AGU Publications

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Number of items: 27.


Zhao, J.‐T.; Zong, Q.‐G.; Sun, W.‐J.; Zhou, X.‐Z.; Yue, C.; Wang, S.; Slavin, J. A.; Raines, J. M.; Wurz, P.; Ip, W.‐H. (2024). Dynamics of Sputtered Neutral Sodium Atoms in the Near‐Mercury Space. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 129(4) AGU Publications 10.1029/2023ja032139

Hocke, Klemens; Wang, Wenyue; Cahyadi, Mokhamad Nur; Ma, Guanyi (2024). Quasi-diurnal lunar tide O1 in ionospheric total electron content at solar minimum. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 129(e2024JA032834) AGU Publications 10.1029/2024JA032834


van Caspel, Willem E.; Espy, Patrick; Hibbins, Robert; Stober, Gunter; Brown, Peter; Jacobi, Christoph; Kero, Johan (2023). A Case Study of the Solar and Lunar Semidiurnal Tide Response to the 2013 Sudden Stratospheric Warming. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 128(9) AGU Publications 10.1029/2023JA031680

Krupp, N.; Roussos, E.; Fränz, M.; Kollmann, P.; Paranicas, C.; Clark, G.; Khurana, K.; Galli, A. (2023). Pitch Angle Distributions of Energetic Particles Near Callisto. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 128(10) AGU Publications 10.1029/2023JA031794


Fatemi, S; Poppe, A R; Vorburger, A; Lindkvist, J; Hamrin, M (2022). Ion Dynamics at the Magnetopause of Ganymede. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 127(1), e2021JA029863. AGU Publications 10.1029/2021JA029863


Hirschberg, J.; Fatichi, S.; Bennett, G.L.; McArdell, B.W.; Peleg, N.; Lane, S.N.; Schlunegger, F.; Molnar, P. (2021). Climate Change Impacts on Sediment Yield and Debris‐Flow Activity in an Alpine Catchment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 126(1) AGU Publications 10.1029/2020JF005739

Harris, Camilla D. K.; Jia, Xianzhe; Slavin, James A.; Toth, Gabor; Huang, Zhenguang; Rubin, Martin (2021). Multi‐Fluid MHD Simulations of Europa's Plasma Interaction Under Different Magnetospheric Conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 126(5) AGU Publications 10.1029/2020JA028888

Vorburger, Audrey; Wurz, Peter (2021). Modeling of Possible Plume Mechanisms on Europa. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 126(9) AGU Publications 10.1029/2021ja029690


Jones, M.; Siskind, D. E.; Drob, D. P.; McCormack, J. P.; Emmert, J. T.; Dhadly, M. S.; Attard, H. E.; Mlynczak, M. G.; Brown, P. G.; Stober, G.; Kozlovsky, A.; Lester, M.; Jacobi, C. (2020). Coupling From the Middle Atmosphere to the Exobase: Dynamical Disturbance Effects on Light Chemical Species. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125(10) AGU Publications 10.1029/2020JA028331


Wurz, Peter; Gamborino Uzcanga, Diana; Vorburger, Audrey Helena; Raines, J. M. (2019). Heavy Ion Composition of Mercury's Magnetosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 124(4), pp. 2603-2612. AGU Publications 10.1029/2018ja026319

Wang, X.‐D.; Barabash, S.; Futaana, Y.; Shematovich, V.; Galli, André; Wurz, Peter (2019). Energy Spectral Properties of Hydrogen Energetic Neutral Atoms Emitted from the Dayside Atmosphere of Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 124(6), pp. 4104-4113. AGU Publications 10.1029/2018ja026346

Vorburger, Audrey Helena; Pfleger, Martin; Lindkvist, Jesper; Holmström, Mats; Lammer, Helmut; Lichtenegger, Herbert I. M.; Galli, André; Rubin, Martin; Wurz, Peter (2019). Three‐Dimensional Modeling of Callisto's Surface Sputtered Exosphere Environment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 124(8), pp. 7157-7169. AGU Publications 10.1029/2019JA026610


Odelstad, E.; Eriksson, A. I.; Johansson, F. L.; Vigren, E.; Henri, P.; Gilet, N.; Heritier, K. L.; Vallières, X.; Rubin, M.; André, M. (2018). Ion Velocity and Electron Temperature Inside and Around the Diamagnetic Cavity of Comet 67P. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123(7), pp. 5870-5893. AGU Publications 10.1029/2018ja025542


Wolff, E. W.; Bigler, Matthias; Curran, M. A. J.; Dibb, J. E.; Frey, M. M.; Legrand, M.; McConnell, J. R. (2016). Comment on “Low time resolution analysis of polar ice cores cannot detect impulsive nitrate events” by D.F. Smart et al. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 121(3), pp. 1920-1924. AGU Publications 10.1002/2015JA021570

Lue, Charles; Futaana, Yoshifumi; Barabash, Stas; Saito, Yoshifumi; Nishino, Masaki; Wieser, Martin; Asamura, Kazushi; Bhardwaj, Anil; Wurz, Peter (2016). Scattering characteristics and imaging of energetic neutral atoms from the Moon in the terrestrial magnetosheath. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 121(1), pp. 432-445. AGU Publications 10.1002/2015ja021826

