Kern-Stähler, Annette

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Kern-Stähler, Annette; Piercy, Hannah (2024). 'Medieval Race and the Senses: Sensing Race in Medieval Literature and Revisiting Richard Coer de Lyon' (In Press). In: Routledge History of the Senses. London: Routledge

Kern-Stähler, Annette (19 July 2023). Sensorial Approaches to Chaucer (Unpublished). In: International Workshop - Medieval Literature and Science. University of Durham. 19 July 2023.

Kern-Stähler, Annette (4 May 2023). From VR Masks to Medieval Devotional Props: The Role of Multi-Sensorial Stimulation in Virtual Reality (Unpublished). In: Uncommon Senses IV: Sensory Ecologies, Economies, and Aesthetics. University of Concordia, Montréal. 3-6 May 2023.

Kern-Stähler, Annette (23 April 2023). Medieval Understandings of the Senses (Unpublished). In: The Senses: Past and Present. Centro Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona. 22-26 April 2023.

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2023). Disability Studies. In: Newhauser, Richard G. (ed.) Chaucer Encyclopedia (pp. 571-574). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2023). Public and Private. In: Newhauser, Richard G. (ed.) The Chaucer Encyclopedia (pp. 1554-1556). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell

Flannery, Mary Colleen (2023). Reading “Ful savourly”: Taste in Later Medieval English Literature’. In: Kern-Stähler, Annette; Robertson, Elizabeth (eds.) Literature and the Senses (pp. 271-288). Oxford: Oxford University Press

Kern-Stähler, Annette; Robertson, Elizabeth (eds.) (2023). Literature and the Senses. Oxford Twenty-First Century Approaches to Literature. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Kern-Stähler, Annette; Robertson, Elizabeth (2023). Literature and the Senses: An Introduction. In: Kern-Stähler, Annette; Robertson, Elizabeth (eds.) Literature and the Senses. Oxford Twenty-First Century Approaches to Literature (pp. 1-27). Oxford: Oxford University Press

Richter, Virginia (2023). Salt Taste of the Sea: The Multisensorial Beach in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening and Charles Simmons’s Salt Water. In: Kern-Stähler, Annette; Robertson, Elisabeth (eds.) Literature and the Senses. Oxford Twenty-First Century Approaches to Literature (493-C26S5). Oxford University Press 10.1093/oso/9780192843777.003.0027

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2023). ‘English Heritage Gardener-Led Immersive Sensory Tours, Down House, Kent, and other locations’. The Senses and Society, 18(3), pp. 347-351. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/17458927.2023.2257909

Kern-Stähler, Annette (ed.) (2023). The Senses and Material Culture in a Global Perspective. Brepols

Kluwick, Ursula (2023). A Sanitary Sense of Smell: Olfaction and Bodily Boundaries in Victorian Writing. In: Kern-Stähler, Annette; Robertson, Eliszabeth (eds.) Literature and the Senses (pp. 236-252). Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/oso/9780192843777.003.0013

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2023). The Disabled Senses (Unpublished). In: Invited guest talk, Universität Zürich. Universität Zürich.

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2 December 2022). Attention, immersion, and the senses (Unpublished). In: L'Attention et la distraction dans la culture médiévale. University of Poitiers. 2 December 2022.

Kern-Stähler, Annette (11 July 2022). From Sensory Helmets to Affective Meditations: The Role of (Multi-)Sensorial Stimulation in Virtual Reality (Unpublished). In: 22nd Biennial New Chaucer Society Congress. University of Durham, UK. 11.-14. Juli 2022.

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2022). The White Middle Ages: Unlearning Racism in the Medieval Classroom. Studies in medieval and Renaissance teaching, 29(2), pp. 59-73. Wichita State University

Kern-Stähler, Annette (27 May 2021). Race, Racism, and the Middle Ages (Unpublished). In: Ringvorlesung Berner Mittelalter Zentrum: Von Globalisierung bis Critical Race Theory: Aktuelle Ansätze in der Mediävistik. Universität Bern.

