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Veit, Heinz (2021). Humboldts wissenschaftliche Konzepte in der modernen Geographie und Landschaftsökologie. In: Kviat Bloch, Sara; Lubrich, Oliver; Steinke, Hubert (eds.) Alexander von Humboldt – Wissenschaften zusammendenken. Berner Universitätsschriften: Vol. 62 (pp. 171-206). Haupt Verlag 10.36950/BUS.62.8
Veit, Heinz; Groos, Alexander (2020). Globale Klima- und Gletscherveränderungen im Pleistozän und Holozän. In: Lozán, José L.; Breckle, Siegmar-W.; Escher-Vetter, Heidi; Grassl, Hartmut; Kasang, Dieter; Paul, Frank; Schickhoff, Udo (eds.) Warnsignal Klima: Hochgebirge im Wandel. Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen (pp. 92-97). Hamburg: GEO
Groos, Alexander R.; Niederhauser, Janik; Wraase, Luise; Hänsel, Falk; Nauss, Thomas; Akçar, Naki; Veit, Heinz (2020). Implications of present ground temperatures and relict stone stripes in the Ethiopian Highlands for the palaeoclimate of the tropics. Earth Surface Dynamics Discussions, pp. 1-37. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/esurf-2020-53
Veit, Heinz (2020). Formengemeinschaften der Gebirge. In: Gebhardt, Hans; Glaser, Rüdiger; Radtke, Ulrich; Reuber, Paul; Vött, Andreas (eds.) Geographie – Physische Geographie und Humangeographie (pp. 444-447). Heidelberg: Springer Spektrum
Veit, Heinz (2019). Alexander von Humboldt als Geograph und Landschaftsökologe. GeoAgenda, 2019(2), pp. 14-17. Verband Geographie Schweiz
Groos, Alexander Raphael; Akçar, Naki; Veit, Heinz (2017). Projektvorstellung: Rekonstruktion der Glazialgeschichte im südlichen Hochland von Äthiopien. Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 68(Juni), pp. 80-82. ARGE GMIT Bonn
Veit, Heinz; Zech, Roland; Trauerstein, Mareike; Messmer, Tobias; Gnägi, Christian; Wüthrich, Lorenz Andreas (2015). Böden und Paläoböden des Schweizer Mittellandes im Spiegel der Landschaftsgeschichte. Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft der Schweiz
Veit, Heinz; Gnägi, Christian (2014). Die Böden des Berner Mittellandes. Braunerden und Parabraunerden im Spiegel der eiszeitlichen Landschaftsentwicklung. In: Bäschlin, Elisabeth; Mayer, Heike; Hasler, Martin (eds.) Bern. Stadt und Region. Die Entwicklung im Spiegel der Forschung. Jahrbuch der Geographischen Gesellschaft Bern: Vol. 64 (pp. 267-292). Bern: Geographische Gesellschaft Bern
Heer, Aleksandra; Lowick, Sally; Preusser, Frank; Veit, Heinz (2007). The application of OSL and soil stratigraphy in order to understand the landscape and climate change of the late Pleistocene/early Holocene in the Alpine northwest foreland (Unpublished). In: 9th International Conference "Methods of Absolute Chronology". Gliwice, Poland. 25.-27.04.2007.
Heer, Aleksandra; Lowick, Sally; Preusser, Frank; Veit, Heinz (2007). Late Pleistocene Dunes on the Swiss Plateau: a new contribution from OSL & (palaeo) pedology towards the understanding of Late Pleistocene landscape evolution. In: Preusser, Frank (ed.) Mankind - Environment - Climate. Perspectives for Quaternary Research in Switzerland. Abstracts (pp. 36-37). Schweizerische Kommission für Quartärforschung
Heer, Aleksandra; Lowick, Sally; Preusser, Frank; Veit, Heinz (2007). Late Pleistocene Dunes on the Swiss Plateau a new contribution from OSL & (palaeo) pedology towards the understanding of late Pleistocene landscape evolution. In: 5th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Geneva 2007. Internetpublikation
May, Jan-Hendrik; Veit, Heinz (2007). Late Quaternary piedmont stratigraphy and paleoenvironments of Eastern Bolivia. Geophysical Research Abstracts (GRA), 9, p. 4477.
