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Atkinson, Craig; Burri, Mira (2022). Global Trade Rules Access and Computational Law. In: The promise of TradeTech: Policy approaches to harness trade digitalization (pp. 52-57). World Economic Forum and World Trade Organization
Elsig, Manfred; Klotz, Sebastian (2021). Data Flow-Related Provisions in Preferential Trade Agreements : Trends and Patterns of Diffusion. In: Burri, Mira (ed.) Big Data and Global Trade Law (pp. 42-62). Cambridge University Press 10.1017/9781108919234.004
Polanco, Rodrigo Javier (2021). Regulatory Convergence of Data Rules in Latin America. In: Burri, Mira (ed.) Big Data and Global Trade Law (pp. 268-300). Cambridge University Press 10.1017/9781108919234.018
Burri, Mira; Polanco, Rodrigo Javier (2020). Digital Trade Provisions in Preferential Trade Agreements: Introducing a New Dataset. Journal of international economic law, 23(1), pp. 187-220. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jiel/jgz044
Burri, Mira (2016). Global Cultural Law and Policy and the Internet: A Tale of Parallel Worlds. Arts and International Affairs, 1(1), pp. 148-181.
Serrano, Omar Ramon; Burri, Mira (March 2016). Making use of TRIPS flexibilities: Implementation and diffusion of compulsory licensing regimes in Brazil and India (Working Paper 1). Bern: World Trade Institute
Burri, Mira (2016). Communication services. In: Encyclopedia of International Economic Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
Burri, Mira (2016). Book Review: Communications and Competition Law: Key Issues in the Telecoms, Media and Technology Sectors. Computer and Telecommunications Law Review, 22(6), pp. 170-171. Sweet & Maxwell
Burri, Mira (2016). Nudging as a Tool of Media Policy: Understanding and Fostering Exposure Diversity in the Age of Digital Media. In: Mathis, Klaus; Tor, Avishalom (eds.) Nudging - Possibilities, Limitations, and Applications in European Law and Economics (pp. 227-247). Springer
Burri, Mira (2016). Cultural Diversity in the Internet Age: In Search of New Tools That Work. DigiWorld Economic Journal(101) IDATE
Burri, Mira (2016). Exposure diversity as a new cultural policy objective in the digital age. In: Richieri Hanania, Lilian; Norodom, Anne-Thida (eds.) Diversity of Cultural Expressions in The Digital Era. Buenos Aires: TeseoPress
Burri, Mira (2016). Designing Future-Oriented Multilateral Rules for Digital Trade. In: Sauvé, Pierre; Roy, Martin (eds.) Research Handbook on Trade in Services. Research Handbooks on the WTO series (pp. 331-356). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Burri, Mira; Schär, Rahel (2016). Die Reform der Datenschutzgesetzgebung der Europäischen Union: die wichtigsten Veränderungen und ihre Eignung für eine datengesteuerte Wirtschaft. Zeitschrift für Europarecht, 18(4), pp. 100-113. Schulthess
Burri, Mira (November 2015). Designing a coherent framework for the regulation of Internet content (Working Paper 13). The Hague, The Netherlands: The Hague Institute for Global Justice
Burri, Mira (2015). The Trade Versus Culture Discourse: Tracing its Evolution in Global Law. In: Vadi, Valentina; de Witte, Bruno (eds.) Culture and International Economic Law. Routledge Research in International Economic Law Series. Oxford: Routledge
Burri, Mira (30 January 2015). Service Public in einer digitalen vernetzen Umgebung (Unpublished). In: Anhörung, Eidgenössische Medienkommission EMEK. Biel, Schweiz. 30.01.2015.
Burri, Mira (2015). The European Union, the World Trade Organization and Cultural Diversity. In: Psychogiopoulou, Evangelia (ed.) Cultural Governance and the European Union. Protecting and Promoting Cultural Diversity in Europe. Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics (pp. 195-209). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Burri, Mira (2015). Contemplating a ‘public service navigator’: In search of new (and better) functioning public service media. International journal of communication, 2015(9), pp. 1341-1359. USC Annenberg
Burri, Mira (2015). Public Service Broadcasting 3.0: Legal Design for the Digital Present. Abingdon: Routledge
Burri, Mira (2015). Digitaler Handel stürzt Regulatoren ins Dilemma. UniPress - Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Universität Bern(166), pp. 14-16. Abteilung Kommunikation, Universität Bern
Burri, Mira; Helberger, Natali (2015). Public Service Media and Exposure Diversity: Introduction. International journal of communication, 9, pp. 1319-1323. USC Annenberg
Burri, Mira (2015). The International Economic Law Framework for Digital Trade. Zeitschrift für schweizerisches Recht, 134/2, pp. 10-72. Helbing Lichtenhahn
Burri, Mira (2015). Over the top services: Business trends and regulatory issues (Unpublished). In: ITU/IDA ICT Regulators' Leadership Retreat. Singapore. 18.-20.03.2015.
