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Steuri, Noah; Sahli, Oliver; Reich, Johannes; Milella, Marco; Nyffeler, Jonas; Doppler, Thomas; Lösch, Sandra; Hafner, Albert (2023). Virtual Reality applications for visualization of 6000-year-old Neolithic graves from Lenzburg (Switzerland). Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 30, e00283. Elsevier 10.1016/j.daach.2023.e00283
Bolliger, Matthias; Maczkowski, Andrej; Francuz, John; Reich, Johannes; Hostettler, Marco; Ballmer, Ariane; Naumov, Goce; Taneski, Bojan; Todoroska, Valentina; Szidat, Sönke; Hafner, Albert (2023). Dendroarchaeology at Lake Ohrid: 5th and 2nd millennia BCE tree-ring chronologies from the waterlogged site of Ploča Mičov Grad, North Macedonia. Dendrochronologia, 79, p. 126095. Elsevier 10.1016/j.dendro.2023.126095
Reich, Johannes; Steiner, Philipp; Ballmer, Ariane; Emmenegger, Lea; Hostettler, Marco; Stäheli, Corinne; Naumov, Goce; Taneski, Bojan; Todoroska, Valentina; Schindler, Konrad; Hafner, Albert (2021). A novel Structure from Motion-based approach to underwater pile field documentation. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 39(103120), p. 103120. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.103120
Hafner, Albert; Reich, Johannes; Ballmer, Ariane; Bolliger, Matthias; Antolín, Ferran; Charles, Mike; Emmenegger, Lea; Fandré, Josiane; Francuz, John; Gobet, Erika; Hostettler, Marco; Lotter, André F.; Maczkowski, Andrej; Morales-Molino, César; Naumov, Goce; Stäheli, Corinne; Szidat, Sönke; Taneski, Bojan; Todoroska, Valentina; Bogaard, Amy; ... (2021). First absolute chronologies of neolithic and bronze age settlements at Lake Ohrid based on dendrochronology and radiocarbon dating. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 38, p. 103107. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.103107
Reich, Johannes (2021). Die späteisenzeitliche Siedlung von Trimmis GR im Alpenrheintal. Jahrbuch Archäologie Schweiz, 104, pp. 31-74. Archaeologie Schweiz
Heitz, Caroline; Brunner, Mirco; Buhlke, Anja; Andres, Brigitte; Reich, Johannes; Hafner, Albert; Turck, Rouven; Della Casa, Philippe (2020). 20. BINN, Bezirk goms. Binntal. Vallesia : revue annuelle des Archives de l'Etat du Valais, 2018-2019(LXXIII-LXXIV), pp. 359-423. Archives
Naumov, Goce; Hafner, Albert; Taneski, Bojan; Ballmer, Ariane; Reich, Johannes; Hostettler, Marco; Bolliger, Matthias; Francuz, John; Maczkowski, Andrej; Boogard, Amy; Antolin, Ferran; Charles, Mike; Tinner, Willy; Morales del Molino, Cesar; Lotter, André (2019). Research in 2019 at the site of Ploča-Mićov Grad near Gradište (Lake Ohrid). Patrimonium.mk. Periodical for cultural Heritage - Monuments, Restoration, Museums, 12(17), pp. 11-46. CALAMUS Gandčo Hadžipanzov 26, 1000 Skopje, Northern Macedonia
Naumov, Goce; Hafner, Albert; Taneski, Bojan; Reich, Johannes Jakob; Hostettler, Marco; Todoroska, Valentina; Emmenegger, Lea; Stäheli, Corinne Silvia; Szidat, Sönke; Papadopoulou, Stella; Francuz, John; Bolliger, Matthias (2019). ИСТРАЖУВАЊЕ ВО 2018 ГОДИНА НА ЛОКАЛИТЕТОТ ПЛОЧА - МИЌОВ ГРАД ВО ОХРИДСКОТО ЕЗЕРО - Research in 2018 at Ploča-Mićov Grad site on the Lake Ohrid. ПАТРИМОНИУМ.МК, pp. 9-35.