May, Jan-Hendrik; Schellenberger, Andreas; Sabino, I; Veit, Heinz (2007). Piedmont stratigraphy at Riacho Seco (Salta) and its implications for the Late Quaternary environmental evolution of NW Argentina. In: Preusser, Frank (ed.) Mankind - Environment - Climate. Perspectives for Quaternary Research in Switzerland. Abstracts (p. 44). Schweizerische Kommission für Quartärforschung
Veit, Heinz (2007). Quartäre Klima- und Landschaftsveränderungen in Südamerika. Geographische Rundschau(4), pp. 4-10. Braunschweig: Westermann
Hurni, Hans; Bantider, Amare; Herweg, Karl; Portner, Brigitte; Veit, Heinz (2007). Landscape Transformation and Sustainable Development in Ethiopia: Background information for a study tour through Ethiopia, 4-20 September 2006 Bern, Switzerland: Geographisches Institut, Universität Bern
Veit, Heinz (2006). Zur Paläo-Geoökologie der Zentralen Anden - Einführung zum Themenheft. Geographica Helvetica, 61(2), pp. 74-76. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/gh-61-74-2006
Schulte, Lothar; Veit, Heinz; Burjachs, Francesc; Julià, Ramon (2006). River response to climate variability and land-use in the Bernese Alps during the last 2400 years. In: Houben, P. (ed.) LUCIFS-Workshop 2006. New trends in Geomorphology - Systems-based understanding of long term man-landscape interactions. Frankfurt a.M./Münzenberg (Germany). 12.-14.05.2006.
Veit, Heinz (2006). Quartäre Landschafts- und Klimageschichte Südamerikas. In: Borsdorf, Axel; Hödl, Walter (eds.) Naturraum Lateinamerika. Geographische und biologische Grundlagen. Atención! Jahrbuch des Österreichischen Lateinamerika-Instituts: Vol. 10 (pp. 53-74). Berlin: LIT
Veit, Heinz; Scheurer, Thomas (2006). Mountain Research Across Boundaries. A Portrait of the International Scientific Committee on Research in the Alps (ISCAR). Mountain Research and Development, 26(4), pp. 372-373. International Mountain Society 10.1659/0276-4741(2006)26[372:MRAB]2.0.CO;2
Hurni, Hans; Veit, Heinz; Wanner, Heinz; Germann, Peter; Kienholz, Hans; Weingartner, Rolf; Wunderle, Stefan; Messerli, Paul Walter; Egli, Hans-Rudolf; Wastl-Walter, Doris; Maselli, Daniel; Messerli, Peter; Wiesmann, Urs (2003). Research on Mountains and Global Change. Geographica Helvetica, 58(3), pp. 253-266. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/gh-58-253-2003
Veit, Heinz (2002). Die Alpen – Geoökologie und Landschaftsentwicklung [Textbook] . UTB: Vol. 2327. Stuttgart: Eugen Ulmer
Groos, Alexander R.; Niederhauser, Janik; Lemma, Bruk; Fekadu, Mekbib; Zech, Wolfgang; Hänsel, Falk; Wraase, Luise; Akçar, Naki; Veit, Heinz (2022). An hourly ground temperature dataset for 16 high-elevation sites (3493–4377 m a.s.l.) in the Bale Mountains, Ethiopia (2017–2020). Earth System Science Data, 14(3), pp. 1043-1062. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/essd-14-1043-2022
Groos, Alexander R.; Akçar, Naki; Yesilyurt, Serdar; Miehe, Georg; Vockenhuber, Christof; Veit, Heinz (2021). Nonuniform Late Pleistocene glacier fluctuations in tropical Eastern Africa. Science Advances, 7(11), eabb6826. American Association for the Advancement of Science 10.1126/sciadv.abb6826
Groos, Alexander R.; Niederhauser, Janik; Wraase, Luise; Hänsel, Falk; Nauss, Thomas; Akçar, Naki; Veit, Heinz (2021). The enigma of relict large sorted stone stripes in the tropical Ethiopian Highlands. Earth surface dynamics, 9(2), pp. 145-166. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/esurf-9-145-2021
Rist, Armin; Roth, Lotti; Veit, Heinz (2020). Elevational ground/air thermal gradients in the Swiss inner Alpine Valais. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 52(1), pp. 341-360. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/15230430.2020.1742022
Lombardo, Umberto; Iriarte, José; Hilbert, Lautaro; Ruiz-Pérez, Javier; Capriles, José M.; Veit, Heinz (2020). Early Holocene crop cultivation and landscape modification in Amazonia. Nature, 581(7807), pp. 190-193. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41586-020-2162-7