Burri, Mira (2014). Book Review: Benedetta Brevini, Arne Hintz, and Patrick Mccurdy (eds.): Beyond Wikileaks. Implications for the Future of Communications, Journalism and Society. Journal of Information Policy, 4, pp. 23-27. Pennsylvania State University
Burri, Mira (2014). Trade versus Culture : The Policy of Cultural Exception and the World Trade Organization. In: Donders, Karen; Pauwels, Caroline; Loisen, Jan (eds.) Palgrave Handbook of European media policy. Palgrave Handbooks (pp. 479-492). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Burri, Mira (2014). The UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity : An Appraisal Five Years after its Entry into Force. International journal of cultural property, 20, pp. 357-380. Cambridge University Press
Burri, Mira (2014). Regulating Code: Good Governance and Better Regulation in the Information Age, by Ian Brown and Christopher T. Marsden. International journal of law and information technology, 22(2), pp. 208-214. Oxford University Press 10.1093/ijlit/eat019
Burri, Mira (2014). Updating Cultural Law and Policy for the Digital Age (Submitted). In: The international law of culture : challenges and prospects. Springer
Burri, Mira (2014). Global Cultural Law and Policy in the Age of Ubiquitous Internet. International journal of cultural property, 21(03), pp. 349-364. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0940739114000137
Burri, Mira (2014). Globale Internet Governance – wie weiter? Swiss Telecommunications Association Bulletin, 2014(3), pp. 26-27. ASUT
Burri, Mira (2014). Die Zukunft des Internets entscheidet sich jetzt. UniPress - Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Universität Bern(160), p. 38. Abteilung Kommunikation, Universität Bern
Burri, Mira (2014). Permission to Link: Making Available via Hyperlinks in the European Union after Svensson. Journal of intellectual property, information technology and electronic commerce law JIPITEC, 5(3), pp. 245-255. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Burri, Mira (2014). The Impact of the International Legal Framework, in Particular the WTO and UNESCO, on the Pursuit of Cultural Diversity Objectives Online. In: Nikoltchev, Susanne (ed.) Video on Demand and the Promotion of European Works. IRIS Special. Strasbourg, France: European Audiovisual Observatory
Burri, Mira (8 December 2013). Advancing the Goals of the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Diversity of Cultural Expressions in the Fields of Education, Participation of Civil Society and Sustainable Development (Unpublished) (Working Paper Series).
Burri, Mira (6 December 2013). The WTO as a Global Internet Governance Actor (Unpublished). In: SNIS Biannual Conference 2013 on Global Internet Governance. Bern, Switzerland. 6.-7.12.2013.
Guèvremont, Véronique; Bernier, Ivan; Burri, Mira; Cornu, Marie; Richieri Hanania, Lillian; Ruiz Fabri, Hélène (2013). Implementation of the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions in the Digital Age: Challenges, Priority Actions and Recommendations International Network of Lawyers for the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (RIJDEC)
Burri, Mira (24 October 2013). Should There Be New Multilateral Rules for Digital Trade? (Unpublished) (Think piece for the E15 Expert Group on Trade and Innovation). International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development
de Beer, Jeremy; Burri, Mira (August 2013). Transatlantic Copyright Comparisons: Making Available via Hyperlinks in the European Union and Canada (NCCR Trade Regulation Working Paper 2013/22). Bern, Switzerland: NCCR Trade Regulation
Burri, Mira (2013). Postal Communications, International Regulation. In: Wolfrum, Rüdiger (ed.) Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Burri, Mira (2013). The UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity: An Appraisal Five Years after Its Entry into Force. International journal of cultural property, 20(4), pp. 357-380. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0940739113000209
Burri, Mira (2013). Business as Usual? : The Implementation of the UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity and EU Media Law and Policies. European Law Review, 3(6), pp. 802-825. Sweet and Maxwell
Burri, Mira (2013). Book Review: Public Service Media and Policy in Europe. Common market law review, 50(2), pp. 667-669. Kluwer Law International
Burri, Mira (2013). Book Symposium The Electronic Silk Road: Connecting Dots in a World of Bits. Opinio Juris
Burri, Mira (22 August 2012). Business as Usual? : An Appraisal of the Implementation of the UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity into EU’s Media Law and Policies (NCCR Trade Regulation Working Paper 33).