Kern-Stähler, Annette (25 February 2021). Einführung unter Mitwirkung von Vertreter/innen weiterer mediävistischer Disziplinen der Universität Bern (Unpublished). In: Ringvorlesung Berner Mittelalter Zentrum: Von Globalisierung bis Critical Race Theory: Aktuelle Ansätze in der Mediävistik. Universität Bern.

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2021). Review of “Robert Muchembled, Smells: A Cultural History of Odours in Early Modern Times. Trans. Susan Pickford. Cambridge: Polity, 2020”. Social history of medicine, 34(3), pp. 1030-1031. Oxford University Press 10.1093/shm/hkab007

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2020). "Performing the Dark Ages" [Performance or Exhibition]. In: International Dance Festival Bern.

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2020). Smells: A Cultural History of Odours in Early Modern Times. Social history of medicine, 34(3), pp. 1030-1031. Oxford University Press 10.1093/shm/hkaa073

Kern-Stähler, Annette (March 2020). Sensing Sin: Surveillance in Medieval Monastic Houses (Unpublished). In: International Workshop: Power, Society, and the Senses. Arizona State University, Tempe.

Kern-Stähler, Annette; Berger, Matthias (20 February 2020). Das Mittelalter nach dem Mittelalter: Einführung (Unpublished). In: Ringvorlesung des Berner Mittelalter Zentrums "Das Mittelalter nach dem Mittelalter: Rückbezüge und Imaginationen". Universität Bern. 20.02.2020.

Kern-Stähler, Annette; Nyffenegger, Nicole Andrea (eds.) (2020). Secrecy and Surveillance in Medieval and Early Modern England. Swiss Papers in English Language and Literature: Vol. 37. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto

Röösli, Samuel (2020). The Pot, the Broom, and Other Humans: Concealing Material Objects in the Bern Riddles. In: Kern-Stähler, Annette; Nyffenegger, Nicole (eds.) Secrecy and Surveillance in Medieval and Early Modern England. Swiss Papers in English Language and Literature: Vol. 37 (pp. 87-104). Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto

Kern-Stähler, Annette; Nyffenegger, Nicole (2020). Introduction: Secrecy and Surveillance in Medieval and Early Modern England. In: Nyffenegger-Staub, Nicole Andrea; Kern-Stähler, Annette (eds.) Secrecy and Surveillance in Medieval and Early Modern England. Swiss Papers in English Language and Literature: Vol. 37 (pp. 11-20). Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto

Kern-Stähler, Annette (28 February 2019). Kunst, Ökonomie und Kapital im Mittelalter: Eine Einführung (Unpublished). In: Ringvorlesung Berner Mittelalter Zentrum: Kunst, Ökonomie und Kapital im Mittelalter. Universität Bern. 28.02.2019.

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2019). Review of "Fourteenth Century England 10", ed. by Gwilym Dodd. Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters, 75(2), pp. 852-854. Böhlau

Kern-Stähler, Annette (8 November 2018). Gathering and Divulging Secrets: Surveillance in Late Medieval English Monastic Houses (Unpublished). In: BMZ-Ringvorlesung: Geheimnis und Verrat im Mittelalter. Universität Bern. 08.11.2018.

Kern-Stähler, Annette (27 September 2018). Einführungsvortrag (Unpublished). In: Ringvorlesung Berner Mittelalter Zentrum: Geheimnis und Verrat im Mittelalter. Universität Bern. 27.09.18.

Kern-Stähler, Annette (13 September 2018). Secrecy & Surveillance in Medieval and Early Modern England (Unpublished). In: Swiss Association of Medieval and Early Modern English Studies, 6th International Conference. Bern. 13.09.2018.

Kern-Stähler, Annette (13 July 2018). The Bishop's Spies: Surveillance in Late Medieval Monastic Houses (Unpublished). In: The New Chaucer Society Conference. Toronto. 13. Juli 2018.

