Joppke, Christian Georg

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Joppke, Christian (2023). Immigration and Populism. One Million German Passports Architekturmuseum der Technischen Universität München

Joppke, Christian (8 December 2020). Emigration in Europa, Online Pressekonferenz und Fachgespräch zu den Ergebnissen des MIDEM Jahresberichtes 2020 (Unpublished). In: 3. MIDEM Jahrestagung Emigration in Europa, Online Pressekonferenz und Fachgespräch zu den Ergebnissen des MIDEM Jahresberichtes 2020. TU Dresden, Deutschland. 08.12.2020.

Joppke, Christian (2 October 2020). Citizenship in the Neoliberal Era (Unpublished). In: “Les habits neufs du citoyen”, virtual colloquium. Université de Lorraine, Nancy. 01.-02.10.2020.

Joppke, Christian (9 September 2020). "We'll Manage That" — Consequences of the Migration Wave of 2015 (Interview with Christian Joppke by John Torpey).

Joppke, Christian (14 July 2020). Civic or Neoliberal? Nationalism and Immigrant Integration (Unpublished). In: CENS Webinar “Age of Rages: Civic Nationalism and the Challenges of Integration”. S.Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. 14.07.2020.

Joppke, Christian (9 July 2020). The Corona Crisis through the Prism of Systems Theory (Unpublished). In: Webinar “Nationalism and Multiculturalism: Reflections from a (post-) Covid-19 World” by the Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism (ASEN). University of Edinburgh. 09.07.2020.

Joppke, Christian (24 February 2020). Commentary on Dimitry Kochenov, “Citizenship” (MIT Press 2019),“Are Citizenship Regimes Totalitarian?” (Unpublished). In: Are Citizenship Regimes Totalitarian? Round Table with Dimitry Kochenov, Ruud Koopmans, and Yasemin Soysal. Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (WZB), Berlin. 24.02.2020.

Joppke, Christian (7 February 2020). What is a - 'Liberal' Immigration Policy? (Unpublished). In: Cluster of Excellence Opening Conference on ”Contestations of the Liberal Script”. SCRIPTS, Berlin. 06.02.-08.02.2020.

Joppke, Christian (15 January 2019). Über die Kulturalisierung von Religion (Unpublished). In: Public lecture at the University of Innsbruck. Innsbruck, Austria. 15.01.2019.

Joppke, Christian Georg (6 December 2018). Immigration Policy in the Crossfire of Neonationalism and Neoliberalism (Unpublished). In: Sociology of Migration: Past, Present and Future, international workshop. Centre de recherche sociale (CERES), Haute école de travail social Genève, Geneva. 06.12.-07.12.2018.

Joppke, Christian Georg (3 December 2018). Fördern und Fordern: Die Logik der deutschen Integrationspolitik (Unpublished). In: Asymmetrie und Politisierung? Deutsche und polnische Ansichten im europäischen Diskurs. Willy Brandt Zentrum (University of Breslau/Wroslaw) and Europäische Akademie Berlin, Breslau/Wroslaw (Poland). 03.12.-04.12.2018.

Joppke, Christian (9 November 2018). The Neonationalist Defense of Majority Culture: Themes, Actors, Policies (Unpublished). In: Controversial Multiculturalism. The International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists, Rome. 07.11-09.11.2018.

Joppke, Christian (October 2018). The Rise of Instrumental Citizenship. Global Citizenship Review, 2018(4), pp. 24-25. Ideos Publications

Decker, Oliver; Joppke, Christian (17 May 2018). Radikalisierung der Gesellschaft? Ein Streitgespräch. PRIF BLOG Peace Research Institute Frankfurt

Joppke, Christian Georg (10 May 2018). Supporting and Demanding: On the Logic of Integration Policy (Unpublished). In: Parallel Societies' in Multi-Ethnic and Multi-Identitarian Societies – Living together, living apart in Germany, Europe, and Israel. University of Haifa, Haifa (Israel). 09.05.2018-10.05.2018.

Joppke, Christian (26 April 2018). Recent Policies of Immigrant Integration in Europe (Unpublished). In: Somet International Seminar. Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy. 26.04.2018.

Joppke, Christian Georg (15 April 2018). Neonationalism in the Neoliberal State: Immigration, Citizenship, and Identity (Unpublished). In: Lecture at New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD). New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD), Abu Dhabi. 15.04.2018.

