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Schwerzmann, Martina C; Dettmer, Matthias S; Baumhoer, Daniel; Iizuka, Tateyuki; Suter, Valérie (2022). A rare low-grade myofibroblastic sarcoma in lower jaw with the resemblance to benign lesions. BMC Oral Health, 22(1), p. 380. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12903-022-02381-1
Suter, Valérie; Rivola, M; Schriber, Martina; Leung, Y Y; Bornstein, M M (2019). Risk factors for root resorption of second molars associated with impacted mandibular third molars. International journal of oral & maxillofacial surgery, 48(6), pp. 801-809. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijom.2018.11.005
Benzaquen, M; Suter, Valérie; Gschwend, M; Feldmeyer, Laurence; Borradori, Luca (2019). Mucous membrane pemphigoid of the oral lichen type: a retrospective analysis of 16 cases. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV, 33(5), e205-e207. Wiley 10.1111/jdv.15473
Schriber, Martina; Bornstein, Michael M; Suter, Valérie (2019). Is the pneumatisation of the maxillary sinus following tooth loss a reality? A retrospective analysis using cone beam computed tomography and a customised software program. Clinical oral investigations, 23(3), pp. 1349-1358. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00784-018-2552-5
Schriber, Martina; Suter, Valérie (2018). Erythema exsudativum multiforme. Swiss dental journal, 128(10), pp. 812-813. Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft SSO
Ducommun, Julien; Bornstein, Michael; Suter, Valérie (2018). Die ossäre Dysplasie: ein radiologischer Zufallsbefund. Swiss dental journal, 128(2), pp. 142-143. Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft SSO
Buser, Ramona; Yue, Qin; Zimmermann, Patrick; Suter, Valérie; Abou-Ayash, Samir; Schimmel, Martin (2018). Prosthodontic Solutions for Elderly Patients. Forum implantologicum, 14(2), pp. 130-140. Quintessence Publishing Group
Janner, Simone; Suter, Valérie; Schimmel, Martin; Buser, Daniel Albin (2018). Surgical Strategies in Elderly Implant Patients. Forum implantologicum, 14(2), pp. 116-129. Quintessence Publishing Group
Suter, Valérie; Sjölund, Sophia; Bornstein, Michael (2017). Effect of laser on pain relief and wound healing of recurrent aphthous stomatitis: a systematic review. Lasers in medical science, 32(4), pp. 953-963. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s10103-017-2184-z
Suter, Valérie; Negoias, Simona; Friedrich, Hergen Martin; Landis, Basile Nicolas; Caversaccio, Marco; Bornstein, Michael (2017). Gustatory function and taste perception in patients with oral lichen planus and tongue involvement. Clinical oral investigations, 21(3), pp. 957-964. Springer 10.1007/s00784-016-1860-x
Schriber, Martina; Schmitt Kurrer, Anja; Suter, Valérie (2017). Granularzelltumor der Zunge. Swiss dental journal, 127(4), pp. 312-313. Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft SSO
Suter, Valérie; Altermatt, Hans Jörg; Bornstein, Michael M. (2017). A randomized controlled clinical and histopathological trial comparing excisional biopsies of oral fibrous hyperplasias using CO and Er:YAG laser. Lasers in medical science, 32(3), pp. 573-581. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s10103-017-2151-8
Schimmel, Martin; Müller, Frauke; Suter, Valérie; Buser, Daniel Albin (2017). Implants for elderly patients. Periodontology 2000, 73(1), pp. 228-240. Wiley 10.1111/prd.12166
Schriber, Martina; von Arx, Thomas; Sendi, Pedram; Jacobs, Reinhilde; Suter, Valérie; Bornstein, Michael (2017). Evaluating Maxillary Sinus Septa Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography: Is There a Difference in Frequency and Type Between the Dentate and Edentulous Posterior Maxilla? The international journal of oral & maxillofacial implants, 32(6), pp. 1324-1332. Quintessence Publishing 10.11607/jomi.5854
Häfliger, Stefanie; Horn, Michael Peter; Suter, Valérie; Bornstein, Michael M; Borradori, Luca (2016). Rituximab for the Treatment of Isolated Refractory Desquamative Gingivitis Due to Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid. JAMA dermatology, 152(12), pp. 1396-1398. American Medical Association 10.1001/jamadermatol.2016.3434