Kern-Stähler, Annette; Schöne-Seifert, Bettina; Thiemann, Anna (2017). Literarische Texte für die Medizinethik. Ein Beitrag für den neuen Querschnittsbereich 'Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik der Medizin' (GTE). Briefe zur Interdisziplinarität(20), pp. 7-13. Oekom Verlag

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2017). Review of Nicholas Perkins (ed.). Medieval Romance and Material Culture. Anglia - journal of English philology / Zeitschrift für englische Philologie, 135(1), pp. 204-208. De Gruyter 10.1515/ang-2017-0016

Kern-Stähler, Annette; Contzen von, Eva; Nyffenegger, Nicole (2017). Engaging with the Past: Reinventing the Middle Ages. In: Anglistentag Hamburg 2016: Proceedings (pp. 87-89). Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier

Kern-Stähler, Annette; Nyffenegger, Nicole; Von Contzen, Eva (2017). Introduction: Engaging with the Past: Reinventing the Middle Ages. In: Anglistentag 2016 Hamburg (pp. 87-90). Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier

Kern-Stähler, Annette (4 November 2016). Engaging the Historical Archive of Sensation (Unpublished). In: Sensory Theory, Methodology and Experience: Contemporary and Classical Perspectives. University of Kent at Canterbury. 04.-05. November 2016.

Kern-Stähler, Annette (21 September 2016). Introduction to panel "Engaging the Past: Reinventing the Middle Ages" (Unpublished). In: Anglistentag. Hamburg. 21.-24. September 2016.

Kern-Stähler, Annette; Scheuchzer, Kathrin (2016). Introduction: The Five Senses in Medieval and Early Modern Cultures. In: The Five Senses in Medieval and Early Modern England. Intersections: Vol. 44 (pp. 1-20). Leiden: Brill

Critten, Rory; Kern-Stähler, Annette (2016). Smell in the York Corpus Christi Plays. In: Kern-Stähler, Annette; Busse, Beatrix; de Boer, Wietse (eds.) The Five Senses in Medieval and Early Modern England. Leiden: Brill

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2016). The Sanctification of Home in Late Medieval England. In: Diasporic Constructions of Home and Belonging (pp. 249-264). Boston/Berlin: De Gruyter

Kern-Stähler, Annette; Scheuchzer, Kathrin (2016). Introduction. In: Kern-Stähler, Annette; Busse, Beatrix; de Boer, Wietse (eds.) The Five Senses in Medieval and Early Modern England. Leiden: Brill

Kern-Stähler, Annette; Busse, Beatrix; de Boer, Wietse (eds.) (2016). The Five Senses in Medieval and Early Modern England. Intersections: Vol. 44. Leiden: Brill

Busse, Beatrix; Kern-Stähler, Annette (2016). Bleary Eyes: Middle English Constructions of Visual Disabilities. In: Kern-Stähler, Annette; Busse, Beatrix; de Boer, Wietse (eds.) The Five Senses in Medieval and Early Modern England. Intersections: Vol. 44. Leiden: Brill

Richter, Virginia (2016). Exterior Inspection and Regular Reason. Robert Hooke’s and Margaret Cavendish’s Epistemologies of the Senses. In: Kern-Stähler, Annette; Busse, Beatrix; De Boer, Wietse (eds.) The Five Senses in Medieval and Early Modern England. Intersections: Vol. 44 (pp. 96-116). Leiden: Brill 10.1163/9789004315495_006

Kern-Stähler, Annette; Thiemann, Anna (2015). Autism and the American Dream: Progress and Recovery in the American Autie-Biography. In: Gygax, Franziska; Locher, Miriam A. (eds.) Narrative Matters in Medical Contexts across Disciplines (pp. 17-31). Amsterdam: John Benjamins

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2015). Middle English Narrative Poetry: Geoffrey Chaucer. In: Baumbach, Sybille; Neumann, Birgit; Nünning, Ansgar (eds.) A History of British Poetry: Genres – Developments – Interpretations (pp. 29-40). Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2015). Wolfgang Riehle. The Secret Within. Hermits, Recluses, and Spiritual Outsiders in Medieval England. Anglistik - International Journal of English Studies, 26, pp. 206-207. Winter

Kern-Stähler, Annette (1 September 2014). Their Names, Hess, Göring, Ribbentrop. How They Stink in My Mouth: Interpreters at the Nuremberg Trials (Unpublished). In: British Association for Holocaust Studies Conference 2014: Britain and the Holocaust. University of Edinburgh. 01.-03.09.2014.

