: Baumhakl, Werner (ed.) Material. Jahrbuch des Studiengangs Industrial Design (pp. 150-153). Basel: HGK, Institute of Contemporary Design Practices
Ober, Maya (23 August 2021). The Last Shift. Field notes from La Entrega Final, or how feminist activism plays itself in the Chair of Gender and Design at FADU, Buenos Aires. In: FEMINIST CURRICULA. Online: Futuress
Ober, Maya (26 July 2021). Moving from the margins to the mainstream: on feminist curricula and intersectional practices. An interview with Maya Ober. In: Medium. Online: The New New
Ernst, Meret; Ober, Maya (10 June 2021). Where methods meet form. In: Design Culture(s). Cumulus Conference Roma 2021. Cumulus Conference Proceedings Series: Vol. 2 (pp. 1159-1174). Rome: Cumulus
Schneider, Nicole; Ober, Maya (9 June 2021). Hybridity as a culture of making. In: Design Culture(s). Cumulus Conference Roma 2021. Cumulus Conference Proceedings Series: Vol. 2 (pp. 1994-2010). Aalto: Cumulus
Ober, Maya; Gebrayel, Imad (26 May 2021). "design exit" and affective classrooms (Unpublished). In: unununimimimdededesign symposium. online. 25-27 May 2021.
Ober, Maya (25 March 2021). Following the Otherwise. Contributions of Intersectional Feminist Design Pedagogies Towards Socially Transformative Practice. In: Botta, M.; Junginger, S. (eds.) SDN Symposium: Design as Common Good. Framing Design through Pluralism and Social Values (pp. 974-988). SUPSI, HSLU, swissdesignnetwork
Ober, Maya (7 March 2021). The Void. What the lack of documentation on Feminist Yiddish periodicals brings to light. In: FEMINIST FINDINGS. Online: Futuress
Flesler, G.; Neidhardt, Anja; Ober, Maya (2021). NOT A TOOLKIT. A Conversation on the Discomfort of Feminist Design Pedagogy. In: Mareis, C.; Paim, N. (eds.) Design Struggles. Intersecting Histories, Pedagogies, And Perspectives. PLURAL (pp. 205-225). Amsterdam: Valiz, with Swiss Design Network SDN
Ober, Maya (20 November 2020). Making Space as a Practice of Resistance: Learnings from within the Institution (Unpublished). In: Critical Gender and Diversity Knowledge. Challenges and Prospects. FHNW University of Applied Sciences, Olten, Switzerland. 20-21.11.2020.
Ober, Maya; El-Bakry, M.; Neidhardt, A.; Moritsch, H. (2 October 2020). Bodies in/and Spaces. In: Haele, U. (ed.) “Entweder oder – sowohl als auch. Gendersensibles Design” Symposium (pp. 65-76). St. Pölten: New Design University
Ober, Maya; Schneider, Nicole (10 September 2020). Hybridity as a Culture of Making (Unpublished). In: International Conference of Creativity and Innovation in Design. Barreira Arte + Diseño Center in Valencia, Spain. 10 –11.09.2019.
Ober, Maya (2020). Searching in a Void. The Feminist Findings Zine, p. 8. Liberation in Print collective
Ober, Maya; Lewengard, Johanna; Crippa, Benedetta (23 January 2019). Expanding Knowledges: Pedagogies of Freedom for Visual Communication. In: Writings. Basel: depatriarchise design
Groten, Anja; Ober, Maya (2019). Working From Within: depatriarchise design. In: Laranjo, Francisco (ed.) Radical Pedagogy. Modes of Criticism: Vol. 4 (pp. 50-61). Eindhoven: Onomatopee
Ober, Maya; Neidhardt, Anja (2019). Form, function, content, payroll: micro and macro politics of design. The Fourth Estate Utopias(1), pp. 23-186. London: House of Common Affairs
Ober, Maya; Schneider, Nicole (2019). La Cultura del Fare. In: Baumhakl, W. (ed.) Gestaltungsorte. Jahrbuch des Studiengangs Industrial Design (pp. 112-123). Basel: HGK, Institut Industrial Design
Ober, Maya; Neidhardt, Anja (28 September 2018). Getting Personal: Feminist Politics of Design (Unpublished). In: Plan D, Design Festival,. Zagreb, Croatia. 28.09.2018.
Ober, Maya (15 June 2018). Antagonised identities of south Tel Aviv Neighbourhoods of Shapira and Neve Sha’anan (Unpublished). In: Does identity matter? A symposium on architecture and identity. Royal Academy of Arts, London, UK. 15.06.2018.
Ober, Maya (29 April 2018). Closer Looks at Beyond Change. Accessibility and the Demographics. In: Writings. Online: depatriarchise design
Goldin, Magdalena Ines; Ober, Maya (20 January 2018). Polarised migration: Self-perspectives on Gold, Capital and Exploitation of Women. In: Writings. Online: depatriarchise design
Ober, Maya; Baumhakl, W. (2018). Poetry of Light: Eine Fallstudie für forschungsbasiertes Lernen. In: Baumhakl, W. (ed.) Poetry of Design. Wie wir Zukunft gestalten (pp. 104-111). Basel: HGK, Institut Industrial Design
Ober, Maya; Schneider, Nicole (2018). Textile Landscapes. Experimente mit Textilien. In: Baumhakl, W. (ed.) Poetry of Design. Wie wir Zukunft gestalten (pp. 120-121). Basel: HGK, Institut Industrial Design
Ober, Maya (2018). Design ist politisch. In: And She Was Like: BÄM! (pp. 18-24). Köln: Strzelecki Books
Ober, Maya; Goldin, Magdalena (2017). Polarised Migration. Migrant Journal. Wired Capital(2), pp. 102-113. Migrant Journal Press