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Jacquette, Dale (2016). Contemporary and future directions of analytic philosophy: Commentary on Jaakko Hintikka, “Philosophical Research: Problems and Proposals”. Diogenes, 61(2), pp. 33-41. Sage Publications 10.1177/0392192116640718
Jacquette, Dale (2015). Semantics and Pragmatics of Referentially Transparent and Referentially Opaque Belief Ascription Sentences. Philosophia - philosophical quarterly of Israel, 45(1), pp. 49-71. Springer 10.1007/s11406-015-9604-8
Jacquette, Dale (2015). Categories and Preferences Among Category Systems. The Monist. an international quarterly journal of general philosophical inquiry, 98(3), pp. 268-289. The Edward C. Hegeler Foundation 10.1093/monist/onv010
Jacquette, Dale (2015). Jan Willem Wieland: Infinite Regress Arguments. Argumentation, 29(3), pp. 351-360. Springer 10.1007/s10503-014-9338-y
Jacquette, Dale (2015). Salinger's World of Adolescent Disillusion. Philosophy and Literature, 39(1), pp. 156-177. The John Hopkins University Press 10.1353/phl.2015.0031
Jacquette, Dale (2015). Alexius Meinong, the Shepherd of Non-Being. Synthese library: Vol. 360. Cham: Springer International Publishing 10.1007/978-3-319-18075-5
Jacquette, Dale (2015). Later Wittgenstein on the Invention of Games. Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations, 14, pp. 19-38. Addleton Academic Publishers
Jacquette, Dale (2015). Condillac's Analytic Dilemma. History of philosophy quarterly, 32(2), pp. 141-160. Philosophy Documentation Center
Jacquette, Dale (2015). Universal Logic or Logics in Resemblance Families. In: Koslow, Arnold; Buchsbaum, Arthur (eds.) The Road to Universal Logic: Festschrift for 50th Birthday of Jean-Yves Béziau Volume I. Studies in Universal Logic (pp. 309-325). Cham: Springer International Publishing 10.1007/978-3-319-10193-4_13
Jacquette, Dale (20 November 2014). Schopenhauer and the Metaphysics of the Unconscious (Unpublished). In: Lecture. Philosophisches Seminar, Philosophische Gesellschaft Zürich, UZH, Switzerland. 20.11.2014.
Jacquette, Dale (9 October 2014). Mental Causal Efficacy and Contracausal Freedom of Will in the Psychology and Metaphysics of Moral Responsibility for Action (Unpublished). In: Conference on The Moral Domain: Conceptual Issues in Moral Psychology. Vilnius, Lithuania. 09.-11.10.2014.
Jacquette, Dale (2014). Newton’s Metaphysics of Space as God’s Emanative Effect. Physics in Perspective, 16(3), pp. 344-370. Springer 10.1007/s00016-014-0142-8
Jacquette, Dale (22 May 2014). Tractatus Objects and the Logic of Color Incompatibility (Unpublished). In: Workshop on Objects of All Kinds. Lille, France. 22.-23.05.2014.
Jacquette, Dale (5 May 2014). Subalternation and Existence Presuppositions in a Simplified Unconventional Square of Opposition (Unpublished). In: 4th World Congress on the Square of Opposition. Pontifical Lateran University, Vatican, Italy. 05.-09.05.2014.
Jacquette, Dale (2014). Maurice A. Finocchiaro: Meta-argumentation: An Approach to Logic and Argumentation Theory. Argumentation, 28(2), pp. 221-230. Springer 10.1007/s10503-013-9301-3
Jacquette, Dale (19 March 2014). Thoughts on Twin Earth (Unpublished). In: Lecture Series, Gedanken-Experimente. Kann man aus dem Lehnstuhl die Welt erforschen?. University of Zürich, Philosophisches Seminar, Switzerland. 19.03.2014.
Jacquette, Dale (19 March 2014). Mentale Verursachung: Gleichzeitig einfacher und komplizierter als jemand denken würde (Unpublished). In: Institutskolloquium. Institut für Philosophie, Universität Bern, Switzerland. 19.03.2014.
Jacquette, Dale (2014). Computable Diagonalizations and Turing’s Cardinality Paradox. Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 45(2), pp. 239-262. Springer 10.1007/s10838-014-9244-x
Jacquette, Dale (10 January 2014). Schopenhauer's Transcendental Idealism in Wittgenstein's Early Philosophy (Unpublished). In: Hawaii International Conference on Arts & Humanities, 12th Annual Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii. 10.-13.01.2014.
