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Number of items: 73.


Harvey, Jeffrey A.; Tougeron, Kévin; Gols, Rieta; Heinen, Robin; Abarca, Mariana; Abram, Paul K.; Basset, Yves; Berg, Matty; Boggs, Carol; Brodeur, Jacques; Cardoso, Pedro; de Boer, Jetske G.; De Snoo, Geert R.; Deacon, Charl; Dell, Jane E.; Desneux, Nicolas; Dillon, Michael E.; Duffy, Grant A.; Dyer, Lee A.; Ellers, Jacintha; ... (2023). Scientists' warning on climate change and insects. Ecological monographs, 93(1) Ecological Society of America 10.1002/ecm.1553

Bickerton, Katherine T; Ewen, John G; Canessa, Stefano; Cole, Nik C; Frost, Fay; Mootoocurpen, Rouben; McCrea, Rachel (2023). Avoiding bias in estimates of population size for translocation management. Ecological Applications, 33(8), e2918. Ecological Society of America 10.1002/eap.2918

Neff, Felix; Prati, Daniel; Achury, Rafael; Ambarlı, Didem; Bolliger, Ralph; Brändle, Martin; Freitag, Martin; Hölzel, Norbert; Kleinebecker, Till; Knecht, Arturo; Schäfer, Deborah; Schall, Peter; Seibold, Sebastian; Staab, Michael; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Pellissier, Loïc; Gossner, Martin M. (2023). Reduction of invertebrate herbivory by land use is only partly explained by changes in plant and insect characteristics. Ecological Monographs, 93(2), e1571. Ecological Society of America 10.1002/ecm.1571


Cappelli, Seraina L.; Pichon, Noémie A.; Mannall, Tosca; Allan, Eric (2022). Partitioning the effects of plant diversity on ecosystem functions at different trophic levels. Ecological Monographs, 92(3), e1521. Ecological Society of America 10.1002/ecm.1521

Wan, Jinlong; Yi, Jiahui; Tao, Zhibin; Ren, Zhikun; Otieno, Evans O.; Tian, Baoliang; Ding, Jianqing; Siemann, Evan; Erb, Matthias; Huang, Wei (2022). Species‐specific plant‐mediated effects between herbivores converge at high damage intensity. Ecology, 103(5), e3647. Ecological Society of America 10.1002/ecy.3647


Bleyhl, Benjamin; Ghoddousi, Arash; Askerov, Elshad; Bocedi, Greta; Breitenmoser, Urs; Manvelyan, Karen; Palmer, Stephen C F; Soofi, Mahmood; Weinberg, Paul; Zazanashvili, Nugzar; Shmunk, Valerii; Zurell, Damaris; Kuemmerle, Tobias (2021). Reducing persecution is more effective for restoring large carnivores than restoring their prey. Ecological Applications, 31(5), e02338. Ecological Society of America 10.1002/eap.2338

Newbery, D. M.; Zahnd, C. (2021). Change in liana density over 30 years in a Bornean rain forest supports the escape hypothesis. Ecosphere, 12(8), e03537. Ecological Society of America 10.1002/ecs2.3537


Potapov, Anton M.; Dupérré, Nadine; Jochum, Malte; Dreczko, Kerstin; Klarner, Bernhard; Barnes, Andrew D.; Krashevska, Valentyna; Rembold, Katja; Kreft, Holger; Brose, Ulrich; Widyastuti, Rahayu; Harms, Danilo; Scheu, Stefan (2020). Functional losses in ground spider communities due to habitat-structure degradation under tropical land-use change. Ecology, 101(3), e02957. Ecological Society of America 10.1002/ecy.2957

Eckert, Sandra; Hamad, Amina; Kilawe, Charles Joseph; Linders, Theo E. W.; Ng, Wai‐Tim; Mbaabu, Purity Rima; Shiferaw, Hailu; Witt, Arne; Schaffner, Urs (2020). Niche change analysis as a tool to inform management of two invasive species in Eastern Africa. Ecosphere, 11(2) Ecological Society of America 10.1002/ecs2.2987

