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Kirsch, Anja; Krüger, Oliver; Monnot, Christophe; Rota, Andrea (eds.) (2022). AЯGOS – A New Journal in the Study of Religion, 1.
Kirsch, Anja; Krüger, Oliver; Monnot, Christophe; Rota, Andrea (2022). Editorial: AЯGOS – A New Journal in the Study of Religion. AЯGOS: perspectives in the study of religion, 1, pp. 2-22. 10.26034/fr.argos.2022.3564
Rota, Andrea (4 November 2022). “Relations and Social Ontology.” (Unpublished). In: International Workshop Religion in Relation. Theoretische Probleme und Perspektiven. Universität Zürich. 4-6 November 2022.
Rota, Andrea (6 September 2022). “Religionswissenschaft als Bezugsdisziplin zwischen Didaktik und Politik” (Unpublished). In: Annual conference of the Swiss Forum for Religious Education Didactics (Forum Fachdidaktik ERG). College of Teacher Training St. Gallen. 6. September 2022.
Rota, Andrea; Schlieter, Jens (2022). “War, ‘the Father of All’—Including Moralizing Religions?”. Religion, brain & behavior, 13(2), pp. 214-216. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 10.1080/2153599X.2022.2065347
Rota, Andrea (28 June 2022). “The Boomer’s Journey to NowHere. Psychology, Religion, and Utopia” (Unpublished). In: Annual conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions. University College Cork. 28. Juni 2022.
Rota, Andrea (13 June 2022). “Religion and Psychedelics in the Cognitive Blender. Creativity – Flows – Collective Intentions” (Unpublished). In: International Workshop Philosophy’s Contribution to the Study of Religion. Universität Bern. 13. Juni 2022.
Rota, Andrea (13 June 2022). “Religion, Ritual, and Collective Intentionality” (Unpublished). In: International Workshop Philosophy’s Contribution to the Study of Religion. Universität Bern. 13. Juni 2022.
Rota, Andrea (10 June 2022). “Religion im Plural” (Unpublished). In: Workshop series Mapping RW. Universities of Bonn, Bremen, and Marburg (online). 10. Juni 2022.
Rota, Andrea (14 May 2022). “Religiöse und musikalische flows. Die 1960er-Jahre zwischen Asien und dem Westen” (Unpublished). In: CGS Forum “Move.”. Center for Global Studies, University of Bern. 14. Mai 2022.
Rota, Andrea (3 May 2022). “Le ‘religioni del mondo.’ Essenze, intrecci, flussi” (Unpublished). In: Global history lecture series Storia d’Europa e società globale. University Roma Tre. 3. Mai 2022.
Rota, Andrea (27 April 2022). “La Suisse n’est plus un ‘patchwork’” (Unpublished). In: Round table discussion Enseigner l’histoire des religions à l’école. University of Geneva. 27. April 2022.
Rota, Andrea (2022). “(Re)Connecting Analytic Philosophy and Empirical Research. The Example of Ritual Speech Acts and Religious Collectivities”. Sophia, 61(1), pp. 79-92. Springer 10.1007/s11841-021-00899-5
Rota, Andrea; Michel, Simon; Wyttenbach, Christina (2022). Religion und religious-social engineering. R(el)ationale Gestaltung von Religion als Erbe der langen 1960er Jahre. Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte, 74(2), pp. 91-109. Brill
Rota, Andrea (8 October 2021). La formation des cadres religieux musulmans en Suisse (Unpublished). In: International Conference La formation des cadres religieux musulmans en France et en Europe. Paris, EPHE – Institut d'étude des religions et de la laïcité. 08.10.2021.
Rota, Andrea (28 September 2021). Regionale Glaubenstransparenz. Eine religionswissenschaftliche Einordnung. (Unpublished). In: Interkulturelle Woche: Was glaubt Krefeld?. Evangelischer Kirchenkreis, Krefeld. 28.09.2021.
Rota, Andrea (23 September 2021). Religion, Medien und öffentliche Gesundheit. Historische und gegenwärtige Formen der Impfskepsis (Unpublished). In: Einzelvortrag auf Einladung. University of Zurich. 23.09.2021.
Rota, Andrea; Wyttenbach, Christina (16 September 2021). Religion and ‘Religious-Social Engineering’ in the Long Sixties (Unpublished). In: Annual Conference of the German Society for the Study of Religion (DVRW). University of Leipzig (online). 16.09.2021.