Joppke, Christian (4 April 2018). Managing Diversity: Interculturalism v. Multiculturalism (Unpublished). In: Transpop Comparative Sociology Speaker Series 2018. University of Madrid (Carlos III) and Juan March Institute, Madrid. 04.04.2018.

Joppke, Christian (15 February 2018). Religion as Culture in Western Europe (Unpublished). In: Cardozo-Columbia colloquium "Citizenship, Religion, Identity: Intensifying Conflicts and New Challenges". Columbia Law School, New York. 18.01.-19.04.2018.

Joppke, Christian (8 February 2018). The European Approach to Immigrant Integration (Unpublished). In: Dialogue on Migrants' Integration: Challenges, Benefits and Good Practices, international conference. Tbilisi, Georgia. 08.02.-09.02.2018.

Joppke, Christian (31 January 2018). Europe and its Muslim Minorities (Unpublished). In: Student Conference "Imports to Europe: Economy, Migration, Culture". LSE European Institute, Cumberland Lodge (Windsor Park). 31.01.2018.

Joppke, Christian (30 January 2018). Immigrant Integration in Europe: Common Principles and Challenges (Unpublished). In: 1st Meeting Young Policy Network on Migration. Swiss Forum of Migration and German Marshall Fund, Münchenwiler (CH). 29.01.-02.02.2018.

Joppke, Christian (17 January 2018). Why Multiculturalism Isn't Dead (Unpublished). In: Durham Castle Lecture Series. Durham Castle Lecture, University of Durham (UK). 17.01.2018.

Joppke, Christian Georg (13 December 2016). Integrationspolitik in Westeuropa: Trends und Debatten (Unpublished). In: Ringvorlesung Europa im Fluss - Perspektiven auf Migration und kulturellen Wandel in Europa. Zentrum für Integrationsstudien / TU Dresden, Deutschland. 25.10.2016 - 30.01.2016.

Joppke, Christian Georg (25 November 2016). Models of Secularity in Europe (Unpublished). In: Estado y religiones y su relación en las democracias pluralistas actuales (State and Religion). Fundació Joan Maragall, Palau Macaya, Barcelona. 25.-26. Nov. 2016.

Joppke, Christian (23 November 2016). Islam Integration in Europa: Erfolge und Misserfolge im Schnittfeld von Recht und Politik (Unpublished). In: Perspektiven der Moderne - Religion und Politik: Vortragsreihe des Forum Internationale Wissenschaften (FIW). Universität Bonn, Deutschland. 26. Okt. - 14. Dez. 2016.

Joppke, Christian Georg (28 October 2016). Death of Multiculturalism? On Islam Integration in Europe (Unpublished). In: 4th MidTerm Conference of the European Sociological Associations's Research Network 32 on Political Sociology (ESA RN 32): “(Dis)locating EUrope: Conflicts, challenges and changes”. Brussels, Belgium. 28.-29. Okt. 2016.

Joppke, Christian Georg (2016). After Multiculturalism: Neo-Assimilationist Policies in Europe? In: Ambrosini, Maurizio (ed.) Europe: No Migrant's Land? ISPI Report (pp. 69-87). Milano: Italian Institute for International Political Studies

Joppke, Christian (1 July 2016). Europa und die Migration (Unpublished). In: Vigoni Forum 2016. Villa Vigoni, Loveno di Menaggio, Como (Italien). 01. Juli 2016.

Joppke, Christian (19 June 2016). The Syrian Refugee Crisis: A European Problem? (Unpublished). In: Weatherhead Center for International Affairs (WCFIA) Conference - “The Refugee Crisis as a Game Changer in International Politics". Talloires, France. 17.-19. Juni 2016.

Joppke, Christian (10 June 2016). Europe without Identity: Demonstrated by its Citizenship (Unpublished). In: Conference on “Immigration, Citizenship, and Constitutional Identity: Germany in a Global Perspective”. Free University of Berlin, Germany. 09.-10. Juni 2016.

Joppke, Christian (6 June 2016). Thin Citizenship: Oakeshott`s Contribution (Unpublished). In: Investment Migration Council and the Global Migration Centre Conference - "Investment Migration: Making Sense of the Trend". Geneva, Switzerland. 06.06.2016.

Franzen, Axel; Joppke, Christian Georg; Jann, Ben; Widmer, Eric D. (eds.) (2016). Essays on Inequality and Integration. Zürich: Seismo

Joppke, Christian Georg (28 April 2016). Germany and Europe: "Competing Identities and Loyalties"? (Unpublished). In: Integration or Disintegration: Europe at the Crossroads in 2016 - the View from Germany, Greece, Poland and the United Kingdom. St. Antony's College, Oxford, UK. 28.04.2016.