Jacquette, Dale (2014). Later Wittgenstein's Anti-Philosophical Therapy. Philosophy, 89(2), pp. 251-272. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031819114000011
Jacquette, Dale (2014). Intentionality in Reference and Action. Topoi - an international review of philosophy, 33(1), pp. 255-262. Springer Science + Business Media B.V 10.1007/s11245-013-9165-z
Jacquette, Dale (2014). Socrates on the Moral Mischief of Misology. Argumentation, 28(1), pp. 1-17. Springer 10.1007/s10503-013-9298-7
Jacquette, Dale (2014). Against Logically Possible World-Relativized Existence. Metaphysica, 15(1), pp. 85-98. De Gruyter 10.1515/mp-2014-0006
Jacquette, Dale (2014). Collingwood on religious atonement. International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 76(2), pp. 151-170. Springer 10.1007/s11153-014-9456-3
Jacquette, Dale (2014). Art, Expression, Perception, and Intentionality. Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology, 1(1), pp. 63-90. Bloomsbury Publishing 10.2752/20539339XX14005942183973
Jacquette, Dale (2014). Beccaria on Discounting Intentions in Adjudicating Punishments for Crimes. Philosophical Inquiries, 2(2), pp. 107-120. Edizioni ETS
Jacquette, Dale (2014). Algebra of Classical Theoretical Term Reductions in the Sciences. Symposion. Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences, 1(1), pp. 51-67. Academia Romana. Filiala Iasi, Institutul de Cercetari Economice si Sociale "Gh. Zane"
Jacquette, Dale (2014). Collective Referential Intentionality in the Semantics of Dialogue. Studies in logic, grammar and rhetoric, 36(1), pp. 143-159. Sekcja Wydawnicza Filii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego 10.2478/slgr-2014-0007
Jacquette, Dale (2014). Searle on Collective Intentionality and the Foundations of Symbolic Social Institutional Status. Balkan Journal of Philosophy, 6, pp. 21-32. Academic Publishing House
Jacquette, Dale (2014). Tendances de la philosophie analytique. Diogène - revue internationale des sciences humaines, 242, pp. 50-63. Presses Universitaires de France
Jacquette, Dale (2014). Austin on Conceptual Polarity and Sensation Deception Metaphors. In: Garvey, Brian (ed.) J. L. Austin on Language. Philosophers in Depth (pp. 177-196). New York: Palgrave Macmillan
Jacquette, Dale (2014). Practitions in Castañeda’s Deontic Logic. In: Palma, Adriano (ed.) Castañeda and his Guises. Essays on the Work of Hector-Neri Castañeda. Philosophische Analyse / Philosophical Analysis: Vol. 58 (pp. 29-46). Boston / Berlin: De Gruyter
Jacquette, Dale (2014). Realism versus Idealism in the Nature-Nurture Dispute. In: Bonino, Guido; Jesson, Greg; Cumpa, Javier (eds.) Defending Realism: Ontological and Epistemological Investigations. Eide. Foundations of Ontology series: Vol. 7 (pp. 401-415). Boston / Berlin: De Gruyter
Jacquette, Dale (2014). Arthur Schopenhauer. In: Oxford Bibliographies. Oxford University Press 10.1093/OBO/9780195396577-0250
Jacquette, Dale (2014). Semantic Intentionality and Intending to Act. In: Hanna, Patricia (ed.) An Anthology of Philosophical Studies (pp. 73-84). Athen: Atiner, Athens Institute for Education and Research
Jacquette, Dale (2014). Toward a Neoaristotelian Inherence Philosophy of Mathematical Entities. Studia Neoaristotelica, 11(2), pp. 159-204. Philosophy Documentation Center 10.5840/studneoar20141126
Jacquette, Dale (2013). Syntactical Constraints on Definitions. Metaphilosophy, 44(1-2), pp. 145-156. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing 10.1111/meta.12017
Jacquette, Dale (2013). Phenomenological Thought Content, Intentionality, and Reference in Putnam's Twin Earth. Philosophical forum, 44(1), pp. 69-87. New York, N.Y.: The Philosophical Forum, Inc. 10.1111/phil.12002
Jacquette, Dale (2013). George Englebretsen, Robust Reality. An Essay in Formal Ontology [Rezension]. Ratio, 26(1), pp. 106-114. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing 10.1111/j.1467-9329.2012.00550.x
Jacquette, Dale (2013). Wittgenstein's Anti-Philosophical Therapy, World Congress of Philosophy FISP, Special Round Tabel Session, British Wittgenstein Society, Wittgenstein: Therapy or Post-Therapy?, Athens, Greece, 4.-10.8.2013.
Jacquette, Dale (2013). Schuhmann on Representation in Early Husserl, Keynote Adress, Colloquium in Honor of Karls Schuhmann, Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht, NL, 14.6.2013.
Jacquette, Dale (2013). Semantic Intentionality and Intending to Act, ATINER Conference, Athens, Greece, 27.-30.5.2013.
Jacquette, Dale (2013). Margolis on the Progress of Pragmatism, Conference on The Metaphysics of Culture - The Philosophy of Joseph Margolis, Helsinki Collegium of Advanced Studies, Helsinki, Finland, 20.-21.5.2013.
Jacquette, Dale (2013). Anatomy of a Nonidentity Paradox, Workshop on Identity and Paradox, Lille, France, 11.-12.4.2013.
Jacquette, Dale (2013). Brentano on Aristotle's Psychology of the Active Intellect, Aristotelische Forschungen im 19. Jahrhundert, Munich, Germany, 28.2.-2.3.2013.