Brunner, Mirco; Buhlke, Anja; Corti, Anaïs Noémie; Franz, Michel; Reich, Johannes; Schiltknecht, Clara Maria Katharina; Stäheli, Corinne Silvia (2018). Montanarchäologische Untersuchungen am Calanda. Archäologie Graubünden, 3, pp. 91-104. Somedia Buchverlag 10.5169/seals-869721
Todoroska, Valentina; Naumov, Goce; Hafner, Albert; Taneski, Bojan; Meinberger, Martin; Emmenegger, Lea; Hostettler, Marko; Reich, Johannes; Dolbunova, Ekaterina; Krotov, Yan; Stäheli, Corinne; Tymoshenko, Mariia; Streng, Verena (2018). Excavation on the Ploča-Michovgrad site, Ohrid, 2017 Research. arheološk INFORMATOR - Academic Journal of Archaeology, 2, pp. 17-25. MENELAJ, Prilep
Hostettler, Marco; Anja, Buhlke; Drummer, Clara; Emmenegger, Lea; Reich, Johannes; Stäheli, Corinne (2020). Bildbasierte 3D-Dokumentation. Wie wird sie genutzt? Eine Umfrage zum Einsatz von 3D Technologien in der Archäologie. Rundbrief Grabungstechnik(18), pp. 16-22. Verband für Grabungstechnik und Feldarchäologie e.V.
Hostettler, Marco; Buhlke, Anja; Drummer, Clara; Emmenegger, Lea; Reich, Johannes; Stäheli, Corinne (2024). 3D Archaeology and Cultural Heritage: Where Are We Today? In: The 3 Dimensions of Digitalised Archaeology. State-of-the-Art, Data Management and Current Challenges in Archaeological 3D-Documentation (pp. 3-8). Cham: Springer 10.1007/978-3-031-53032-6_1
Hostettler, Marco; Buhlke, Anja; Drummer, Clara; Emmenegger, Lea; Reich, Johannes; Stäheli, Corinne (2024). Digital Archaeology Between Hype and Reality: The Results of a Survey on the Use of 3D Technologies in Archaeology. In: The 3 Dimensions of Digitalised Archaeology. State-of-the-Art, Data Management and Current Challenges in Archaeological 3D-Documentation (pp. 181-203). Cham: Springer 10.1007/978-3-031-53032-6_11
Hostettler, Marco; Buhlke, Anja; Drummer, Clara; Emmenegger, Lea; Reich, Johannes; Stäheli, Corinne (2024). Concluding Remarks – Coordinates for the Future of Digitalised Archaeology. In: The 3 Dimensions of Digitalised Archaeology. State-of-the-Art, Data Management and Current Challenges in Archaeological 3D-Documentation (pp. 221-225). Cham: Springer 10.1007/978-3-031-53032-6_13
Brand, Pascal; Demierre, Matthieu; Ebnöther, Christa; Genechesi, Julia; Lanzicher, Andrea Francesco; Luginbühl, Thierry; Reich, Johannes; Raaflaub, Matthias; Tretola Martinez, Debora C.; Wimmer, Johannes; Barrier, Sylvie; Berger, Raphael; Bütikofer, Maria; Carron, Nathanaël; Castella, Daniel; Goldhorn, Denis; Kaenel, Gilbert; Napi, Romaine; Schopfer, Anne (2021). Chronologie et répartition spatiale des établissements fortifiés tardo-laténiens du Plateau et du Jura suisses. In: Espaces fortifiés à l'âge du Fer en Europe. 43e colloque international de l'Association Française pour l'Étude de l'Âge du Fer Le Puy-en-Velay, 30 mai - 1er juin 2019. Collection Afeaf: Vol. 3 (pp. 375-391). Paris: AFEAF
Reich, Johannes (2020). Zum Potenzial von Structure from Motion in der Unterwasserarchäologie. In: Pult, Claire Hausser (ed.) tauchen & entwickeln. Fachbericht: Vol. 3 (pp. 36-39). Zürich: Stadt Zürich, Hochbaudepartement, Amt für Städtebau (AfS)
Hostettler, Marco; Buhlke, Anja; Drummer, Clara; Emmenegger, Lea; Reich, Johannes; Stäheli, Corinne (eds.) (2024). The 3 Dimensions of Digitalised Archaeology. State-of-the-Art, Data Management and Current Challenges in Archaeological 3D-Documentation. Cham: Springer 10.1007/978-3-031-53032-6
Maczkowski, A.; Bolliger, M.; Francuz, J.; Reich, J.; Hostettler, M.; Szidat, S.; Hafner, A. (September 2022). Establishing prehistoric tree-ring chronologies for the southern Balkans: first results from lakeshore settlements of the 6th to 1st millennium BC (Unpublished). In: 24th Radiocarbon Conference 10th 14C & Archaeology Conference. ETH, Zurich. 11-16 September 2022.
