Beutler, Gerhard

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Journal Article

Beutler, Gerhard; Villiger, Arturo; Dach, Rolf; Verdun, Andreas; Jäggi, Adrian (2020). Long polar motion series: Facts and insights. Advances in space research, 66(11), pp. 2487-2515. Elsevier 10.1016/j.asr.2020.08.033

Villiger, Arturo; Dach, Rolf; Schaer, Stefan; Prange, Lars; Zimmermann, Florian; Kuhlmann, Heiner; Wübbena, Gerhard; Schmitz, Martin; Beutler, Gerhard; Jäggi, Adrian (2020). GNSS scale determination using calibrated receiver and Galileo satellite antenna patterns. Journal of geodesy, 94(9) Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00190-020-01417-0

Susnik, Andreja; Grahsl, Andrea; Arnold, Daniel; Villiger, Arturo; Dach, Rolf; Beutler, Gerhard; Jäggi, Adrian (2020). Validation of the EGSIEM-REPRO GNSS Orbitsand Satellite Clock Corrections. Remote sensing, 12(14), p. 2322. MDPI 10.3390/rs12142322

Prange, Lars; Villiger, Arturo; Sidorov, Dmitry; Schaer, Stefan; Beutler, Gerhard; Dach, Rolf; Jäggi, Adrian (2020). Overview of CODE's MGEX solution with the focus on Galileo. Advances in space research, 66(12), pp. 2786-2798. Elsevier 10.1016/j.asr.2020.04.038

Prange, Lars; Beutler, Gerhard; Dach, Rolf; Arnold, Daniel; Schaer, Stefan; Jäggi, Adrian (2019). An empirical solar radiation pressure model for satellites moving in the orbit-normal mode. Advances in space research, 65(1), pp. 235-250. Elsevier 10.1016/j.asr.2019.07.031

Scaramuzza, Stefano Maurizio; Dach, Rolf; Beutler, Gerhard; Arnold, Daniel; Susnik, Andreja; Jäggi, Adrian (2018). Dependency of geodynamic parameters on the GNSS constellation. Journal of geodesy, 92(1), pp. 93-104. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00190-017-1047-5

Prange, Lars; Orliac, Etienne; Dach, Rolf; Arnold, Daniel; Beutler, Gerhard; Schaer, Stefan; Jäggi, Adrian (2017). CODE's five-system orbit and clock solution - the challenges of multi-GNSS data analysis. Journal of geodesy, 91(4), pp. 345-360. Springer 10.1007/s00190-016-0968-8

Lutz, Simon; Beutler, Gerhard; Schaer, Stefan; Dach, Rolf; Jäggi, Adrian (2016). CODE’s new ultra-rapid orbit and ERP products for the IGS. GPS solutions, 20(2), pp. 239-250. Springer 10.1007/s10291-014-0432-2

Meyer, Ulrich; Jäggi, Adrian; Jean, Yoomin; Beutler, Gerhard (2016). AIUB-RL02: an improved time-series of monthly gravity fields from GRACE data. Geophysical journal international, 205(2), pp. 1196-1207. Blackwell Science 10.1093/gji/ggw081

Lutz, Simon; Meindl, Michael; Steigenberger, Peter; Beutler, Gerhard; Sośnica, Krzysztof; Schaer, Stefan; Dach, Rolf; Arnold, Daniel; Thaller, Daniela; Jäggi, Adrian (2015). Impact of the arc length on GNSS analysis results. Journal of geodesy, 90(4), pp. 365-378. Springer 10.1007/s00190-015-0878-1

Arnold, Daniel; Bertone, Stefano; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Mervart, Leos (2015). GRAIL gravity field determination using the Celestial Mechanics Approach. Icarus, 261, pp. 182-192. Elsevier 10.1016/j.icarus.2015.08.015

Meyer, Ulrich; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Bock, Heike (2015). The impact of common versus separate estimation of orbit parameters on GRACE gravity field solutions. Journal of geodesy, 89(7), pp. 685-696. Springer 10.1007/s00190-015-0807-3

Sosnica, Krzysztof Jakub; Jäggi, Adrian; Meyer, Ulrich; Thaller, Daniela; Beutler, Gerhard; Arnold, Daniel; Dach, Rolf (2015). Time variable Earth’s gravity field from SLR satellites. Journal of geodesy, 89(10), pp. 945-960. Springer 10.1007/s00190-015-0825-1

Arnold, Daniel; Meindl, Michael; Beutler, Gerhard; Dach, Rolf; Schaer, Stefan; Lutz, Simon; Prange, Lars; Sosnica, Krzysztof Jakub; Mervart, Leos; Jäggi, Adrian (2015). CODE’s new solar radiation pressure model for GNSS orbit determination. Journal of geodesy, 89(8), pp. 775-791. Springer 10.1007/s00190-015-0814-4

Sosnica, Krzysztof Jakub; Thaller, Daniela; Dach, Rolf; Steigenberger, Peter; Beutler, Gerhard; Arnold, Daniel; Jäggi, Adrian (2015). Satellite laser ranging to GPS and GLONASS. Journal of geodesy, 89(7), pp. 725-743. Springer 10.1007/s00190-015-0810-8

Meindl, Michael; Beutler, Gerhard; Thaller, Daniela; Dach, Rolf; Schaer, Stefan; Jäggi, Adrian (2015). A comment on the article “A collinearity diagnosis of the GNSS geocenter determination” by P. Rebischung, Z. Altamimi, and T. Springer. Journal of geodesy, 89(2), pp. 189-194. Springer 10.1007/s00190-014-0765-1

Jäggi, Adrian; Bock, Heike; Meyer, Ulrich; Beutler, Gerhard; van den IJssel, Jose (2015). GOCE: assessment of GPS-only gravity field determination. Journal of geodesy, 89(1), pp. 33-48. Springer 10.1007/s00190-014-0759-z

Bock, Heike; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Meyer, Ulrich (2014). GOCE: precise orbit determination for the entire mission. Journal of geodesy, 88(11), pp. 1047-1060. Springer 10.1007/s00190-014-0742-8

Sosnica, Krzysztof Jakub; Jäggi, Adrian; Thaller, Daniela; Dach, Rolf; Beutler, Gerhard (2014). Contribution of Starlette, Stella, and AJISAI to the SLR-derived global reference frame. Journal of geodesy, 88(8), pp. 789-804. Springer 10.1007/s00190-014-0722-z

Meindl, Michael; Beutler, Gerhard; Thaller, Daniela; Dach, Rolf; Jäggi, Adrian (2013). Geocenter coordinates estimated from GNSS data as viewed by perturbation theory. Advances in space research, 51(7), pp. 1047-1064. Pergamon 10.1016/j.asr.2012.10.026

Sosnica, Krzysztof; Thaller, Daniela; Dach, Rolf; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard (2013). Impact of loading displacements on SLR-derived parameters and on the consistency between GNSS and SLR results. Journal of geodesy, 87(8), pp. 751-769. Springer Berlin Heidelberg 10.1007/s00190-013-0644-1

Meyer, Ulrich; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard (2012). Monthly gravity field solutions based on GRACE observations generated with the Celestial Mechanics Approach. Earth and planetary science letters, 345-348, pp. 72-80. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.epsl.2012.06.026

Sosnica, Krzysztof; Thaller, Daniela; Dach, Rolf; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard (2012). Sensitivity of LAGEOS orbits to global gravity field models. Artificial satellites, 47(2), pp. 47-65. Warszawa: Versita 10.2478/v10018-012-0013-y

Bock, Heike; Jäggi, Adrian; Meyer, Ulrich; Dach, Rolf; Beutler, Gerhard (2011). Impact of GPS antenna phase center variations on precise orbits of the GOCE satellite. Advances in space research, 47(11), 1885--1893. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.asr.2011.01.017

