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Bundo, Marvin; Preisig, Martin; Merikangas, Kathleen; Glaus, Jennifer; Vaucher, Julien; Waeber, Gérard; Marques-Vidal, Pedro; Strippoli, Marie-Pierre F; Müller, Thomas; Franco, Oscar; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana Maria (2023). How ambient temperature affects mood: an ecological momentary assessment study in Switzerland. Environmental health, 22(1), p. 52. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12940-023-01003-9
Wang, Zhe; Emmerich, Andrew; Pillon, Nicolas J; Moore, Tim; Hemerich, Daiane; Cornelis, Marilyn C; Mazzaferro, Eugenia; Broos, Siacia; Ahluwalia, Tarunveer S; Bartz, Traci M; Bentley, Amy R; Bielak, Lawrence F; Chong, Mike; Chu, Audrey Y; Berry, Diane; Dorajoo, Rajkumar; Dueker, Nicole D; Kasbohm, Elisa; Feenstra, Bjarke; Feitosa, Mary F; ... (2022). Genome-wide association analyses of physical activity and sedentary behavior provide insights into underlying mechanisms and roles in disease prevention. Nature genetics, 54(9), pp. 1332-1344. Nature America 10.1038/s41588-022-01165-1
Mitchell, Sharon; Jaccard, Evrim; Schmitz, Felix Michael; von Känel, Elianne; Collombet, Prune; Cornuz, Jacques; Waeber, Gérard; Guessous, Idris; Guttormsen, Sissel (2022). Investigating acceptability of a training programme in precision medicine for frontline healthcare professionals: a mixed methods study. BMC medical education, 22(1), p. 556. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12909-022-03613-2
Janett-Pellegri, Camilla; Wildisen, Lea; Feller, Martin; Del Giovane, Cinzia; Moutzouri, Elisavet; Grolimund, Oliver; Walter, Patrick; Waeber, Gérard; Marques-Vidal, Pedro; Vollenweider, Peter; Rodondi, Nicolas (2021). Prevalence and factors associated with chronic use of levothyroxine: A cohort study. PLoS ONE, 16(12), e0261160. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0261160
Mitchell, Sharon; Jaccard, Evrim; Cardineaux, Regula; Collombet, Prune; Cornuz, Jacques; Waeber, Gérard; Guessous, Idris; Guttormsen, Sissel (2020). Implementing an Online Training Programme in Precision Medicine for Primary Care Professionals: a Multi-Method Approach. In: Sampson, Demetrios G.; Ifenthaler, Dirk; Isaías, Pedro (eds.) Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age (pp. 359-364). Lisbon, Portugal: IADIS Press
Glaus, Jennifer; von Känel, Roland; Lasserre, Aurélie M; Strippoli, Marie-Pierre F; Vandeleur, Caroline L; Castelao, Enrique; Gholam-Rezaee, Mehdi; Marangoni, Ciro; Wagner, En-Young; Marques-Vidal, Pedro; Waeber, Gérard; Vollenweider, Peter; Preisig, Martin; Merikangas, Kathleen R (2018). The bidirectional relationship between anxiety disorders and circulating levels of inflammatory markers: Results from a large longitudinal population-based study. Depression and anxiety, 35(4), pp. 360-371. Wiley 10.1002/da.22710
Rudaz, Dominique A; Vandeleur, Caroline L; Gebreab, Sirak Z; Gholam-Rezaee, Mehdi; Strippoli, Marie-Pierre F; Lasserre, Aurélie M; Glaus, Jennifer; Castelao, Enrique; Pistis, Giorgio; von Känel, Roland; Marques-Vidal, Pedro; Waeber, Gérard; Vollenweider, Peter; Preisig, Martin (2017). Partially distinct combinations of psychological, metabolic and inflammatory risk factors are prospectively associated with the onset of the subtypes of Major Depressive Disorder in midlife. Journal of Affective Disorders, 222, pp. 195-203. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2017.07.016
Pruijm, Menno; Ponte, Belen; Ackermann, Daniel; Paccaud, Fred; Guessous, Idris; Ehret, Georg; Pechère-Bertschi, Antoinette; Vogt, Bruno; Mohaupt, Markus; Martin, Pierre-Yves; Youhanna, Sonia C; Nägele, Nadine; Vollenweider, Peter; Waeber, Gérard; Burnier, Michel; Devuyst, Olivier; Bochud, Murielle (2016). Associations of Urinary Uromodulin with Clinical Characteristics and Markers of Tubular Function in the General Population. Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 11(1), pp. 70-80. American Society of Nephrology 10.2215/CJN.04230415
Glaus, Jennifer; Vandeleur, Caroline L; von Känel, Roland; Lasserre, Aurélie M; Strippoli, Marie-Pierre F; Gholam-Rezaee, Mehdi; Castelao, Enrique; Marques-Vidal, Pedro; Bovet, Pascal; Merikangas, Kathleen; Mooser, Vincent; Waeber, Gérard; Vollenweider, Peter; Aubry, Jean-Michel; Preisig, Martin (2014). Associations between mood, anxiety or substance use disorders and inflammatory markers after adjustment for multiple covariates in a population-based study. Journal of psychiatric research, 58, pp. 36-45. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2014.07.012
Waeber, Gérard; Cornuz, Jacques; Aujesky, Drahomir; Gaspoz, Jean-Michel; Perrier, Arnaud (2014). Challenges and opportunities related to the creation of a unique society of specialists in general internal medicine in 2015. Revue médicale suisse, 10(414), pp. 149-152. Médecine & Hygiène