Joppke, Christian (7 March 2016). The Instrumental Turn of Citizenship (Unpublished). In: Strategic Citizenship: Negotiating Membership in the Age of Dual Nationality. Princeton University, USA. 07.-08.03.2016.

Eule, Tobias Georg; Joppke, Christian Georg (2016). Civic Integration in Europe: continuity versus discontinuity. In: Freeman, Gary; Mirilovic, Nikola (eds.) Handbook on Migration and Social Policy (pp. 343-361). Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar 10.4337/9781783476299.00030

Joppke, Christian (17 February 2016). Majorities Need No Rights: A Commentary on Liav Orgad's “The Law of Majorities”. Center for Global Constitutionalism WZB 10.17176/20160217-173315

Joppke, Christian Georg (4 February 2016). Europe's Muslim Minorities: Successes and Failures of Integration (Unpublished). In: 2016 CERES Graduate Student Conference - "Who is Europe? Majorities and Minorities in a Changing Landscape". Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, Canada. 04.-05.02.2016.

Joppke, Christian (3 February 2016). Don't mix Anti-terrorism and Integration Agendas. Zócalo Public Square ASU Knowledge Enterprise

Joppke, Christian (6 January 2016). The Syrian Refugee Crisis & The Two Europes. The Critique - a bi-montly review of select news topics by academic philosophers The Critique

Franzen, Axel; Jann, Ben; Joppke, Christian; Widmer, Eric (2016). Introduction. In: Franzen, Axel; Jann, Ben; Joppke, Christian; Widmer, Eric (eds.) Essays on Inequality and Integration (pp. 7-14). Seismo: Zürich

Joppke, Christian Georg (16 December 2015). Reflections on the Management of Diversity in Europe (Unpublished). In: Muslims of Europe: Debating the Muslim Presence in Europe. Barcelona. 15.-16.12.2015.

Joppke, Christian Georg (11 October 2015). Civic Integration of Immigrants in Western Europe: A Review of the Debates (Unpublished). In: Annual Conference 2015 of the Israeli Association for the Study of European Integration (IASEI). Tel Aviv, Israel. 11.-12.10.2016.

Joppke, Christian Georg (8 July 2015). Religion as Culture? How European and American High Courts Endorse Majority Religion (Unpublished). In: 22th Conference of Europeanists, Council for European Studies (CES) - "Contradictions: Envisioning European Futures". Paris, France. 08.-10.07.2015.

Joppke, Christian Georg (27 June 2015). Religion in the Retreat from Multiculturalism (Unpublished). In: Religious and Cultural Diversity in Four National Contexts. Halle, Deutschland. 26.-27.06.2015.

Joppke, Christian Georg (5 June 2015). Secular Law and Sharia: Friction and Accommodation (Unpublished). In: The Changing Nature of Citizenship. Potsdam, Deutschland. 04.-06.06.2015.

Joppke, Christian Georg (6 May 2015). The Concept of Citizenship in the 21st Century (Unpublished). In: The Henley and Partners Forum 2015. Dolder Grand Hotel, Zürich. 05.-06.05.2015.

Joppke, Christian Georg (24 March 2015). Liberal Integration or Cultural Defense: A New Look at Civic Integration Policies for Immigrants (Unpublished). In: Valeurs & Politique, Séminaire CEVIPOF/Sciences Po - "Immigration et «valeurs»: les frontières éthiques de la communauté nationale". Paris, France. 28.10.2014-18.06.2015.

Joppke, Christian Georg (20 January 2015). Terror and the Loss of Citizenship (Unpublished). In: Terror and the Loss of Citizenship (Lecture in the Nationalism Studies Program). Central European University, Budapest. 20.01.2015.

Joppke, Christian Georg (30 October 2014). Is Multiculturalism dead? The Preservation of National Identity in Western Europe (Unpublished). In: 2nd Moscow International Research and Training Graduate Conference. Moscow, Russia. 30.10.2014.