Jacquette, Dale (2013). Morally Tragic Life. In: LaFollette, Hugh (ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Ethics (pp. 3439-3443). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/9781444367072.wbiee182
Smith, Barry; Jacquette, Dale (eds.) (2013). The Monist: An International Quarterly Journal of General Philosophical Inquiry, special issue on ‘Formal and Intentional Semantics’, 96. Hegeler Institute
Jacquette, Dale (2013). Qualities, Relations, and Property Exemplification. Axiomathes, 23(2), pp. 381-399. Springer Netherlands 10.1007/s10516-011-9157-9
Jacquette, Dale (2013). Belief State Intensity. In: Nottelmann, Nikolaj (ed.) New Essays on Belief: Constitution, Content, and Structure (pp. 209-229). Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan
Jacquette, Dale (2013). Socioeconomic Darwinism from a South Park Perspective. In: Decker, Kevin S.; Arp, Robert (eds.) The Ultimate South Park and Philosophy: Respect My Philosophah! (pp. 164-174). Malden: Wiley-Blackwell
Jacquette, Dale (2013). So, You Want to be a Mad Scientist. In: Michaud, Nicholas (ed.) Frankenstein and Philosophy: The Shocking Truth. Popular Culture and Philosophy (pp. 37-45). Chicago: Open Court Publishing
Jacquette, Dale (2013). Schopenhauer as Metaphysician of Sexual Love. In: Conference on Schopenhauer, Love, and Compassion. Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium. 17.-18.10.2013.
Jacquette, Dale (2013). Berkeley’s Carriage Argument. In: International Berkeley Society Conference, The 300th Anniversary of the Publication of Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous. Krakow, Poland. 19.-22.08.2013.
Gombocz, Wolfgang L.; Jacquette, Dale (eds.) (2012). Philosophia Resources Library. Philosophia
Béziau, Jean-Yves; Jacquette, Dale (eds.) (2012). Around and Beyond the Square of Opposition. Studies in Universal Logic. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag
Jacquette, Dale (2012). Causal Relevance and Relevant Causation. Journal of logic and computation, 22(1), pp. 101-112. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/logcom/exp065
Jacquette, Dale (2012). Hume on Color Knowledge, with an Application to Jackson's Thought Experiment. History of philosophy quarterly, 29(4), pp. 355-371. Bowling Green, Ohio: Philosophy Documentation Center
Jacquette, Dale (2012). Anselm's Metaphysics of Nonbeing. European journal for philosophy of religion, 4(4), pp. 27-48. Kraków (PL): Akademos Press
Jacquette, Dale (2012). Justification and Truth Conditions in the Analysis of Knowledge. Logos and Episteme - an international journal of epistemology, 3(3), pp. 429-447. Iași (Romania): Romanian Academy Iași Branch
Jacquette, Dale (2012). Intuition in Some Methods of Philosophical Inquiry. Al-Mukhatabat - a trilingual journal for logic, epistemology and analytical philosophy(1), pp. 33-51. Kairouan (Tunisia): Al-Mukhatabat
Jacquette, Dale (2012). A Dialogue on Metaphysics. Philosophy now(92), p. 33. London: Anja Publ.
Jacquette, Dale (2012). Applied Mathematics in the Sciences. In: Trobok, Majda; Miscevic, Nenad; Zarnic, Berislav (eds.) Between Logic and Reality. Modeling Inference, Action and Understanding. Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science: Vol. 25 (pp. 29-58). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag
Jacquette, Dale (2012). Collective Intentionality in the Theory of Meaning. In: Salice, Alessandro (ed.) Intentionality. Historical and Systematic Perspectives (pp. 317-348). München: Philosophia
Jacquette, Dale (2012). Brentano on Aristotle's Categories: First Philosophy and the Manifold Senses of Being. In: Tanascescu, Ion (ed.) Franz Brentano's Metaphysics and Psychology (pp. 53-94). Zeta Books
Jacquette, Dale (2012). The Sickness unto Barfing. In: Dromm, Keith; Salter, Heather (eds.) The Catcher in the Rye and Philosophy. A book for Bastards, morons, and Madmen. Popular Culture and Philosophy: Vol. 71 (pp. 113-126). Open Court Publishing Company
Jacquette, Dale (2012). Gambrinian Hedonic Synergy: Why Drinking Beer to Accompany Other Pleasures is More Than Just the Sum of its Parts. In: -. University of Oporto, Oporto, Portugal. November 2012.
Jacquette, Dale (2012). Cantor's Diagonalization and Turing's Cardinality Paradox, Computing, Philosophy and the Question of Bio-Machine Hybrids. In: AISB/IACAP World Congress. Birmingham, UK. 2.-6.7.2012.
Jacquette, Dale (2012). Justification and Truth Conditions in the Concept of Knowledge. In: Conference on Judgement and Justification. University of Tampere, Finland. 24.-26.9.2012.
Jacquette, Dale (2012). Logical Contingency in William of Sherwood's Modal Square of Opposition, Square of Opposition III Conference, Beirut, Lebanon, 26.-29.6.2012.