Donzé, Jacques; Rodondi, Nicolas; Waeber, Gérard; Cornuz, Jacques; Aujesky, Drahomir (2013). Major bleeding risk in anticoagulated patients receiving concomitant antiplatelet therapy: a prospective study. Thrombosis research, 131(6), pp. 502-507. Elsevier 10.1016/j.thromres.2013.04.033
Marques-Vidal, Pedro; Bastardot, François; von Känel, Roland; Paccaud, Fred; Preisig, Martin; Waeber, Gérard; Vollenweider, Peter (2013). Association between circulating cytokine levels, diabetes and insulin resistance in a population-based sample (CoLaus study). Clinical endocrinology, 78(2), pp. 232-241. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/j.1365-2265.2012.04384.x
Pasquier, Mathieu; Pantet, Olivier; Hugli, Olivier; Pruvot, Etienne; Buclin, Thierry; Waeber, Gérard; Aujesky, Drahomir (2012). Prevalence and Determinants of QT Interval Prolongation in Medical Inpatients. Internal medicine journal, 42(8), pp. 933-40. Sydney: Blackwell 10.1111/j.1445-5994.2011.02447.x
Marques-Vidal, Pedro; Bochud, Murielle; Bastardot, François; von Känel, Roland; Ferrero, François; Gaspoz, Jean-Michel; Paccaud, Fred; Urwyler, Adrian; Lüscher, Thomas; Hock, Christoph; Waeber, Gérard; Preisig, Martin; Vollenweider, Peter (2012). Associations between alcohol consumption and selected cytokines in a Swiss population-based sample (CoLaus study). Atherosclerosis, 222(1), pp. 245-50. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2012.02.011
Donzé, Jacques; Rodondi, Nicolas; Waeber, Gérard; Monney, Pierre; Cornuz, Jacques; Aujesky, Drahomir (2012). Scores to predict major bleeding risk during oral anticoagulation therapy: a prospective validation study. American journal of medicine, 125(11), pp. 1095-102. Orlando, Fla.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.amjmed.2012.04.005
Donzé, Jacques; Clair, Carole; Hug, Balthasar; Rodondi, Nicolas; Waeber, Gérard; Cornuz, Jacques; Aujesky, Drahomir (2012). Risk of falls and major bleeds in patients on oral anticoagulation therapy. American journal of medicine, 125(8), pp. 773-8. Orlando, Fla.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.amjmed.2012.01.033
Marques-Vidal, Pedro; Schmid, Rémy; Bochud, Murielle; Bastardot, François; von Känel, Roland; Paccaud, Fred; Glaus, Jennifer; Preisig, Martin; Waeber, Gérard; Vollenweider, Peter (2012). Adipocytokines, hepatic and inflammatory biomarkers and incidence of type 2 diabetes. the CoLaus study. PLoS ONE, 7(12), e51768. Lawrence, Kans.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0051768
Marques-Vidal, Pedro; Bochud, Murielle; Bastardot, François; Lüscher, Thomas; Ferrero, François; Gaspoz, Jean-Michel; Paccaud, Fred; Urwyler, Adrian; von Känel, Roland; Hock, Christoph; Waeber, Gérard; Preisig, Martin; Vollenweider, Peter (2012). Association between inflammatory and obesity markers in a Swiss population-based sample (CoLaus Study). Obesity facts, 5(5), pp. 734-44. Basel: Karger 10.1159/000345045
Ito, Marcia K; Nanchen, David; Rodondi, Nicolas; Paccaud, Fred; Waeber, Gérard; Vollenweider, Peter; Marques-Vidal, Pedro (2011). Statins for cardiovascular prevention according to different strategies: a cost analysis. American journal of cardiovascular drugs, 11(1), pp. 33-44. Auckland (NZ): Adis International 10.2165/11586760-000000000-00000
Nanchen, David; Pletcher, Mark J; Cornuz, Jacques; Marques-Vidal, Pedro-Manuel; Paccaud, Fred; Waeber, Gérard; Vollenweider, Peter; Rodondi, Nicolas (2011). Public health impact of statin prescribing strategies based on JUPITER. Preventive medicine, 52(2), pp. 159-63. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ypmed.2010.11.018
Bender, Nicole; Allemann, Noëmi; Marek, Diana; Vollenweider, Peter; Waeber, Gérard; Mooser, Vincent; Egger, Matthias; Bochud, Murielle (2011). Association between variants of the leptin receptor gene (LEPR) and overweight: a systematic review and an analysis of the CoLaus study. PLoS ONE, 6(10), e26157. Lawrence, Kans.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0026157
Marques-Vidal, Pedro; Bochud, Murielle; Bastardot, François; Lüscher, Thomas; Ferrero, François; Gaspoz, Jean-Michel; Paccaud, Fred; Urwyler, Adrian; von Känel, Roland; Hock, Christoph; Waeber, Gérard; Preisig, Martin; Vollenweider, Peter (2011). Levels and determinants of inflammatory biomarkers in a Swiss population-based sample (CoLaus study). PLoS ONE, 6(6), e21002. Lawrence, Kans.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0021002
Fraga, Montserrat; Taffé, Patrick; Méan, Marie; Hugli, Olivier; Witzig, Stéphanie; Waeber, Gérard; Aujesky, Drahomir (2010). The inter-rater reliability of the Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index. Thrombosis and haemostasis, 104(6), pp. 1258-62. Stuttgart: Schattauer 10.1160/TH10-07-0426