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Palhais, Nuno; Arroyo, Diego Andoni; Lehmann, Sonja; Togni, Mario; Kaufmann, Urs; Stauffer, Jean-Christophe; Goy, Jean-Jacques; Cook, Stéphane (2014). Ten year clinical follow-up after Sirolimus-eluting stent implantation. American Heart Journal, 167(6), pp. 893-899. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ahj.2013.12.013
Puricel, Serban-George; Arroyo, Diego Andoni; Goy, Jean-Jacques; Praz, Fabien; Palhais, Nuno; Wahl, Andreas; Stauffer, Jean-Christophe; Togni, Mario; Berger, Alexandre; Meier, Bernhard; Cook, Stéphane (2014). A propensity score-matched comparison between Cardia and Amplatzer PFO closure devices - insights from the SOLUTION registry (Swiss percutaneOus patent foramen ovale cLosUre in recurrent clinical events prevenTION). EuroIntervention, 11(2), pp. 230-237. Europa Digital & Publishing 10.4244/EIJY14M05_05