Jacquette, Dale (2012). About Nothing (Unpublished). In: International Colloquium, Objects and Pseudo-Objects: Ontological Deserts and Jungles from Meinong to Carnap. Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium. 15.-16.5.2012.
Jacquette, Dale (2012). Marx and Industrial Age Aesthetics of Alienation (Unpublished). In: Conference on Marx and the Aesthetic. University of Amsterdam, NL. 10.-13.5.2012.
Jacquette, Dale (2012). Picturing Logical Relations in Peirce's Existential Graphs. In: Mind in Motion & The Body of the Sighn: Peirce's Semiotical Pragmatism. Humboldt Universität, Berlin. March 15-17, 2012.
Jacquette, Dale (2012). Socrates on the Moral Mischief of Misology. In: Socratica III: A Conference on Socrates, the Socratics, and the Ancient Socratic Literature. Università degli Studi di Treno, International Plato Society, Trento, Italy. 23.-25.2.2012.
Jacquette, Dale (2012). Schopenhauer’s Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics. In: Vandenabeele, Bart (ed.) A Companion to Schopenhauer. Blackwell companions to philosophy: Vol. 49 (pp. 43-59). Oxford: Blackwell
Jacquette, Dale (2012). Thinking Outside the Square of Opposition Box. In: Beziau, Jean-Yves; Jacquette, Dale (eds.) Around and Beyond the Square of Opposition. Studies in Universal Logic (pp. 73-92). New York: Springer
Jacquette, Dale (2012). Collective Intentionality in the Theory of Meaning. In: Salice, Alessandro (ed.) Intentionality: Historical and Systematic Perspectives. Basic philosophical concepts (pp. 317-348). München: Philosophia Verlag
Jacquette, Dale (2012). Logical Contingency in William of Sherwood’s Modal Square of Opposition (Unpublished). In: Square of Opposition III Conference. Beirut, Lebanon. June 26-29, 2012.
Jacquette, Dale (2012). Faith as a Mustard Seed. Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy, 17(2), pp. 141-173. Akademia Ignatianum
Jacquette, Dale (2012). Die cartesianischen Argumente für die Unterscheidung von Körper und Geist. In: Bruce, Michael; Barbone, Steven (eds.) Die 100 wichtigsten philosophischen Argumente (pp. 290-296). Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft WBG
Jacquette, Dale (2012). Saul A. Kripkes Argument für einen Eigenschaftsdualismus von Körper und Geist. In: Bruce, Michael; Barbone, Steven (eds.) Die 100 wichtigsten philosophischen Argumente (pp. 301-303). Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft WBG
Jacquette, Dale (2012). Lawlike versus Counterfactual Mental Causation (Unpublished). In: Invited Symposium Guest Lecture. Universität Saarbrücken. 18.12.2013.
Jacquette, Dale (2011). Practitions in Castañeda's Deontic Logic, Workshop on the Philosophy of Hector-Neri Castañeda, Urbino, Italy, 23.6.2011.
Jacquette, Dale (2011). Realism versus Idealism in the Nature-Nurture Dispute, Defending Realism Conference, Urbino, Italy, 20.-22.6.2011.
Jacquette, Dale (2011). Slingshot Arguments and the Intensionality of Identity, Crossing Borders, Austrian Society for Philosophy, Vienna, Austria, 2.-4.6.2011.
Jacquette, Dale (2011). Austin on Conceptual Polarity and Sensation Deception Metaphors. In: J.L. Austin Centenary Conference. Lancaster University, England. 05.-07.04.2011.
Jacquette, Dale (2011). Philosophical Therapy and Wittgenstein, Symposium on Eugen Fischer "Philosophical Delusion and its Therapy", University of East Anglia, Norwich, England, 25.-26.3.2011 (Invited).
Jacquette, Dale (2011). Identity and Fictional Possibilities, Guest Colloquium Lecture, Department of Philosophy, University of East Anglia, Norwich, England, 24.3.2011 (Invited).