Madanian, H.; Cravens, T. E.; Rahmati, A.; Goldstein, R.; Burch, J.; Eriksson, A. I.; Edberg, N. J. T.; Henri, P.; Mandt, K.; Clark, G.; Rubin, Martin; Broiles, T.; Reedy, N. L. (2016). Suprathermal electrons near the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko at 3 AU: Model comparisons with Rosetta data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 121(6), pp. 5815-5836. AGU Publications 10.1002/2016JA022610

Huang, Zhenguang; Tóth, Gábor; Gombosi, Tamas I.; Jia, Xianzhe; Rubin, Martin; Fougere, Nicolas; Tenishev, Valeriy; Combi, Michael R.; Bieler, André; Hansen, Kenneth C.; Shou, Yinsi; Altwegg, Kathrin (2016). Four-fluid MHD simulations of the plasma and neutral gas environment of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko near perihelion. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 121(5), pp. 4247-4268. AGU Publications 10.1002/2015ja022333

Cessateur, G.; Keyser, J. De; Maggiolo, R.; Gibbons, A.; Gronoff, G.; Gunell, H.; Dhooghe, F.; Loreau, J.; Vaeck, N.; Altwegg, Kathrin; Bieler, André; Briois, C.; Calmonte, Ursina Maria; Combi, M. R.; Fiethe, B.; Fuselier, S. A.; Gombosi, T. I.; Hässig, Myrtha; Le Roy, Léna; Neefs, E.; ... (2016). Photochemistry of forbidden oxygen lines in the inner coma of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 121(1), pp. 804-816. AGU Publications 10.1002/2015ja022013


Rubin, Martin; Jia, X.; Altwegg, Kathrin; Combi, M. R.; Daldorff, L. K. S.; Gombosi, T. I.; Khurana, K.; Kivelson, M. G.; Tenishev, V. M.; Tóth, G.; van der Holst, B.; Wurz, Peter (2015). Self-consistent multifluid MHD simulations of Europa's exospheric interaction with Jupiter's magnetosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 120(5), pp. 3503-3524. AGU Publications 10.1002/2015JA021149

Dyadechkin, S.; Kallio, E.; Wurz, Peter (2015). New fully kinetic model for the study of electric potential, plasma, and dust above lunar landscapes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 120(3), pp. 1589-1606. AGU Publications 10.1002/2014ja020511


Harada, Yuki; Futaana, Yoshifumi; Barabash, Stas; Wieser, Martin; Wurz, Peter; Bhardwaj, Anil; Asamura, Kazushi; Saito, Yoshifumi; Yokota, Shoichiro; Tsunakawa, Hideo; Machida, Shinobu (2014). Backscattered energetic neutral atoms from the Moon in the Earth's plasma sheet observed by Chandarayaan-1/Sub-keV Atom Reflecting Analyzer instrument. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119(5), pp. 3573-3584. AGU Publications 10.1002/2013JA019682

Vorburger, Audrey; Wurz, Peter; Barabash, S.; Wieser, M.; Futaana, Y.; Holmström, M.; Bhardwaj, A.; Asamura, K. (2014). First direct observation of sputtered lunar oxygen. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119(2), pp. 709-722. AGU Publications 10.1002/2013JA019207

Wang, X.-D.; Barabash, S.; Futaana, Y.; Grigoriev, A.; Wurz, Peter (2014). Influence of Martian crustal magnetic anomalies on the emission of energetic neutral hydrogen atoms. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119(10), pp. 8600-8609. AGU Publications 10.1002/2014JA020307

Lue, Charles; Futaana, Yoshifumi; Barabash, Stas; Wieser, Martin; Bhardwaj, Anil; Wurz, Peter (2014). Chandrayaan-1 observations of backscattered solar wind protons from the lunar regolith: Dependence on the solar wind speed. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 119(5), pp. 968-975. AGU Publications 10.1002/2013JE004582


Vorburger, Audrey; Wurz, Peter; Barabash, S.; Wieser, M.; Futaana, Y.; Lue, C.; Holmström, M.; Bhardwaj, A.; Dhanya, M. B.; Asamura, K. (2013). Energetic neutral atom imaging of the lunar surface. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 118(7), pp. 3937-3945. AGU Publications 10.1002/jgra.50337

Trattner, K. J.; Allegrini, F.; Dayeh, M. A.; Funsten, H. O.; Fuselier, S. A.; Heirtzler, D.; Janzen, P.; Kucharek, H.; McComas, D. J.; Möbius, E.; Moore, T. E.; Petrinec, S. M.; Reisenfeld, D. B.; Schwadron, N. A.; Wurz, Peter (2013). The free escape continuum of diffuse ions upstream of the Earth's quasi-parallel bow shock. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 118(7), pp. 4425-4434. AGU Publications 10.1002/jgra.50447


Vorburger, Audrey; Wurz, Peter; Barabash, S.; Wieser, Martin; Futaana, Y.; Holmstrom, M.; Bhardwaj, A.; Asamura, K. (2012). Energetic neutral atom observations of magnetic anomalies on the lunar surface. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 117(A7), n/a-n/a. AGU Publications 10.1029/2012JA017553

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