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Maritsch, Martin; Föll, Simon; Lehmann, Vera; Styger, Naïma; Bérubé, Caterina; Kraus, Mathias; Feuerriegel, Stefan; Kowatsch, Tobias; Züger, Thomas; Fleisch, Elgar; Wortmann, Felix; Stettler, Christoph (2024). Smartwatches for non-invasive hypoglycaemia detection during cognitive and psychomotor stress. Diabetes, obesity & metabolism, 26(3), pp. 1133-1136. Wiley 10.1111/dom.15402
Bérubé, Caterina; Lehmann, Vera Franziska; Maritsch, Martin; Kraus, Mathias; Feuerriegel, Stefan; Wortmann, Felix; Züger, Thomas; Stettler, Christoph; Fleisch, Elgar; Kocaballi, A Baki; Kowatsch, Tobias (2024). Effectiveness and User Perception of an In-Vehicle Voice Warning for Hypoglycemia: Development and Feasibility Trial. JMIR Human Factors, 11(e42823), e42823. JMIR Publications 10.2196/42823
Lehmann, Vera; Noti, Franco; Laimer, Markus; Stettler, Christoph; Züger, Thomas (2023). Glycaemic outcomes in adults with type 1 diabetes transitioning towards advanced automated insulin delivery systems - a real-world analysis at a Swiss tertiary centre. Swiss medical weekly, 153(12) SMW supporting association 10.57187/s.3501
van Weenen, Eva; Banholzer, Nicolas; Föll, Simon; Zueger, Thomas; Fontana, Federico Y; Skroce, Kristina; Hayes, Charlotte; Kraus, Mathias; Feuerriegel, Stefan; Lehmann, Vera; Scott, Sam N; Wortmann, Felix; Stettler, Christoph (2023). Glycaemic patterns of male professional athletes with type 1 diabetes during exercise, recovery and sleep: Retrospective, observational study over an entire competitive season. Diabetes, obesity & metabolism, 25(9), pp. 2616-2625. Wiley 10.1111/dom.15147
Lehmann, Vera; Zueger, Thomas; Maritsch, Martin; Kraus, Mathias; Albrecht, Caroline; Bérubé, Caterina; Feuerriegel, Stefan; Wortmann, Felix; Kowatsch, Tobias; Styger, Naïma; Lagger, Sophie; Laimer, Markus; Fleisch, Elgar; Stettler, Christoph (2023). Machine learning for non-invasive sensing of hypoglycemia while driving in people with diabetes. Diabetes, obesity & metabolism, 25(6), pp. 1668-1676. Wiley 10.1111/dom.15021
Lehmann, Vera; Föll, Simon; Maritsch, Martin; van Weenen, Eva; Kraus, Mathias; Lagger, Sophie; Odermatt, Katja; Albrecht, Caroline; Fleisch, Elgar; Züger, Thomas; Wortmann, Felix; Stettler, Christoph (2023). Noninvasive Hypoglycemia Detection in People With Diabetes Using Smartwatch Data. Diabetes care, 46(5), pp. 993-997. American Diabetes Association 10.2337/dc22-2290
Schallmoser, Simon; Zueger, Thomas; Kraus, Mathias; Saar-Tsechansky, Maytal; Stettler, Christoph; Feuerriegel, Stefan (2023). Machine Learning for Predicting Micro- and Macrovascular Complications in Individuals With Prediabetes or Diabetes: Retrospective Cohort Study. Journal of medical internet research, 25(e42181), e42181. Centre of Global eHealth Innovation 10.2196/42181
Zueger, Thomas; Schallmoser, Simon; Kraus, Mathias; Saar-Tsechansky, Maytal; Feuerriegel, Stefan; Stettler, Christoph (2022). Machine Learning for Predicting the Risk of Transition from Prediabetes to Diabetes. Diabetes technology & therapeutics, 24(11), pp. 842-847. Mary Ann Liebert 10.1089/dia.2022.0210
Föll, Simon; Lison, Adrian; Maritsch, Martin; Klingberg, Karsten; Lehmann, Vera; Züger, Thomas; Srivastava, David; Jegerlehner, Sabrina; Feuerriegel, Stefan; Fleisch, Elgar; Exadaktylos, Aristomenis; Wortmann, Felix (2022). A Scalable Risk Scoring System for COVID-19 Inpatients Based on Consumer-grade Wearables: Statistical Analysis and Model Development. JMIR formative research, 6(6), e35717. JMIR Publications 10.2196/35717