Ossendorf, Götz; Groos, Alexander R.; Bromm, Tobias; Tekelemariam, Minassie Girma; Glaser, Bruno; Lesur, Joséphine; Schmidt, Joachim; Akçar, Naki; Bekele, Tamrat; Beldados, Alemseged; Demissew, Sebsebe; Kahsay, Trhas Hadush; Nash, Barbara P.; Nauss, Thomas; Negash, Agazi; Nemomissa, Sileshi; Veit, Heinz; Vogelsang, Ralf; Woldu, Zerihun; Zech, Wolfgang; ... (2019). Middle Stone Age foragers resided in high elevations of the glaciated Bale Mountains, Ethiopia. Science, 365(6453), pp. 583-587. American Association for the Advancement of Science 10.1126/science.aaw8942
Capriles, José M.; Lombardo, Umberto; Maley, Blaine; Zuna, Carlos; Veit, Heinz; Kennett, Douglas J. (2019). Persistent Early to Middle Holocene tropical foraging in southwestern Amazonia. Science Advances, 5(4), eaav5449. American Association for the Advancement of Science 10.1126/sciadv.aav5449
Lombardo, Umberto; Ruiz-Pérez, Javier; Gondim Rodrigues, Leonor Maria; Mestrot, Adrien; Mayle, Francis; Madella, Marco; Szidat, Sönke; Veit, Heinz (2019). Holocene land cover change in south-western Amazonia inferred from paleoflood archives. Global and planetary change, 174, pp. 105-114. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2019.01.008
Wüthrich, Lorenz Andreas; Garcia Morabito, Ezequiel; Zech, Jana; Trauerstein, Mareike; Veit, Heinz; Gnägi, Christian; Merchel, Silke; Scharf, Andreas; Rugel, Georg; Christl, Marcus; Zech, Roland (2018). 10Be surface exposure dating of the last deglaciation in the Aare Valley, Switzerland. Swiss journal of geosciences, 111(1-2), pp. 295-303. Birkhäuser 10.1007/s00015-018-0298-3
Lombardo, Umberto; Gondim Rodrigues, Leonor; Veit, Heinz (2018). Alluvial plain dynamics and human occupation in SW Amazonia during the Holocene: A paleosol-based reconstruction. Quaternary science reviews, 180, pp. 30-41. Elsevier 10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.11.026
Gondim Rodrigues, Leonor; Lombardo, Umberto; Veit, Heinz (2018). Design of pre-Columbian raised fields in the Llanos de Moxos, Bolivian Amazon: Differential adaptations to the local environment? Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 17, pp. 366-378. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jasrep.2017.11.023
Rodrigues, Leonor; Lombardo, Umberto; Canal Beeby, Elisa; Veit, Heinz (2017). Linking soil properties and pre-Columbian agricultural strategies in the Bolivian lowlands: The case of raised fields in Exaltación. Quaternary International, 437, pp. 143-155. Pergamon Press 10.1016/j.quaint.2015.11.091
Trauerstein, Mareike; Lowick, Sally; Preusser, Frank; Veit, Heinz (2017). Testing the suitability of dim sedimentary quartz from northern Switzerland for OSL burial dose estimation. Geochronometria, 44(1), pp. 66-76. De Gruyter 10.1515/geochr-2015-0058
Veit, Heinz; Trauerstein, Mareike; Preusser, Frank; Messmer, Tobias; Gnägi, Christian; Zech, Roland; Wüthrich, Lorenz Andreas (2017). Late Glacial/Early Holocene slope deposits on the Swiss Plateau: Genesis and palaeo-environment. Catena, 158, pp. 102-112. Elsevier 10.1016/j.catena.2017.06.012
Zech, Jana; Terrizzano, Carla; Garcia Morabito, Ezequiel; Veit, Heinz; Zech, Roland (2017). Timing and extent of late pleistocene glaciation in the arid Central Andes of Argentina and Chile (22°-41°S). Cuadernos de investigación geográfica, 43(2), pp. 697-718. Universidad de La Rioja 10.18172/cig.3235
Wüthrich, Lorenz Andreas; Brändli, Claudio; Braucher, Régis; Veit, Heinz; Haghipour, Negar; Terrizzano, Carla; Christl, Marcus; Gnägi, Christian; Zech, Roland (2017). 10Be depth profiles in glacial sediments on the Swiss Plateau: deposition age, denudation and (pseudo-) inheritance. E&G quaternary science journal, 66(2), pp. 57-68. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/egqsj-66-57-2017
Brügger, Sandra Olivia; Gobet, Erika; van Leeuwen, Jacqueline; Ledru, Marie-Pierre; Colombaroli, Daniele; van der Knaap, Willem Oscar; Lombardo, Umberto; Escobar-Torrez, Katerine; Finsinger, Walter; Rodrigues, Leonor; Giesche, Alena Maria; Zarate, Modesto; Veit, Heinz; Tinner, Willy (2016). Long-term man–environment interactions in the Bolivian Amazon: 8000 years of vegetation dynamics. Quaternary Science Reviews, 132, pp. 114-128. Pergamon 10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.11.001