Dönz, Carmela J.; Seehausen, Ole (2020). Rediscovery of a presumed extinct species, Salvelinus profundus, after re-oligotrophication. Ecology, 101(8) Ecological Society of America 10.1002/ECY.3065

Madrigal‐González, Jaime; Ballesteros‐Cánovas, Juan A.; Zavala, Miguel A.; Morales-Molino, César; Stoffel, Markus (2020). Forest stocks control long‐term climatic mortality risks in Scots pine dry‐edge forests. Ecosphere, 11(8), e03201. Ecological Society of America 10.1002/ecs2.3201

Margalida, Antoni; Jiménez, José; Martínez, José M.; Sesé, José A.; García-Ferré, Diego; Llamas, Alfonso; Razin, Martine; Colomer, MaAngels; Arroyo, Beatriz (2020). An assessment of population size and demographic drivers of the Bearded Vulture using integrated population models. Ecological Monographs, 90(3), e01414. Ecological Society of America 10.1002/ecm.1414

Landes, Julie; Engelhardt, Sacha C; Pelletier, Fanie (2020). An introduction to event history analyses for ecologists. Ecosphere, 11(10) Ecological Society of America 10.1002/ecs2.3238


Newbery, David M.; Neba, Godlove A. (2019). Micronutrients may influence the efficacy of ectomycorrhizas to support tree seedlings in a lowland African rain forest. Ecosphere, 10(4), e02686. Ecological Society of America 10.1002/ecs2.2686

Franić, Iva; Prospero, Simone; Hartmann, Martin; Allan, Eric; Auger‐Rozenberg, Marie‐Anne; Grünwald, Niklaus J.; Kenis, Marc; Roques, Alain; Schneider, Salome; Sniezko, Richard; Williams, Wyatt; Eschen, René (2019). Are traded forest tree seeds a potential source of nonnative pests? Ecological Applications, 29(7) Ecological Society of America 10.1002/eap.1971

Morales-Molino, César; Tinner, Willy; Perea, Ramón; Carrión, José S.; Colombaroli, Daniele; Valbuena‐Carabaña, María; Zafra, Elena; Gil, Luis (2019). Unprecedented herbivory threatens rear‐edge populations of Betula in southwestern Eurasia. Ecology, 100(11) Ecological Society of America 10.1002/ecy.2833

Anaya-Rojas, Jaime M.; Best, Rebecca J.; Brunner, Franziska S.; Eizaguirre, Christophe; Leal, Miguel Costa; Mélian, Carlos J.; Seehausen, Ole; Matthews, Blake (2019). An experimental test of how parasites of predators can influence trophic cascades and ecosystem functioning. Ecology, 100(8) Ecological Society of America 10.1002/ecy.2744

Van Klink, Roel; Menz, Myles H. M.; Baur, Hannes; Dosch, Oliver; Kühne, Isabel; Lischer, Lukas; Luka, Henryk; Meyer, Sandro; Szikora, Timea; Unternährer, Debora; Arlettaz, Raphaël; Humbert, Jean-Yves (2019). Larval and phenological traits predict insect community response to mowing regime manipulations. Ecological Applications, 29(4), e01900. Ecological Society of America 10.1002/eap.1900


Kempel, Anne; Rindisbacher, Abiel; Fischer, Markus; Allan, Eric (2018). Plant soil feedback strength in relation to large-scale plant rarity and phylogenetic relatedness. Ecology, 99(3), pp. 597-606. Ecological Society of America 10.1002/ecy.2145

Lange, Katharina; Meier, Philipp; Trautwein, Clemens; Schmid, Martin; Robinson, Christopher T; Weber, Christine; Brodersen, Jakob (2018). Basin-scale effects of small hydropower on biodiversity dynamics. Frontiers in ecology and the environment, 16(7), pp. 397-404. Ecological Society of America 10.1002/fee.1823