Scott, Samuel N; Fontana, Federico Y; Helleputte, Simon; Pickles, Jordan; Laimer, Markus; Zueger, Thomas; Stettler, Christoph (2022). Use and Perception of Telemedicine in People with Type 1 Diabetes During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A 1-Year Follow-Up. Diabetes technology & therapeutics, 24(4), pp. 276-280. Mary Ann Liebert 10.1089/dia.2021.0426
Eckstein, Max L; Farinha, Juliano Boufleur; McCarthy, Olivia; West, Daniel J; Yardley, Jane E; Bally, Lia; Zueger, Thomas; Stettler, Christoph; Boff, Winston; Reischak-Oliveira, Alvaro; Riddell, Michael C; Zaharieva, Dessi P; Pieber, Thomas R; Müller, Alexander; Birnbaumer, Philipp; Aziz, Faisal; Brugnara, Laura; Haahr, Hanne; Zijlstra, Eric; Heise, Tim; ... (2021). Differences in Physiological Responses to Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing in Adults With and Without Type 1 Diabetes: A Pooled Analysis. Diabetes care, 44(1), pp. 240-247. American Diabetes Association 10.2337/dc20-1496
Scott, Samuel N.; Fontana, Federico Y.; Züger, Thomas; Laimer, Markus; Stettler, Christoph (2021). Use and perception of telemedicine in people with type 1 diabetes during the COVID‐19 pandemic—Results of a global survey. Endocrinology, diabetes & metabolism, 4(1), e00180. Wiley 10.1002/edm2.180
Züger, Thomas; Lehmann, Vera (2021). Update Diabetesmanagement: Devices & künstliche Intelligenz. Universimed
Lehmann, Vera; Zueger, Thomas; Zeder, Anna; Scott, Sam; Bally, Lia; Laimer, Markus; Stettler, Christoph (2020). Lower Daily Carbohydrate Intake Is Associated With Improved Glycemic Control in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes Using a Hybrid Closed-Loop System. Diabetes care, 43(12), pp. 3102-3105. American Diabetes Association 10.2337/dc20-1560
Züger, Thomas; Gloor, Manuel; Lehmann, Vera; Melmer, Andreas; Kraus, Mathias; Feuerriegel, Stefan; Laimer, Markus; Stettler, Christoph (2020). White coat adherence effect on glucose control in adult individuals with diabetes. Diabetes research and clinical practice, 168, p. 108392. Elsevier 10.1016/j.diabres.2020.108392
Maritsch, Martin; Föll, Simon; Lehmann, Vera; Bérubé, Caterina; Kraus, Mathias; Feuerriegel, Stefan; Kowatsch, Tobias; Züger, Thomas Johannes; Stettler, Christoph; Fleisch, Elgar; Wortmann, Felix (April 2020). Towards Wearable-based Hypoglycemia Detection and Warning in Diabetes. In: CHI '20: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-8). New York, NY, USA: ACM 10.1145/3334480.3382808
Melmer, Andreas; Züger, Thomas; Lewis, Dana M; Leibrand, Scott; Stettler, Christoph; Laimer, Markus (2019). Glycaemic control in individuals with type 1 diabetes using an open source artificial pancreas system (OpenAPS). Diabetes, obesity & metabolism, 21(10), pp. 2333-2337. Wiley 10.1111/dom.13810
Maritsch, Martin; Bérubé, Caterina; Kraus, Mathias; Lehmann, Vera; Züger, Thomas; Feuerriegel, Stefan; Kowatsch, Tobias; Wortmann, Felix (2019). Improving heart rate variability measurements from consumer smartwatches with machine learning. In: The 2019 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and the 2019 ACM International Symposium (pp. 934-938). New York, New York, USA: ACM Press 10.1145/3341162.3346276
Bally, Lia; Kempf, Patrick; Zueger, Thomas; Speck, Christian; Pasi, Nicola; Ciller, Carlos; Feller, Katrin; Loher, Hannah; Rosset, Robin; Wilhelm, Matthias; Boesch, Christoph; Buehler, Tania; Dokumaci, Ayse S.; Tappy, Luc; Stettler, Christoph (2017). Metabolic Effects of Glucose-Fructose Co-Ingestion Compared to Glucose Alone during Exercise in Type 1 Diabetes. Nutrients, 9(2) MDPI 10.3390/nu9020164