Griffin, Nicolas; Jacquette, Dale (eds.) (2011). Russel vs. Meinong. The Legacy of 'On Denoting'. London: Routledge
Jacquette, Dale (2011). Schopenhauer as the World's Clear Philosophical Eye, David E. Cartwright: Schopenhauer. A Biography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010 [Rezension]. British journal for the history of philosophy, 19(5), pp. 983-996. Bristol, UK: Thoemmes Press 10.1080/09608788.2011.599572
Jacquette, Dale (2011). Modal Objection to Naive Leibnizian Identity. History and philosophy of logic, 32(2), pp. 107-118. London: Taylor & Francis 10.1080/01445340.2010.524492
Jacquette, Dale (2011). Some monkey devours every raisin. Journal of applied non-classical logics, 21(2), pp. 201-209. Paris: Ed. Hermes
Jacquette, Dale (2011). Frege on Identity as a Relation of Names. Metaphysica, 12(1), pp. 51-72. München: Springer 10.1007/s12133-011-0077-3
Jacquette, Dale (2011). Intentionality as a Conceptually Primitive Relation. Acta analytica, 26(1), pp. 15-35. Ljubljana: Springer Netherlands 10.1007/s12136-010-0117-6
Jacquette, Dale (2011). A Note on Epistemic Naivety in Marx and Engels. Critical Review, 23(1-2), pp. 117-122. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, Taylor & Francis 10.1080/08913811.2011.574474
Jacquette, Dale (2011). Enhancing the Diagramming Method in Informal Logic. Argument : biannual philosophical journal, 1(2), pp. 327-360. Kraków (PL): Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN
Jacquette, Dale (2011). John Russel Roberts, A Metaphysics for the Mob. The Philosophy of George Berkeley, Oxford University Press [Rezension]. Faith and philosophy - journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers, 28(4), pp. 468-472. Wilmore, Ky.: Asbury College
Jacquette, Dale (2011). Brentano on Aristotle's Categories: First Philosophy and the Manifold Senses of Being. Revue roumaine de philosophie, 55(1), pp. 169-197. Bucarest: Ed. Acad. Române
Jacquette, Dale (2011). Supervenience. In: Garvey, James (ed.) The Continuum Companion to Philosophy of Mind (pp. 312-313). London: Continuum
Jacquette, Dale (2011). Reduction. In: Garvey, James (ed.) The Continuum Companion to Philosophy of Mind (pp. 308-309). London: Continuum
Jacquette, Dale (2011). Mind-Body Problem. In: Garvey, James (ed.) The Continuum Companion to Philosophy of Mind 41 (pp. 293-300). London: Continuum 10.1111/j.1746-8361.1987.tb00895.x
Jacquette, Dale (2011). Kripke's Argument for Mind-Body Property Dualism. In: Bruce, Michael; Barone, Steven (eds.) Just the Arguments. 100 of the Most Important Arguments in Western Philosophy (pp. 301-303). Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing
Jacquette, Dale (2011). Descartes's Arguments for the Mind-Body Distinction. In: Bruce, Michael; Barone, Steven (eds.) Just the Arguments. 100 of the Most Important Arguments in Western Philosophy (pp. 290-296). Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing
Jacquette, Dale (2011). Hartmann's Philosophy of Mathematics. In: Poli, Roberto; Scognamiglio, Carlo; Tremblay, Frederic (eds.) The Philosophy of Nicolai Hartmann (pp. 269-288). Berlin: De Gruyter
Jacquette, Dale (2011). Hume's Enlightenment Aesthetics andPhilosophy of Mathematics. In: Taylor, Craig; Buckle, Stephen (eds.) Hume and the Enlightenment (pp. 65-76). London: Pickering & Chatto
Jacquette, Dale (2011). Evolutionary Emergence of Intentionality and Imagination. In: Taliaferro, Charles (ed.) Turning Images in Philosophy, Science, and Religion: A New Book of Nature (pp. 67-90). Oxford: Oxford University Press
Jacquette, Dale; Allhoff, Fritz (eds.) (2011). La philosophie et le cannabis. La philosophie pour tous. Original Books
Jacquette, Dale (2011). How (Not) to Justify Induction. Kriterion - journal of philosophy, 24(1), pp. 1-18. Salzburg: Geisteswissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Salzburg
Jacquette, Dale (2011). Ontology book quoted and discussed in Knowledge, "Does God Exist?" 16-page special by Robert Matthews. BBC British Broadcasting Corporation(16), pp. 30-33.
Gombocz, Wolfgang L.; Jacquette, Dale (eds.) (2011). Philosophia Resources Library. Philosophia
Jacquette, Dale (2011). Philosophers Stoned. Philosophers' magazine : tpm(53), pp. 46-51. Sheffield: Acumen Publ.
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Liar Paradox and Substitution into Intensional Contexts. Polish journal of philosophy, 4(1), pp. 119-147. Kraków (PL): Jagiellonian University
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Self-Justificatory versus Extra-Justificatory Foundations of Knowledge. Epistemologia, 33(1), pp. 111-134. Genova: Tilgher-Genova Publishing
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Measure for Measure? Wittgenstein on Language-Game Criteria and the Paris Standard Metre Bar. In: Ahmed, Arif (ed.) Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations: A Critical Guide (pp. 49-65). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Wittgenstein as Trans-Analytic-Continental Philosopher. In: Williams, James; Reynolds, Jack; Chase, James; Mares, Edwin (eds.) Postanalytic and Metacontinental: Crossing Philosphical Divides (pp. 157-172). London: Continuum
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Developments in Philosophy of Science and Mathematics. In: Schrift, Alan D.; Conway, Daniel W. (eds.) Ninetennth Century Philosophy: Revolutionary Responses to the Existing Order, The History of Continental Philosophy (pp. 193-216).