Rota, Andrea (2 September 2021). Acid Utopias and Sober Self-Empowerment. Visions of Society and the Self in the American Counterculture of the 1960s and 1970s (Unpublished). In: 18th annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR). Pisa. 30.08. - 03.09.21.
Rota, Andrea (1 September 2021). Analytical Clarity and Normative Fuzziness. A Response.” Panel Religion and Public Schools: International Perspectives (Unpublished). In: 18th Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR). Pisa. 30.08 - 03.09.21.
Wyttenbach, Christina; Michel, Simon Livio; Rota, Andrea (September 2021). Religion und "Social Engineering" in den Long Sixties: Kirchenplanung und Konsumentenschutz in der Schweiz (Unpublished). In: "Religion in Relation": XXXIV. Jahrestagung der DVRW. Leipzig (Online). 13.-16. September 2021.
Rota, Andrea (18 February 2021). Response “Analytische Begriffe kollektiver Akteure in der Geschichtsschreibung.” (Unpublished). In: Internationaler Workshop Religion in Kontakt und Konflikt. University of Fribourg (online). 18.02.2021.
Rota, Andrea (12 February 2021). Jacques Waardenburg (Unpublished). In: Annual Conference of the Swiss Society for the Study of Religion New Classics in the Study of Religion. University of Zurich (online). 12-13.02.2021.
Rota, Andrea (4 February 2021). Reframing Religion and Academia in the Long Sixties. An Introduction (Unpublished). In: International conference Religion and Academia Reframed. Connecting Religion, Science, and Society in the Long Sixties.. University of Bern (online). 04.-05.02.21.
Rota, Andrea (2021). Review of L. Ambasciano, An Unnatural History of Religions: Academia, Post-truth and the Quest for Scientific Knowledge (London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2019) (In Press). Asdiwal. Revue genevoise d'anthropologie et d'histoire des religions, 15 Association des étudiants en histoire des religions de l'Université de Genève
Mostowlansky, Till; Rota, Andrea (2020). Emic and Etic. In: Stein, F.; Lazar, S.; Candea, M.; Diemberger, H.; Robbins, J.; Sanchez, A.; Stasch, R. (eds.) The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology (pp. 1-16). Cambridge: University of Cambridge 10.29164/20emicetic
Rota, Andrea (8 October 2020). Response "Epistemological, theoretical, and methodological issues" (Unpublished). In: Review Panel on François Gauthier's Book Religion, Modernity, Globalization.. Universität Freiburg. 8. Oktober 2020.
Rota, Andrea (14 February 2020). Response "Empirical Research and Normative Expectations" (Unpublished). In: International Conference "Ordinary Readers of the Bible in Switzerland". Universität Bern. 14. Februar 2020.
Rota, Andrea (7 November 2019). Aktuelle Forschungen zu den Zeugen Jehovas (Unpublished). In: Die Zeugen Jehovas in Europa. Universität Fribourg. 07.11.2019.
Rota, Andrea (20 August 2019). Le fait religieux? La boîte noire de l’enseignement. Le Temps Le Temps
Rota, Andrea (6 June 2019). La religion à l’école. In: Radio Suisse Romande (RTS), la 1ère.
Kirsch, Anja; Rota, Andrea; Schlieter, Jens (2019). Multiple Religious Identities: Student’s Interviews with Keynote Speakers of the 2018 EASR Conference, Bern. Introductory Remarks: Turning an Academic Conference into a Master’s Seminar. Zeitschrift für junge Religionswissenschaft, 14 Zeitschrift für junge Religionswissenschaft
Rota, Andrea; Michel, Simon Livio; Wyttenbach, Christina (13 May 2019). The Legacy of the 1960s and 1970s (Unpublished). In: Research Day of the Faculty of Humanities. Walter Benjamin Kolleg, Universität Bern. 13. Mai 2019.
Rota, Andrea; Claviez, Thomas; Büschges, Christian (9 May 2019). Introductory Remarks to "Constructing and Contesting Community" (Unpublished). In: International Workshop Constructing and Contesting Community. Center for Global Studies, Universität Bern. 09. - 10.05.2019.
Rota, Andrea (22 March 2019). La question des stéréotypes à l’école comme instrument de positionnement social. In: Préjugés, questions vives et enseignement des faits religieux: Quelles réponses en europe?. L’Institut européen en sciences des religions (IESR), Paris. 22. - 23. März 2019.