Bally, Lia; Dehais, Joachim Blaise; Nakas, Christos T.; Anthimopoulos, Marios; Laimer, Markus; Rhyner, Daniel Kaspar; Rosenberg, George; Züger, Thomas; Diem, Peter; Mougiakakou, Stavroula; Stettler, Christoph (2016). Carbohydrate Estimation Supported by the GoCARB system in Individuals With Type 1 Diabetes: A Randomized Prospective Pilot Study. Diabetes care, 40(2), dc162173. American Diabetes Association 10.2337/dc16-2173
Züger, Thomas; Loher, Hannah; Egger, Andrea Alice; Boesch, Christoph Hans; Christ, Emanuel (2016). Regulation of fuel metabolism during exercise in hypopituitarism with growth hormone-deficiency (GHD). Growth hormone & IGF research, 29, pp. 39-44. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ghir.2016.03.007
Bally, Lia; Züger, Thomas; Buehler, Tania; Dokumaci, Ayse Sila; Speck, Christian; Pasi, Nicola; Ciller, Carlos; Paganini, Daniela; Feller, Katrin Madeleine; Loher, Hannah; Rosset, Robin; Wilhelm, Matthias; Tappy, Luc; Boesch, Christoph Hans; Stettler, Christoph (2016). Metabolic and hormonal response to intermittent high-intensity and continuous moderate intensity exercise in individuals with type 1 diabetes: a randomised crossover study. Diabetologia, 59(4), pp. 776-784. Springer 10.1007/s00125-015-3854-7
Bally, Lia; Züger, Thomas; Pasi, Nicola; Ciller, Carlos; Paganini, Daniela; Stettler, Christoph (2016). Accuracy of continuous glucose monitoring during differing exercise conditions. Diabetes research and clinical practice, 112, pp. 1-5. Elsevier 10.1016/j.diabres.2015.11.012
Bally, Lia; Züger, Thomas; Stettler, Christoph; Leichtle, Alexander Benedikt (2016). Computed exercise plasma lactate concentrations: A conversion formula. Practical Laboratory Medicine, 4, pp. 11-15. Elsevier 10.1016/j.plabm.2015.11.002
Züger, Thomas; Jordi, M; Laimer, Markus; Stettler, Christoph (2014). Utility of 30 and 60 minute cortisol samples after high-dose synthetic ACTH-1-24 injection in the diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency. Swiss medical weekly, 144(w13987), w13987. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/smw.2014.13987
Züger, Thomas; Bucher, Julie Véronique; Christ, Emanuel; Stettler, Christoph (2014). Peak oxygen uptake test in the assessment of growth hormone deficiency. Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism, 39(7), pp. 852-855. NRC Research Press 10.1139/apnm-2013-0483
Bucher, Julie Véronique; Krüsi, Marion Rebekka; Züger, Thomas; Ith, Michael; Stettler, Christoph; Diem, Peter; Boesch, Chris; Kreis, Roland; Christ, Emanuel (2014). The effect of a single 2 h bout of aerobic exercise on ectopic lipids in skeletal muscle, liver and the myocardium. Diabetologia, 57(5), pp. 1001-1005. Springer 10.1007/s00125-014-3193-0
Daskalaki, Elena; Nørgaard, Kirsten; Züger, Thomas; Prountzou, Aikaterini; Diem, Peter; Mougiakakou, Stavroula (2013). An early warning system for hypoglycemic/hyperglycemic events based on fusion of adaptive prediction models. Journal of diabetes science and technology, 7(3), pp. 689-98. Foster City, Calif.: Diabetes Technology Society
Zueger, Thomas; Allemann, Sabin; Christ, Emanuel R; Stettler, Christoph (2011). Exercise-induced Growth Hormone Secretion in the Assessment of Growth Hormone Deficiency in Adult Individuals. European journal of endocrinology, 165(5), pp. 723-8. Bristol: BioScientifica Ltd. 10.1530/EJE-11-0539