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Introduction: Logical Possibilities and the Concept of a Logically Possible World. In: Imaguire, Guido; Jacquette, Dale (eds.) Possible Worlds: Logic, Semantics and Ontology (pp. 15-22). München: Philosophia
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Kripkean Epistemically Possible Worlds. In: Imaguire, Guido; Jacquette, Dale (eds.) Possible Worlds: Logic, Semantics and Ontology (pp. 99-140). München: Philosophia
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Supervenience (on Steroids) and the Mind. In: Poli, Robert (ed.) Causality and Motivation (pp. 65-74). Heusenstamm bei Frankfurt: Ontos
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Journalism Ethics as Truth Telling in the Public Interest. In: Allan, Stuart (ed.) The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism (pp. 213-222). London: Routledge
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Schopenhauer, Arthur (1788-1860). In: Taliaferro, Charles; Marty, Elsa J. (eds.) A Dictionary of Philosophy of Religion (pp. 209-210). London: Continuum
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Proposition. In: Russo, Federica; Williamson, Jon (eds.) Key Terms in Logic (pp. 84-85). London: Continuum
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Soundness. In: Russo, Federica; Williamson, Jon (eds.) Key Terms in Logic (pp. 93-94). London: Continuum
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Type Theory. In: Russo, Federica; Williamson, Jon (eds.) Key Terms in Logic (pp. 105-106). London: Continuum
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Introduction: What is Cannabis and How Can We Get Some? In: Jacquette, Dale (ed.) Cannabis & Philosophy: What Were We Just Talking About? (pp. 1-17). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Navigating Creative Inner Space on the Innocent Pleasures of Hashish. In: Jacquette, Dale (ed.) Cannabis & Philosophy: What Were We Just Talking About? (pp. 121-136). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Logic and how it Gets That Way. Durham: Acumen Publishing
Jacquette, Dale (ed.) (2010). Cannabis - Philosophy for Everyone: What Were We Just Talking About? Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing
Imaguire, Guido; Jacquette, Dale (eds.) (2010). Possible Worlds: Logic, Semantics and Ontology. München: Philosophia
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Axiom of Infinity and Plato's Third Man. Russell - the journal of Bertrand Russell studies, 30(1), pp. 5-13. Hamilton, Ont.: McMaster Univ. Press
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Circularity or Lacunae in Tarski's Truth-Schemata. Journal of logic, language and information, 19(3), pp. 315-326. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands 10.1007/s10849-009-9103-z
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Against Epistemic Hypocrisy, Copenhagen-Lund Workshops in Social Epistemology, Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, Denmark, 25.11.2010.
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Knowledge Without Truth, Philosophy Colloquium, Institut de philosophie, Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 16.11.2010.
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Belief State Intensity, Conference on The Nature of Belief - The Ontology of Doxastic Attitudes, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, 18.-19.10.2010.
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Socrates on the Moral Mischief of Misology, Seventh International Conference on Argumentation, International Society for Study of Argumentation (ISSA), University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 29.6.-2.7.2010.
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Thinking Outside the Square of Opposition Box, Second World Congress on the Sqare of Opposition, Corte, Corsica, France 17.-20.6.2010.
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Dummett on Truth-Makers, Frege's Analysis of Senctence Meaning, and the Slingshot Argument, International Symposium in Honor of Michael Dummett, The Lauener Foundation, Bern, Switzerland, 26.-27.5.2010.
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Wittgenstein's Tractatus as Mystic Revelation, Ludwig Wittgenstein Lecture, British Wittgenstein Society (BWS), University of Hertfordshire, Herts, England, 20.5.2010.
Jacquette, Dale (2010). An Argument for Universal Logic: Relativizing Truth Functions in Tarski's Truth-Schemata Hierarchy, Third Conference on Universal Logic, Lisbon, Portugal, 18.-25.4.2010.
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Justification and Truth Conditions in the Concept of Knowledge, Episteme Conference on "Justification Revisited", University de Genève, Geneva, Switzerland, 25.-27.3.2010.
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Christopher Ryan Schopenhauer's Philosophy of Religion: The Death of God and the Oriental Renaissance, Leuven: Uitgeverij Peeters, 2010 [Rezension]. Religious studies, 46(4), pp. 545-551. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0034412510000466
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Robin Rollinger, Austrian Phenomenology: Brentano, Husserl, Meinong and Others on Mind and Object [Rezension]. Grazer Philosophische Studien - internationale Zeitschrift für analytische Philosophie, 80, pp. 317-322. Amsterdam: Rodopi
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Metaphysics of Meinongian Aesthetic Value. In: Raspa, Venanzio (ed.) The Aesthetics of the Graz School. Meinong Studies - Meinong Studien: Vol. 4 (pp. 53-86). Heusenstamm bei Frankfurt: Ontos
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Truth Breakers. Topoi - an international review of philosophy, 29(2), pp. 153-163. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands 10.1007/s11245-009-9075-2
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Introduction. Topoi - an international review of philosophy, 29(2), pp. 87-89. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands 10.1007/s11245-009-9077-0
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Philosophy, Psychology, and Psychologism: Critical and Historical Readings on the Psychological Turn in Philosophy. Philosophical Studies Series: Vol. 91. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag
Jacquette, Dale (ed.) (2010). Logic, Meaning, and Truth-Making States of Affairs in Philosophical Semantics. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag
Gombocz, Wolfgang L.; Jacquette, Dale (eds.) (2010). Philosophia Resources Library. Philosophia
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Zombie Gladiators. In: Greene, Richard; Mohammad, K. Silem (eds.) Zombies, Vampires, and Philosophy. New Life for the Undead. Popular Culture and Philosophy: Vol. 49 (pp. 105-118). Open Court Publishing Company
Jacquette, Dale (2010). Zombies als Gladiatoren. In: Greene, Richard Greene; Mohammad, K. Silem (eds.) Die Untoten und die Philosophie. Schlauer werden mit Zombies, Werwölfen und Vampiren (pp. 141-160). Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta
Jacquette, Dale (2009). Terrance W. Klein, Wittgenstein and the Metaphysics of Grace, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2007 [Rezension]. Review of metaphysics, 62(3), pp. 668-670. Washington, D.C.: Philosophy Education Society, Inc.
