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Sticca, Fabio; Alsaker, Françoise; Perren, Sonja (2013). Always On. Cyberbullying in modern society. Familiendynamik, 38(3), pp. 230-237. Klett-Cotta
Ruggieri, Sabrina; Friemel, Thomas; Sticca, Fabio; Perren, Sonja; Alsaker, Françoise (2013). Selection and influence effects in defending a victim of bullying: The moderating effects of school context. Procedia - social and behavioral sciences, 79, pp. 117-126. Elsevier 10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.05.060
Sticca, Fabio; Ruggieri, Sabrina; Alsaker, Françoise; Perren, Sonja (2013). Longitudinal risk factors for cyberbullying in adolescence. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 23(1), pp. 52-67. Wiley 10.1002/casp.2136
von Grünigen, Renate; Kochenderfer-Ladd, Becky; Perren, Sonja; Alsaker, Françoise D. (2012). Links between local language competence and peer relations among Swiss and immigrant children: The mediating role of social behavior. Journal of School Psychology, 50(2), pp. 195-213. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jsp.2011.09.005
Forrester-Knauss, Christine; Perren, Sonja; Alsaker, Françoise (2012). Does body mass index in childhood predict restraint eating in early adolescence? Appetite, 59(3), pp. 921-926. Elsevier 10.1016/j.appet.2012.08.026
Machmutow, Katja; Perren, Sonja; Sticca, Fabio; Alsaker, Françoise (2012). Peer victimisation and depressive symptoms: can specific coping strategies buffer the negative impact of cybervictimisation? Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 17(3-4), pp. 403-420. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/13632752.2012.704310
Von Grünigen, Renate; Perren, Sonja; Nägele, Christof; Alsaker, Françoise D. (2010). Immigrant children's peer acceptance and victimization in kindergarten: the role of local language competence. British journal of developmental psychology, 28(3), pp. 679-697. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1348/026151009X470582
Perren, Sonja; Alsaker, Françoise (2009). Depressive symptoms from kindergarten to early school age: longitudinal associations with social skills deficits and peer victimization. Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health, 3(1), p. 28. London: BioMed Central 10.1186/1753-2000-3-28
Perren, Sonja; Alsaker, Francoise (2006). Social Behaviour and Peer Relationships of Victims, Bully-victims, and Bullies in Kindergarten. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, 47(1), pp. 45-57. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing 10.1111/j.1469-7610.2005.01445.x
Perrig-Chiello, Pasqualina; Perren, Sonja (2005). Biographical Transitions From a Midlife Perspective. Journal of adult development, 12(4), pp. 169-181. Kluwer Academic Publishers 10.1007/s10804-005-7085-x
Baumgartner, Adrian; Alsaker, Françoise (2008). Soziale Kompetenzen von mobbinginvolvierten Kindern. In: Malti, Tina; Perren, Sonja (eds.) Soziale Kompetenz bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Entwicklungsprozesse und Förderungsmöglichkeiten (pp. 70-88). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer
Von Grüningen, Renate; Kochenderfer-Ladd, Becky; Perren, Sonja; Alsaker, Françoise D. (2010). Local language competence and peer relations among Swiss and immigrant children: The mediating roles of social behaviour. 4th Annual International Conference on Psychology, Athens, Greece, May 27-30, 2010.
Perren, Sonja; Alsaker, Françoise D. (2010). Cyberbullying in Switzerland: The perspective of legal and political authorities. COST Meeting on legal issues in cyberbullying. Antwerp, Belgium, May 26-27, 2010.