Capriles, José M.; Albarracin-Jordan, Juan; Lombardo, Umberto; Osorio, Daniela; Maley, Blaine; Goldstein, Steven T.; Herrera, Katherine A.; Glascock, Michael D.; Domic, Alejandra I.; Veit, Heinz; Santoro, Calogero M. (2016). High-altitude adaptation and late Pleistocene foraging in the Bolivian Andes. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 6, pp. 463-474. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.03.006
Veit, Heinz; May, Jan-Hendrik; Madella, Andrea; Delunel, Romain; Schlunegger, Fritz; Szidat, Sönke; Capriles, José M. (2016). Palaeo-geoecological significance of Pleistocene trees in the Lluta Valley, Atacama Desert. Journal of quaternary science JQS, 31(3), pp. 203-213. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 10.1002/jqs.2857
Rodrigues, Leonor; Lombardo, Umberto; Trauerstein, Mareike; Huber, Perrine; Mohr, Sandra; Veit, Heinz (2016). An insight into pre-Columbian raised fields: the case of San Borja, Bolivian lowlands. SOIL, 2(3), pp. 367-389. Copernicus 10.5194/soil-2-367-2016
Plotzki, Anna; May, J.-H.; Preusser, F.; Roesti, B.; Denier, S.; Lombardo, Umberto; Veit, Heinz (2015). Geomorphology and evolution of the late Pleistocene to Holocene fluvial system in the south-eastern Llanos de Moxos, Bolivian Amazon. Catena, 127, pp. 102-115. Elsevier 10.1016/j.catena.2014.12.019
Lombardo, Umberto; Denier, S.; Veit, Heinz (2015). Soil properties and pre-Columbian settlement patterns in the Monumental Mounds Region of the Llanos de Moxos, Bolivian Amazon. SOIL, 1(1), pp. 65-81. Copernicus 10.5194/soil-1-65-2015
Rodrigues, Leonor; Lombardo, Umberto; Fehr, Seraina; Preusser, Frank; Veit, Heinz (2015). Pre-Columbian agriculture in the Bolivian Lowlands: Construction history and management of raised fields in Bermeo. Catena, 132, pp. 126-138. Elsevier 10.1016/j.catena.2014.08.021
Veit, Heinz; Preusser, Frank; Trauerstein, Mareike (2015). The Southern Westerlies in Central Chile during the two last glacial cycles as documented by coastal aeolian sand deposits and intercalating palaeosols. Catena, 134, pp. 30-40. Elsevier 10.1016/j.catena.2014.11.002
May, Jan-Hendrik; Plotzki, Anna; Rodrigues, Leonor; Preusser, Frank; Veit, Heinz (2015). Holocene floodplain soils along the Río Mamoré, northern Bolivia, and their implications for understanding inundation and depositional patterns in seasonal wetland settings. Sedimentary geology, 330, pp. 74-89. Elsevier 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2015.10.004
Schulte, L.; Peña, J. C.; Carvalho, F.; Schmidt, T.; Julià, R.; Llorca, J.; Veit, Heinz (2015). A 2600-year history of floods in the Bernese Alps, Switzerland: frequencies, mechanisms and climate forcing. Hydrology and earth system sciences, 19(7), pp. 3047-3072. European Geosciences Union EGU 10.5194/hess-19-3047-2015
Lombardo, Umberto; Veit, Heinz (2014). The origin of oriented lakes: evidence from the Bolivian Amazon. Geomorphology, 204, pp. 502-509. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.08.029
Plotzki, Anna; May, J.-H.; Veit, Heinz; Preusser, F. (2013). Geomorphological and sedimentary evidence for late Pleistocene to Holocene hydrological change along the Río Mamoré, Bolivian Amazon. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 47, pp. 230-242. Pergamon 10.1016/j.jsames.2013.08.003
Lombardo, Umberto; Denier, Sebastian; May, Jan-Hendrik; Rodrigues, Leonor; Veit, Heinz (2013). Human-environment interactions in pre-Columbian Amazonia: The case of the Llanos de Moxos, Bolivia. Quaternary International, 312, pp. 109-119. Pergamon Press 10.1016/j.quaint.2013.01.007
Lombardo, Umberto; Szabo, Katherine; Capriles, José M.; May, Jan-Hendrik; Amelung, Wulf; Hutterer, Rainer; Lehndorff, Eva; Plotzki, Anna; Veit, Heinz; Hart, John P. (2013). Early and Middle Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Occupations in Western Amazonia: The Hidden Shell Middens. PLoS ONE, 8(8), e72746. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0072746