Jacquette, Dale (2009). Guillermo E. Rosado Haddock, The Young Carnap's Unknown Master. Husserl's Influence on Der Raum and Der Logische Aufbau Der Welt, Ashgate 2008 [Rezension]. History and philosophy of logic, 30(2), pp. 194-200. London: Taylor & Francis 10.1080/01445340802172644
Burkhardt, Hans; Hoenen, Maarten J.F.M.; Imaguire, Guido; Jacquette, Dale; Jansen, Ludger; Nef, Frédéric (eds.) (2009). Ontologica. Journal of Metaphysics, Ontology and Applied Ontology. Philosophia
Gombocz, Wolfgang L.; Jacquette, Dale (eds.) (2009). Philosophia Resources Library. Philosophia
Jacquette, Dale (ed.) (2009). New Dialogues in Philosophy. Rowman and Littlefield
Jacquette, Dale (2009). Dialogues on the Ethics of Capital Punishment. New Dialogues in Philosophy. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield
Jacquette, Dale; Griffin, Nicholas (2009). Introduction: Russel and Meinong in Retrospect (1-9). In: Jacquette, Dale; Griffin, Nicholas (eds.) Russell versus Meinong: The Legacy of 'On Denoting'. Routledge studies in twentieth century philosophy: Vol. 29. London: Routledge
Griffin, Nicholas; Jacquette, Dale (eds.) (2009). Russell versus Meinong: The Legacy of 'On Denoting'. Routledge studies in twentieth cenutry philosophy: Vol. 29. London: Routledge
Jacquette, Dale (2009). Reason, Method, and Value. A Reader on the Philosophy of Nicholas Rescher. Reading Rescher: Vol. 4. Heusenstamm bei Frankfurt: Ontos
Jacquette, Dale (2009). General Introduction: Dale Jacquette. In: Jacquette, Dale (ed.) Reason, Method, and Value. A Reader on the Philosophy of Nicholas Rescher. Reading Rescher: Vol. 4 (pp. 1-17). Heusenstamm bei Frankfurt: Ontos
Jacquette, Dale (2009). Justification in Ethics. In: Gordon, John-Stewart (ed.) Morality and Justice: Reading Boylan's A Just Society (pp. 55-69). Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield
Jacquette, Dale (2009). Deductivism and the Informal Fallacies. In: van Eemeren, Frans H.; Garssen, Bart (eds.) Pondering on Problems of Argumentation: Twenty Essays on Theoretical Issues (pp. 105-114). Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer
Jacquette, Dale (2009). Meditations on Meinong's Golden Mountain. In: Griffin, Nicholas; Jacquette, Dale (eds.) Russell versus Meinong: The Legacy of 'On Denoting' (pp. 169-203). London: Routledge
Jacquette, Dale (2009). Logic for Meinongian Object Theory Semantics. In: Gabbay, Dov M.; Woods, John (eds.) Logic from Russell to Church. Handbook of the History of Logic: Vol. 5 (pp. 29-76). Amsterdam: Elsevier
Jacquette, Dale (2009). Philoscopic vision. Philosophers' magazine : tpm(45), p. 78. Sheffield: Acumen Publ.
Jacquette, Dale (2009). Collingwood on Historical Authority and Historical Imagination. Journal of the philosophy of history JPH, 3(1), pp. 55-78. Leiden: Brill 10.1163/187226309X408794
Jacquette, Dale (2009). Newton's Noncausal Concept of Emanative Effect. Workshop on Causation, Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands, April 10-11, 2009.
Jacquette, Dale (2009). Anselm's Metaphysics of Nonbeing. International Anselm Conference, University of Kent at Canterbury, England, April 22-25, 200.
Jacquette, Dale (2009). Self-Justificatory versus Extra-Justificatory Foundations of Knowledge. 19th InterUniversity Workshop on Philosophy and Cognitive Science, Zaragoza University, Zaragoza, Spain, May 27-29, 2009.
Jacquette, Dale (2009). Causal Relevance in the Metaphysics of Scientific Explanation. Conference on the Metaphysics of Science, University of Melbourne, Australia, 2.-5.7.2009.
Jacquette, Dale (2009). Causal Relevance in the Metaphysics of Scientific Explanation. 2nd Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association, Amsterdam, NL, October 21-24, 2009.