Dach, Rolf; Böhm, Johannes; Lutz, Simon; Steigenberger, Peter; Beutler, Gerhard (2011). Evaluation of the impact of atmospheric pressure loading modeling on GNSS data analysis. Journal of geodesy, 85(2), pp. 75-91. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00190-010-0417-z

Dach, Rolf; Schmid, Ralf; Schmitz, Martin; Thaller, Daniela; Schaer, Stefan; Lutz, Simon; Steigenberger, Peter; Wübbena, Gerhard; Beutler, Gerhard (2011). Improved antenna phase center models for GLONASS. GPS solutions, 15(1), pp. 49-65. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s10291-010-0169-5

Dach, Rolf; Beutler, Gerhard; Jäggi, Adrian; Schildknecht, Thomas (2011). GNSS-Forschungsarbeiten am Astronomischen Institut der Universität. Geomatik Schweiz / Géomatique Suisse /Geomatica Svizzera, 6, pp. 280-283. Scherz: SIGImedia AG

Jäggi, Adrian; Bock, Heike; Prange, Lars; Meyer, Ulrich; Beutler, Gerhard (2011). GPS-only gravity field recovery with GOCE, CHAMP, and GRACE. Advances in space research, 47(6), 1020--1028. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.asr.2010.11.008

Thaller, Daniela; Dach, Rolf; Seitz, Manuela; Beutler, Gerhard; Mareyen, Maria; Richter, Bernd (2011). Combination of GNSS and SLR observations using satellite co-locations. Journal of geodesy, 85(5), p. 257. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00190-010-0433-z

Beutler, Gerhard; Jäggi, Adrian; Mervart, Leos; Meyer, Ulrich (2010). The celestial mechanics approach: theoretical foundations. Journal of geodesy, 84(10), pp. 605-624. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00190-010-0401-7

Beutler, Gerhard; Jäggi, Adrian; Mervart, Leos; Meyer, Ulrich (2010). The celestial mechanics approach: application to data of the GRACE mission. Journal of geodesy, 84(11), pp. 661-681. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00190-010-0402-6

Prange, Lars; Jägg, Adrian; Dach, Rolf; Bock, Heike; Beutler, Gerhard; Mervart, Leos (2010). AIUB-CHAMP02S: The influence of GNSS model changes on gravity field recovery using spaceborne GPS. Advances in space research, 45(2), pp. 215-224. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.asr.2009.09.020

Zenner, L.; Gruber, T.; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard (2010). Propagation of atmospheric model errors to gravity potential harmonics - impact on GRACE de-aliasing. Geophysical journal international, 182(2), pp. 797-807. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04669.x

Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Prange, Lars; Dach, Rolf; Mervart, Leos (2009). Assessment of GPS-only observables for Gravity Field Recovery from GRACE. International Association of Geodesy Symposia IAG, 133, pp. 113-123. New York, N.Y.: Springer

Dach, Rolf; Beutler, Gerhard; Gudmundsson, H. (2009). Analysis of GPS Data from an Antarctic Icestream. International Association of Geodesy Symposia IAG, 133, pp. 569-579. New York, N.Y.: Springer

Bock, Heike; Jäggi, Adrian; Dach, Rolf; Beutler, Gerhard; Schaer, S. (2009). GPS single-frequency orbit determination for Low Earth Orbiting satellites. Advances in space research, 43(5), pp. 783-791. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.asr.2008.12.003

Visser, P.; van den Ijssel, J.; van Helleputte, T.; Bock, Heike; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Svehla, D.; Hugentobler, Urs; Heinze, M. (2009). Orbit determination for the GOCE satellite. Advances in space research, 43(5), pp. 760-768. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.asr.2008.09.016

Beutler, Gerhard; Moore, A.W.; Müller, I.I. (2009). The International global navigation satellite system service (IGS): development and achievements. Journal of geodesy, 83(3-4), pp. 297-308. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00190-008-0268-z

Dach, Rolf; Brockmann, Elmar; Schaer, Stefan; Beutler, Gerhard; Meindl, Michael; Prange, Lars; Bock, Heike; Jäggi, Adrian; Ostini, Luca (2009). GNSS processing at CODE: status report. Journal of geodesy, 83(3-4), pp. 353-366. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00190-008-0281-2

Bock, Heike; Dach, Rolf; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard (2009). High-rate GPS clock corrections from CODE: support of 1 Hz applications. Journal of geodesy, 83(11), pp. 1083-1094. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00190-009-0326-1

Musci, Reto; Schildknecht, Thomas; Flohrer, Tim; Beutler, Gerhard (2008). Evolution of the Orbital Elements for Objects with High Area-to-Mass Ratios in Geostationary Transfer Orbits. Advances in space research, 41(7), pp. 1071-1076. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.asr.2007.02.030

Bock, Heike; Jäggi, Adrian; Svehla, Drazen; Beutler, Gerhard; Hugentobler, Urs; Visser, Pieter (2007). Precise Orbit Determination for the GOCE satellite using GPS. Advances in space research, 39(10), pp. 1638-1647. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.asr.2007.02.053

Urschl, Claudia; Beutler, Gerhard; Gurtner, Werner; Hugentobler, Urs; Schär, Stefan (2007). Contribution of SLR tracking data to GNSS orbit determination. Advances in space research, 39(10), pp. 1515-1523. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.asr.2007.01.038

Jäggi, Adrian; Hugentobler, Urs; Bock, Heike; Beutler, Gerhard (2007). Precise orbit determination for GRACE using undifferenced or doubly differenced GPS data. Advances in space research, 39(10), pp. 1612-1619. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.asr.2007.03.012

Thomas, Nicolas; Spohn, T; Barriot, J.-P.; Benz, Willy; Beutler, Gerhard; Christensen, U; Dehant, V; Fallnich, C; Giardini, D; Groussin, O; Gunderson, Kurt; Hauber, E; Hilchenbach, M; Iess, L; Lamy, P; Lara, L.-M.; Lognonn, P; Lopez-Moreno, J.~J.; Michaelis, H; Oberst, J; ... (2007). The BepiColombo Laser Altimeter (BELA): Concept and baseline design. Planetary and space science, 55(10), pp. 1398-1413. New York, N.Y.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.pss.2007.03.003

Jäggi, Adrian; Hugentobler, Urs; Beutler, Gerhard (2006). Pseudo-stochastic orbit modeling techniques for low-Earth orbiters. Journal of geodesy, 80(1), pp. 47-60. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00190-006-0029-9

Beutler, Gerhard; Jäggi, Adrian; Hugentobler, Urs; Mervart, Leos (2006). Efficient satellite orbit modelling using pseudo-stochastic parameters. Journal of geodesy, 80(7), pp. 353-372. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00190-006-0072-6

Book Section

Dach, Rolf; Schaer, Stefan; Arnold, Daniel; Prange, Lars; Sidorov, Dmitry; Susnik, Andreja; Stebler, Pascal; Villiger, Arturo; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Brockmann, E.; Ineichen, D.; Lutz, S.; Wild, U.; Nicodet, M.; Dostal, J.; Thaller, D.; Söhne, W.; Bouman, J.; Selmke, I.; ... (2019). Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE): Technical Report 2018. In: Villiger, Arturo; Dach, Rolf (eds.) IGS Technical Report 2018 (pp. 31-46). IGS Central Bureau

Dach, Rolf; Schaer, Stefan; Arnold, Daniel; Orliac, Etienne; Prange, Lars; Susnik, Andreja; Villiger, Arturo; Grahsl, Andrea; Mervart, Leos; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Brockmann, Elmar; Ineichen, Daniel; Lutz, Simon; Wiget, Adrian; Rülke, Axel; Thaller, Daniela; Habrich, Heinz; Söhne, Wolfgang; Ihde, Johannes; ... (2016). CODE Analysis center: Technical Report 2015. In: Jean, Yoomin; Dach, Rolf (eds.) IGS Technical Report 2015 (pp. 25-43). Bern: IGS Central Bureau

Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Meyer, Ulrich; Bock, Heike; Mervart, Leos (2016). The Role of Position Information for the Analysis of K-Band Data: Experiences from GRACE and GOCE for GRAIL Gravity Field Recovery. In: Sneeuw, Nico; Novák, Pavel; Crespi, Mattia; Sansò, Fernando (eds.) VIII Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy. International Association of Geodesy Symposia: Vol. 142 (pp. 157-163). Cham: Springer 10.1007/1345_2015_63

Meyer, Ulrich; Dahle, Ch; Sneeuw, N; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Bock, Heike (2016). The effect of stochastic orbit parameters on GRACE range-rate residuals and monthly gravity fields. In: Sneeuw, Nico; Novák, Pavel; Crespi, Mattia; Sansò, Fernando (eds.) VIII Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy. International Association of Geodesy Symposia: Vol. 142 (pp. 177-183). Cham: Springer 10.1007/1345_2015_67

Beutler, Gerhard; Jäggi, Adrian (2016). Bahn- und Gravitationsfeldbestimmung aus den Positionen tief fliegender Satelliten. In: Freeden, Willi; Rummel, Reiner (eds.) Handbuch der Geodäsie. Springer Reference Naturwissenschaften: Vol. 5 (pp. 1-62). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer 10.1007/978-3-662-46900-2_4-2

Arnold, Daniel; Bertone, Stefano; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Mervart, Leos; Bock, Heike; Meyer, Ulrich; Dach, Rolf (2015). Analyzing GRAIL data: First lunar gravity field solutions at AIUB. In: Mueller-Gantenbein, J.; Wiget, A.; Marti, U.; Rothacher, M.; Gilliéron, P.-Y. (eds.) Swiss National Report on the Geodetic Activities in the years 2011 to 2015 (pp. 90-93). Zürich: Swiss Geodetic Commission

Arnold, Daniel; Lutz, S.; Beutler, Gerhard; Schaer, Stefan; Dach, Rolf (2015). Impact of orbit modeling on GNSS-derived geodynamic parameters. In: Mueller-Gantenbein, J.; Wiget, A.; Marti, U.; Rothacher, M.; Gilliéron, P.-Y. (eds.) Swiss National Report on the Geodetic Activities (pp. 119-120). Zürich: Swiss Geodetic Commission

Bock, Heike; Meyer, Ulrich; Jäggi, Adrian; Dach, Rolf; Beutler, Gerhard (2015). Processing facility for ESA's GOCE gravity field explorer mission. In: Mueller-Ganteinbein, J.; Wiget, A.; Marti, U.; Rothacher, M.; Gilliéron, P.-Y. (eds.) Swiss National Report on the Geodetic Activities in the years 2011 to 2015 (pp. 78-79). Zürich: Swiss Geodetic Commission

Dach, Rolf; Arnold, Daniel; Baumann, Christian; Bertone, Stefano; Bock, Heike; Jean, Yoomin; Jäggi, Adrian; Lutz, Simon; Maier, Andrea; Meindl, Michael; Mervart, Leos; Meyer, Ulrich; Orliac, Etienne; Ortiz-Geist, Estefania; Ostini, Luca; Prange, Lars; Schaer, S.; Sośnica, K.; Thaller, Daniela; Walser, Peter; ... (2015). Bernese GNSS Software. In: Mueller-Gantenbein, J.; Wiget, A.; Marti, U.; Rothacher, M.; Gilliéron, P.-Y. (eds.) Swiss National Report on the Geodetic Activities in the years 2011 to 2015 (pp. 172-173). Zürich: Swiss Geodetic Commission

Jäggi, Adrian; Bock, Heike; Meyer, Ulrich; Beutler, Gerhard (2015). GPS-only gravity field recovery with GOCE, CHAMP, and GRACE. In: Mueller-Gantenbein, J.; Wiget, A.; Marti, U.; Rothacher, M.; Gilliéron, P.-Y. (eds.) Swiss National Report on the Geodetic Activities in the years 2011 to 2015 (pp. 93-94). Zürich: Swiss Geodetic Commission

Meyer, Ulrich; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Mervart, Leos (2015). Combined global gravity field determination based on the GRACE-, GOCE-missions. In: Mueller-Gantenbein, J.; Wiget, A.; Marti, U.; Rothacher, M.; Gilliéron, P.-Y. (eds.) Swiss National Report on the Geodetic Activities in the years 2011 to 2015 (pp. 80-81). Zürich: Swiss Geodetic Commission

Meyer, Ulrich; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Mervart, Leos (2015). Time-variable global gravity fields derived from GRACE- and GOCE-measurements. In: Mueller-Gantenbein, J.; Wiget, A.; Marti, U.; Rothacher, M.; Gilliéron, P.-Y. (eds.) Swiss National Report on the Geodetic Activities in the years 2011 to 2015 (pp. 82-83). Zürich: Swiss Geodetic Commission

Schaer, Stefan; Beutler, Gerhard; Dach, Rolf; Meindl, Michael; Lutz, Simon (2015). Geocenter estimation from GNSS data. In: Mueller-Gantenbein, J.; Wiget, A.; Marti, U.; Rothacher, M.; Gilliéron, P.-Y. (eds.) Swiss National Report on the Geodetic Activities in the years 2011 to 2015 (pp. 121-122). Zürich: Swiss Geodetic Commission

Schaer, Stefan; Dach, Rolf; Lutz, Simon; Meindl, Michael; Thaller, Daniela; Beutler, Gerhard (2015). CODE contributions to Earth rotation monitoring. In: Mueller-Gantenbein, J.; Wiget, A.; Marti, U.; Rothacher, M.; Gilliéron, P.-Y. (eds.) Swiss National Report on the Geodetic Activities in the years 2011 to 2015 (pp. 117-118). Zürich: Swiss Geodetic Commission

Sośnica, K.; Dach, Rolf; Thaller, Daniela; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard (2015). The blue-sky effect and the impact of the atmospheric pressure loading on SLR solutions. In: Mueller-Gantenbein, J.; Wiget, A.; Marti, U.; Rothacher, M.; Gilliéron, P.-Y. (eds.) Swiss National Report on the Geodetic Activities in the years 2011 to 2015 (pp. 126-127). Zürich: Swiss Geodetic Commission

Sośnica, K.; Jäggi, Adrian; Meyer, Ulrich; Thaller, Daniela; Maier, Andrea; Beutler, Gerhard; Dach, Rolf (2015). Temporal Earth's gravity field variations from SLR observations. In: Mueller-Gantenbein, J.; Wiget, A.; Marti, U.; Rothacher, M.; Gilliéron, P.-Y. (eds.) Swiss National Report on the Geodetic Activities in the years 2011 to 2015 (pp. 84-87). Zürich: Swiss Geodetic Commission

Sośnica, K.; Jäggi, Adrian; Thaller, Daniela; Dach, Rolf; Maier, Andrea; Beutler, Gerhard (2015). Geocenter coordinates and Earth rotation parameters from high and low orbiting SLR satellites. In: Mueller-Gantenbein, J.; Wiget, A.; Marti, U.; Rothacher, M.; Gilliéron, P.-Y. (eds.) Swiss National Report on the Geodetic Activities in the years 2011 to 2015 (pp. 123-125). Zürich: Swiss Geodetic Commission

Dach, Rolf; Schaer, Stefan; Lutz, Simon; Baumann, Christian; Bock, Heike; Orliac, Etienne; Prange, Lars; Thaller, Daniela; Mervart, Leos; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Brockmann, Elmar; Ineichen, Daniel; Wiget, Adrian; Weber, Georg; Habrich, Heinz; Söhne, Wolfgang; Ihde, Johannes; Steigenberger, Peter and Hugentobler, Urs (2014). Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE). In: Dach, Rolf; Jean, Yoomin (eds.) IGS Technical Report 2013 (pp. 21-34). Pasadena, CA, USA: IGS Central Bureau

Dach, Rolf; Schaer, Stefan; Lutz, Simon; Meindl, Michael; Bock, Heike; Orliac, Etienne; Prange, Lars; Mervart, Leos; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Brockmann, Elmar; Ineichen, Daniel; Wiget, Adrian; Weber, Georg; Habrich, Heinz; Ihde, Johannes; Steigenberger, Peter; Hugentobler, Urs (2013). Center for Orbit Determination In Europe. In: Dach, Rolf; Jean, Yoomin (eds.) IGS Technical Report 2012 (pp. 33-46). International GNSS Service

Meyer, Ulrich; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard (2012). The Impact of Attitude Control on GRACE Accelerometry and Orbits. In: Kenyon, Steve; Pacino, Maria Christina; Marti, Urs (eds.) Geodesy for Planet Earth. Proceedings of the 2009 IAG Symposium, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 31 August 31 - 4 September 2009. International Association of Geodesy Symposia: Vol. 136 (pp. 139-146). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag 10.1007/978-3-642-20338-1_17

Thaller, Daniela; Sosnica, Krzysztof Jakub; Beutler, Gerhard; Dach, Rolf; Jäggi, Adrian (2011). Combining SLR and GNSS measurements. In: Adrian Wiget, Urs Marti (ed.) Swiss National Report on the GEODETIC ACTIVITIES in the years 2007 to 2011. Presented to the XXV General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics in Melbourne, Australia, June/July 2011 (pp. 12-14). Zürich: Schweizerische Geodätische Kommission / Swiss Geodetic Commission

Bock, Heike; Jäggi, Adrian; Meyer, Ulrich; Dach, Rolf; Beutler, Gerhard (2011). Processing Facility for ESA's GOCE Gravity Field Explorer Mission. In: Adrian Wiget, Urs Marti (ed.) Swiss National Report on the GEODETIC ACTIVITIES in the years 2007 to 2011. Presented to the XXV General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics in Melbourne, Australia, June/July 2011 (pp. 49-50). Zürich: Schweizerische Geodätische Kommission / Swiss Geodetic Commission

Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Meyer, Ulrich; Prange, Lars; Mervart, Leos (2011). Global Gravity Field Determination based on the GRACE-Mission. In: Adrian Wiget, Urs Marti (ed.) Swiss National Report on the GEODETIC ACTIVITIES in the years 2007 to 2011. Presented to the XXV General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics in Melbourne, Australia, June/July 2011 (pp. 45-46). Zürich: Schweizerische Geodätische Kommission / Swiss Geodetic Commission

Prange, Lars; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard (2011). Global gravity field determination based on CHAMP-GPS-data. In: Adrian Wiget, Urs Marti (ed.) Swiss National Report on the GEODETIC ACTIVITIES in the years 2007 to 2011. Presented to the XXV General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics in Melbourne, Australia, June/July 2011 (pp. 47-48). Zürich: Schweizerische Geodätische Kommission / Swiss Geodetic Commission

Schär, Stefan; Dach, Rolf; Lutz, Simon; Meindl, Michael; Thaller, Daniela; Beutler, Gerhard (2011). CODE Contributions to Earth Rotation Monitoring. In: Adrian Wiget, Urs Marti (ed.) Swiss National Report on the GEODETIC ACTIVITIES in the years 2007 to 2011. Presented to the XXV General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics in Melbourne, Australia, June/July 2011 (pp. 65-66). Zürich: Schweizerische Geodätische Kommission / Swiss Geodetic Commission

Dach, Rolf; Bock, Heike; Hugentobler, Urs; Jäggi, Adrian; Lutz, Simon; Meindl, Michael; Mervart, Leos; Meyer, Ulrich; Orliac, Etienne; Ostini, Luca; Prange, Lars; Rothacher, Markus; Schaer, Stefan; Sosnica, Krzysztof Jakub; Steinbach, Anne; Thaller, Daniela; Walser, Peter; Beutler, Gerhard (2011). Bernese Software. In: Adrian Wiget, Urs Marti (ed.) Swiss National Report on the GEODETIC ACTIVITIES in the years 2007 to 2011. Presented to the XXV General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics in Melbourne, Australia, June/July 2011 (pp. 93-94). Zürich: Schweizerische Geodätische Kommission / Swiss Geodetic Commission

Ostini, Luca; Dach, Rolf; Meindl, Michael; Hugentobler, Urs; Schaer, Stefan; Beutler, Gerhard (2011). Analysis and Reassessment of Coordinate Time Series Using FODITS. In: Adrian Wiget, Urs Marti (ed.) Swiss National Report on the GEODETIC ACTIVITIES in the years 2007 to 2011. Presented to the XXV General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics in Melbourne, Australia, June/July 2011 (pp. 97-99). Zürich: Schweizerische Geodätische Kommission / Swiss Geodetic Commission

Jäggi, Adrian; Bock, Heike; Meyer, Ulrich; Prange, Lars; Beutler, Gerhard; Dach, Rolf (2009). Phase center modeling and its impact on LEO Precise Orbit Determination. In: Adrian Wiget, Urs Marti (ed.) Swiss National Report on the GEODETIC ACTIVITIES in the years 2007 to 2011. Presented to the XXV General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics in Melbourne, Australia, June/July 2011 83 (pp. 1145-1162). Zürich: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00190-009-0333-2

Plag, H.-P.; Beutler, Gerhard; Gross, R.; Herring, T.A.; Rizos, C.; Rummel, R.; Sahagian, D.; Zumberge, J. (2009). Introduction. In: Plag, Hans-Peter; Pearlman, Michael (eds.) Global Geodetic Observing System. Meeting the Requirements of a Global Society on a Changing Planet in 2020 (pp. 1-15). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag

Rummel, R.; Beutler, Gerhard; Dehant, V.; Gross, R.; Ilk, K.H.; Plag, H.-P.; Poli, P.; Rothacher, M.; Stein, S.; Thomas, R.; Woodworth, P.L.; Zerbini, S.; Zlotnicki, V. (2009). Understanding a dynamic planet: Earth science requirements for geodesy. In: Plag, Hans-Peter; Pearlman, Michael (eds.) Global Geodetic Observing System. Meeting the Requirements of a Global Society on a Changing Planet in 2020 (pp. 89-134). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag

Gross, R.; Beutler, Gerhard; Plag, H.-P. (2009). Integrated scientific and societal user requirements and functional specifications for the GGOS. In: Plag, Hans-Peter; Pearlman, Michael (eds.) Global Geodetic Observing System. Meeting the Requirements of a Global Society on a Changing Planet in 2020 (pp. 209-224). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag

Rothacher, M.; Beutler, Gerhard; Behrend, D.; Donnellan, A.; Hinderer, J.; Ma, C.; Noll, C.; Oberst, J.; Pearlman, M.; Plag, H.-P.; Richter, B.; Schöne, T.; Tavernier, G.; Woodworth, P.L. (2009). The future Global Geodetic Observing System. In: Plag, Hans-Peter; Pearlman, Michael (eds.) Global Geodetic Observing System. Meeting the Requirements of a Global Society on a Changing Planet in 2020 (pp. 237-272). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag

Beutler, Gerhard; Pearlman, M.; Plag, H.-P.; Neilan, R.; Rothacher, M.; Rummel, R. (2009). Towards GGOS in 2020. In: Plag, Hans-Peter; Pearlman, Michael (eds.) Global Geodetic Observing System. Meeting the Requirements of a Global Society on a Changing Planet in 2020 (pp. 273-282). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag

Plag, H.-P.; Beutler, Gerhard; Gross, R.; Herring, T.A.; Poli, P.; Rizos, C.; Rothacher, M.; Rummel, R.; Sahagian, D.; Zumberge, J. (2009). Recommendations. In: Plag, Hans-Peter; Pearlman, Michael (eds.) Global Geodetic Observing System. Meeting the Requirements of a Global Society on a Changing Planet in 2020 (pp. 283-292). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag

Schär, Stefan; Beutler, Gerhard; Bock, Heike; Dach, Rolf; Gäde, Andreas; Hugentobler, Urs; Meindl, Michael; Ostini, Luca; Ploner, Martin; Urschl, Claudia (2007). CODE Contributions to the IGS. In: Troller, Marc; Wiget, Adrian; Marti, Urs; Kahle, Hans-Gert; Gilliéron, Pierre-Yves (eds.) Swiss National Report on the Geodetic Activities in the Years 2003 to 2007 (pp. 1-4). Zürich: Schweizerische Geodätische Kommission / Swiss Geodetic Commission

Urschl, Claudia; Beutler, Gerhard; Gurtner, Werner; Hugentobler, Urs; Schär, Stefan (2007). SLR Validation of GNSS Orbits. In: Troller, Marc; Wiget, Adrian; Marti, Urs; Kahle, Hans-Gert; Gilliéron, Pierre-Yves (eds.) Swiss National Report on the Geodetic Activities in the Years 2003 to 2007 36 (pp. 412-417). Zürich: Schweizerische Geodätische Kommission / Swiss Geodetic Commission 10.1016/j.asr.2005.03.021

Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Bock, Heike; Hugentobler, Urs; Prange, Lars (2007). LEO Precise Orbit Modelling and Global Gravity Field Determination. In: Troller, Marc; Wiget, Adrian; Marti, Urs; Kahle, Hans-Gert; Gilliéron, Pierre-Yves (eds.) Swiss National Report on the Geodetic Activities in the Years 2003 to 2007 (pp. 44-46). Zürich: Schweizerische Geodätische Kommission / Swiss Geodetic Commission

Dach, Rolf; Bock, Heike; Fridez, Pierre; Gäde, Andreas; Hugentobler, Urs; Jäggi, Adrian; Mervart, Leos; Meindl, Michael; Schaer, Stefan; Urschl, Claudia; Walser, Peter; Beutler, Gerhard (2007). Bernese GPS Software. In: Troller, Marc; Wiget, Adrian; Marti, Urs; Kahle, Hans-Gert; Gilliéron, Pierre-Yves (eds.) Swiss National Report on the Geodetic Activities in the Years 2003 to 2007 (pp. 130-132). Zürich: Schweizerische Geodätische Kommission / Swiss Geodetic Commission

Beutler, Gerhard (2006). Revolution in Geodesy, Navigation, and Surveying. In: Festschrift Univ.Prof. Dr.-Ing. Prof. h.c. Günter Seeber zur Emeritierung anlässlich seines 65. Geburtstags. Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten der Fachrichtung Geodäsie und Geoinformatik: Vol. 258 (pp. 11-27). Hannover: Geodätisches Institut der Leibniz Universität Hannover


Beutler, Gerhard; Bock, Heike; Dach, Rolf; Fridez, Pierre; Gäde, Andreas; Hugentobler, Urs; Jäggi, Adrian; Meindl, Michael; Mervart, Leos; Prange, Lars; Schär, Stefan; Springer, T.; Urschl, Claudia; Walser, Peter (2007). Bernese GPS Software Version 5.0. Bern: Astronomical Institute, University of Bern

Conference or Workshop Item

Prange, Lars; Villiger, Arturo; Sidorov, Dmitry; Schaer, Stefan; Beutler, Gerhard; Dach, Rolf; Jäggi, Adrian (September 2019). Overview of CODE's MGEX solution (with the focus on Galileo) (Unpublished). In: 7th International Colloquium - Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of GNSS/Galileo. Zurich, Switzerland. 4.-6. September 2019.

Prange, Lars; Beutler, Gerhard; Dach, Rolf; Arnold, Daniel; Schaer, Stefan; Villiger, Arturo; Jäggi, A. (April 2019). Empirical SRP model for the orbit normal attitude mode (Unpublished). In: EGU General Assembly.

Prange, Lars; Dach, Rolf; Beutler, Gerhard; Villiger, Arturo; Schaer, Stefan; Arnold, Daniel; Jäggi, Adrian (October 2018). An Empirical SRP Model for the Orbit Normal Mode (Unpublished). In: IGS Workshop 2018. Wuhan, China. 29.10.-02.11.2018.

Prange, Lars; Villiger, Arturo; Sidorov, Dmitry; Dach, Rolf; Schaer, Stefan; Beutler, Gerhard; Susnik, Andreja; Jäggi, Adrian (October 2017). Impact of new background models on GNSS orbit determination (Unpublished). In: 6th international Colloquium - Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of GNSS/Galileo. Valencia, Spain. 25.10.-27.10.2017.

Prange, Lars; Dach, Rolf; Beutler, Gerhard; Sidorov, Dmitry; Villiger, Arturo; Schaer, Stefan; Jäggi, Adrian (July 2017). Latest improvements in CODE's IGS MGEX solution (Unpublished). In: IGS Workshop 2017. Paris, France. July 3-7, 2017.

Prange, Lars; Dach, Rolf; Villiger, Arturo; Arnold, Daniel; Beutler, Gerhard; Schaer, Stefan; Jäggi, Adrian (28 July 2016). Orbit modelling in CODE's MGEX solution (Unpublished). In: 1st International Conference on GNSS+. Shanghai, China. 27.-30.7.2016.

Arnold, Daniel; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Meyer, Ulrich; Schaer, Stefan (May 2016). Impact of ionosphere on GPS-based precise Swarm orbit and gravity field determination (Unpublished). In: ESA Lving Planet Symposium. Prag, Tschechische Republik. 09.-13.05.2016.

Bertone, Stefano; Arnold, Daniel; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Mervart, Leos; Meyer, Ulrich (April 2016). Latest Moon gravity field solutions from GRAIL data using the Celestial Mechanics Approach (Unpublished). In: EGU General Assembly. Wien, Österreich. 17.-22.04.2016.

Prange, Lars; Orliac, Etienne; Dach, Rolf; Arnold, Daniel; Beutler, Gerhard; Schaer, Stefan; Jäggi, Adrian (April 2016). CODE's multi-GNSS orbit and clock solution - status 2016 (Unpublished). In: EGU General Assembly 2016. Vienna, Austria. 17.-22.04.2016.

Arnold, Daniel; Dahle, Christoph; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Meyer, Ulrich (April 2016). Impact of the ionosphere on GPS-based precise orbit determination of Low Earth Orbiters (Unpublished). In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016. Vienna, Austria. 17.-22.04.2016.

Arnold, Daniel; Dahle, C.; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Meyer, Ulrich; Schaer, Stefan (February 2016). Impact of the ionosphere on GPS-based precise orbit determination of Low Earth Orbiters (Unpublished). In: IGS Workshop 2016. Sydney, Australia. 08.-10.02.2016.

Prange, Lars; Orliac, Etienne; Dach, Rolf; Arnold, Daniel; Beutler, Gerhard; Schaer, Stefan; Jäggi, Adrian (February 2016). Impact of the SRP model on CODE's 5-system orbit and clock solution for the MGEX. (Unpublished). In: IGS Workshop 2016. Sydney, Australia. 08.-12.02.2016.

Scaramuzza, Stefano Maurizio; Dach, Rolf; Beutler, Gerhard; Arnold, Daniel; Jäggi, Adrian (February 2016). Dependency of Geodynamic Parameters on the GNSS Constellation (Unpublished). In: IGS Workshop 2016. Sydney, Australia. 08.-12.02.2016.

Bertone, Stefano; Arnold, Daniel; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Mervart, Leos (December 2015). GRAIL Gravity Field Determination Using the Celestial Mechanics Approach - First results from Doppler and KBRR data (Unpublished). In: AGU Fall Meeting 2015. San Francisco, USA. 14.Dec.-18.Dec. 2015.

Arnold, Daniel; Dahle, Christoph; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Meyer, Ulrich; Schaer, Stefan (December 2015). Impact of ionosphere on GPS-based precise orbit determination of Low Earth Orbiters (Unpublished). In: AGU Fall Meeting 2015. San Francisco, CA, USA. December 14-18, 2015.

Bertone, Stefano; Arnold, Daniel; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Mervart, Leos (22 October 2015). GRAIL Orbit Determination in the Bernese GNSS Software: First Results with combined Doppler and Inter-satellite KBRR (Unpublished). In: 25th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics. Munich. 22.10.2015.

Bertone, Stefano; Jäggi, Adrian; Arnold, Daniel; Beutler, Gerhard; Mervart, Leos (October 2015). Doppler Orbit Determination of Deep Space Probes by the Bernese GNSS Software: First Results of the Combined Orbit Determination from DSN and Inter-Satellite Ka-Band Data from the Grail Mission. In: 25th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics ISSFD. Munich, Germany. 19.– 23.10.2015.

Orliac, Etienne; Prange, Lars; Dach, Rolf; Arnold, Daniel; Beutler, Gerhard; Schaer, Stefan; Jäggi, Adrian (October 2015). Evaluation of CODE Multi-GNSS Clock Solution. In: 5th International Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme. Braunschweig, Germany. 27.-29.10.2015.

Arnold, Daniel; Bertone, Stefano; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Mervart, Leos (October 2015). GRAIL gravity field determination using the Celestial Mechanics Approach - status report. In: European Planetary Science Congress 2015. Nantes, France. 27 September - 2 October, 2015.

Bertone, Stefano; Arnold, Daniel; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Mervart, Leos (September 2015). GRAIL Gravity Field Determination Using the Celestial Mechanics Approach - Status Report. In: European Planetary Science Congress 2015. Nantes, France. 28.09.-02.10.2015.

Dach, Rolf; Arnold, Daniel; Prange, Lars; Beutler, Gerhard; Schaer, Stefan; Jäggi, Adrian (June 2015). Updating the CODE GNSS Orbit Model. In: EUREF 2015 Symposium. Leipzig, Germany. 03.06.-05.06.2015.

Scaramuzza, Stefano; Dach, Rolf; Beutler, Gerhard; Arnold, Daniel; Jäggi, Adrian (June 2015). Dependency of Geodynamic Parameters on GNSS Constellation (Unpublished). In: International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, General Assembly 2015. Prague, Czech Republic. 22.06.-02.07.2015.

Arnold, Daniel; Bertone, Stefano; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Mervart, Leos (12 April 2015). GRAIL Gravity Field Determination Using the Celestial Mechanics Approach - Status Report. In: EGU General Assembly 2015. Vienna, Austria. 12.4.-17.4.2015.

Arnold, Daniel; Meindl, Michael; Beutler, Gerhard; Dach, Rolf; Schaer, Stefan; Lutz, Simon; Prange, Lars; Sosnica, Krzysztof Jakub; Jäggi, Adrian (April 2015). Impact of GNSS Orbit Modeling on Reference Frame Parameters (Unpublished). In: EGU General Assembly 2015. Vienna. April 12-17, 2015.

Prange, Lars; Orliac, Etienne; Dach, Rolf; Arnold, Daniel; Beutler, Gerhard; Schaer, Stefan; Jäggi, Adrian (2015). CODE's multi-GNSS orbit and clock solution. In: EGU General Assembly 2015. Vienna, Austria. 12.04.-17.04.2015.

Prange, Lars; Orliac, Etienne; Dach, Rolf; Arnold, Daniel; Beutler, Gerhard; Schaer, Stefan; Jäggi, Adrian (2015). CODE's multi-GNSS orbit and clock solution - status 2015 (Unpublished). In: COST Action ES1206 2nd Workshop. Thessaloniki, Greece. 11.05.-14.05.2015.

Prange, Lars; Orliac, Etienne; Dach, Rolf; Arnold, Daniel; Beutler, Gerhard; Schaer, Stefan; Jäggi, Adrian (2015). CODE's multi-GNSS orbit solution (Unpublished). In: 5th Int. Galileo Science Colloquium. Braunschweig, Germany. 27-29 October 2015.

Sosnica, Krzysztof Jakub; Jäggi, Adrian; Thaller, Daniela; Dach, Rolf; Beutler, Gerhard; Baumann, Christian (November 2014). SLR-derived terrestrial reference frame using the observations to LAGEOS-1/2, Starlette, Stella, and AJISAI. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Laser Ranging. Fujiyoshida, Japan. 11.-15. November 2013.

Arnold, Daniel; Dach, Rolf; Beutler, Gerhard; Schaer, Stefan; Meindl, Michael; Lutz, Simon; Sosnica, Krzysztof Jakub; Jäggi, Adrian (October 2014). Impact of GNSS Orbit Modelling on Reference Frame Parameters (Unpublished). In: IAG Commission 1 Symposium 20142014: Reference Frames for Applications in Geosciences (REFAG2014). Kirchberg, Luxembourg. 13.-17.10.2014.

Beutler, Gerhard (October 2014). GNSS for Positioning, Navigation, Timing, and Science (Unpublished). In: 19th International Workshop on Laser Ranging. Annapolis, USA. 27.-31.10.2014.

Beutler, Gerhard (23 June 2014). Modeling and estimating the orbits of GNSS: Key principles in history and future. In: IGS Workshop 2014. Pasadena, California, USA. 23.06.-27.06.2014.

Beutler, Gerhard (23 June 2014). The International GNSS Service (IGS): Development and Achievements since 1991. In: IGS Workshop 2014. Pasadena, California, USA. 23.06.-27.06.2014.

Lutz, Simon; Steigenberger, Peter; Beutler, Gerhard; Schaer, Stefan; Dach, Rolf; Jäggi, Adrian (23 June 2014). GNSS orbits and ERPs from CODE’s repro2 solutions. In: IGS Workshop 2014. Pasadena, California, USA. 23.06.-27.06.2014.

Lutz, Simon; Beutler, Gerhard; Schaer, Stefan; Dach, Rolf; Jäggi, Adrian (23 June 2014). Updating the CODE ultra-rapid procedure. In: IGS Workshop 2014. Pasadena, California, USA. 23.06.-27.06.2014.

Dach, Rolf; Schaer, Stefan; Hugentobler, Urs; Rodríguez Solano, Carlos Javier; Lutz, Simon; Steigenberger, Peter; Sosnica, Krzysztof Jakub; Meindl, Michael; Beutler, Gerhard; Jäggi, Adrian (23 June 2014). Estimating the geocenter from GNSS data. In: IGS Workshop 2014. Pasadena, California, USA. 23.06.–27.06.2014.

Beutler, Gerhard; Dach, Rolf; Montenbruck, Oliver; Hugentobler, Urs; Weber, Georg; Brockmann, Elmar (3 June 2014). GLONASS and Multi-GNSS in the IGS: Lessons learned from GLONASS Service Disruptions. In: 13th Meeting of the National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Advisory Board. Washington DC, USA. 3.6.-4,6.2014.

Arnold, Daniel; Bertone, Stefano; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Bock, Heike; Meyer, Ulrich; Mervart, Leos (April 2014). GRAIL Gravity Field Determination Using the Celestial Mechanics Approach. Geophysical research abstracts, 16. Copernicus Publications

Sosnica, Krzysztof Jakub; Jäggi, Adrian; Thaller, Daniela; Meyer, Ulrich; Baumann, Christian; Dach, Rolf; Beutler, Gerhard (2014). Earth gravity field recovery using GPS, GLONASS, and SLR satellites. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Laser Ranging. Fujiyoshida, Japan. 11.-15.11.2013.

Thaller, Daniela; Sosnica, Krzysztof Jakub; Dach, Rolf; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Mareyen, Maria; Richter, Bernd (2014). Geocenter coordinates from GNSS and combined GNSS-SLR solutions using satellite co-locations. In: Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet, International Association of Geodesy Symposia. International Association of Geodesy Symposia: Vol. 139 (pp. 129-134). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/978-3-642-37222-3_16

Arnold, Daniel; Bertone, Stefano; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Bock, Heike; Meyer, Ulrich; Mervart, Leos (2014). GRAIL Gravity Field Determination Using the Celestial Mechanics Approach. In: EGU General Assembly 2014. Vienna, Austria. 27.04.-02.05.2014.

Dach, Rolf; Meindl, Michael; Beutler, Gerhard; Schaer, Stefan; Lutz, Simon; Jäggi, Adrian (2014). Estimating the Geocenter from GNSS Observations. In: EGU General Assembly 2014. Vienna, Austria. 27.04.-02.05.2014.

Lutz, Simon; Schaer, Stefan; Steigenberger, Peter; Dach, Rolf; Beutler, Gerhard; Meindl, Michael; Jäggi, Adrian (2014). Earth rotation and GNSS orbits from one-day and three-day arcs. In: EGU General Assembly 2014. Vienna, Austria. 27.04.-02.05.2014.

Sosnica, Krzysztof Jakub; Jäggi, Adrian; Thaller, Daniela; Dach, Rolf; Beutler, Gerhard; Meyer, Ulrich (2014). Temporal Earth's Gravity Variations Derived from GPS, GLONASS, and SLR Satellites. In: EGU General Assembly 2014. Vienna, Austria. 27.04.-02.05.2014.

Bertone, Stefano; Arnold, Daniel; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Mervart, Leo (2014). GRAIL Gravity Field Determination Using the Celestial Mechanics Approach. In: AGU Fall Meeting 2014. San Francisco, California, USA. 15.12.-19.12.2014.

Arnold, Daniel; Bertone, Stefano; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Bock, Heike; Meyer, Ulrich; Mervart, Leos (2014). Status of GRAIL Gravity Field Determination Using the Celestial Mechanics Approach (Unpublished). In: COSPAR Scientific Assembly 2014. Moscow, Russia. 06.08.2014.

Sosnica, Krzysztof Jakub; Jäggi, Adrian; Dach, Rolf; Thaller, Daniela; Beutler, Gerhard (2014). Earth's oblateness changes from GPS, GLONASS, and SLR data (Unpublished). In: 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 2014. Moscow, Russia. 02.08.-10.08.2014.

Sosnica, Krzysztof Jakub; Dach, Rolf; Thaller, Daniela; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Arnold, Daniel (2014). Processing 20 years of SLR observations to GNSS satellites (Unpublished). In: 19th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Celebrating 50 Year of SLR: Remembering the Past and Planning for the Future. Annapolis, Maryland, USA. 27.-31.10.2014.

Sosnica, Krzysztof Jakub; Dach, Rolf; Thaller, Daniela; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Arnold, Daniel (2014). Processing 20 years of SLR observations to GNSS satellites. Proceedings of the 19th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Celebrating 50 Year of SLR: Remembering the Past and Planning for the Future.

Jäggi, Adrian; Arnold, Daniel; Beutler, Gerhard; Bock, Heike; Meyer, Ulrich; Mervart, Leos (December 2013). GRAIL Gravity Field Determination Using the Celestial Mechanics Approach - First Results. In: AGU Fall Meeting 2013. San Francisco, California. 09.-13.12.2013.

Sosnica, Krzysztof Jakub; Rodríguez Solano, Carlos Javier; Thaller, Daniela; Jäggi, Adrian; Dach, Rolf; Beutler, Gerhard (11 November 2013). Impact of Earth radiation pressure on LAGEOS orbits and on the global scale. In: 18th International Workshop on Laser Ranging. Fujiyoshida, Japan. 11.-15.11.2013.

Jäggi, Adrian; Meyer, Ulrich; Beutler, Gerhard; Weigelt, Matthias; van Dam, Tonie; Mayer-Gürr, Torsten; Flury, Jakob; Flechtner, Frank; Dahle, Christoph (October 2013). Towards combined global monthly gravity field solutions. In: GRACE Science Team Meeting 2013. Austin, Texas. 23.-25.10. 2013.

Lutz, Simon; Meindl, Michael; Beutler, Gerhard; Thaller, Daniela; Springer, Tim; Dach, Rolf; Schaer, Stefan; Jäggi, Adrian (September 2013). Orbit and ERP modeling issues of a multi-GNSS analysis. In: International Association of Geodesy (IAG) Scientific Assembly 2013. Potsdam, Germany. 01.-06.09.2013.

Sosnica, Krzysztof Jakub; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Meyer, Ulrich; Dach, Rolf; Thaller, Daniela; Mervart, Leos (September 2013). Time variable Earth's gravity field from SLR and GNSS satellites. In: International Association of Geodesy (IAG) Scientific Assembly 2013. Potsdam, Germany. 01.-06.09.2013.

Beutler, Gerhard; Jäggi, Adrian; Meyer, Ulrich; Bock, Heike (21 June 2013). Methods of gravity field determination: Attempt of an Overview. In: VIII Hotine Marussi Symposium. Rom, Italy. 17.6.-21.6.2013.

Meyer, Ulrich; Dahle, Christoph; Sneeuw, Nico; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Bock, Heike (June 2013). Orbit and gravity field: common versus sequential analysis. In: VIII Hotine Marussi Symposium. Rome, Italy. 17.-21.06.2013.

Meyer, Ulrich; Jäggi, Adrian; Bock, Heike; Beutler, Gerhard (April 2013). The role of a priori information in gravity field determination. In: EGU General Assembly 2013. Vienna, Austria. 07.-12.04.2013.

Thaller, Daniela; Beutler, Gerhard; Jäggi, Adrian; Meindl, Michael; Dach, Rolf; Sosnica, Krzysztof Jakub; Baumann, Christian (April 2013). Earth rotation parameters from satellite techniques (Unpublished). In: EGU General Assembly 2013. Vienna, Austria. 07.-12.04.2013.

Bock, Heike; Jäggi, Adrian; Meyer, Ulrich; Beutler, Gerhard; van den IJssel, Jose (2013). GPS-only gravity field determination from GOCE data (Unpublished). In: IAG Scientific Assembly 2013. Potsdam, Germany. 01.-06.09.2013.

Sosnica, Krzysztof Jakub; Jäggi, Adrian; Thaller, Daniela; Meyer, Ulrich; Beutler, Gerhard; Dach, Rolf (2013). Earth gravity field recovery using GPS, GLONASS, and SLR satellites (Unpublished). In: 18th International Workshop on Laser Ranging. Fujiyoshida, Japan. 11.-15.11.2013.

Sosnica, Krzysztof Jakub; Jäggi, Adrian; Thaller, Daniela; Beutler, Gerhard; Dach, Rolf; Baumann, Christian (2013). SLR-derived terrestrial reference frame using observations to LAGEOS-1/2, Starlette, Stella, and AJISAI. In: 18th International Workshop on Laser Ranging. Fujiyoshida, Japan. 11.-15.11.2013.

Meyer, Ulrich; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Sosnica, Krzysztof Jakub; Bock, Heike (2013). AIUB-RL02 monthly gravity fields from GRACE data. In: International Association of Geodesy (IAG) Scientific Assembly 2013. Potsdam, Germany. 01.-06.09.2013.

Meyer, Ulrich; Dahle, Christoph Matthias; Sneeuw, Nico; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Bock, Heike (2013). The effect of stochastic orbit parameters on GRACE range-rate residuals and monthly gravity fields (Unpublished). In: IAG Symposia Hotine-Marussi VIII. Rome, Italy. 17.-21.06.2013.

Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Meyer, Ulrich; Bock, Heike; Mervart, Leos (2013). The role of position information for the analysis of K-Band data — experiences from GRACE and GOCE for GRAIL gravity field recovery (Unpublished). In: IAG Symposia proceedings Hotine-Marussi VIII. Rome, Italy. 17.-21.06.2013.

Sosnica, Krzysztof Jakub; Rodriguez-Solano, Carlos; Thaller, Daniela; Jäggi, Adrian; Dach, Rolf; Beutler, Gerhard (2013). Impact of Earth Radiation Pressure on LAGEOS Orbits and on the Global Scale. In: 18th International Workshop on Laser Ranging. Fujiyoshida, Japan. 11.-15.11.2013.

Bock, Heike; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard (2012). GOCE orbit determination using accelerometer data. In: 39th COSPAR Assembly, 14.-22.7.2012, Mysore, India.

Meindl, Michael; Dach, Rolf; Beutler, Gerhard; Schaer, Stefan; Jäggi, Adrian (2012). Geocenter Coordinates Estimates from a Combined Multi-GNSS Data Analysis. In: EGU General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria, 22.-27.4.2012.

Meyer, Ulrich; Jäggi, Adrian; Bock, Heike; Beutler, Gerhard (2012). GOCE gravity fields established by the Celestial Mechanics Approach. In: EGU General Assembly Vienna.

Meyer, Ulrich; Jäggi, Adrian; Bock, Heike; Beutler, Gerhard (2012). Processing LEO Data and Gravity Field Determination at AIUB: A Status Report. In: IGS Workshop 2012, Olsztyn, Poland.

Meindl, Michael; Schaer, Stefan; Dach, Rolf; Beutler, Gerhard (2011). Different Reference Frame Realizations Using Data From a Global Network of Multi-GNSS Receivers. In: Proceedings of the 3nd International Colloquium - Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme, August 31 - September 02, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2011.

Dach, Rolf; Schaer, S.; Lutz, Simon; Meindl, Michael; Beutler, Gerhard (2010). Combining the Observations from Different GNSS. In: EUREF 2010 Symposium, Gävle, Sweden, June 02-05, 2010. Frankfurt: Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Mervart, Leos (2010). GRACE Gravity field determination using the celestrial mechanics approach - First results. In: IAG Symposium, Gravity, Geoid, and Earth Observation, Chania, Greece, June 23-27, 2008 135 (pp. 177-184). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag 10.1007/978-3-642-10634-7_24

Visser, P.; Jssel van den, J.; Helleputte van, T.; Bock, Heike; Jäggi, Adrian; Meyer, Ulrich; Beutler, Gerhard; Heinze, M.; Hugentobler, U. (2010). Rapid and Precise Orbit Determination for the GOCE Satellite. In: GOCE Workshop at ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bergen, 29./30.June, 2010. Paris: European Space Agency

Thaller, Daniela; Mareyen, M.; Dach, Rolf; Beutler, Gerhard; Gurtner, W.; Richter, B.; Ihde, J. (2009). Preparing the Bernese GPS Software for the analysis of SLR observations to geodetic satellites. In: 16th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Poznan, Poland, October 13-17, 2008 (pp. 143-147). Cracow: Polish Academy of Sciences

Dach, Rolf; Schaer, S.; Meindl, M.; Bock, Heike; Jäggi, Adrian; Lutz, Simon; Meyer, U.; Ostini, Luca; Prange, Lars; Steinbach, A.; Thaller, Daniela; Walser, Peter; Beutler, Gerhard (2009). Global Multi-GNSS Processing at CODE. In: EUREF 2008 Symposium, Brussels, Belgium, June 18-21, 2008. Frankfurt: Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

Dach, Rolf; Schaer, S.; Meindl, Michael; Bock, Heike; Jäggi, Adrian; Lutz, Simon; Meyer, U.; Ostini, Luca; Prange, Lars; Steinbach, Anne; Thaller, Daniela; Walser, Peter; Beutler, Gerhard (2009). Global multi-GNSS processing at CODE. In: International Symposium on Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Space-Based and Ground-Based Augmentation Systems and Applications, Berlin, September 11-14, 2008 (pp. 34-36). Berlin: Senate Department for Urban Development

Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Mervart, Leos (2008). GRACE Gravity field determination using the celestrial mechanics approach - First results. In: IAG Symposium, Gravity, Geoid, and Earth Observation, Chania, Greece, June 23-27, 2008.

Dach, Rolf; Schaer, S.; Springer, T.; Beutler, Gerhard; Perosanz, F.; Hugentobler, Urs (2008). Multi-GNSS Processing. In: International GNSS Service Analysis Center workshop, Miami Beach, FL, USA, June 2-6, 2008.

Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Bock, Heike; Hugentobler, Urs (2007). Kinematic and highly reduced-dynamic LEO orbit determination for gravity field estimation. In: Tregoning, Paul; Rizos, Chris (eds.) Dynamic Planet - Monitoring and Understanding a Dynamic Planet with Geodetic and Oceanographic Tools. International Association of Geodesy Symposia: Vol. 130 (pp. 354-361). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag

Visser, Pieter; van den IJssel, Jose; van Hellepulte, Tom; Bock, Heike; Jäggi, Adrian; Beutler, Gerhard; Hugentobler, Urs; Svehla, Drazen (2007). Rapid and Precise Orbit Determination for the GOCE satellite. In: Abstract Book. 3rd International GOCE User Workshop, 6 - 8 November 2006, ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy (p. 45). Paris: European Space Agency

Urschl, Claudia; Beutler, Gerhard; Gurtner, Werner; Hugentobler, Urs; Schär, Stefan (2007). Calibrating GNSS orbits with SLR tracking data. In: 15th International Workshop on Laser Ranging. Canberra, Australia, October 15-20, 2006 ([1-4]). International Laser Ranging Service

Urschl, Claudia; Beutler, Gerhard; Gurtner, Werner; Hugentobler, Urs; Ploner, Martin (2007). Orbit determination of GIOVE-A using SLR tracking data. In: 15th ILRS Workshop, Canberra, Australia, October, 15-20, 2006 ([1-7]). International Laser Ranging Service

Musci, Reto; Schildknecht, Thomas; Beutler, Gerhard; Agapov, Vladimir (2006). Observations of High Altitude Objects From Multiple Sites. In: International Astronautical Federation. Paris.

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