Reich, Johannes (5 July 2022). Archaeological Fieldwork at Lake Ohrid (Unpublished). In: Prehistoric lakeshore settlements in South-East Europe: archaeological, palaeoecological and bioarchaeological investigations within the EXPLO project. Thessaloniki, Greece. 5.–6. July 2022.
Hostettler, Marco; Drummer, Clara; Emmenegger, Lea; Reich, Johannes; Stäheli, Corinne (September 2021). Integrating all Dimensions: 3D-Applications from Excavation to Research to Dissemination. In: Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists. Kiel/Online. 08.-11. September 2021.
Reich, Johannes; Hostettler, Marco; Ballmer, Ariane Thu; Hafner, Albert (29 April 2021). Neolithic and Bronze Age pile dwellings of Lake Ohrid. Underwater excavations at Ploča Mičov Grad (North Macedonia) (Unpublished). In: International workshop: Prehistoric Wetland Sites of Southern Europe. Archaeology, Chronology, Palaeoecology and Bioarchaeology.. Virtual edition. 29–30 April 2021.
Hostettler, Marco; Drummer, Clara; Emmenegger, Lea; Reich, Johannes; Stäheli, Corinne Silvia; Buhlke, Anja (26 August 2020). Image-Based 3D-Documentation: Next level of Data Storage in Digital Archaeology. In: EAA 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting. Online. 24.-30.08.2020.
Hostettler, Marco; Buhlke, Anja; Drummer, Clara; Emmenegger, Lea; Reich, Johannes; Stäheli, Corinne (26 August 2020). Survey on the current use and application of 3D-technology for archaeological and cultural heritage purposes (Unpublished). In: EAA 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting. online. 24.-30.08.2020.
Hostettler, Marco; Buhlke, Anja; Reich, Johannes; Stäheli, Corinne Silvia; Drummer, Clara (7 September 2019). The 3 Dimensions of Digitalized Archaeology. Data Management, Scientific benefit and Risks od Data Storage in Archaeological image-based 3D-Documentation (Unpublished). In: Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA). Bern. 04.09.-07.09.2019.
Reich, Johannes; Emmenegger, Lea; Hostettler, Marco; Stäheli, Corinne Silvia; Naumov, Goce; Hafner, Albert (4 February 2019). A new Approach for Structure from Motion Underwater Pile-Field Documentation. In: Digital Archaeology. Quantitive approaches, spatial statistics and socioecological modelling. Bern. 04. – 06.02.2019. 10.5281/zenodo.2552068
Hafner, Albert; Reich, Johannes; Ballmer, Ariane Thu; Hostettler, Marco; Szidat, Sönke; Stäheli, Corinne Silvia; Emmenegger, Lea Meret; Francuz, John; Bolliger, Matthias; Maczkowski, Andrej (2019). EXPLO – Exploring the dynamics and causes of prehistoric land use change in the cradle of European farming (Unpublished). In: Forschungskolloquium zur Prähistorischen Archäologie. 13.05.2019.
Emmenegger, Lea; Hostettler, Marco; Reich, Johannes; Stäheli, Corinne (2 May 2018). Diving into Research. A Talk about the NEENAWA Scientific Diving Course and a resulting new Project at Lake Ohrid. (Unpublished). In: Southeast European and Swiss Network in Wetland Archaeology. Bern. 02.05 - 04.05.2018.