Rist, Armin; Keller, Felix; Schmid, Christian; Gerber, Claudia; Vogel, Dragan; Bozzini, Claudio; Wunderle, Stefan; Veit, Heinz (2013). Une lente mais constante avancée - Le cheminement des lobes de solifluxion du Munt Chavagl. In: Haller, Rudolf; Haller, Heinrich; Eisenhut, Antonia (eds.) Atlas des Schweizerischen Nationalparks - die ersten 100 Jahre (pp. 208-209). Bern: Haupt Verlag
Lombardo, Umberto; May, Jan-Hendrik; Veit, Heinz (2012). Mid- to late-Holocene fluvial activity behind pre-Columbian social complexity in the southwestern Amazon basin. Holocene, 22(9), pp. 1035-1045. Los Angeles, Calif.: Sage 10.1177/0959683612437872
Veit, Heinz; Marti, Thomas; Winiger, Lukas (2012). Environmental changes in Northern Iceland since the Younger Dryas inferred from periglacial slope deposits. Holocene, 22(3), pp. 325-335. Los Angeles, Calif.: Sage 10.1177/0959683611423695
Lombardo, Umberto; May, Jan-Hendrik; Veit, Heinz (2012). Geoecological Settings as a Driving Factor behind Pre-Columbian Human Occupation Patterns in Bolivia Amazonia. eTopoi, 3, pp. 123-129. Berlin: Exzellenzcluster 264 Topoi
May, Jan-Hendrik; Zech, Roland; Schellenberger, Andreas; Kull, Christoph; Veit, Heinz (2011). Quarternary environmental and climate changes in the Central Andes. In: Salfity, J.A.; Marquills, R. (eds.) Cenozoic Geology of the Central Andes of Argentina (pp. 247-263). SCS Publishing House
Veit, Heinz (2011). Aride Diagonale Südamerikas. In: Gebhardt, Hans; Glaser, Rüdiger; Radtke, Ulrich; Reuber, Paul (eds.) Geographie - Physische Geographie und Humangeographie (pp. 1216-1219). Berlin: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag
Veit, Heinz (2011). Formengemeinschaften der Gebirge. In: Gebhardt, Hans; Glaser, Rüdiger; Radtke, Ulrich; Reuber, Paul (eds.) Geographie - Physische Geographie und Humangeographie (pp. 459-462). Berlin: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag
Veit, Heinz (2011). Naturraum und natürliche Ressourcen. In: Schneider-Sliwa, Rita (ed.) Schweiz. Geographie - Geschichte - Wirtschaft - Politik (pp. 2-7). Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft WBG
Veit, Heinz; Häberli, Wilfried (2011). Die Alpen - ein sensibles Ökosystem. In: Schneider-Sliwa, Rita (ed.) Schweiz. Geographie - Geschichte - Wirtschaft - Politik (pp. 19-24). Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft WBG
Lombardo, Umberto; Canal-Beeby, Elisa; Veit, Heinz (2011). Eco-archeological regions in the Bolivian Amazon. An overview of pre-Columbian earthworks linking them to their environmental settings. Geographica Helvetica, 66(3), pp. 173-182. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/gh-66-173-2011
Lombardo, Umberto; Canal-Beeby, Elisa; Fehr, Seraina; Veit, Heinz (2011). Raised fields in the Bolivian Amazonia: a prehistoric green revolution or a flood risk mitigation strategy? Journal of archaeological science, 38(3), pp. 502-512. Oxford: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jas.2010.09.022
May, Jan-Hendrik; Zech, Jana; Zech, Roland; Preusser, Frank; Argollo, Jaime; Kubik, Peter W.; Veit, Heinz (2011). Reconstruction of a complex late Quaternary glacial landscape in the Cordillera de Cochabamba (Bolivia) based on a morphostratigraphic and multiple dating approach. Quaternary Research, 76(1), pp. 106-118. Egg: Elsevier 10.1016/j.yqres.2011.05.003
Plotzki, Anna; May, Jan-Hendrik; Veit, Heinz (2011). Review of past and recent fluvial dynamics in the Beni lowlands, NE Bolivia. Geographica Helvetica, 66(3), pp. 164-172. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/gh-66-164-2011
Veit, Heinz (2011). Environmental changes and pre-Columian human influence in the Amazon region - an introduction. Geographica Helvetica, 66(3), pp. 162-163. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/gh-66-162-2011