Züst, Tobias; Agrawal, Anurag A. (2017). Plant chemical defense indirectly mediates aphid performance via interactions with tending ants. Ecology, 98(3), pp. 601-607. Ecological Society of America 10.1002/ecy.1707

Newbery, David McClintock; Lingenfelder, Marcus (2017). Progression and stability analysis of rain forest tree growth under environmental stochasticity. Ecosphere, 8(5), e01813. Ecological Society of America 10.1002/ecs2.1813


Eldridge, David J.; Poore, Alistair G. B.; Ruiz-Colmenero, Marta; Letnic, Mike; Soliveres, Santiago (2016). Ecosystem structure, function, and composition in rangelands are negatively affected by livestock grazing. Ecological Applications, 26(4), pp. 1273-1283. Ecological Society of America 10.1890/15-1234

Boch, Steffen; Prati, Daniel; Fischer, Markus (2016). Gastropods slow down succession and maintain diversity in cryptogam communities. Ecology, 97(9), pp. 2184-2191. Ecological Society of America 10.1002/ecy.1498

Turrini, Tabea; Sanders, Dirk; Knop, Eva (2016). Effects of urbanization on direct and indirect interactions in a tri-trophic system. Ecological Applications, 26(3), pp. 664-675. Ecological Society of America 10.1890/14-1787

Dahlgren, Johan P.; Rizzi, Silvia; Schweingruber, Fritz H.; Hellmann, Lena; Büntgen, Ulf (2016). Age distributions of Greenlandic dwarf shrubs support concept of negligible actuarial senescence. Ecosphere, 7(10), e01521. Ecological Society of America 10.1002/ecs2.1521

Meyer, Sebastian T.; Ebeling, Anne; Eisenhauer, Nico; Hertzog, Lionel; Hillebrand, Helmut; Milcu, Alexandru; Pompe, Sven; Abbas, Maike; Bessler, Holger; Buchmann, Nina; De Luca, Enrica; Engels, Christof; Fischer, Markus; Gleixner, Gerd; Hudewenz, Anika; Klein, Alexandra-Maria; de Kroon, Hans; Leimer, Sophia; Loranger, Hannah; Mommer, Liesje; ... (2016). Effects of biodiversity strengthen over time as ecosystem functioning declines at low and increases at high biodiversity. Ecosphere, 7(12), e01619. Ecological Society of America 10.1002/ecs2.1619

Emmenegger, Tamara; Hahn, Steffen; Arlettaz, Raphaël; Amrhein, Valentin; Zehtindjiev, Pavel; Bauer, Silke (2016). Shifts in vegetation phenology along flyways entail varying risks of mistiming in a migratory songbird. Ecosphere, 7(6), e01385. Ecological Society of America 10.1002/ecs2.1385

Margalida, Antoni; Moleón, Marcos (2016). Toward carrion-free ecosystems? Frontiers in ecology and the environment, 14(4), pp. 183-184. Ecological Society of America 10.1002/fee.1261


Ensslin, Andreas; Rutten, Gemma Gerarda Petronella M.; Pommer, Ulf; Zimmermann, Reiner; Hemp, Andreas; Fischer, Markus (2015). Effects of elevation and land use on the biomass of trees, shrubs and herbs at Mount Kilimanjaro. Ecosphere, 6(3), pp. 1-15. Ecological Society of America 10.1890/ES14-00492.1

Manning, Peter; Gossner, Martin M.; Bossdorf, Oliver; Allan, Eric; Zhang, Yuan-Ye; Prati, Daniel; Blüthgen, Nico; Boch, Steffen; Böhm, Stefan; Börschig, Carmen; Hölzel, Norbert; Jung, Kirsten; Klaus, Valentin H.; Klein, Alexandra Maria; Kleinebecker, Till; Krauss, Jochen; Lange, Markus; Müller, Jörg; Pašalić, Esther; Socher, Stephanie; ... (2015). Grassland management intensification weakens the associations among the diversities of multiple plant and animal taxa. Ecology, 96(6), pp. 1492-1501. Ecological Society of America 10.1890/14-1307.1