Jacquette, Dale (2009). Intentionality as a Conceptually Primitive Relation. Workshop on Mind Knowledge!, Universität Graz, Graz, Austria, 20.-21.11.2009.
Jacquette, Dale (2009). Philosophy of Mind. The Metaphysics of Consciousness. London: Continuum
Jacquette, Dale (2009). Jacquette,Dale. In: Gabbay, Dov; Woods, John (eds.) International Directory of Logicians. College Publications
Jacquette, Dale (2009). Hume's Enlightenment Aesthetics and Philosophy of Mathematics, Short Conference on Hume and the Enlightenment, Adelaide, Australia, 13.-14.7.2009.
Jacquette, Dale (2009). Garry L. Hagberg, Describing Ourselves: Wittgenstein and Autobiographical Consciousness, Oxford UP 2008 [Rezension]. Notre Dame philosophical reviews(27.9.2009) Notre Dame, Ind.: Philosophy Department, University of Notre Dame
Jacquette, Dale (2009). Logic of Courage and Wisdom in Plato's Protagoras 349e-351b. Logical analysis and history of philosophy(12), pp. 48-69. Paderborn: Mentis
Jacquette, Dale (2009). Revisionary Early-Peircean Predicate Logic Without Proper Names. Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society(45), pp. 177-213. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press
Jacquette, Dale (2009). Deductivism in Formal and Informal Logic. Studies in logic, grammar and rhetoric, 16(29), pp. 189-216. Białystok (PL): Sekcja Wydawnicza Filii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Jacquette, Dale (2009). Nicholas Rescher's Systematic Philosophy - Introduction. In: Jacquette, Dale (ed.) Reason, Method, and Value. A Reader on the Philosophy of Nicholas Rescher. Reading Rescher: Vol. 4 (pp. 1-17). Heusenstamm bei Frankfurt: Ontos
Gombocz, Wolfgang L.; Jacquette, Dale (eds.) (2008). Philosophia Resources Library. Philosophia
Jacquette, Dale (2008). Dean Zimmerman (ed.), Oxford Studies in Metaphysics, vol. 2, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2006 [Rezension]. Grazer Philosophische Studien - internationale Zeitschrift für analytische Philosophie, 76, pp. 279-285. Amsterdam: Rodopi
Jacquette, Dale (2008). Liliana Albertazzi, Immanent Realism. An Introduction to Brentano [Rezension]. Review of metaphysics, 62(1), pp. 123-125. Washington, D.C.: Philosophy Education Society, Inc.
Jacquette, Dale (2008). Boole's Logic. In: Woods, John; Gabbay, Dov M. (eds.) Handbook of the History of Logic, vol. 4: British Logic in the Nineteenth Century (pp. 331-379). Amsterdam: Elsevier
Jacquette, Dale (2008). "Designation", Knowledge: "Probable", "Scheffler, Israel", "Synthesis". In: Lachs, John; Talisse, Robert (eds.) American Philosophy. An Encyclopedia (172-173, 442-444, 698, 746-747). London: Routledge
Jacquette, Dale (2008). Object Theory Logic and Mathematics: Two Essays by Ernst Mally. History and philosophy of logic, 29(2), pp. 167-182. London: Taylor & Francis 10.1080/01445340802011164
Jacquette, Dale (2008). Mathematical Proof and Discovery Reductio ad Absurdum. Informal logic - reasoning and argumentation in theory and practics, 28(3), pp. 242-261. Windsor (Canada): Centre for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation and Rhetoric, University of Windsor
Jacquette, Dale (2008). Denying the Liar Reaffirmed. Polish journal of philosophy, 2(1), pp. 143-157. Kraków (PL): Jagiellonian University
Jacquette, Dale (2008). Ontology of Propositions and Logically Possible Worlds, Conference on Propositions: Ontology, Semantics, and Pragmatics, Venice, Italy, 17.-19.11.2008.
Jacquette, Dale (2008). Brentano's Scientific Psychology, History of the Philosophy of Science (HOPOS), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 18.-21.6.2008.
Jacquette, Dale (2008). Toward an Inherentist Philosophy of Mathematical Entities, Joint Paris-Arché Workshop on Abstract Objects in Semantics and the Philosophy of Mathematics, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France, 28.2.-1.3.2008.
Jacquette, Dale (2008). Logic of the Preface Paradox. Principia - an international journal of epistemology(12), pp. 203-216. Florianópolis: Univ. Federal de Santa Catarina
Jacquette, Dale (2008). Innate Psychologism in Sigwart's Foundations of Mathematics. Erwägen, Wissen, Ethik EWE, 19(4), pp. 571-572. Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius
Jacquette, Dale (2008). Reading Kant Between the Lines of Sigwart’s Philosophy of Arithmetic. Erwägen, Wissen, Ethik EWE, 19(4), pp. 588-589. Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius
Jacquette, Dale (2008). Philosophical Afterthoughts. Erwägen, Wissen, Ethik EWE, 19(4), pp. 602-603. Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius