Stahlberg, Dagmar

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Number of items: 16.

Journal Article

Sczesny, Sabine; Spreemann, Sandra; Stahlberg, Dagmar (2006). Masculine = competent? The different impact of biological sex and physical appearance on the attribution of leadership competence. Swiss journal of psychology, 65(1), pp. 15-23. Bern: Huber 10.1024/1421-0185.65.1.15

Braun, Friederike; Sczesny, Sabine; Stahlberg, Dagmar (2005). Cognitive effects of masculine generics in German. An overview of empirical findings. Communications, 30(1), pp. 1-21. DeGruyter 10.1515/comm.2005.30.1.1

Pohl, Rüdiger F.; Schwarz, Stefan; Sczesny, Sabine; Stahlberg, Dagmar (2003). Hindsight bias in gustatory judgments. Experimental psychology, 50(2), pp. 107-115. Hogrefe 10.1026//1618-3169.50.2.107

Sczesny, Sabine; Stahlberg, Dagmar (2002). The influence of gender-stereotyped perfumes on leadership attribution. European journal of social psychology, 32(6), pp. 815-828. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/ejsp.123

Braun, Friederike; Sczesny, Sabine; Stahlberg, Dagmar (2002). Das generische Maskulinum und die Alternativen: Empirische Studien zur Wirkung generischer Personenbezeichnungen im Deutschen. Germanistische Linguistik, 167-168, pp. 77-87. Olms

Sczesny, Sabine; Stahlberg, Dagmar (2002). Geschlechtsstereotype Wahrnehmung von Führungskräften. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 4(1), pp. 36-41. Pabst Science Publishers

Stahlberg, Dagmar; Sczesny, Sabine; Braun, Friederike (2001). Name your favorite musician: Effects of masculine generics and of their alternatives in German. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 20(4), pp. 464-469. Sage Publications

Stahlberg, Dagmar; Sczesny, Sabine (2001). Effects of the generic use of the masculine pronoun and alternative forms of speech on the cognitive visibility of women. Psychologische Rundschau, 52(3), pp. 131-140. Hogrefe 10.1026//0033-3042.52.3.131

Stahlberg, Dagmar; Sczesny, Sabine (2001). Gender stereotypes and the social perception of leadership. European Bulletin of Social Psychology, 13, pp. 15-29. European Association of Experimental Social Psychology

Sczesny, Sabine; Stahlberg, Dagmar (2000). Sexual harassment over the telephone: Occupational risk at call centers. Work & Stress, 14(2), pp. 121-136. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/026783700750051649

Sczesny, Sabine; Stahlberg, Dagmar (1999). Sexual Harassment over the Telephone: Definition, Prevalence, Types and Coping. Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 30(2/3), pp. 151-164. Huber 10.1024//0044-3514.30.23.151

Book Section

Stahlberg, Dagmar; Braun, Friederike; Irmen, Lisa; Sczesny, Sabine (2007). Representation of the sexes in language. In: Fiedler, Klaus (ed.) Social communication. Frontiers of Social Psychology (pp. 163-187). Hove, UK: Psychology Press

Schuster, Beate; Sczesny, Sabine; Stahlberg, Dagmar (1999). Sexuelle Belästigung und Mobbing am Arbeitsplatz. In: Frey, Dieter; Graf Hoyos, Carl (eds.) Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie. Ein Lehrbuch. Angewandte Psychologie: Vol. 1 (pp. 188-199). Weinheim: Psychologie Verlags Union

Sczesny, Sabine; Stahlberg, Dagmar (1999). Sexuelle Belästigung am Telefon: Ein gesellschaftliches Phänomen im Überblick. In: Hacker, W.; Rinck, M. (eds.) Zukunft gestalten. Bericht über den 41. Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie in Dresden 1998 (pp. 508-518). Lengerich: Pabst

Working Paper

Schwarz, Stefan; Stahlberg, Dagmar; Sczesny, Sabine (2002). Denying the foreseeability of an event as a means of self-protection. The Impact of Self-Threatening Outcome Information on the Strength of the Hindsight Bias (Sonderforschungsbereich 504 Publications 02-37). Mannheim: Universität Mannheim

Stahlberg, Dagmar; Sczesny, Sabine; Schwarz, Stefan (23 June 1999). Exculpating victims and the reversal of hindsight bias (Sonderforschungsbereich 504 Publications 99-70). Mannheim: Universität Mannheim

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