Joppke, Christian Georg (2014). Europe and Islam: Alarmists, Victimists, and Integration by Law. West European politics, 37(6), pp. 1314-1335. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/01402382.2014.929337

Joppke, Christian Georg (2014). The Retreat is Real - but what is the Alternative? Multiculturalism, Muscular Liberalism, and Islam. Constellations, 21(2), pp. 286-295. Wiley 10.1111/1467-8675.12090

Joppke, Christian Georg (2014). Catching Reality or Bowing Disciplines: How to Move the Study of Citizenship. Migration and Citizenship: Newsletter of the American Political Science Association Organized Section on Migration and Citizenship, 2(2), pp. 11-15. American Political Science Association

Franzen, Axel; Jann, Ben; Joppke, Christian Georg (March 2014). Kongress 2013 der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie. Bulletin der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie(145), pp. 5-7. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Soziologie

Joppke, Christian Georg (16 September 2013). The evolution of citizenship in the West: Lightening vs. Fortifying (Unpublished). In: Annual Congress of the Japanese Political Science Association. Sapporo, Japan. 16.09.2013.

Joppke, Christian Georg (2013). State and Religion in Western Europe - Can there be a Christian Identity? (Unpublished). In: State and Religion - Israel 2013. Herzliya, Israel. 28.02.2013.

Joppke, Christian Georg (2013). The role of culture in immigrant integration (Unpublished). In: Migration and Cultural Integration in Europe. Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (IFA), Landesvertretung Baden-Württemberg bei der EU, Brüssel. 11.12.2013.

Joppke, Christian Georg (2013). Islam and Legislating Morality (Unpublished). In: Juan March Institute. Madrid. 2013.

Joppke, Christian Georg (2013). Europe`s Crisis of Multiculturalism (Unpublished). In: Europe`s Crisis of Multiculturalism: Causes, Trends, and Prospects. EU Studies Institute, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan. 13.09.2013.

Joppke, Christian Georg (2013). Islam, morality, and liberal law (Unpublished). In: Symposium on Law, Politics, and Religion. Edinburgh University, England. 09.09.2013.

Joppke, Christian Georg (2013). Islam and the Regulation of Morality (Submitted). In: Immigration and the Future of the Nation-State. Israel Democracy Institute, Jerusalem. 17.-18.03.2013.

Joppke, Christian Georg (2013). European immigrant integration after multiculturalism (Unpublished). In: Revisiting Theories on International Migration. Scalabrini Migration Center, Manila, Philippines. 25.-26.04.2013.

Joppke, Christian; Seidle, F. Leslie (eds.) (2012). Immigrant Integration in Federal Countries. Thematic Issues in Federalism: Vol. 2. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press

Joppke, Christian (2012). Christian Joppke, Citizenship and Immigration. Ethnicities, 12(6), pp. 844-863. Sage 10.1177/1468796812449706

Joppke, Christian (2012). The Role of the State in Cultural Integration. Trends, Challenges, and Ways Ahead. Washington DC: Migration Policy Institute

Joppke, Christian (2012). Islam and Europe (Unpublished). In: Europe's Crisis: Background, Dimensions, Solutions. Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto. 12.-13.10.2012.

Joppke, Christian (2012). Dual Citizenship: Causes, Trends, Problems (Unpublished). In: New Forms of Multiple Belonging - Multidisciplinary Perspectives. University of Lucerne. 26.10.2012.

Joppke, Christian (2012). Multicultural Politics - Success, Failure, and the Future (Unpublished). In: Heinrich Böll Stiftung und Bertelsmann Stiftung. Embassy of Canada, Berlin. 14.11.2012.

Joppke, Christian (2012). The Cahllenges in a Multicultural World and Global Approaches to Coexistence (Unpublished). In: 5th Global Seminar. Korea Foundation, Seoul, South Korea. 29.11.-02.12.2012.

Joppke, Christian (2012). Immigrant Integration Policies in Germany and Britain: What's New after a Decade (Unpublished). In: Integrationspolitik im internationalen Vergleich. Baden-Württemberg Land Ministry for Integration, Institute for Advanced Studies FRIAS and University of Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau. 05.12.2012.

Joppke, Christian (2012). Rebirth of Christian Identity in Europa (Unpublished). In: Central European University. Budapest. 16.01.2012.

Joppke, Christian (2012). After Multiculturalism: Muscular Liberalism or Christian Identity? (Unpublished). In: Immigration, Integration and Membership. Centre for Ethics, University of Zurich. 24.-25.02.2012.

Joppke, Christian (2012). Multiculturalism, Islam, and the Limits of 'Muscular Liberalism' (Unpublished). In: Loyalty, Identity, Migration. Kenan Institute for Ethics, Duke University, Curham, NC. 27.04.2012.

Joppke, Christian (2012). European Identity in the Face of Islam (Unpublished). In: 20th Anniversary Conference. Sussex European Institute, Sussex University. 27.-28.09.2012.