Critten, Rory; Kern-Stähler, Annette (30 April 2014). Smell in the York Corpus Christi Play (Unpublished). In: The Medieval English Research Seminar at the Faculty of Language and Literature. University of Oxford. 30.04.2014.

Critten, Rory; Kern-Stähler, Annette (20 March 2014). Smell in the York Corpus Christi Play (Unpublished). In: MEMS Research Seminar. University of Kent. 20.03.2014.

Scheuchzer, Kathrin (2014). Remember Litte Isaac: Women and Children in John Foxe's Actes and Monuments (Unpublished). (Dissertation, University of Bern, English)

Carmell, Deborah; Egan, Gabriel; Hopkins, Lisa; Hirsch, Brett D.; Rutter, Tom; Kern-Stähler, Annette (eds.) (2014). Shakespeare, 10. Routledge

Ahrens, Rüdiger; Antor, Heinz; Kern-Stähler, Annette (eds.) (2014). Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies. Winter

Kern-Stähler, Annette (22 September 2013). The Sanctification of Home in Late Medieval England (Unpublished). In: Diasporic Constructions of Home and Belonging. Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster. 22.-25.09.2013.

Kern-Stähler, Annette (21 March 2013). Einblicke in Innenräume und Innenwelten in der englischen Literatur des Spätmittelalters (Unpublished). In: Berner Mittelalter Zentrum Ringvorlesung. Bern, Schweiz. 21.03.2013.

Kern-Stähler, Annette; Schöne-Seifert, B; Thiemann, A. (2013). Ethik in der Medizin: Literarische Texte für den neuen Querschnittsbereich GTE. Münster: Mentis

Kern-Stähler, Annette (25 July 2012). Emotion display in its spatial context: Troilus and Criseyde and the privacy of emotion (Unpublished). In: New Chaucer Society Biannual Conference. Portland, Oregon. 23.-26.07.2012.

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2012). Review of Elaine Treharne/Greg Walker (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Medieval Literature in English, Oxford/New York/Auckland, Oxford University Press 2010. Historische Zeitschrift, 295(2), pp. 479-480. München: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH 10.1524/hzhz.2012.0495

Kern-Stähler, Annette; Kohl, Stephan (2012). Medieval Literature. In: Middeke, Martin; Müller, Timo; Wald, Christina; Zapf, Hubert (eds.) English and American Studies: Theory and Practice (pp. 7-17). Stuttgart: Metzler

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2012). "The Lord Assembled a Dedicated Staff": The Comic Crusade. In: Pesso-Miquel, Catherine; Stierstorfer, Klaus (eds.) Burning Books: Negotiations Between Fundamentalism and Literature. AMS Studies in Cultural History: Vol. 10 (pp. 51-63). New York: AMS Press

Kern-Stähler, Annette; Britain, David (eds.) (2012). English on the Move: Mobilities in English Language and Literature. SPELL: Vol. 27. Tübingen: Narr

Kern-Stähler, Annette; Britain, David (2012). Introduction. In: Kern-Stähler, Annette; Britain, David (eds.) English on the Move: Mobilities in Literature and Language. Spell: Vol. 27 (pp. 11-15). Tübingen: Narr

Chevalier, Sarah Louise (2012). Mobile Parents, Multilingual Children. In: Kern-Stähler, Annette (ed.) English on the Move: Mobilities in English Language and Literature. SPELL: Swiss Papers in English Language and Literature: Vol. 27 (pp. 99-115). Tübingen: Narr

Kern-Stähler, Annette; Britain, David; Gonçalves, Kellie; Nyffenegger, Nicole (2011). Conference organisation (Unpublished). In: On the Move: Mobilities in English Language and Literature, SAUTE conference. Universität Bern. 2011.

Kern-Stähler, Annette; Nyffenegger, Nicole; Scheuchzer, Kathrin; Grädel, Eva (2010). Medieval Drama [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Performance of three Medieval Christmas plays and guided tour. Historisches Museum Bern. 20-23.12.2010

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2010). Gender, Creation and Authorship in the Late Middle Ages. In: Zwierlein, Anne-Julia (ed.) Gender and Creation: Surveying Gendered Myths of Creativity, Authority, and Authorship. Regensburger Beiträge zur Gender-Forschung: Vol. 4 (pp. 25-42). Heidelberg: Winter

Habermann, Ina; Kern-Stähler, Annette (2010). Introduction to "Literature and Silence". In: Helbig, Jörg; Schallegger, René (eds.) Anglistentag 2009: Proceedings (pp. 375-381). Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2010). Translating the Unspeakable: Interpreters at War Crime Trials on the Contemporary British Stage (Unpublished). In: The Poetics of Voice in Contemporary Literature in English. École Normale Supérieure de Lyon. 20.10.2010.

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2010). Das Haus als heiliger Ort: Home und Homeliness im spätmittelalterlichen England (Unpublished). In: Vorlesungsreihe "Heilige Orte". Berner Mittelalter Zentrum, Universität Bern. 02.12.2010.

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2010). Sweet Poison and Its Antidote: Troilus and Criseyde and the Disce Mori. Anglistik - International Journal of English Studies, 21(2), pp. 171-180. Heidelberg: Winter

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2010). Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (Unpublished). In: Gastvortrag. English Department, University of Mainz. 2010.

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2010). Gender, Creation and Authorship in the Late Middle Ages. In: Gastvortrag. English Deparment, University of Regensburg. 2010.

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2010). Religion in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. In: McClinton-Temple, Jennifer (ed.) Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature, vol. 1. Facts on File Library of World Literature (pp. 128-130). New York and Oxford: Facts on File

Kern-Stähler, Annette; Habermann, Ina; Helbig, Jörg (eds.) (2010). Section V: “Literature and Silence.” Anglistentag 2009 Klagenfurt. Trier: WVT

Kern-Stähler, Annette; Stähler, Axel (2009). The Translation of Testimony and the Transmission of Trauma: Jonathan Safran Foer's Everything is Illuminated and Liev Schreiber's Film Adaptation. In: Guignery, Vanessa (ed.) Voices and Silence in the Contemporary Novel in English (pp. 160-184). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2009). "A Missionary Zeal": Besatzung, Entnazifizierung und Umerziehung als Aktionsfeld und im Geschichtsbewusstsein britischer Literaten. Heidelberg: Winter

Thiemann, Anna; Kern-Stähler, Annette (2008). Metaphor and (Dis)Embodiment: Inside the Autistic Mind. In: Schlaeger, Jürgen; Stedman, Gesa (eds.) The Literary Mind. REAL: Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature: Vol. 24 (pp. 215-231). Tübingen: Narr

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2008). Intercultural Encounters: Rudy Wiebe, A Discovery of Strangers. In: Peters, Susanne; Stierstorfer, Klaus; Volkmann, Laurenz (eds.) Novels, Part I. Teaching Contemporary Literature and Culture: Vol. 2 (pp. 509-526). Trier: WVT

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2008). Translating the Unspeakable: Interpreters at War Crime Trials in Contemporary British Drama. In: Gomille, Monika; Stierstorfer, Klaus (eds.) Cultures of Translation (pp. 101-120). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press

Stierstorfer, Klaus; Kern-Stähler, Annette (eds.) (2008). Literary Encounters of Fundamentalism: A Case Book. Anglistische Forschungen: Vol. 385. Heidelberg: Winter

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2007). Vita mixta oder Doppelleben? – Chancen zur Erweiterung weiblicher Existenz im England des späten Mittelalters. In: Staubach, Nikolaus; Johanterwage, Vera (eds.) Außen und Innen: Räume und ihre Symbolik im Mittelalter. Tradition – Reform – Innovation: Studien zur Modernität des Mittelalters: Vol. 14 (pp. 333-351). Frankfurt et al.: Peter Lang

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2007). Role Models of Intimacy in Late Medieval England. Interfaces, 27, pp. 67-80. Centre Interlangues Texte, Image, Langage

