Blunier, T.

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Number of items: 33.

Journal Article

Hartmann, M.; Blunier, T.; Brügger, Sandra O.; Schmale, J.; Schwikowski, M.; Vogel, A.; Wex, H.; Stratmann, F. (2019). Variation of Ice Nucleating Particles in the European Arctic over the Last Centuries. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(7), pp. 4007-4016. American Geophysical Union 10.1029/2019GL082311

Kobashi, T.; Box, J. E.; Vinther, B. M.; Goto-Azuma, K.; Blunier, T.; White, J. W. C.; Nakaegawa, T.; Andresen, C. S. (2015). Modern solar maximum forced late twentieth century Greenland cooling. Geophysical Research Letters, 42(14), pp. 5992-5999. American Geophysical Union 10.1002/2015GL064764

Svensson, A.; Bigler, Matthias; Blunier, T.; Clausen, H. B.; Dahl-Jensen, D.; Fischer, Hubertus; Fujita, S.; Goto-Azuma, K.; Johnsen, S. J.; Kawamura, K.; Kipfstuhl, S.; Kohno, M.; Parrenin, F.; Popp, T.; Rasmussen, S. O.; Schwander, Jakob; Seierstad, I.; Severi, M.; Steffensen, J. P.; Udisti, R.; ... (2013). Direct linking of Greenland and Antarctic ice cores at the Toba eruption (74 ka BP). Climate of the past, 9(2), pp. 749-766. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/cp-9-749-2013

Bazin, L.; Landais, A.; Lemieux-Dudon, B.; Toyé Mahamadou Kele, H.; Veres, D.; Parrenin, F.; Martinerie, P.; Ritz, C.; Capron, E.; Lipenkov, V.; Loutre, M.-F.; Raynaud, D.; Vinther, B.; Svensson, A.; Rasmussen, S.O.; Severi, M.; Blunier, T.; Leuenberger, M.; Fischer, H.; Masson-Delmotte, V.; ... (2013). An optimized multi-proxy, multi-site Antarctic ice and gas orbital chronology (AICC2012): 120--800 ka. Climate of the past, 9(4), pp. 1715-1731. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/cp-9-1715-2013

Chappellaz, L.; Stowasser, C.; Blunier, T.; Baslev-Clausen, D.; Brook, E. J.; Dallmayr, R.; Faïn, X.; Lee, J. E.; Mitchell, L. E.; Pascual, O.; Romanini, D.; Rosen, J.; Schüpbach, Simon (2013). High-resolution glacial and deglacial record of atmospheric methane by continuous-flow and laser spectrometer analysis along the NEEM ice core. Climate of the past, 9(6), pp. 2579-2593. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/cp-9-2579-2013

Sapart, C. J.; Martinerie, P.; Witrant, E.; Chappellaz, J.; van de Wal, R. S. W.; Sperlich, P.; van der Veen, C.; Bernard, S.; Sturges, W. T.; Blunier, T.; Schwander, Jakob; Etheridge, D.; Röckmann, T. (2013). Can the carbon isotopic composition of methane be reconstructed from multi-site firn air measurements? Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 13(14), pp. 6993-7005. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-13-6993-2013

Guillevic, M.; Bazin, L.; Landais, A.; Kindler, Philippe; Orsi, A.; Masson-Delmotte, V.; Blunier, T.; Buchardt, S. L.; Capron, E.; Leuenberger, Markus; Martinerie, P.; Prié, F.; Vinther, B. M. (2013). Spatial gradients of temperature, accumulation and delta18O-ice in Greenland over a series of Dansgaard-Oeschger events. Climate of the past, 9(3), pp. 1029-1051. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/cp-9-1029-2013

Dahl-Jensen, D.; Albert, M. R.; Aldahan, A.; Azuma, N.; Balslev-Clausen, D.; Baumgartner, Matthias; Berggren, A.-M.; Bigler, Matthias; Binder, T.; Blunier, T.; Bourgeois, J. C.; Brook, E. J.; Buchardt, S. L.; Buizert, C.; Capron, E.; Chappellaz, J.; Chung, J.; Clausen, H. B.; Cvijanovic, I.; Davies, S. M.; ... (2013). Eemian interglacial reconstructed from a Greenland folded ice core. Nature, 493(7433), pp. 489-494. Macmillan Journals Ltd. 10.1038/nature11789

Stowasser, C.; Buizert, C.; Gkinis, V.; Chappellaz, J.; Schüpbach, S.; Bigler, M.; Faïn, X.; Sperlich, P.; Baumgartner, M.; Schilt, A.; Blunier, T. (2012). Continuous measurements of methane mixing ratios from ice cores. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (AMT), 5(5), pp. 999-1013. Göttingen: Copernicus Publications 10.5194/amt-5-999-2012