Joppke, Christian (2012). Double Standards? Headscarves and Crucifixes in the European Legal Order (Unpublished). In: Religion, Legal Pluralism, and Human Rights: European and Transatlantic Perspectives. Columbia University, Reid Hall, Paris. 30.-31.05.2012.

Joppke, Christian (2012). The Gap-Hypothesis Reviseted: A Theoretical Appraisal (Unpublished). In: Controlling Migration in Europe: The Gap-Hypothesis Revisited. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Fundacion Ortega y Gasset, Madrid. 13.-14.09.2012.

Joppke, Christian (2012). Conferee (Unpublished). In: Diversity and Freedom in Present-Day Europe. Liberty Fund, Ockenden Manor, West Sussex. 06.-09.09.2012.

Joppke, Christian (2012). Transnationalism and Immigrant Integration (Unpublished). In: De-territorialized Diversity: Global and Transnational Dimension. ARENA (Centre for European Studies), University of Oslo. 07.06.2012.

Joppke, Christian (2012). Multiculturalism in Europe: Policies and Conflicts (Unpublished). In: Challenges to Multiculturalism: Policies and Conflicts. Fritt Ord Foundation and New York and New York Review of Books Foundation, Oslo. 25.06.2012.

Joppke, Christian (2012). Immigrant Integration after Multiculturalism. In: 11th METU Conference on International Relations. Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. 13.06.2012.

Joppke, Christian (March 2011). The Retreat is Real - But What is the Alternative? Multiculturalism and the Limits of Muscular Liberalism (Unpublished). In: Conference on The Political Incorporation of Immigrants. University of California, Berkeley, USA. 04.03-05.03.2011.

Joppke, Christian (2011). The Role of the State in Cultural Integration (Unpublished). In: Core Discussion Paper for Seventh Meeting of the Transatlantic Council on International Migration. Migration Policy Institute (Washington, D.C.), Deutscher Bundestag, Berlin. 16.-18.11.2011.

Joppke, Christian (2010). Citizenship and Immigration. Immigration and Society. Cambridge: Polity

Bauböck, Rainer; Joppke, Christian (2010). How Liberal are Citizenship Tests? San Domenico di Fiesole (FI), Italy: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies


Joppke, Christian (2024). From asylum to labour: track change in German migration policy. West European politics, 47(4), pp. 813-839. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/01402382.2023.2238163

Joppke, Christian (2023). Liberal Multiculturalism versus Diversity. Global Perspectives, 4(1) University of California Press 10.1525/gp.2023.87792

Joppke, Christian (2023). Explaining the Populist Right in the Neoliberal West. Societies, 13(5), p. 110. MDPI 10.3390/soc13050110

Joppke, Christian (2023). Citizenship by Investment: A Case of Instrumental Citizenship. In: Kochenov, Dimitry; Surak, Kristin (eds.) Citizenship and Residence Sales (pp. 240-258). New York: Cambridge University Press

Joppke, Christian (2022). Multiculturalism and Antidiscrimination Law: Comparing the United States and Western Europe. Law and Business, 25, pp. 59-89. Harry Radziner School of Law

Joppke, Christian (2022). The Rise of Earned Citizenship. Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana, 25(1), pp. 135-154. Akademicka Platforma Czasopism 10.12775/SPI.2022.1.007

Joppke, Christian (2022). Staatsbürgerschaft im 21. Jahrhundert: National oder Postnational, Entwertet oder Aufgewertet? In: Staatsbürgerschaften: Frankreich, Polen, Deutschland seit 1789. München: Piper

Joppke, Christian (2022). Welfare and Immigration: Factoring In the Neoliberal Order. In: Koning, Edward A. (ed.) The Exclusion of Immigrants from Welfare Programs (pp. 229-236). Toronto: University of Toronto Press

Joppke, Christian (2022). Populism and Cultural Majority Rights: An Uneasy Relationship. In: Majorities, Minorities, and the Future of Nationhood. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Joppke, Christian (2022). Commentaries on Introduction and on Swiss chapter. In: Controlling Immigration (4th edition). Stanford, California: Stanford University Press

Joppke, Christian (2021). Tribal Citizenship in the Emirates: Noora Lori, Offshore Citizens: Permanent Temporary Status in the Gulf (New York, Cambridge University Press, 2019, 302 p.). European Journal of sociology, 62(3), pp. 528-535. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0003975622000133