Henne, Paul Daniel; Elkin, Ché; Franke, Jörg; Colombaroli, Daniele; Calò, Camilla; La Mantia, Tommaso; Pasta, Salvatore; Conedera, Marco; Dermody, Orla; Tinner, Willy (2015). Reviving extinct Mediterranean forest communities may improve ecosystem potential in a warmer future. Frontiers in ecology and the environment, 13(7), pp. 356-362. Ecological Society of America 10.1890/150027

Xu, Chi; Holmgren, Milena; van Nes, Egbert H.; Maestre, Fernando T.; Soliveres, Santiago; Berdugo, Miguel; Kéfi, Sonia; Marquet, Pablo A.; Abades, Sebastián; Scheffer, Marten (2015). Can we infer plant facilitation from remote sensing? a test across global drylands. Ecological Applications, 25(6), pp. 1456-1462. Ecological Society of America 10.1890/14-2358.1

Arlettaz, Raphaël; Nusslé, Sébastien; Patthey, Patrick; Genoud, Michel; Baltic, Marjana; Vogel, Peter; Palme, Rupert; Jenni-Eiermann, Susanne (2015). Disturbance of wildlife by outdoor winter recreation: allostatic stress response and altered activity–energy budgets. Ecological Applications, 25(5), pp. 1197-1212. Ecological Society of America 10.1890/14-1141.1

Moreno-Opo, Rubén; Trujillano, Ana; Margalida, Antoni (2015). Optimization of supplementary feeding programs for European vultures depends on environmental and management factors. Ecosphere, 6(7), p. 127. Ecological Society of America 10.1890/ES15-00009.1

Kempel, Anne; Razanajatovo, Mialy Harindra; Stein, Claudia; Unsicker, Sybille B.; Auge, Harald; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Fischer, Markus; Prati, Daniel (2015). Herbivore preference drives plant community composition. Ecology, 96(11), pp. 2923-2934. Ecological Society of America 10.1890/14-2125.1


Büntgen, Ulf; Tegel, Willy; Kaplan, Jed O.; Schaub, Michael; Hagedorn, Frank; Bürgi, Matthias; Brázdil, Rudolf; Helle, Gerhard; Carrer, Marco; Heussner, Karl-Uwe; Hofmann, Jutta; Kontic, Raymond; Kyncl, Tomás; Kyncl, Josef; Julio Camarero, J.; Tinner, Willy; Esper, Jan; Liebhold, Andrew (2014). Placing unprecedented recent fir growth in a European-wide and Holocene-long context. Frontiers in ecology and the environment, 12(2), pp. 100-106. Ecological Society of America 10.1890/130089

Rottstock, Tanja; Joshi, Jasmin; Kummer, Volker; Fischer, Markus (2014). Higher plant diversity promotes higher diversity of fungal pathogens, while it decreases pathogen infection per plant. Ecology, 95(7), pp. 1907-1917. Ecological Society of America 10.1890/13-2317.1

Sanz-Aguilar, A; Jovani, R; Melian Penate, Carlos Javier; Pradel, R; Tella, J. L. (2014). Multievent capture-recapture analysis reveals individual foraging specialisation in a generalist species. Ecology, 96(6), pp. 1650-1660. Ecological Society of America 10.1890/14-0437.1

Margalida, Antoni; Colomer, M.A.; Oro, Daniel (2014). Man-induced activities modify demographic parameters in a long-lived species: effects of poisoning and health policies. Ecological Applications, 24(3), pp. 436-444. Ecological Society of America 10.1890/13-0414.1

Lundsgaard-Hansen, Bänz; Matthews, Blake; Seehausen, Ole (2014). Ecological speciation and phenotypic plasticity affect ecosystems. Ecology, 95(10), pp. 2723-2735. Ecological Society of America 10.1890/13-2338.1