Rota, Andrea; Krüger, Oliver (2019). The Dynamics of Religion, Media, and Community: An Introduction. ONLINE – Heidelberg Journal of Religions on the Internet, 14(2019), pp. 1-19. Institut für Religionswissenschaft Heidelberg
Rota, Andrea; Krüger, Oliver (eds.) (2019). ONLINE – Heidelberg Journal of Religions on the Internet, 2019(14). Institut für Religionswissenschaft Heidelberg
Rota, Andrea (2019). Religion, Media, and Joint Commitment. Jehovah’s Witnesses as a ‘Plural Subject’. ONLINE – Heidelberg Journal of Religions on the Internet, 14, pp. 79-107. Institut für Religionswissenschaft Heidelberg 10.17885/heiup.rel.2019.0.23949
Rota, Andrea; Michel, Simon Livio; Wyttenbach, Christina (9 November 2018). The Legacy of the 1960s and 1970s: Preliminary Questions (Unpublished). In: International Workshop The Legacy of the 1960s and 1970s: Kickoff Workshop. Münchenwiler Castle (Bern). 09.-10.11.18.
Rota, Andrea (19 June 2018). Regulative and Constitutive Rules: Individual Attitudes and Collective Norms in Jehovah’s Witnesses’s Ministry Work (Unpublished). In: 16th Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR). Bern. 17-21.6.2018.
Rota, Andrea (25 May 2018). The Legacy of the 1960s and 1970s. Religious and Scientific Entanglements. Introducing a New Research Project (Unpublished). In: Research Seminar of the Institute for the Science of Religion. Universität Bern. 25.5.2018.
Rota, Andrea (18 May 2018). The Ritualized Use of Media and the Constitution of Religious Community (Unpublished). In: Workshop Religion and New Media – Religion and Innovation Series. Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento (Italy). 18.5.2018.
Rota, Andrea (17 May 2018). Innovazione mediatica e rappresentazione di sé. Il caso dei Testimoni di Geova (Unpublished). In: Workshop Religion and New Media – Religion and Innovation Series. Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento (Italy). 17.5.2018.
Rota, Andrea (13 April 2018). Collective Emotions Reconsidered: The Case of Jehovah’s Witnesses (Unpublished). In: Research Seminar of the Geneva Society for the History of Religion. University of Geneva. 13.4.2018.
Rota, Andrea (9 March 2018). Religious Community and Collective Intentionality. Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives (Unpublished). In: Conference series CGS-Forum: Contesting and Constructing Community. University of Bern, Center for Global Studies. 9.3.2018.
Rota, Andrea (2018). Innovazione mediatica e rappresentazione di sé. L’esempio dei Testimoni di Geova. Annali di Studi Religiosi(19), pp. 141-171. FBK Press 10.14598/Annali_studi_relig_19201809
Rota, Andrea; Schmid, Hansjörg (2018). Wer spricht für den Islam in der Schweiz? Im Spannungsfeld von Alltag und Ansprüchen. Swiss academies communications, 13(4), pp. 24-26. SAGW
Rota, Andrea (9 December 2017). Media Theory and Transcendence: Some Deliberations (Unpublished). In: Workshop Immanenz und Transzendenz. Semantik, Metaphorik und Unterscheidungslogigk. Universität Bern (Schloss Münchenwiler). 8.-9. Dezember 2017.
Rota, Andrea (14 September 2017). Mediatisazion als Metapher? (Unpublished). In: Annual Conference of the German Society for the Study of Religion (DVRW). Universität Marburg. September 13–16.
Rota, Andrea; Fabian, Huber (14 September 2017). Die Zeitschriften der Zeugen Jehovas und der Association of Vineyard churches. Ihre Produktion, Verbreitung und ihre Rolle bei religiöser Vergemeinschaftung (Unpublished). In: Annual Conference of the German Society for the Study of Religion (DVRW). University of Marburg. 13.–16. September.
Rota, Andrea (9 September 2017). Enseignement des faits religieux et lutte contre les stéréotypes: objectifs politiques, défis didactiques, préoccupations religieuses (Unpublished). In: International conference: "Quelle éducation à l’école pour lutter contre les stéréotypes sur les religions?". Paris, EPHE. 9. September.