Joppke, Christian (2021). Citizenship: From Liberal Right to Neoliberally Earned. In: Zapata-Barrero, Ricard; Jacobs, Dirk; Kastoryano, Riva (eds.) Contested Concepts in Migration Studies. London: Routledge 10.4324/9781003119333-3

Joppke, Christian (2021). Nationalism in the Neoliberal Order: Old Wine in New Bottles? Nations and nationalism, 27(4), pp. 960-975. Wiley 10.1111/nana.12718

Joppke, Christian (2021). Earned Citizenship. European Journal of sociology, 62(1), pp. 1-35. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0003975621000035

Joppke, Christian (2021). Populism and the Double Liberalism: Exploring the Links. Theory and society, 50(5), pp. 769-790. Springer 10.1007/s11186-021-09435-3

Joppke, Christian (2021). From Liberal to Neoliberal Citizenship: A Commentary on Marion Fourcade. British Journal of Sociology, 72(2), pp. 181-189. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/1468-4446.12825

Joppke, Christian (2021). Neoliberal Nationalism. Immigration and the Rise of the Populist Right. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/9781108696968

Joppke, Christian (2021). Immigration Policy in the Crossfire of Neoliberalism and Neonationalism. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 47(1), pp. 71-92. De Gruyter 10.2478/sjs-2021-0007

Joppke, Christian (2020). Immigration in the populist crucible: Comparing Brexit and Trump. Comparative migration studies, 8(49), pp. 1-18. Springer Open 10.1186/s40878-020-00208-y

Joppke, Christian (2020). Multiculturalism. In: Kivisto, Peter (ed.) Volume 2: Contemporary Theories and Issues. The Cambridge Handbook of Social Theory: Vol. 2 (pp. 292-312). New York: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/9781316677452.016

Joppke, Christian (2020). Ethnizität, Nation, Rasse. In: Joas, Hans; Mau, Steffen (eds.) Lehrbuch der Soziologie (pp. 379-406). Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag

Herschinger, Eva; Bozay, Kemal; von Drachenfels, Magdalena; Decker, Oliver; Joppke, Christian (2020). A Threat to Open Societies? Conceptualizing the Radicalization of Society. International journal of conflict and violence, 14(2), pp. 1-16. University of Bielefeld, Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Conflict and Violence 10.4119/ijcv-3807

Joppke, Christian (2020). Constitutional Law and Islam Integration in Europe. In: Mancini, Susanna (ed.) Constitutions and Religion. Research Handbooks in Comparative Constitutional Law series (pp. 383-398). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar

Joppke, Christian (2019). Liberal Citizenship is Duty-Free. In: Bauböck, Rainer (ed.) Debating European Citizenship. IMISCOE Research Series (pp. 199-203). Cham: Springer Open 10.1007/978-3-319-89905-3_35

Herschinger, Eva; Bozay, Kemal; Decker, Oliver; von Drachenfels, Magdalena; Joppke, Christian; Sinha, Klara (August 2018). Radikalisierung der Gesellschaft? Forschungsperspektiven und Handlungsoptionen (PRIF Report 8/2018). Frankfurt am Main: Leibniz-Institut Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK)

Joppke, Christian (2018). Religion in the Retreat of Multiculturalism. In: Alidadi, Katayoun; Foblets, Marie-Claire (eds.) Public Commissions on Cultural and Religious Diversity: National Narratives, Multiple Identities and Minorities (pp. 235-250). London: Routledge

Joppke, Christian Georg (2018). Culturalizing religion in Western Europe: Patterns and puzzles. Social compass, 65(2), pp. 234-246. Sage 10.1177/0037768618767962

Joppke, Christian (2018). War of Words: Interculturalism v. Multiculturalism. Comparative migration studies, 6(11), pp. 1-10. Springer Open 10.1186/s40878-018-0079-1

Joppke, Christian Georg (2018). The instrumental turn of citizenship. Journal of ethnic and migration studies : JEMS, 45(6), pp. 858-878. Routledge 10.1080/1369183X.2018.1440484

Joppke, Christian (2018). L'altra sfida dell'integrazione: vecchi modelli e nuove tendenze. In: Amato, Giuliano; Milanesi, Enzo Moavero; Pasquino, Gianfranco; Reichlin, Lucrezia (eds.) Un'utopia in costruzione. Europa: Vol. 3 (pp. 557-569). Roma: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana

Joppke, Christian Georg (2017). Blaming Secularism. European Journal of sociology, 58(3), pp. 577-589. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0003975617000406

