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Fischer, Carolin; Insberg, Manuel (18 August 2022). The questionable Safe Haven: Restraints and concessions in refugees’ experiences of safety and healing (Unpublished). In: 21st Nordic Migration Research Conference - RE:MIGRATION - New perspectives on movement, research, and society.
Insberg, Manuel; Fischer, Carolin (26 July 2022). Asylum and the remaking of lives: Exploring narratives and prospects of healing and safety among refugees in Norway and Switzerland (Unpublished). In: 17th EASA Biennial Conference: Transformation, Hope and the Commons.
Fischer, Carolin; Insberg, Manuel (29 June 2022). The questionable Safe Haven: Restraints and concessions in refugees’ experiences of safety and healing (Unpublished). In: 19th IMISCOE Annual Conference.
Fischer, Carolin; Stock, Miriam; Scherr, Albert; Breit, Helen; Scheibelhofer, Paul (7 October 2021). Flucht und Männlichkeiten (Unpublished). In: lunch_discussion. Youtube. 7. Oktober.2021.
Wyss, Anna; Fischer, Carolin (2021). Working for Protection? Precarious Legal Inclusion of Afghan Nationals in Germany and Switzerland. Antipode, 54(2), pp. 629-649. Wiley 10.1111/anti.12778
Fischer, Carolin (2021). Transnationalism and diaspora as epistemology and practice. In: Carmel, Emma; Lenner, Katherina; Paul, Regine (eds.) Handbook on the Governance and Politics of Migration. Elgar Handbooks in Migration (pp. 47-59). London: Edward Elgar Publishing
Wyss, Anna; Fischer, Carolin (2021). Männlichkeit im Spannungsfeld: Auswirkungen ambivalenter Darstellungen afghanischer Geflüchteter in Deutschland und der Schweiz. Z'Flucht : Zeitschrift für Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung, 5(1), pp. 44-76. Nomos 10.5771/2509-9485-2021-1
Dahinden, Janine; Fischer, Carolin; Menet, Joanna (2020). Knowledge production, reflexivity, and the use of categories in migration studies: tackling challenges in the field. Ethnic and racial studies, 44(4), pp. 535-554. Routledge & Kegan Paul 10.1080/01419870.2020.1752926
Fischer, Carolin (2020). Manifestations and Contestations of Borders and Boundaries in Everyday Understandings of Integration. Migration letters, 17(4), pp. 531-540. Transnational Press London 10.33182/ml.v17i4.836
Fischer, Carolin; Achermann, Christin; Dahinden, Janine (2020). Revisiting Borders and Boundaries: Exploring Migrant Inclusion and Exclusion from Intersectional Perspectives. Migration letters, 17(4), pp. 477-485. Transnational Press London 10.33182/ml.v17i4.1085
Achermann, Christin; Dahinden, Janine; Fischer, Carolin (eds.) (2020). Special Issue: Revisiting Borders and Boundaries: Exploring Migrant Inclusion and Exclusion, 17(4). Transnational Press London
Fischer, Carolin; Dahinden, Janine (November 2019). Unsere Migrationsgesetze sind nicht genderneutral. FIZ Magazin. Fachstelle für Frauenhandel und Frauenmigration(3), pp. 8-9. FIZ Fachstelle Frauenhandel und Frauenmigration
Fischer, Carolin (29 May 2019). Die Schweizer Einwanderungspolitik aus einer Gender Perspektive. In: NCCR – on the move blog.
Fischer, Carolin; van Houte, Marieke (2019). Dimensions of agency in transnational relations of Afghan migrants and return migrants. Migration Studies, 8(4), pp. 554-572. Oxford University Press 10.1093/migration/mnz012
Fischer, Carolin (2 April 2019). Afghanische Migration nach Deutschland: Geschichte und aktuelle Debatten. bpb.de Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien
Cohen, Robin; Fischer, Carolin (eds.) (2019). Routledge Handbook of Diaspora Studies. Routledge international handbooks. New York: Routledge
Cohen, Robin; Fischer, Carolin (2019). Diaspora studies: an introduction. In: Cohen, Robin; Fischer, Carolin (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Diaspora Studies. Routledge international handbooks (pp. 1-10). Abingdon, New York: Routledge
Fischer, Carolin; Dahinden, Janine (2019). Using pragmatism to approach ‘diaspora’, its meanings and political implications. In: Cohen, Robin; Fischer, Carolin (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Diaspora Studies. Routledge international handbooks (293 -301). Abingdon, New York: Routledge
Dahinden, Janine; Fischer, Carolin; Menet, Joanne; Kristol, Anne (6 September 2018). Gendernationalismus als neue Spielform eines politischen Nationalismus? In: NCCR – on the move blog. Prof. Gianni D’Amato, Director nccr – on the move
Dahinden, Janine; Fischer, Carolin; Menet, Joanna; Kristol, Anne (September 2018). Gendernationalism as a new Expression of Political Nationalism? In: Gender Campus Blog. Gender Campus Redaktion
Fischer, Carolin (2018). Reframing Transnational Engagement: A Relational Analysis of Afghan Diaspora Groups. Global networks - a journal of transnational affairs, 18(3), pp. 399-417. Blackwell 10.1111/glob.12186
Fischer, Carolin (2017). Imagined Communities? Relations of Social Identities and Social Organisation among Afghan Diaspora Groups in Germany and the UK. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 38(1), pp. 18-35. Routledge 10.1080/07256868.2016.1269060
Fischer, Carolin; Dahinden, Janine (2017). Gender representations in politics of belonging: An analysis of Swiss immigration regulation from the 19th century until today. Ethnicities, 17(4), pp. 445-468. Sage 10.1177/1468796816676844
Fischer, Carolin; Dahinden, Janine (March 2016). Changing gender representations in politics of belonging: A critical analysis of developments in Switzerland (Working Papers 6). Neuchâtel: NCCR - on the move. University of Neuchâtel
Fischer, Carolin (2015). Exploring the Dynamics of Diaspora Formation among Afghans in Germany. In: Christou, Anastasia; Mavroudi, Elizabeth (eds.) Dismantling diasporas: rethinking the geographies of diasporic identity, connection and development (pp. 154-161). London: Routledge
Fischer, Carolin (2015). Disaggregating Diasporas as Actors. In: Sigona, Nando; Gamlen, Alan; Liberatore, Giulia; Hélène, Neveu Kringelbach (eds.) Diasporas Reimagined: Spaces, Practices and Belonging (pp. 180-184). Oxford: Oxford Diasporas Programme
Fischer, Carolin (2013). Afghan Diasporas in Britain and Germany: Dynamics, Engagements and Agency. In: Yong, Tan Tai; Rahman, Mizanur (eds.) Diaspora Engagement and Development in South Asia. International political economy series (pp. 56-74). London: Palgrave Macmillan