Zech, Roland; Zech, Jana; Kull, Christoph; Kubrik, Peter W.; Veit, Heinz (2011). Early last glacial maximum in the southern Central Andes reveals northward shift of the westerlies at similar to 39 ka. Climate of the past, 7(1), pp. 41-46. Göttingen: Copernicus Publications 10.5194/cp-7-41-2011
Messerli, Paul Walter; Scheurer, Thomas; Veit, Heinz (2011). Entre nostalgie et fuite – processus de migration dans les régions de montagne, et en particulier dans les Alpes. Revue de géographie alpine/Journal of alpine research, 99(1) Association pour la diffusion de la recherche alpine
Stingl, Helmut; Garleff, K.; Hofner, T.; Huwe, Bernd; Jaesche, P.; John, B.; Veit, Heinz (2010). Grundfragen des alpinen Periglazials. Ergebnisse, Probleme und Perspektiven periglazialmorphologischer Untersuchungen im Langzeitprojekt "Glorer Hütte" in der südlichen Glockner-/Nördlichen Schobergruppe (Südliche Hohe Tauern, Osttirol). In: Otto, Jan-Christoph; Schrott, Lothar (eds.) Quantifizierung von rezenten und postglazialen Sedimentflüssen in den Ostalpen. Salzburger Geographische Arbeiten: Vol. 46 (pp. 15-42). Salzburg: Universität Salzburg
Schöb, Christian; Kammer, Peter M.; Kikvidze, Zaal; Choler, Philippe; Von Felten, Stefanie; Veit, Heinz (2010). Counterbalancing effects of competition for resources and facilitation against grazing in alpine snowbed communities. Oikos, 119(10), pp. 1571-1580. Oxford: Blackwell 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2010.18288.x
Terhorst, Birgit; Solleiro-Rebolledo, Elisabeth; Veit, Heinz (2010). Preface: Quaternary landscape change and applied research fields. Geomorphology, 122(3-4), pp. 211-212. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.geomorph.2010.06.007
Zech, Jana; Zech, Roland; May, Jan-Hendrik; Kubik, Peter W.; Veit, Heinz (2010). Lateglacial and early Holocene glaciation in the tropical Andes caused by La Niña-like conditions. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 293(1-2), pp. 248-254. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.palaeo.2010.05.026
May, Jan-Hendrik; Veit, Heinz (2009). Late Quaternary paleosols and their paleoenvironmental significance along the Andean piedmont, Eastern Bolivia. Catena, 78(2), pp. 100-116. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.catena.2009.03.003
Schöb, Christian; Kammer, Peter M.; Choler, Philippe; Veit, Heinz (2009). Small-scale plant species distribution in snowbeds and its sensitivity to climate change. Journal of Plant Ecology, 200(1), pp. 91-104. Oxford: Springer Netherlands 10.1007/s11258-008-9435-9
Schulte, Lothar; Julià, Ramon; Veit, Heinz; Carvalho, F.; Carvalho, Felipe (2009). Do high-resolution fan delta records provide a useful tool for hazard assessment in mountain regions? International journal of climate change strategies and management, 1(2), pp. 197-210. Bradford: Emerald 10.1108/17568690910955649
Schulte, Lothar; Veit, Heinz; Burjachs, Francesc; Julià, Ramon (2009). Lütschine fan delta response to climate variability and land use in the Bernese Alps during the last 2400 years. Geomorphology, 108(1-2), pp. 107-121. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.geomorph.2007.11.014
Zech, Jana; Zech, Roland; Kubik, Peter W.; Veit, Heinz (2009). Glacier and climate reconstruction at Tres Lagunas, NW Argentina, based on 10Be surface exposure dating and lake sediment analyses. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 284(3-4), pp. 180-190. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.palaeo.2009.09.023
Kull, Christoph; Imhof, Samuel; Grosjean, Martin; Zech, Roland; Veit, Heinz (2008). Late Pleistocene glaciation in the Central Andes: Temperature versus humidity control A case study from the eastern Bolivian Andes (17°S) and regional synthesis. Global and planetary change, 60(1-2), pp. 148-164. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2007.03.011