Joppke, Christian (2017). Citizenship in Immigration States. In: Shachar, Ayelet; Bauboeck, Rainer; Bloemraad, Irene; Vink, Maarten (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Citizenship. Oxford Handbooks in Law (pp. 384-406). Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198805854.013.17

Joppke, Christian Georg (2017). Civic Integration in Western Europe: Three Debates. West European politics, 40(6), pp. 1153-1176. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/01402382.2017.1303252

Joppke, Christian Georg (2017). Multiculturalism by Liberal Law: The Empowerment of Gays and Muslims. European Journal of sociology, 58(1), pp. 1-32. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0003975617000017

Joppke, Christian (2017). Is Multiculturalism Dead? Crisis and Persistance in the Constitutional State. Cambridge: Polity Press

Joppke, Christian Georg (2016). Beyond the Wall of Separation: Religion and the American State in Comparative Perspective. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 14(4), pp. 984-1008. Oxford University Press 10.1093/icon/mow055

Joppke, Christian (2016). Terror and the loss of citizenship. Citizenship studies, 20(6-7), pp. 728-748. Taylor & Francis (Routledge) 10.1080/13621025.2016.1191435

Joppke, Christian Georg (2016). Religion and Loyalty in a Non-Laic Regime. Quaderni di diritto e politica ecclesiastica, 24(1), pp. 85-98. Il Mulino 10.1440/83185

Eule, Tobias Georg; Affolter, Nora; Joppke, Christian Georg (2016). Standortbestimmung Integration Schweizerische Staatssekretariat für Migration

Joppke, Christian Georg (2015). Pluralism vs. Pluralism: Christianity and Islam in the European Court of Human Rights. In: Cohen, Jean L.; Laborde, Cécile (eds.) Religion, Secularism and Constitutional Democracy (pp. 89-111). New York: Columbia University Press

Joppke, Christian Georg (5 November 2015). "Citizenship Lite" revisited (Unpublished). In: Intersecting Discources on Migration in the UK, Germany and Russia. Birmingham, UK. 05.11.2015.

Joppke, Christian Georg (2015). Das Ende des Multikulturalismus in Europa? In: Steidl, Gerhard; IFA, EUNIC (eds.) Europa: Festung oder Sehnsuchtsort? Kultur und Migration. Kulturreport , EUNIC-Jahrbuch: Vol. 7 (pp. 104-111). Göttingen: Steidl

Joppke, Christian Georg (2015). Liberalism and racism: an ‘elective affinity’? Ethnic and racial studies, 38(8), pp. 1298-1304. Routledge & Kegan Paul 10.1080/01419870.2015.1016072

Joppke, Christian Georg (2015). Immigration (Political science - International relations). In: Smelser, Neil J.; Baltes, Paul B. (eds.) International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (pp. 7208-7211). New York: Elsevier

Joppke, Christian Georg (2015). The Secular State Under Siege: Religion and Politics in Europe and America. Cambridge: Polity Press

Pointner, Sonja (2015). The Nature of Fairness in Dictator and Ultimatum Games (In Press). In: Joppke, Christian Georg; Franzen, Axel; Jann, Ben; Widmer, Eric (eds.) Essays on Inequality and Integration. Zürich: Seismo Verlag

Joppke, Christian Georg (2015). Terrorists Repudiate their Own Citizenship (RSCAS 2015/14). Florence: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, EUDO Citizenship Observatory

Joppke, Christian (2015). The Puzzles of Racial Nationhood. European Journal of sociology, 56(3), pp. 513-518. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0003975615000387

Joppke, Christian (2014). Liberal Law and the Integration of Islam. In: Shapira, Anita; Stern, Yedida Z.; Yakobson, Alexander; Orgad, Liav (eds.) The Nation State and Immigration: The Age of Population Movements. Contemporary Challenges to the Nation State: Global and Israeli Perspectives: Vol. 3 (pp. 30-43). Brighton: Sussex Academic Press and Israel Democracy Institute

Joppke, Christian (2014). Islam and the Legal Enforcement of Morality. Theory and Society, 43(6), pp. 589-615. Springer 10.1007/s11186-014-9236-1

Joppke, Christian Georg (16 May 2014). Integration by Law: Islam in Europe. Staat und Religion: 9. Fakultätstag der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, pp. 50-62. Graz: Leykam