Rota, Andrea (September 2017). Religion, Media, and Commitment: Jehovah’s Witnesses as Plural Subjects.” International Workshop (Unpublished). In: International Workshop "The Dynamics of Religion, Media, and Community". University of Fribourg. 29-30 September 2017.
Rota, Andrea (22 June 2017). “Religious Communities as Plural Subjects?” (Unpublished). In: Panel The (De)Construction of Group Solidarity in Religious Communities. University of Zurich. Annual conference of the Swiss Sociological Association.
Rota, Andrea (2017). La religion à l'école. Négociations autour de la présence publique des communautés religieuses. Terrains des sciences sociales. Zürich/Genève: Seismo
Rota, Andrea; Müller, Stefan (2017). Die Entwicklung des Religionsunterrichts in der Schweiz im Spannungsfeld von Kirche, Staat und Schule im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Eine Übersicht am Beispiel ausgewählter Kantone. Teil 2: Kanton Bern. Zeitschrift für Religionskunde, 4(1), pp. 45-59. Gesellschaft für Religionskunde GFRK
Rota, Andrea; Müller, Stefan (2017). L’évolution de l’enseignement religieux en Suisse entre Église, État et école aux 19e et 20e siècles. Une vue d’ensemble à partir d’une sélection de cantons. Partie 1: Le canton de Vaud. Zeitschrift für Religionskunde, 4(1), pp. 29-44. Gesellschaft für Religionskunde GFRK
Rota, Andrea; Bleisch Bouzar, Petra (2017). Representations and concepts of professional ethos among Swiss religious education teacher trainers. British journal of religious education, 39(1), pp. 75-92. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/01416200.2015.1128388
Rota, Andrea (9 December 2016). Religion, Media, and Commitment: The Example of Jehovah’s Witnesses. (Unpublished). In: International conference “Communicative Figurations". University of Bremen. 09.12.2016.
Mostowlansky, Till; Rota, Andrea (2016). A Matter of Perspective? Disentangling the Emic−Etic Debate in the Scientific Study of Religion\s. Method & Theory in the Study of Religion, 28(4-5), pp. 317-336. Brill 10.1163/15700682-12341367
Rota, Andrea (2016). Religion as Social Reality. A Take on the Emic–Etic Debate in Light of John Searle’s Philosophy of Society. Method & Theory in the Study of Religion, 28(4-5), pp. 421-444. Brill 10.1163/15700682-12341369
Rota, Andrea; Huber, Fabian (17 June 2016). Jehovah Online. The New Media Landscape of Jehovah’s Witnesses (Unpublished). In: International Workshop “Religion and New Media”. Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz.
Rota, Andrea (22 April 2016). Ontologie et épistémologie en histoire des religions: réflexions à partir de la philosophie de John Searle (Unpublished). In: Advanced Seminar in the History of Religion. University of Geneva. 22. April 2016.
Rota, Andrea; Huber, Fabian (14 March 2016). Religion, Medien und Gemeinschaften erforschen (Unpublished). In: Conference series of the Social sciences students associations. University of Fribourg. 14. März 2016.
Rota, Andrea (2016). Les réformes de l'enseignement religieux en Suisse. Une régulation ultramoderne du religieux? In: Barras, Amélie; Dermange, François; Nicolet, Sarah (eds.) Réguler le religieux dans les sociétés libérales. Religions et Modernités: Vol. 16 (pp. 87-104). Genève: Labor et Fides
Rota, Andrea; Mostowlansky, Till (eds.) (2016). Method & Theory in the Study of Religion. Special issue: A Matter of Perspective? Disentangling the Emic−Etic Debate in the Scientific Study of Religion\s, 28(4/5). Brill
Rota, Andrea; Müller, Stefan; Galetta, Francesco (2016). Federalismo e religione in Svizzera: tra conflittualità e flessibilità. La negoziazione della laicità scolastica sullo sfondo della revisione totale della Costituzione federale del 1874. Annali di storia dell’educazione e delle istituzioni scolastiche, 23, pp. 59-80. Editrice La Scuola
Rota, Andrea; Krüger, Oliver (2016). Die Verkündigung von Jehovas Königreich in Hörfunk und Internet. Ein Beitrag zur Medienhermeneutik. Religion - Staat – Gesellschaft (= Journal for the Study of Beliefs and Worldviews), 16, pp. 75-108. Lit
