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Studer, Nina S. (2021). ‘Without Coffee, Our Algeria Would Be Uninhabitable’: Ambivalent Attitudes to Coffee Drinking in Medical Accounts on Nineteenth Century Algeria. Historische Anthropologie, 29(1), pp. 11-30. Böhlau 10.7788/hian.2021.29.1.11
Studer, Nina Salouâ (2021). The Fear of the Immoderate Muslim: France’s Mission Civilisatrice and Alcoholism in Algeria, c. 1930-1962 (Submitted). In: Alcohol, Psychiatry and Society. Manchester University Press
Studer, Nina Salouâ (2021). Remembrance of Drinks Past: Wine and Absinthe in 19th Century French Algeria (Submitted). In: Gedenkschrift Jan-Georg Deutsch: Memory, Commemoration and the Politics of Historical Memory in Africa. de Gruyter
Studer, Nina S. (2021). The Infantilization of the Colonized: Medical and Psychiatric Descriptions of Drinking Habits in the Colonial Maghreb. In: Ouaissa, Rachid; Pannewick, Friederike; Strohmaier, Alena (eds.) Re-Configurations. Contextualising Transformation Processes and Lasting Crises in the Middle East and North Africa. Politik und Gesellschaft des Nahen Ostens (pp. 135-151). Wiesbaden: Springer 10.1007/978-3-658-31160-5_9
Studer, Nina Salouâ (2020). The Same Drink? Wine and Absinthe Consumption and Drinking Cultures Among French and Muslim Groups in Nineteenth Century Algeria. In: Ernst, Waltraud (ed.) Alcohol Flows Across Cultures. Drinking Cultures in Transnational and Comparative Perspective. Routledge studies in modern history (pp. 20-43). New York: Routledge
Studer, Nina S. (2020). It Is Only Gazouz: Muslims and Champagne in the Colonial Maghreb. Asiatische Studien / Etudes asiatiques AS/EA, 73(3), pp. 399-424. de Gruyter 10.1515/asia-2019-0004
Studer, Nina Salouâ (16 February 2020). Where a Pregnancy Can Last for Years: The Remarkable Colonial Reports of Sleeping Pregnancies in the Maghreb. Nursing Clio
Studer, Nina Salouâ (30 December 2019). Orangina: Die abenteuerliche Geschichte einer Limonade. Tages-Anzeiger, p. 13. TA-Media
Studer, Nina Salouâ (27 September 2019). The Colour of Coffee: Racism, Gender and Coffee Consumption in 19th Century Algeria. Geschichte der Gegenwart
Studer, Nina (25 September 2019). Die Farbe des Kaffees: Rassismus, Gender und Kaffeekonsum im Algerien des 19. Jahrhunderts. Geschichte der Gegenwart
Studer, Nina Salouâ (9 September 2019). Schweizer Einfluss auf die Weltgeschichte: Wie Absinth die Welt eroberte. Tages-Anzeiger, p. 15. TA-Media
Studer, Nina Salouâ (27 February 2019). In 1930s Tunisia, French Doctors Feared a ‘Tea Craze’ Would Destroy Society. Gastro Obscura
Studer, Nina Salouâ (2018). Review of Mayer, Tobias. Muḥammad Yaḥyā al-Walātī und die Nāzila fī ibāḥat atāy. The Maghreb Review, 43, pp. 454-456. Maghreb Review
Studer, Nina Salouâ (2017). Review: Krais, Jakob. Geschichte als Widerstand: Geschichtsschreibung und nation-building in Qaḏḏāfīs Lybien. The Maghreb Review, 42, pp. 373-376. Maghreb Review
Jazmati, Zuher; Studer, Nina Salouâ (2017). Racialising 'Oriental' Manliness: From Colonial Contexts to Cologne. Islamophobia Studies Journal, 4(1), pp. 87-100. Islamophobia Research & Documentation Project, Univ.
Studer, Nina Salouâ (2016). The Hidden Patients: North African Women in French Colonial Psychiatry. Zürcher Beiträge zur Geschichtswissenschaft: Vol. 8. Wien Köln Weimar: Böhlau
Studer, Nina Salouâ (2015). Book Review: Kallander, Amy Aisen. Women, Gender, and the Palace Households in Ottoman Tunisia. The Maghreb Review, 40, pp. 248-250. Maghreb Review
Studer, Nina Salouâ (2015). Absinth und Körper: Wirkungen der Grünen Fee im kolonialen Algerien. Bulletin der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft Mittlerer Osten und Islamische Kulturen, 40, pp. 42-45.
Studer, Nina Salouâ (2015). The Green Fairy in the Maghreb: Absinthe, Guilt and Cultural Assimilation in French Colonial Medicine. The Maghreb Review, 40(4), pp. 493-508. Maghreb Review
Studer, Nina Salouâ (2014). ‘Will There Be Any Long Term Effects?’ The Power of Psychiatry in French Colonial North Africa. The Maghreb Review, 39(3), pp. 347-368. Maghreb Review
Studer, Nina Salouâ (2014). ‘Was trinkt der zivilisierte Mensch?‘ Teekonsum und morbide Normalität im kolonialen Maghreb. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 64(3), pp. 406-424. Schwabe 10.5169/seals-515405
Studer, Nina Salouâ (2013). Die Pathologisierung des Maghrebs: Der Einfluss der französischen Psychiatrie auf koloniale Berichte über schlafende Schwangerschaften. Historische Anthropologie, 21(1), pp. 126-140. Böhlau 10.7788/ha.2013.21.1.126
Studer, Nina Salouâ (2010). Book Review: Bossaller, Anke. ‘Schlafende Schwangerschaft‘ in Islamischen Gesellschaften. Entstehung und soziale Implikationen einer weiblichen Fiktion. The Maghreb Review, 35, pp. 461-462. Maghreb Review
Studer, Nina Salouâ (2010). ‘Pregnant with Madness‘: Muslim Women in French Psychiatric Writing about Colonial North Africa. The Maghreb Review, 35(4), pp. 429-452. Maghreb Review