Allan, Eric; Jenkins, Tania; Fergus, Alexander J. F.; Roscher, Christiane; Fischer, Markus; Petermann, Jana; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Schmid, Bernhard (2013). Experimental plant communities develop phylogenetically overdispersed abundance distributions during assembly. Ecology, 94(2), pp. 465-477. Washington, D.C.: Ecological Society of America 10.1890/11-2279.1

Newbery, David McClintock; van der Burgt, Xander; Worbes, Martin; Chuyong, George (2013). Transient dominance in a central African rain forest. Ecological Monographs, 83(3), pp. 339-382. Washington, D.C.: Ecological Society of America 10.1890/12-1699.1

Parker, John D; Torchin, Mark E; Hufbauer, Ruth A; Lemoine, Nathan P; Alba, Christina; Blumenthal, Dana M; Bossdorf, Oliver; Byers, James E; Dunn, Alison M; Heckman, Robert W; Hejda, Martin; Jarošík, Vojtěch; Kanarek, Andrew R.; Martin, Lynn B; Perkins, Sarah E; Pyšek, Petr; Schierenbeck, Kristina; Schlöder, Carmen; van Klinken, Rieks; Vaughn, Kurt J; ... (2013). Do invasive species perform better in their new ranges? Ecology, 94(5), pp. 985-994. Washington, D.C.: Ecological Society of America 10.1890/12-1810.1

Parepa, Madalin; Schaffner, Urs; Bossdorf, Oliver (2013). Help from under ground: soil biota facilitate knotweed invasion. Ecosphere, 4(2), art31. Ithaca, NY: Ecological Society of America 10.1890/ES13-00011.1

Newbery, David McClintock; Stoll, Peter (2013). Relaxation of species-specific neighborhood effects in Bornean rain forest under climatic perturbation. Ecology, 94(12), pp. 2838-2851. Ecological Society of America 10.1890/13-0366.1

Moreno-Opo, Rubén; Margalida, Antoni (2013). Carcasses provide resources not exclusively to scavengers: patterns of carrion exploitation by passerine birds. Ecosphere, 4(8), p. 105. Ecological Society of America 10.1890/ES13-00108.1

Tinner, Willy; Colombaroli, Daniele; Heiri, Oliver; Henne, Paul D.; Steinacher, Marco; Untenecker, Johanna; Vescovi, Elisa; Allen, Judy R. M.; Carraro, Gabriele; Conedera, Marco; Joos, Fortunat; Lotter, André F.; Luterbacher, Jürg; Samartin, Stéphanie; Valsecchi, Verushka (2013). Data from: The past ecology of Abies alba provides new perspectives on future responses of silver fir forests to global warming [Dataset]. In: Dryad Digital Repository. Ecological Society of America 10.5061/dryad.df3sn

van Veen, F.J.F; Sanders, Dirk (2013). Herbivore identity mediates the strength of trophic cascades on individual plants. Ecosphere, 4(5)(64), pp. 1-12. Ecological Society of America 10.1890/ES13-00067.1

Knop, Eva; Rindlisbacher, Nicole; Ryser, Sophie; Grüebler, Martin U. (2013). Locomotor activity of two sympatric slugs: implication for the invasion success of terrestrial invertebrates. Ecosphere, 4 (8)(92), pp. 1-8. Ecological Society of America 10.1890/ES13-00154.1

Tinner, Willy; Colombaroli, Daniele; Heiri, Oliver; Henne, Paul D.; Steinacher, Marco; Untenecker, Johanna; Vescovi, Elisa; Allen, Judy R. M.; Carraro, Gabriele; Conedera, Marco; Joos, Fortunat; Lotter, André F.; Luterbacher, Jürg; Samartin, Stéphanie; Valsecchi, Verushka (2013). The past ecology of Abies alba provides new perspectives on future responses of silver fir forests to global warming. Ecological Monographs, 83(4), pp. 419-439. Ecological Society of America 10.1890/12-2231.1