Vallelonga, P.; Bertagna, G.; Blunier, T.; Kjær, H. A.; Popp, T. J.; Rasmussen, S. O.; Steffensen, J. P.; Stowasser, C.; Svensson, A. S.; Warming, E.; Winstrup, M.; Bigler, M.; Kipfstuhl, S. (2012). Duration of Greenland Stadial 22 and ice-gas Δage from counting of annual layers in Greenland NGRIP ice core. Climate of the past, 8(6), pp. 1839-1847. Göttingen: Copernicus Publications 10.5194/cp-8-1839-2012

Laube, J.C.; Martinerie, P.; Witrant, E.; Blunier, T.; Schwander, Jakob; Brenninkmeijer, C.A.M.; Schuck, T.J.; Bolder, M.; Röckmann, T.; van der Veen, C.; Bönisch, H.; Engel, A.; Mills, G.P.; Newland, M.J.; Oram, D.E.; Reeves, C.E.; Sturges, W.T. (2010). Accelerating growth of HFC-227ea (1,1,1,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropane) in the atmosphere. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 10(13), pp. 5903-5910. Katlenburg-Lindau (D): European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-10-5903-2010

Siddall, M.; Rohling, E. J.; Spahni, Renato; Blunier, T. (2010). Patterns of millennial variability over the last 500 ka. Climate of the past, 6(3), pp. 295-303. Göttingen: Copernicus Publications 10.5194/cp-6-295-2010

Blunier, T.; Spahni, R.; Barnola, J.-M.; Chappellaz, J.; Loulergue, L.; Schwander, J. (2007). Synchronization of ice core records via atmospheric gases. Climate of the past, 3(2), pp. 325-330. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/cp-3-325-2007

Parrenin, F.; Barnola, J.-M.; Beer, J.; Blunier, T.; Castellano, E.; Chappellaz, J.; Dreyfus, G.; Fischer, H.; Fujita, S.; Jouzel, J.; Kawamura, K.; Lemieux-Dudon, B.; Loulergue, L.; Masson-Delmotte, V.; Narcisi, B.; Petit, J.-R.; Raisbeck, G.; Raynaud, D.; Ruth, U.; Schwander, J.; ... (2007). The EDC3 chronology for the EPICA Dome C ice core. Climate of the past, 3(3), pp. 485-497. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/cp-3-485-2007

Bernard, S.; Röckmann, T.; Kaiser, J.; Barnola, J.-M.; Fischer, H.; Blunier, T.; Chappellaz, J. (2006). Constraints on N2O budget changes since pre-industrial time from new firn air and ice core isotope measurements. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 6(2), pp. 493-503. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-6-493-2006

Raynaud, D.; Barnola, J.-M.; Chappellaz, J.; Blunier, T.; Indermühle, A.; Stauffer, B. (2000). The ice record of greenhouse gases: a view in the context of future changes. Quaternary Science Reviews, 19(1-5), pp. 9-17. Pergamon 10.1016/S0277-3791(99)00082-7

Dällenbach, A.; Blunier, T.; Flückiger, J.; Stauffer, B.; Chappellaz, J.; Raynaud, D. (2000). Changes in the atmospheric CH4 gradient between Greenland and Antarctica during the Last Glacial and the transition to the Holocene. Geophysical Research Letters, 27(7), pp. 1005-1008. American Geophysical Union 10.1029/1999GL010873

Indermühle, A.; Stocker, T. F.; Joos, F.; Fischer, H.; Smith, H. J.; Wahlen, M.; Deck, B.; Mastroianni, D.; Tschumi, J.; Blunier, T.; Meyer, R.; Stauffer, B. (1999). Holocene carbon-cycle dynamics based on CO2 trapped in ice at Taylor Dome, Antarctica. Nature, 398(6723), pp. 121-126. Macmillan Journals Ltd. 10.1038/18158

Flückiger, J.; Dällenbach, A.; Blunier, T.; Stauffer, B.; Stocker, T. F.; Raynaud, D.; Barnola, J.-M. (1999). Variations in atmospheric N2O concentration during abrupt climatic changes. Science, 285(5425), pp. 227-230. American Association for the Advancement of Science 10.1126/science.285.5425.227

Marchal, O.; Stocker, T. F.; Joos, F.; Indermühle, A.; Blunier, T.; Tschumi, J. (1999). Modelling the concentration of atmospheric CO2 during the Younger Dryas climate event. Climate dynamics, 15(5), pp. 341-354. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s003820050286

