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Huber, Thomas; Hurni, Thomas; Krancher, Oliver; Dibbern, Jens (2022). How Access to Resources Affects Complementor Innovation in Platform Ecosystems. In: Digitalization Across Organizational Levels. Progress in IS (pp. 127-146). Springer doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-06543-9_6
Hurni, Thomas; Huber, Thomas L.; Dibbern, Jens (2021). Power dynamics in software platform ecosystems. Information systems journal, 32(2), pp. 310-343. Wiley 10.1111/isj.12356
Huber, Thomas L.; Dibbern, Jens; Fischer, Thomas (2020). How and Why Software Outsourcing Projects Drift—An Actor-Network-Theoretic Investigation of Control Processes. In: Hirschheim, Rudy; Heinzl, Armin; Dibbern, Jens (eds.) Information Systems Outsourcing: The Era of Digital Transformation. Progress in IS (pp. 277-312). Springer Nature 10.1007/978-3-030-45819-5_12
Hurni, Thomas; Dibbern, Jens; Huber, Thomas L. (2020). Emerging innovation ecosystems: The critical role of distributed innovation agency. In: Hirschheim, Rudy; Heinzl, Armin; Dibbern, Jens (eds.) Information Systems Outsourcing. The Era of Digital Transformation. Progress in IS (pp. 101-143). Springer, Cham 10.1007/978-3-030-45819-5_6
Hurni, Thomas; Huber, Thomas; Dibbern, Jens (22 February 2018). How Vendors Coopete: Vendor Practices in Coopetitive Software Development Multisourcing (Unpublished). In: The 12th Global Sourcing Workshop. La Thuile, Italy. 21.-24.02.2018.
Hurni, Thomas; Huber, Thomas; Dibbern, Jens (2018). Swiss Software Industry Survey 2018 - Current State, Emerging Trends & Long-term Developments in the Swiss Software Industry (Swiss Software Industry Survey 4). Bern: Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Abteilung Information Engineering
Huber, Thomas; Kude, Thomas; Dibbern, Jens (2017). Governance Practices in Platform Ecosystems: Navigating Tensions Between Co-Created Value and Governance Costs (In Press). Information Systems Research (forthcoming) Informs
Huber, Thomas; Dibbern, Jens (23 February 2017). Encounter the Paradox: Handling Coopetitive Multi-sourcing (Unpublished). In: The 11th Global Sourcing Workshop. La Thuile, Italy. 22.-25.02.2017.
Hurni, Thomas; Huber, Thomas; Dibbern, Jens (2017). Swiss Software Industry Survey 2017 - Current State, Emerging Trends & Long-term Developments in the Swiss Software Industry (Swiss Software Industry Survey 3). Bern: Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Abteilung Information Engineering
Winkler, Maike; Huber, Thomas; Dibbern, Jens (5 January 2016). Supporting Joint Idea Generation with Software Prototypes in Offshore-Outsourced Software Development Projects. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-49). Kauai. 05.-08.01.2016.
Hurni, Thomas; Huber, Thomas; Dibbern, Jens (2016). Swiss Software Industry Survey 2016 - Current State, Emerging Trends & Long-term Developments in the Swiss Software Industry Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik Abteilung Information Engineering
Hurni, Thomas; Huber, Thomas; Dibbern, Jens (15 December 2015). Coordinating Platform-Based Multi-Sourcing: Introducing the Theory of Convention. ICIS 2015 Proceedings.
Winkler, Maike; Brown, Carol; Huber, Thomas (May 2015). Recurrent Knowledge Boundaries in Outsourced Software Projects: A Longitudinal Study. In: Twenty-Third European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Münster, Germany. 26.-29.05.2015.
Hurni, Thomas; Huber, Thomas; Dibbern, Jens (20 February 2015). Coordination of Meta-Organizations: Introducting Platform Vendors to the Multisourcing Context (Unpublished). In: The 9th Global Sourcing Workshop. La Thuile, Italy. 18.-21.02.2015.
Krancher, Oliver; Huber, Thomas; Dibbern, Jens (2015). Explaining Endogenous Control Change in Outsourced Software Projects (Unpublished). In: The 9th Global Sourcing Workshop. La Thuile, Italy. 18.-21.02.2015.
Huber, Thomas; Hurni, Thomas; Dibbern, Jens (2015). Report - Swiss Software Industry Survey 2015 Bern: Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Abteilung Information Engineering
Hurni, Thomas; Huber, Thomas; Dibbern, Jens (11 December 2014). Explaining Partnership Success: The Joint Effect of Platform and Network Governance (Unpublished). In: IFIP WG8.2 Organizations and Society in Information Systems (OASIS) 2014 Workshop. Auckland, New Zealand. 11.-12.12.2014.
Winkler, Maike; Huber, Thomas; Dibbern, Jens (December 2014). The Software Prototype as Digital Boundary Object – A Revelatory Longitudinal Innovation Case. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Auckland, New Zealand.
Hurni, Thomas; Huber, Thomas (10 June 2014). The Interplay of Power and Trust in Platform Ecosystems of the Enterprise Application Software Industry. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2014. Tel Aviv, Israel. 09.06.-11.06.2014.
