Reich, Johannes

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Number of items: 25.

Hostettler, Marco; Buhlke, Anja; Drummer, Clara; Emmenegger, Lea; Reich, Johannes; Stäheli, Corinne (eds.) (2024). The 3 Dimensions of Digitalised Archaeology. State-of-the-Art, Data Management and Current Challenges in Archaeological 3D-Documentation. Cham: Springer 10.1007/978-3-031-53032-6

Hostettler, Marco; Buhlke, Anja; Drummer, Clara; Emmenegger, Lea; Reich, Johannes; Stäheli, Corinne (2024). 3D Archaeology and Cultural Heritage: Where Are We Today? In: The 3 Dimensions of Digitalised Archaeology. State-of-the-Art, Data Management and Current Challenges in Archaeological 3D-Documentation (pp. 3-8). Cham: Springer 10.1007/978-3-031-53032-6_1

Hostettler, Marco; Buhlke, Anja; Drummer, Clara; Emmenegger, Lea; Reich, Johannes; Stäheli, Corinne (2024). Digital Archaeology Between Hype and Reality: The Results of a Survey on the Use of 3D Technologies in Archaeology. In: The 3 Dimensions of Digitalised Archaeology. State-of-the-Art, Data Management and Current Challenges in Archaeological 3D-Documentation (pp. 181-203). Cham: Springer 10.1007/978-3-031-53032-6_11

Hostettler, Marco; Buhlke, Anja; Drummer, Clara; Emmenegger, Lea; Reich, Johannes; Stäheli, Corinne (2024). Concluding Remarks – Coordinates for the Future of Digitalised Archaeology. In: The 3 Dimensions of Digitalised Archaeology. State-of-the-Art, Data Management and Current Challenges in Archaeological 3D-Documentation (pp. 221-225). Cham: Springer 10.1007/978-3-031-53032-6_13

Steuri, Noah; Sahli, Oliver; Reich, Johannes; Milella, Marco; Nyffeler, Jonas; Doppler, Thomas; Lösch, Sandra; Hafner, Albert (2023). Virtual Reality applications for visualization of 6000-year-old Neolithic graves from Lenzburg (Switzerland). Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 30, e00283. Elsevier 10.1016/j.daach.2023.e00283

Bolliger, Matthias; Maczkowski, Andrej; Francuz, John; Reich, Johannes; Hostettler, Marco; Ballmer, Ariane; Naumov, Goce; Taneski, Bojan; Todoroska, Valentina; Szidat, Sönke; Hafner, Albert (2023). Dendroarchaeology at Lake Ohrid: 5th and 2nd millennia BCE tree-ring chronologies from the waterlogged site of Ploča Mičov Grad, North Macedonia. Dendrochronologia, 79, p. 126095. Elsevier 10.1016/j.dendro.2023.126095

Reich, Johannes (5 July 2022). Archaeological Fieldwork at Lake Ohrid (Unpublished). In: Prehistoric lakeshore settlements in South-East Europe: archaeological, palaeoecological and bioarchaeological investigations within the EXPLO project. Thessaloniki, Greece. 5.–6. July 2022.

Reich, Johannes; Steiner, Philipp; Ballmer, Ariane; Emmenegger, Lea; Hostettler, Marco; Stäheli, Corinne; Naumov, Goce; Taneski, Bojan; Todoroska, Valentina; Schindler, Konrad; Hafner, Albert (2021). A novel Structure from Motion-based approach to underwater pile field documentation. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 39(103120), p. 103120. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.103120

Hostettler, Marco; Drummer, Clara; Emmenegger, Lea; Reich, Johannes; Stäheli, Corinne (September 2021). Integrating all Dimensions: 3D-Applications from Excavation to Research to Dissemination. In: Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists. Kiel/Online. 08.-11. September 2021.

Hafner, Albert; Reich, Johannes; Ballmer, Ariane; Bolliger, Matthias; Antolín, Ferran; Charles, Mike; Emmenegger, Lea; Fandré, Josiane; Francuz, John; Gobet, Erika; Hostettler, Marco; Lotter, André F.; Maczkowski, Andrej; Morales-Molino, César; Naumov, Goce; Stäheli, Corinne; Szidat, Sönke; Taneski, Bojan; Todoroska, Valentina; Bogaard, Amy; ... (2021). First absolute chronologies of neolithic and bronze age settlements at Lake Ohrid based on dendrochronology and radiocarbon dating. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 38, p. 103107. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.103107

Brand, Pascal; Demierre, Matthieu; Ebnöther, Christa; Genechesi, Julia; Lanzicher, Andrea Francesco; Luginbühl, Thierry; Reich, Johannes; Raaflaub, Matthias; Tretola Martinez, Debora C.; Wimmer, Johannes; Barrier, Sylvie; Berger, Raphael; Bütikofer, Maria; Carron, Nathanaël; Castella, Daniel; Goldhorn, Denis; Kaenel, Gilbert; Napi, Romaine; Schopfer, Anne (2021). Chronologie et répartition spatiale des établissements fortifiés tardo-laténiens du Plateau et du Jura suisses. In: Espaces fortifiés à l'âge du Fer en Europe. 43e colloque international de l'Association Française pour l'Étude de l'Âge du Fer Le Puy-en-Velay, 30 mai - 1er juin 2019. Collection Afeaf: Vol. 3 (pp. 375-391). Paris: AFEAF

Reich, Johannes; Hostettler, Marco; Ballmer, Ariane Thu; Hafner, Albert (29 April 2021). Neolithic and Bronze Age pile dwellings of Lake Ohrid. Underwater excavations at Ploča Mičov Grad (North Macedonia) (Unpublished). In: International workshop: Prehistoric Wetland Sites of Southern Europe. Archaeology, Chronology, Palaeoecology and Bioarchaeology.. Virtual edition. 29–30 April 2021.

Reich, Johannes (2021). Die späteisenzeitliche Siedlung von Trimmis GR im Alpenrheintal. Jahrbuch Archäologie Schweiz, 104, pp. 31-74. Archaeologie Schweiz

Hostettler, Marco; Drummer, Clara; Emmenegger, Lea; Reich, Johannes; Stäheli, Corinne Silvia; Buhlke, Anja (26 August 2020). Image-Based 3D-Documentation: Next level of Data Storage in Digital Archaeology. In: EAA 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting. Online. 24.-30.08.2020.

Hostettler, Marco; Buhlke, Anja; Drummer, Clara; Emmenegger, Lea; Reich, Johannes; Stäheli, Corinne (26 August 2020). Survey on the current use and application of 3D-technology for archaeological and cultural heritage purposes (Unpublished). In: EAA 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting. online. 24.-30.08.2020.

Reich, Johannes (2020). Zum Potenzial von Structure from Motion in der Unterwasserarchäologie. In: Pult, Claire Hausser (ed.) tauchen & entwickeln. Fachbericht: Vol. 3 (pp. 36-39). Zürich: Stadt Zürich, Hochbaudepartement, Amt für Städtebau (AfS)

Hostettler, Marco; Anja, Buhlke; Drummer, Clara; Emmenegger, Lea; Reich, Johannes; Stäheli, Corinne (2020). Bildbasierte 3D-Dokumentation. Wie wird sie genutzt? Eine Umfrage zum Einsatz von 3D Technologien in der Archäologie. Rundbrief Grabungstechnik(18), pp. 16-22. Verband für Grabungstechnik und Feldarchäologie e.V.

Heitz, Caroline; Brunner, Mirco; Buhlke, Anja; Andres, Brigitte; Reich, Johannes; Hafner, Albert; Turck, Rouven; Della Casa, Philippe (2020). 20. BINN, Bezirk goms. Binntal. Vallesia : revue annuelle des Archives de l'Etat du Valais, 2018-2019(LXXIII-LXXIV), pp. 359-423. Archives

Naumov, Goce; Hafner, Albert; Taneski, Bojan; Ballmer, Ariane; Reich, Johannes; Hostettler, Marco; Bolliger, Matthias; Francuz, John; Maczkowski, Andrej; Boogard, Amy; Antolin, Ferran; Charles, Mike; Tinner, Willy; Morales del Molino, Cesar; Lotter, André (2019). Research in 2019 at the site of Ploča-Mićov Grad near Gradište (Lake Ohrid). Periodical for cultural Heritage - Monuments, Restoration, Museums, 12(17), pp. 11-46. CALAMUS Gandčo Hadžipanzov 26, 1000 Skopje, Northern Macedonia

Hostettler, Marco; Buhlke, Anja; Reich, Johannes; Stäheli, Corinne Silvia; Drummer, Clara (7 September 2019). The 3 Dimensions of Digitalized Archaeology. Data Management, Scientific benefit and Risks od Data Storage in Archaeological image-based 3D-Documentation (Unpublished). In: Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA). Bern. 04.09.-07.09.2019.

Reich, Johannes; Emmenegger, Lea; Hostettler, Marco; Stäheli, Corinne Silvia; Naumov, Goce; Hafner, Albert (4 February 2019). A new Approach for Structure from Motion Underwater Pile-Field Documentation. In: Digital Archaeology. Quantitive approaches, spatial statistics and socioecological modelling. Bern. 04. – 06.02.2019. 10.5281/zenodo.2552068

Hafner, Albert; Reich, Johannes; Ballmer, Ariane Thu; Hostettler, Marco; Szidat, Sönke; Stäheli, Corinne Silvia; Emmenegger, Lea Meret; Francuz, John; Bolliger, Matthias; Maczkowski, Andrej (2019). EXPLO – Exploring the dynamics and causes of prehistoric land use change in the cradle of European farming (Unpublished). In: Forschungskolloquium zur Prähistorischen Archäologie. 13.05.2019.

Brunner, Mirco; Buhlke, Anja; Corti, Anaïs Noémie; Franz, Michel; Reich, Johannes; Schiltknecht, Clara Maria Katharina; Stäheli, Corinne Silvia (2018). Montanarchäologische Untersuchungen am Calanda. Archäologie Graubünden, 3, pp. 91-104. Somedia Buchverlag 10.5169/seals-869721

Emmenegger, Lea; Hostettler, Marco; Reich, Johannes; Stäheli, Corinne (2 May 2018). Diving into Research. A Talk about the NEENAWA Scientific Diving Course and a resulting new Project at Lake Ohrid. (Unpublished). In: Southeast European and Swiss Network in Wetland Archaeology. Bern. 02.05 - 04.05.2018.

Todoroska, Valentina; Naumov, Goce; Hafner, Albert; Taneski, Bojan; Meinberger, Martin; Emmenegger, Lea; Hostettler, Marko; Reich, Johannes; Dolbunova, Ekaterina; Krotov, Yan; Stäheli, Corinne; Tymoshenko, Mariia; Streng, Verena (2018). Excavation on the Ploča-Michovgrad site, Ohrid, 2017 Research. arheološk INFORMATOR - Academic Journal of Archaeology, 2, pp. 17-25. MENELAJ, Prilep

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