Joppke, Christian Georg (April 2014). Political Sociology of Islam Integration: the Role of Liberal Law. Bulletin VSH-AEU, 2014(1), pp. 22-30. Vereinigung der Schweizerischen Hochschuldozierenden

Joppke, Christian Georg (2014). The Strange but Necessary Suppression of Europe's Christian Roots. The Hedgehog Review, 16(1), pp. 26-35. Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture, University of Virginia

Joppke, Christian (2014). Religion in the European Union: Comments on the RELIGARE Project. In: Foblets, Marie-Claire; Alidadi, Katayoun; Nielsen, Jørgen S.; Yanasmayan, Zeynep (eds.) Belief, Law and Politics: What Future for a Secular Europe? Cultural Diversity and Law in Association with RELIGARE (pp. 219-222). Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate

Joppke, Christian Georg (30 January 2014). Challenge to the Secular State: The Christian Right in America (Unpublished). In: Yankelovich Endowed Chair Speaker Series 2014. UC San Diego, Deparment of Sociology, La Jolla, California. 30.01.2014.

Joppke, Christian Georg (2014). "Neither Villains nor Heroes": Making Hispanics in America. European Journal of sociology, 55(3), pp. 531-536. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S000397561400040X

Joppke, Christian (2014). European Immigrant Integration after Multiculturalism. In: Battistella, Graziano (ed.) Global and Asian Perspectives on Integrational Migration. Global Migration Issues: Vol. 4 (pp. 77-99). Cham (CH): Springer International Publishing 10.1007/978-3-319-08317-9_4

Joppke, Christian (2014). Muslim Women and Shari'ah Councils: Transcending the Boundaries of Community and Law [Book Review]. Politics and religion, 7(3), pp. 656-659. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S1755048314000339

Joppke, Christian Georg (2013). A Christian Identity for the Liberal State? British Journal of Sociology, 64(4), pp. 597-616. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/1468-4446.12041

Joppke, Christian Georg; Torpey, John (2013). Legal Integration of Islam: A Transatlantic Comparison. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press

Joppke, Christian Georg (2013). Islam in Europa: Integration durch Recht und ihre Grenzen. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 65(1), pp. 409-435. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 10.1007/s11577-013-0232-7

Joppke, Christian Georg (2013). Double Standards? Veils and Crucifixes in the European Legal Order. European Journal of sociology, 54(1), pp. 97-123. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0003975613000040

Joppke, Christian (2013). Through the European Looking Glass: Citizenship Tests in the USA, Australia, and Canada. Citizenship studies, 17(1), pp. 1-15. Routledge 10.1080/13621025.2012.669965

Joppke, Christian Georg (2013). Immigrant Incorporation in Western Europe. In: Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science online. New York: Oxford University Press

Joppke, Christian Georg (2013). Tracks of immigrant political incorporation. In: Hochschild, Jennifer; Chattopadhyay, Jacqueline; Gay, Claudine; Jones-Correa, Michael (eds.) Outsiders No More? Models of Immigrant Political Incorporation (pp. 65-81). New York: Oxford University Press

Joppke, Christian (2011). A Threat Against Europe? Security, Migration and Integration. In: Burgess, J. Peter; Gutwirth, Serge (eds.) Trends in European Immigration Policies (pp. 17-32). Brussel: VUBPress

Joppke, Christian (2011). Developments in European Politics 2. In: Heywood, Paul; Jones, Erik; Rhodes, Martin; Sedelmeier, Ulrich (eds.) European Immigration Policies: Still Between Stemming and Soliciting. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Joppke, Christian (2011). Citizenship, Borders, and Human Needs. In: Smith, Rogers (ed.) Immigration, Citizenship, and the Need for Integration (pp. 157-176). University of Pennsylvania Press

Joppke, Christian (2011). Limits of Restricting Islam: The French Burqa Law of 2010. In: Religious norms in the public sphere. RELIGIOWEST (pp. 59-63). Florence: European University Institute

Joppke, Christian (2010). The Inevitable Lightening of Citizenship. European Journal of sociology, 51(1), pp. 9-32. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0003975610000019

Joppke, Christian (2010). Minority Rights for Immigrants? Multiculturalism versus Antidiscrimination. Israel law review, 43(1), pp. 49-66. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0021223700000042

Joppke, Christian (2010). What Can the United States Learn from Europe? Symposium on Fixing a Broken Immigration System. International labor and working-class history, 78(1), pp. 1-3. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0147547910000190

Joppke, Christian Georg (2009). Veil: Mirror of Identity. Cambridge: Polity Press

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