Schulte, Lothar; Juliá, Ramon; Oliva, M.; Burjachs, Francesc; Veit, Heinz; Carvalho, F. (2008). Sensitivity of Alpine fluvial environments in the Swiss Alps to climate forcing during the Late Holocene. In: Schmidt, Jochen; Cochrane, Tom; Phillips, Chris; Elliott, Sandy; Davies, Tim; Basher, Les (eds.) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sediment dynamics in changing environments, 1-5 December 2008, Christchurch, New Zealand (pp. 1-6). International Association of Hydrological Sciences
May, Jan-Hendri; Argollo, J.; Veit, Heinz (2008). Holocene landscape evolution along the Andean piedmont, Bolivian Chaco. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 260(3-4), pp. 505-520. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.palaeo.2007.12.009
May, Jan-Hendrik; Zech, Roland; Veit, Heinz (2008). Late Quaternary paleosol sediment-sequences and landscape evolution along the Andean piedmont, Bolivian Chaco. Geomorphology, 98(1-2), pp. 34-54. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.geomorph.2007.02.025
Schöb, Christian; Kammer, Peter M.; Zaal Kikvidze, Philippe; Choler, P.; Veit, Heinz (2008). Changes in species composition in alpine snowbeds with climate change inferred from small-scale spatial patterns. Web ecology, 8(1), pp. 142-159. Göttingen: Copernicus Publications 10.5194/we-8-142-2008
Zech, Roland; May, Jan-Hendrik; Kull, Christoph; Ilgner, Jana; Kubik, Peter W.; Veit, Heinz (2008). Timing of the late Quaternary glaciation in the Andes from 15 to 40° S. Journal of quaternary science JQS, 23(6-7), pp. 635-647. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 10.1002/jqs.1200
Zech, Roland; Kull, Christoph; Kubik, Peter; Veit, Heinz (2007). Exposure dating of Late Glacial and pre-LGM moraines in the Cordon de Doña Rosa, Northern/Central Chile (~ 31°S). Climate of the past, 3(1), pp. 1-14. Göttingen: Copernicus Publications 10.5194/cp-3-1-2007
Zech, Roland; Kull, Christoph; Kubik, Peter; Veit, Heinz (2007). LGM and Late Glacial glacier advances in the Cordillera Real and Cochabamba (Bolivia) deduced from 10Be surface exposure dating. Climate of the past, 3(4), pp. 623-635. Göttingen: Copernicus Publications 10.5194/cp-3-623-2007
Veit, Heinz (2007). Formengemeinschaften der Gebirge. In: Gebhardt, H.; Glaser, R.; Radtke, U.; Reuber, P. (eds.) Geographie – Physische Geographie und Humangeographie (pp. 352-355). Heidelberg: Elsevier, Spektrum Verlag
Veit, Heinz (2007). Aride Diagonale Südamerikas. In: Gebhardt, H.; Glaser, R.; Radtke, U.; Reuber, P. (eds.) Geographie – Physische Geographie und Humangeographie (pp. 558-561). Elsevier, Spektrum Verlag
Eisenhut, Antonia; Zech, Roland; Kubik, Peter; Veit, Heinz (2007). Surface exposure dating on moraines in the Valle Rucachoroi (39°S, Argentina) and on Cerro Fredes Plateau (31°S, Chile). Geophysical Research Abstracts (GRA), 9, p. 2908.
Zech, Roland; Kull, Christoph; Kubik, Peter; Veit, Heinz (2007). Surface exposure dating of moraines in Bolivia: unrecognized uncertainties and paleoclimatic implications. Geophysical Research Abstracts (GRA), 9, p. 2927.
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Imhof, Samuel; Kull, Christoph; May, Jan-Hendrik; Grosjean, Martin; Veit, Heinz (2006). Temperature reduction and local last glacial maximum (LLGM): The example of the east-Andean Cordillera around Cochabamba, Bolivia (17°S). Geographica Helvetica, 61(2), pp. 91-106. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/gh-61-91-2006
Schellenberger, Andreas; Veit, Heinz (2006). Pedostratigraphy and pedological and geo¬chemical characterization of the Las Carreras loess-paleosol sequence, Valle de Tafí, NW Argentina. Quaternary Science Reviews, 25(7-8), pp. 811-831. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.quascirev.2005.07.011
Vonlanthen, Corinne; Bühler, A; Veit, Heinz; Kammer, Peter; Eugster, Werner (2006). Alpine plant communities: a statistical assessment of their relation to microclimatological, pedological, geomorphological, and other factors. Physical geography, 27(2), pp. 137-154. London: Taylor & Francis 10.2747/0272-3646.27.2.137