Bowen, Gabriel J.; Kennedy, Casey D.; Henne, Paul Daniel; Zhang, Tonglin (2012). Footprint of recycled water subsidies downwind of Lake Michigan. Ecosphere, 3(6), art53. Ithaca, NY: Ecological Society of America 10.1890/es12-00062.1

Schmidt, Benedikt R.; Hödl, Walter; Schaub, Michael (2012). From metamorphosis to maturity in complex life cycles: equal performance of different juvenile life history pathways. Ecology, 93(3), pp. 657-667. Ecological Society of America 10.1890/11-0892.1


Liu, Y.; Keller, I.; Heckel, G. (2011). Range-wide genetic population structure in common pochard (Aythya ferina) a potentially important vector of highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses. Ecology, 1(4), pp. 529-545. Washington, D.C.: Ecological Society of America 10.1002/ece3.46

Braunisch, V.; Patthey, P.; Arlettaz, R. (2011). Spatially explicit modeling of conflict zones between wildlife and snow sports: prioritizing areas for winter refuges. Ecological Applications, 21(3), pp. 955-967. Tempe, Ariz.: Ecological Society of America 10.1890/09-2167.1

Bruelheide, H.; Böhnke, M.; Both, S.; Fang, T.; Assmann, T.; Baruffol, M.; Bauhus, J.; Buscot, F.; Chen, X.Y.; Ding, B.Y.; Durka, W.; Erfmeier, A.; Fischer, M.; Geissler, C.; Guo, D.; Guo, L.D.; Härdtle, W.; He, J.S.; Hector, A.; Kröber, W.; ... (2011). Community assembly during secondary forest succession in a Chinese subtropical forest. Ecology, 81(1), pp. 25-41. Washington, D.C.: Ecological Society of America 10.1890/09-2172.1

Norghauer, Julian M.; Newbery, David McClintock (2011). Seed fate and seedling dynamics after masting in two African rain forest trees. Ecological Monographs, 81(3), pp. 443-469. Washington, D.C.: Ecological Society of America 10.1890/10-2268.1


Abadi, Fitsum; Gimenez, Olivier; Arlettaz, Raphaël; Schaub, Michael (2010). An assessment of integrated population models: bias, accuracy, and violation of the assumption of independence. Ecology, 91(1), pp. 7-14. Washington, D.C.: Ecological Society of America 10.1890/08-2235.1

Sattler, T.; Borcard, D.; Arlettaz, Raphaël; Bontadina, F.; Legendre, P.; Obrist, M.K.; Moretti, M. (2010). Spider, bee, and bird communities in cities are shaped by environmental control and high stochasticity. Ecology, 91(11), pp. 3343-3353. Washington, D.C.: Ecological Society of America 10.1890/09-1810.1

Servanty, Sabrina; Choquet, Rémi; Baubet, Éric; Brandt, Serge; Gaillard, Jean-Michel; Schaub, Michael; Toïgo, Carole; Lebreton, Jean-Dominique; Buoro, Mathieu; Gimenez, Olivier (2010). Assessing whether mortality is additive using marked animals: a Bayesian state?space modeling approach. Ecology, 91(7), pp. 1916-1923. Washington, D.C.: Ecological Society of America 10.1890/09-1931.1

Norghauer, Julian Martin; Newbery, David McClintock (2010). Recruitment limitation after mast-seeding in two African rain forest trees. Ecology, 91(8), pp. 2303-2312. Washington, D.C.: Ecological Society of America 10.1890/09-0071.1

Stein, Claudia; Unsicker, Sybille B.; Kahmen, Ansgar; Wagner, Markus; Audorff, Volker; Auge, Harald; Prati, Daniel; Weisser, Wolfgang W. (2010). Impact of invertebrate herbivory in grasslands depends on productivity and plant species diversity. Ecology, 91(6), pp. 1639-1650. Washington, D.C.: Ecological Society of America 10.1890/09-0600.1