Suter, Valérie; Jacobs, Reinhilde; Brücker, Marcia R; Furher, Alberto; Frank, Jim; von Arx, Thomas; Bornstein, Michael (2016). Evaluation of a possible association between a history of dentoalveolar injury and the shape and size of the nasopalatine canal. Clinical oral investigations, 20(3), pp. 553-561. Springer 10.1007/s00784-015-1548-7
Suter, Valérie; Warnakulasuriya, Saman (2016). The role of patch testing in the management of oral lichenoid reactions. Journal of oral pathology & medicine, 45(1), pp. 48-57. Wiley 10.1111/jop.12328
Mossaz, Jessica Laure; Suter, Valérie; Katsaros, Christos; Bornstein, Michael M (2016). [Supernumerary teeth in the maxilla and mandible-an interdisciplinary challenge. Part 2: diagnostic pathways and current therapeutic concepts]. Swiss dental journal, 126(3), pp. 237-248. Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft SSO
Schimmel, Martin; Müller, Frauke; Suter, Valérie; Buser, Daniel (2016). Implantatversorgung bei Hochbetagten. Implantologie, 24(4), pp. 355-365. Quintessenz Verlags-GmbH
Suter, Valérie; Warnakulasuriya, Saman; Reichart, Peter; Bornstein, Michael (2015). Radiographic volume analysis as a novel tool to determine nasopalatine duct cyst dimensions and its association with presenting symptoms and postoperative complications. Clinical oral investigations, 19(7), pp. 1611-1618. Springer 10.1007/s00784-014-1391-2
Suter, Valérie; Altermatt, Hans Jörg; Dietrich, Thomas; Warnakulasuriya, Saman; Bornstein, Michael M. (2014). Pulsed versus continuous wave CO2 laser excisions of 100 oral fibrous hyperplasias: a randomized controlled clinical and histopathological study. Lasers in surgery and medicine, 46(5), pp. 396-404. Wiley-Liss 10.1002/lsm.22244
Janner, Simone; Suter, Valérie; Altermatt, Hans Jörg; Reichart, Peter; Bornstein, Michael M. (2014). Bilateral necrotizing sialometaplasia of the hard palate in a patient with bulimia: a case report and review of the literature. Quintessence international, 45(5), pp. 431-437. Quintessenz Verlags-GmbH 10.3290/j.qi.a31543
Suter, Valérie; Zbären, Peter; Borradori, Luca; Schmitt, Anja M; Reichart, Peter; Bornstein, Michael M. (2014). Scarring and chronic ulceration of the floor of the mouth. Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology and endodontology, 117(3), pp. 267-271. Orlando, Fla.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.oooo.2012.06.005
Suter, Valérie; Heinzmann, Annik-Emily; Grossen, Johannes; Sculean, Anton; Bornstein, Michael M. (2014). Does the maxillary midline diastema close after frenectomy? Quintessence international, 45(1), pp. 57-66. Quintessenz Verlags-GmbH 10.3290/j.qi.a30772
Lai Heuberger, Caroline; Suter, Valérie; Katsaros, Christos; Bornstein, Michael M. (2014). Localization of impacted maxillary canines and root resorption of neighbouring teeth: a study assessing the diagnostic value of panoramic radiographs in two groups of observers. European journal of orthodontics, 36(4), pp. 450-456. Oxford University Press 10.1093/ejo/cjt074
Mossaz, Jessica; Kloukos, Dimitrios; Pandis, Nikolaos; Suter, Valérie; Katsaros, Christos; Bornstein, Michael M. (2014). Morphologic characteristics, location, and associated complications of maxillary and mandibular supernumerary teeth as evaluated using cone beam computed tomography. European journal of orthodontics, 36(6), pp. 708-718. Oxford University Press 10.1093/ejo/cjt101
Bornstein, Michael; Suter, Valérie; Stauffer, Edouard; Buser, Daniel Albin (2003). [The CO2 laser in stomatology. Part 2]. Schweizer Monatsschrift für Zahnmedizin = Revue mensuelle suisse d'odonto-stomatologie = Rivista mensile svizzera di odontologia e stomatologia, 113(7), pp. 767-778. Schweizerische Zahnärtze-Gesellschaft
Bornstein, Michael; Suter, Valérie; Stauffer, Edouard; Buser, Daniel Albin (2003). [The CO2 laser in stomatology. Part 1]. Schweizer Monatsschrift für Zahnmedizin = Revue mensuelle suisse d'odonto-stomatologie = Rivista mensile svizzera di odontologia e stomatologia, 113(5), pp. 559-565. Schweizerische Zahnärtze-Gesellschaft
Schimmel, Martin; Müller, F; Suter, Valérie; Buser, Daniel Albin (2017). Implantatprothetik bei hochaltrigen Patienten. GERO DENTAL(4), pp. 6-20.
Neuhaus, Klaus W.; Schwieger-Briel, Agnes; Suter, Valérie; Gouveia, Carolina; Bürgler, Christina (2024). Epidermolysis bullosa. In: Filippi, Andreas; Filippi, Cornela; Neuhaus, Klaus W. (eds.) Die zahnmedizinische Behandlung von Menschen mit Special Needs (pp. 195-202). Quintessence Publishing