Zech, Roland; Kull, Christoph; Veit, Heinz (2006). Late Quaternary glacial history in the Encierro Valley, northern Chile (29°S), deduced from 10Be surface exposure dating. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 234(2-4), pp. 277-286. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.palaeo.2005.10.011
Zech, Roland; Kull, Christoph; Veit, Heinz (2006). Expositionsdatierung in den Zentralen Anden: quartäre Gletscher- und Klimarekonstruktion mittels in situ 10Be. Geographica Helvetica, 61(2), pp. 77-90. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/gh-61-77-2006
Vonlanthen, C.M.; Kammer, P.M.; Eugster, W.; Bühler, A.; Veit, Heinz (2006). Alpine vascular plant species richness: the importance of daily maximum temperature and pH. Plant Ecology, 184(1), pp. 13-25. Kluwer Academic Publishers 10.1007/s11258-005-9048-5
Glaser, Rüdiger; Ammann, Brigitta; Brauer, Achim; Heiri, Oliver; Jacobeit, Jucundus; Lotter, André F.; Luterbacher, Jürg; Maisch, Max; Magny, Michel; Pfister, Christian; Veit, Heinz; Wanner, Heinz (2005). Palaeoclimate within the River Rhine catchment during Holocene and historic times. Erdkunde, 59(3/4), pp. 251-275. Geographisches Institut, Universität Bonn 10.3112/erdkunde.2005.03.05
Valero-Garcés, Blas L.; Jenny, Bettina; Rondanelli, Mauricio; Delgado-Huertas, Antonio; Burns, Stephen J.; Veit, Heinz; Moreno, Ana (2005). Palaeohydrology of Laguna de Tagua Tagua (34° 30′ S) and moisture fluctuations in Central Chile for the last 46 000 yr. Journal of quaternary science JQS, 20(7-8), pp. 625-641. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 10.1002/jqs.988
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Schellenberger, Andreas Georg; Heller, F; Veit, Heinz (2003). Magnetostratigraphy and magnetic susceptibility of the Las Carreras loess–paleosol sequence in Valle de Tafı́, Tucumán, NW-Argentina. Quaternary International, 106-107, pp. 159-167. Pergamon Press 10.1016/S1040-6182(02)00170-2
Kull, Christoph; Hänni, Francine; Grosjean, Martin; Veit, Heinz (2003). Evidence of an LGM cooling in NW-Argentina (22°S) derived from a glacier climate model. Quaternary International, 108(1), pp. 3-11. Pergamon Press 10.1016/S1040-6182(02)00190-8
Jaesche, Philipp; Veit, Heinz; Huwe, Bernd (2003). Snow cover and soil moisture controls on solifluction in an area of seasonal frost, eastern Alps. Permafrost and periglacial processes, 14(4), pp. 399-410. Wiley 10.1002/ppp.471
Schaller, M; von Blanckenburg, F; Veit, Heinz; Kubik, P.W (2003). Influence of periglacial cover beds on in situ-produced cosmogenic 10Be in soil sections. Geomorphology, 49(3-4), pp. 255-267. Elsevier Science 10.1016/S0169-555X(02)00189-7
Jenny, Bettina; Valero-Garcés, Blas L; Urrutia, Roberto; Kelts, Kerry; Veit, Heinz; Appleby, Peter G; Geyh, Mebus (2002). Moisture changes and fluctuations of the Westerlies in Mediterranean Central Chile during the last 2000 years: The Laguna Aculeo record (33°50′S). Quaternary International, 87(1), pp. 3-18. Pergamon Press 10.1016/S1040-6182(01)00058-1
Jenny, Bettina; Valero-Garcés, Blas L.; Villa-Martínez, Rodrigo; Urrutia, Roberto; Geyh, Mebus; Veit, Heinz (2002). Early to Mid-Holocene Aridity in Central Chile and the Southern Westerlies: The Laguna Aculeo Record (34°S). Quaternary Research, 58(02), pp. 160-170. Elsevier 10.1006/qres.2002.2370
Kull, Christoph; Grosjean, Martin; Veit, Heinz (2002). Modeling Modern and Late Pleistocene Glacio-Climatological Conditions in the North Chilean Andes (29–30 °). Climatic change, 52(3), pp. 359-381. Springer 10.1023/A:1013746917257
Jaesche, P.; Huwe, B.; Stingl, H.; Veit, Heinz (2002). Temporal variability of alpine solifluction : a modelling approach. Geographica Helvetica, 57(3), pp. 157-169. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/gh-57-157-2002
Grosjean, Martin; van Leeuwen, Jacqueline; van der Knaap, Willem Oscar; Geyh, M.A; Ammann, Brigitta; Tanner, Willi; Messerli, Bruno; Núñez, L.A.; Valero-Garcés, B.L.; Veit, Heinz (2001). A 22,000 14C year BP sediment and pollen record of climate change from Laguna Miscanti (23°S), northern Chile. Global and planetary change, 28(1-4), pp. 35-51. Elsevier Science 10.1016/S0921-8181(00)00063-1