Allan, Eric; van Ruijven, Jasper; Crawley, Michael J. (2010). Foliar fungal pathogens and grassland biodiversity. Ecology, 91(9), pp. 2572-2582. Ecological Society of America 10.1890/09-0859.1


Marquard, Elisabeth; Weigelt, Alexandra; Temperton, Vicky; Roscher, Christiane; Schumacher, Jens; Buchmann, Nina; Fischer, Markus; Weisser, Wolfgang; Schmid, Bernhard (2009). Plant species richness and functional composition drive overyielding in a six-year grassland experiment. Ecology, 90(12), pp. 3290-3302. Washington, D.C.: Ecological Society of America 10.1890/09-0069.1

Vila, Montserrat; Basnou, Corina; Pysek, Petr; Josefsson, Melanie; Genovesi, Piero; Gollasch, Stephan; Nentwig, Wolfgang; Olenin, Sergej; Roques, Alain; Roy, David; Hulme, Philip E. (2009). How well do we understand the impacts of alien species on ecosystem services? A pan-European, cross-taxa assessment. Frontiers in ecology and the environment, 8(3), pp. 135-144. Washington, D.C.: Ecological Society of America 10.1890/080083


Callaway, Ragan M.; Cipollini, Don; Barto, Kathryn; Thelen, Giles C.; Hallett, Steven G.; Prati, Daniel; Stinson, Kristina; Klironomos, John (2008). Novel weapons: Invasive plant suppresses fungal mutualists in America but not in its native Europe. Ecology, 89(4), pp. 1043-1055. Washington, D.C.: Ecological Society of America 10.1890/07-0370.1

Tinner, Willy; Bigler, Christian; Gedye, Sharon; Gregory-Eaves, Irene; Jones, Richard; Boltshauser-Kaltenrieder, Petra; Krähenbühl, Urs; Hu, Feng Sheng (2008). A 700-year paleoecological record of boreal ecosystem responses to climatic variation from Alaska. Ecology, 89(3), pp. 729-743. Washington, D.C.: Ecological Society of America 10.1890/06-1420.1

Doligez, Blandine; Berthouly, Anne; Doligez, Damien; Tanner, Marion; Saladin, Verena; Bonfils, Danielle; Richner, Heinz (2008). Spatial scale of local breeding habitat quality and adjustment of breeding decisions. Ecology, 89(5), pp. 1436-1444. Washington, D.C.: Ecological Society of America 10.1890/07-0113.1


Tschanz, Britta; Bersier, Louis-Félix; Bacher, Sven (2007). Functional responses: A question of alternative prey and predator density. Ecology, 88(5), pp. 1300-1308. Washington, D.C.: Ecological Society of America 10.1890/06-1512


Zeiter, Michaela; Stampfli, Andreas; Newbery, David McClintock (2006). Recruitment limitation constrains local species richness and productivity in dry grassland. Ecology, 87(4), pp. 942-951. Washington, D.C.: Ecological Society of America 10.1890/0012-9658(2006)87[942:RLCLSR]2.0.CO;2

Spiegelberger, Thomas; Hegg, Otto; Matthies, Diethart; Hedlund, Katarina; Schaffner, Urs (2006). Long-term effects of short-term perturbation in a subalpine grassland. Ecology, 87(8), pp. 1939-1944. Ecological Society of America 10.1890/0012-9658(2006)87[1939:LEOSPI]2.0.CO;2


Stoll, Peter; Newbery, David McClintock (2005). Evidence of species-specific neighborhood effects in the dipterocarpaceae of a Bornean rain forest. Ecology, 86(11), pp. 3048-3062. Ecological Society of America 10.1890/04-1540


Stoll, Peter; Prati, Daniel (2001). Intraspecific Aggregation Alters Competitive Interactions in Experimental Plant Communities. Ecology, 82(2), pp. 319-327. Ecological Society of America 10.1890/0012-9658(2001)082[0319:iaacii];2

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