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2006). Romeo and Juliet. In: Petersohn, Roland; Volkmann, Laurenz (eds.) Shakespeare Didaktisch II: Ausgewählte Dramen und Sonette für den Unterricht. Stauffenburg Handbücher: Vol. 9 (pp. 59-76). Tübingen: Stauffenberg

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2006). Taktiken des Raumwechsels: Giddens' Structuration Theory und Andachtsräume von Frauen im spätmittelalterlichen England. In: Schröder, Nicole; Friedl, Herwig (eds.) Grenz-Gänge: Studien zu Gender und Raum. Kultur und Erkenntnis: Vol. 32 (pp. 29-43). Tübingen/Basel: A. Francke

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2005). Homer on the Evolutionary Scale: Interrelations between Biology and Literature in the Writings of William Gladstone and Grant Allen. In: Zwierlein, Anne-Julia (ed.) Unmapped Countries: Biological Visions in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture (pp. 107-115). London: Anthem Press

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2005). The Presentness of the Past: The Prosecution and Staging of Displaced War Criminals in Britain. In: Houswitschka, Christoph; Müller, Anja (eds.) Staging Displacement, Exile and Diaspora: Papers given on the occasion of the thirteenth annual conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English. Contemporary Drama in English: Vol. 12 (pp. 211-226). Trier: WVT

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2005). Re-Enacting the Arctic Voyage: The Northwest Passage in British Literature. In: Antor, Heinz; Bölling, Gordon; Kern-Stähler, Annette; Stierstorfer, Klaus (eds.) Refractions of Canada in European Literature and Culture (pp. 173-193). Berlin: de Gruyter

Kern-Stähler, Annette; Kohl, Stephan (2005). University Control Officers, British Writers and an Enemy People: Education Policy in the British Zone. In: Kohl, Stephan (ed.) Anglistik. Research Paradigms and Institutional Policies 1930-2000 (pp. 171-205). Berlin: WVT

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2005). Die Suche nach dem privaten Raum im englischen Spätmittelalter: Literatur und Lebenswirklichkeit. In: Vavra, Elisabeth (ed.) Virtuelle Räume: Raumwahrnehmung und Raumvorstellung im Mittelalter. Akten des 10. Symposiums des Mediävistenverbandes, Krems 24.-26. März 2003 (pp. 87-107). Berlin: Oldenburg Akademieverlag

Kern-Stähler, Annette; Antor, Heinz; Bölling, Gordon; Stierstorfer, Klaus (eds.) (2005). Refractions of Canada in European Literature and Culture. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2004). Zur Klausur von Nonnen in englischen Frauenklöstern des späten Mittelalters: Die Lincolner Visitation Returns 1429-1449. In: Eisermann, Falk; Schlotheuber, Eva; Honemann, Volker (eds.) Studien und Texte zur literarischen und materiellen Kultur der Frauenklöster im späten Mittelalter. Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions: Vol. 99 (pp. 103-118). Leiden/Boston: Brill

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2003). "The True and Secret Part of the History is Left to Me": Colonial Oppression and Selective Historiography in Peter Carey's True History of the Kelly Gang. In: Gomille, Monika; Stierstorfer, Klaus (eds.) Xenophobic Memories: Otherness in Postcolonial Constructions of the Past (pp. 243-255). Heidelberg: Winter

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2003). "The Inability to Mourn": The Post-war German Psyche in Mavis Gallant's Fiction. In: Antor, Heinz; Brown, Sylvia; Considine, John; Stierstorfer, Klaus (eds.) Refractions of Germany in Canadian Literature and Culture (pp. 259-270). Berlin: de Gruyter

Kern-Stähler, Annette; Kohl, Stephan (2002). University Control Officers, British Writers and an Enemy People: Education Policy in the British Zone. In: Mengel, Ewald; Schmid, Hans-Jörg; Steppat, Michael (eds.) Anglistentag 2002 Bayreuth. Proceedings. (pp. 109-130). Trier: WVT

Kern-Stähler, Annette (2002). "A Room of One's Own": Reale und mentale Innenräume weiblicher Selbstbestimmung im spätmittelalterlichen England. Studien zur Modernität des Mittelalters: Vol. 3. Frankfurt/M. et al: Peter Lang

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