Rota, Andrea (2015). Etat des lieux des politiques de l'enseignement religieux en Suisse latine. Réformes institutionnelles et schémas interprétatifs. CULTuREL: Vol. 6. Lausanne: Infolio
Rota, Andrea (2015). R. von Anders Berg-Sørensen (Hg.), Contesting Secularism: Comparative Perspectives (Farnham, Ashgate 2013). Religion, 45(1), pp. 124-127. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 10.1080/0048721X.2014.948761
Schneuwly Purdie, Mallory; Rota, Andrea (2015). Religion, Education and the State: Rescaling the Confessional Boundaries in Switzerland. In: Brunn, Stanley D. (ed.) The Changing World Religion Map 5 (pp. 893-907). Berlin: Springer 10.1007/978-94-017-9376-6_45
Rota, Andrea; Müller, Stefan (2015). Die Entwicklung des Religionsunterrichts in der Schweiz im Spannungsfeld von Kirche, Staat und Schule im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Eine Übersicht am Beispiel ausgewählter Kantone. Teil 1: Kanton Waadt. Zeitschrift für Religionskunde(1), pp. 27-42. Gesellschaft für Religionskunde GFRK
Rota, Andrea (2015). R. von Jeppe S. Jensen "What is Religion"? Durham, Acumen, 2014. Asdiwal. Revue genevoise d'anthropologie et d'histoire des religions, 10, pp. 2016-2019. Association des étudiants en histoire des religions de l'Université de Genève
Jödicke, Ansgar; Rota, Andrea (2014). Patterns of Religious Education Policy in Switzerland. The Long Arm of Distanced Christians? Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 53(4), pp. 722-738. Blackwell 10.1111/jssr.12150
Rota, Andrea (2014). L'éthique dans l'enseignement en matière de religions en Suisse romande. Diotime - l'agora - revue internationale de didactique de la philosophie, 61 CRDP L-R
Rota, Andrea; Desponds, Séverine; Fawer Caputo, Christine (2014). Entre théologie, pédagogie et science des religions : L’évolution des manuels pour l’enseignement religieux en Suisse. In: Willaime, J.-P. (ed.) Le défi de l’enseignement des faits religieux à l’école. Actes académiques (pp. 83-99). Paris: Riveneuve
Rota, Andrea (2013). Religious Education between the State and Religious Communities. In: Jödicke, Ansgar (ed.) Religious Education Politics, the State, and Society. Religion in Gesellschaft: Vol. 35 (pp. 105-127). Wiesbaden: Ergon
Bleisch Bouzar, Petra; Rota, Andrea (eds.) (2012). Frieden als Beruf. Beiträge aus der Religions- und Friedensforschung. Festschrift für Richard Friedli zu seinem 75. Geburtstag. CULTuREL: Vol. 3. Zürich: Pano
Rota, Andrea; Bleisch Bouzar, Petra (2012). Islamic Religious Education and Inter-religious Dialogue - A Case Study in Kreuzlingen (Thurgau). In: Bleisch Bouzat, Petra; Rota, Andrea (eds.) Frieden als Beruf. Beiträge aus der Religions- und Friedensforschung. Festschrift für Richard Friedli zu seinem 75. Geburtstag. CULTuREL: Vol. 3 (pp. 169-182). Zürich: Pano
Bleisch Bouzar, Petra; Rota, Andrea (2012). Introduction - Einleitung. In: Bleisch Bouzat, Petra; Rota, Andrea (eds.) Frieden als Beruf. Beiträge aus der Religions- und Friedensforschung. Festschrift für Richard Friedli zu seinem 75. Geburtstag. CULTuREL: Vol. 3 (pp. 9-18). Zürich: Pano
Rota, Andrea (2012). Religionsunterricht als Seismograf der Religionen in der Öffentlichkeit (Unpublished). In: Bayreuther Kolloquium zur Religionsforschung. Universität Bayreuth. 11. Januar 2012.
Rota, Andrea (2012). Religious plurality in Swiss schools and the state 'politics of religions' (Unpublished). In: Internationaler Workshop „How state institutions deal with cultural and religious diversity“. Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung. 24.-26.Mai 2012.
Fawer Caputo, Christine; Desponds, Séverine; Rota, Andrea (2012). Entre théologie, pédagogie et science des religions: l'évolution des manuels scolaires pour l'enseignement religieux en Suisse (Unpublished). In: Internationales Kolloquium „Ecole et enseignement des faits religieux. Objectifs et programmes". Paris. 20.-22. September 2012.