Blunier, T.; Chappellaz, J.; Schwander, J.; Dällenbach, A.; Stauffer, B; Stocker, T. F.; Raynaud, D.; Jouzel, J.; Clausen, H.; Hammer, C.; Johnsen, S. (1998). Asynchrony of Antarctic and Greenland climate change during the last glacial period. Nature, 394(6695), pp. 739-743. Macmillan Journals Ltd. 10.1038/29447

Stauffer, B.; Blunier, T.; Dällenbach, A.; Indermühle, A.; Schwander, J.; Stocker, T. F.; Tschumi, J.; Chappellaz, J.; Raynaud, D.; Hammer, C. U.; Clausen, H. B. (1998). Atmospheric CO2 concentration and millennial-scale climate change during the last glacial period. Nature, 392(6671), pp. 59-62. Macmillan Journals Ltd. 10.1038/32133

Schwander, J.; Sowers, T.; Barnola, J.-M.; Blunier, T.; Fuchs, A.; Malaizé, B. (1997). Age scale of the air in the summit ice: Implication for glacial-interglacial temperature change. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 102(D16), pp. 19483-19493. American Geophysical Union 10.1029/97JD01309

Blunier, T.; Schwander, J.; Stauffer, B.; Stocker, T. F.; Dällenbach, A.; Indermühle, A.; Tschumi, J.; Chappellaz, J.; Raynaud, D.; Barnola, J.-M. (1997). Timing of the Antarctic cold reversal and the atmospheric CO2 increase with respect to the Younger Dryas event. Geophysical Research Letters, 24(21), pp. 2683-2686. American Geophysical Union 10.1029/97GL02658

Blunier, T.; Chappellaz, J.; Schwander, J.; Stauffer, B.; Raynaud, D. (1995). Variations in atmospheric methane concentration during the Holocene epoch. Nature, 374(6517), pp. 46-49. Macmillan Journals Ltd. 10.1038/374046a0

Chappellaz, J.; Blunier, T.; Raynaud, D.; Barnola, J.; Schwander, J.; Stauffer, B. (1993). Synchronous changes in atmospheric CH4 and Greenland climate between 40 and 8 kyr BP. Nature, 366(6454), pp. 443-445. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/366443a0

Blunier, T.; Chappellaz, J. A.; Schwander, J.; Barnola, J.-M.; Desperts, T.; Stauffer, B.; Raynaud, D. (1993). Atmospheric methane, record from greenland ice core over the last 1000 years. Geophysical Research Letters, 20(20), pp. 2219-2222. American Geophysical Union 10.1029/93GL02414

Chappellaz, J.; Blunier, T.; Ankin, M.; Barnola, J. M.; Schwander, J.; Raynaud, D.; Stauffer, B. (1993). The GRIP records of atmospheric CH4 and CO2 and their link with Greenland climate. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 74(43) American Geophysical Union

Book Section

Chappellaz, J.; Raynaud, D.; Blunier, T.; Stauffer, B. (2000). The ice core record of atmospheric methane. In: Khalil, Mohammad Aslam Khan (ed.) Atmospheric Methane : Its Role in the Global Environment (pp. 9-24). Springer 10.1007/978-3-662-04145-1_2

Blunier, T.; Schwander, J.; Stauffer, B.; Chappellaz, J.A.; Barnola, J.M.; Desperts, T.; Raynaud, D. (1994). Historical CH4 record from the Eurocore ice core at Summit, Greenland. In: Boden, Thomas A.; Kaiser, Dale P.; Sepanski, Robert J.; Stoss, Frederick W. (eds.) Trends '93: A Compendium of Data on Global Change. ESD Publication: Vol. 4195 (pp. 244-249). Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center


Gäggeler, H. W.; Stauffer, B.; Döscher, A.; Blunier, T. (eds.) (1997). Klimageschichte im Alpenraum aus Analysen von Eisbohrkernen. Final report NFP 31. vdf Hochschulverlag

Conference or Workshop Item

Sperlich, P.; Buizert, C.; Guillevic, M.; Jenk, T.; Sapart, C. J.; Röckmann, T.; Bock, M.; Schmitt, J.; Fischer, H.; Blunier, T. (2012). A setup to analyze isotopes of paleoatmospheric CH4 and N2O in a single ice core sample. In: EGU General Assembly 2012, held 22-27 April, 2012 in Vienna, Austria (p. 6795). European Geosciences Union

Schilt, Adrian; Baumgartner, Matthias; Blunier, T.; Schwander, Jakob; Spahni, Renato; Fischer, Hubertus; Stocker, Thomas F. (2009). Late quaternary variations of atmospheric nitrous oxide reconstructed from polar ice cores. In: AGU Fall Meeting 2009. Proceedings. Washington: American Geophysical Union AGU

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