Huber, Thomas; Dibbern, Jens (2014). How Collaboration Software Enables Globally Distributed Software Development Teams to Become Agile - An Effective Use Perspective. In: Kotlarsky, Julia; Oshri, Ilan; Willcocks, Leslie P. (eds.) Governing Sourcing Relationships. A Collection of Studies at the Country, Sector and Firm Level : 8th Global Sourcing Workshop 2014, Val d'Isere, France, March 23-26, 2014, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing: Vol. 195 (pp. 49-63). Cham: Springer 10.1007/978-3-319-11367-8_4
Huber, Thomas (2014). Dynamics of governance and control in inter-organizational software development. (Dissertation, University of Berne, Institute of Information Systems)
Huber, Thomas; Fischer, Thomas; Kirsch, Laurie; Dibbern, Jens (2014). Explaining Emergence and Consequences of Specific Formal Controls in IS Outsourcing – A Process-View. In: 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Science. Hilton Waikoloa, Big Island. 10.1109/HICSS.2014.529
Huber, Thomas; Fischer, Thomas; Kirsch, Laurie; Dibbern, Jens (2014). The Emergence of Formal Control Specificity in Information Systems Outsourcing: A Process-View. In: Hirschheim, Rudy; Heinzl, Armin; Dibbern, Jens (eds.) Information Systems Outsourcing. Progress in IS: Vol. 4 (pp. 141-185). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer 10.1007/978-3-662-43820-6_7
Huber, Thomas; Fischer, Thomas A.; Dibbern, Jens; Hirschheim, Rudy (2013). A Process Model of Complementarity and Substitution of Contractual and Relational Governance in IS Outsourcing. Journal of Management Information Systems, 30(3), pp. 81-114. M. E. Sharpe
Fischer, Thomas; Huber, Thomas; Dibbern, Jens; Hirschheim, Rudolf (2012). The Evolution of Contractual and Relational Governance in IS Outsourcing (Arbeitsbericht 242). Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Universität Bern
Huber, Thomas L.; Fischer, Thomas A.; Dibbern, Jens (2011). Governance Mechanisms as Substitutes and Complements – A Dynamic Perspective on the Interplay between Contractual and Relational Governance. In: Kotlarsky, Julia; Willcocks, Leslie P.; Oshri, Ilan (eds.) New Studies in Global IT and Business Service Outsourcing : 5th Global Scourcing Workshop 2011, Courchevel, France, March 14-17, 2011, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing: Vol. 91 (pp. 46-65). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer 10.1007/978-3-642-24815-3_3
Fischer, Thomas; Huber, Thomas; Dibbern, Jens (2011). Contractual and Relational Governance as Substitutes and Complements - Explaining the Development of Differential Relationships. In: ECIS 2011 Proceedings, The 19th European Conference on Information Systems. Helsinki, Finland.
Fischer, Thomas; Huber, Thomas; Dibbern, Jens (2011). Contractual and Relational Governance as Substitutes and Complements - Explaining the Development of Differential Relationships. In: Proceedings of the Fifth Global Sourcing Workshop 2011. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag
Huber, Thomas; Kude, Thomas (2011). Resolving tensions in platform ecosystems of the enterprise application software industry - An exploratory case study. In: 27th EGOS Colloquium. Gothenborg, Sweden. 6.-9. Juli 2011.
Huber, Thomas; Fischer, Thomas; Dibbern, Jens (2011). Contractual and Relational Governance as Substitutes and Complements - Explaining the Development and Occurrence of Differential Relationships. In: Kotlarski, Julia; Willcocks, Leslie P.; Oshri, Ilan (eds.) New Studies in Global IT and Business Services Outsourcing, 5th Global Sourcing Workshop 2011, Courchevel, France, March 14-17, 2011, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing: Vol. 91 (pp. 46-65). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag
Fischer, Thomas; Huber, Thomas; Dibbern, Jens (2011). Contractual and Relational Governance as Substitutes and Complements - Explaining the Development of Differential Relationships. In: Heinzl, Armin; Buxmann, Peter; Wendt, Oliver; Weitzel, Tim (eds.) Theory-Guided Modeling and Empiricism in Information Systems Research (pp. 65-83). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag
Huber, Thomas; Fischer, Thomas; Dibbern, Jens (2011). Substitutes or Complements? A Framework for Investigating the Dynamic Interplay of IS Outsourcing Governance Mechanisms. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 32. Association for Information Systems AIS
Huber, Thomas; Kude, Thomas; Dibbern, Jens (2010). Resolving Tensions in Hub-and-Spoke Networks of the Enterprise Application Software Industry - An Exploratory Case Study. In: Proceedings of the 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Lima, Peru.
Huber, Thomas; Fischer, Thomas (2010). Governance Mechanisms as Substitutes and Complements: Explaining Differential Relationships between Contractual and Relational Governance. In: Proceedings of IFIP 8.2, Organizations and Society in Information Systems (OASIS). St. Louis, USA.
Huber, Thomas; Dibbern, Jens (2010). Die Wirtschaftsinformatik schafft "Besserwisser". UniPress - Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Universität Bern(147), pp. 18-19. Bern: Abteilung Kommunikation, Universität Bern