Burri, Mira; Cottier, Thomas (2012). Trade Governance in the Digital Age (Preface). In: Burri, Mira; Cottier, Thomas (eds.) Trade governance in the digital age (xxi-xxii). 978-1-107-02243-0: Cambridge University Press
Burri, Mira; Cottier, Thomas (eds.) (2012). Trade Governance in the Digital Age. World Trade Forum. World Trade Forum: Vol. 12. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Burri, Mira; Cottier, Thomas (2012). Introduction: Digital technologies and international trade regulation. In: Burri, Mira; Cottier, Thomas (eds.) Trade Governance in the Digital Age. World Trade Forum. World Trade Forum: Vol. 12 (pp. 1-14). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Burri, Mira (2012). Controlling New Media (without the Law). In: Verhulst, Stefaan; Price, Monroe; Morgan, Libby (eds.) Handbook of media law and policy. Routledge Handbooks (pp. 327-342). Oxon: Routledge
Burri, Mira (2012). The Global Digital Divide as Impeded Access to Content. In: Burri, Mira; Cottier, Thomas (eds.) Trade governance in the digital age (pp. 396-420). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Burri, Mira (2012). Cultural Protectionism 2.0 : Updating Cultural Policy Tools for the Digital Age. In: Pager, Sean A.; Candeub, Adam (eds.) Transnational culture in the internet age. Elgar law, technology and society series (pp. 182-202). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
Burri, Mira (2011). Reconciling Trade and Culture : A Global Law Perspective. Journal of Arts Management, 41(2), pp. 138-158. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/10632921.2011.573447
Burri, Mira (2011). Misunderstanding Creativity : User Created Content in Virtual Worlds and its Constraints by Code and Law. International journal of communications law and policy IJCLP, 14, pp. 1-28. IJCLP
Burri, Mira (2011). Enquiry into the Notion of Cultural Protectionism in the Media and its Dimensions in Cyberspace (NCCR Trade Regulation Working Paper 3). University of Bern Law School - World Trade Institute
Burri, Mira; Graber, Beat Christoph; Steiner, Thomas (2011). The Protection and Promotion of Cultural Diversity in a Digital Networked Environment : Mapping Possible Advances to Coherence. In: Delimatsis, Panagiotis; Cottier, Thomas (eds.) The prospects of international trade regulation (pp. 359-393). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Burri, Mira (2011). Re-Conceptualizing the Global Digital Divide. Journal of intellectual property, information technology and electronic commerce law JIPITEC, 2(3), pp. 217-225. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Burri, Mira (12 October 2010). Immer mehr staatlich verordnete Grenzen im Cyberspace. Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ, 231(237), p. 31. Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Burri, Mira; Graber, Christoph Beat (eds.) (2010). Governance of Digital Game Environments and Cultural Diversity : Transdisciplinary Enquiries. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
Graber, Christoph Beat (2010). Governance of Digital Game Environments and Cultural Diversity : Transdisciplinary Enquiries. Preface. In: Burri, Mira (ed.) Governance of Digital Game Environments and Cultural Diversity : Transdisciplinary Enquiries. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
Burri, Mira (2010). User Created Content in Virtual Worlds and Cultural Diversity. In: Graber, Christoph Beat; Burri-Nenova, Mira (eds.) Governance of digital game environments and cultural diversity : transdisciplinary enquiries (pp. 74-112). Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar Publishing
Burri, Mira (2010). Digital Technologies and Traditional Cultural Expressions : A Positive Look at a Difficult Relationship. International journal of cultural property, 17(1), pp. 33-63. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0940739110000032
Burri, Mira (2010). Cultural Diversity as a Concept of Global Law : Origins, Evolution and Prospects. Diversity, 2(8), pp. 1059-1084. MDPI AG 10.3390/d2081059
Burri, Mira (2010). The Protection and Promotion of Cultural Diversity at the International Level (NCCR Trade Working Paper 2009/10). New York: NCCR Trade Regulation
Burri, Mira (2010). Keeping Promises : Implementing the UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity into EU's Internal Policies (NCCR Trade Regulation Working Paper 17). NCCR / WTI: University of Bern Law School - World Trade Institute
Burri, Mira (2010). Book Review: Protection of Cultural Diversity from a European and International Perspective. Common market law review, 47(4), pp. 1285-1287. Kluwer Law International
Burri, Mira (2010). Implementing the UNESCO Convention in EU's Internal Policies (Unpublished) (Studies). European Parliament - Directorate-General for internal policies
Burri, Mira; Graber, Christoph Beat (2010). Governance of Digital Game Environments and Cultural Diversity. Preface. In: Burri, Mira; Graber, Christoph Beat (eds.) Governance of digital game environments and cultural diversity : transdisciplinary enquiries. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
Burri, Mira (4 September 2009). Electronic Communications as a Distinct and Unique Object of Regulation
Burri, Mira (2009). Trade and Culture : Keep the Border Fuzzy, Please (NCCR Trade Working Paper 2). University of Bern Law School - World Trade Institute
Burri, Mira (2009). Trade Versus Culture in the Digital Environment : An Old Conflict in Need of a New Definition. Journal of international economic law, 12(1), pp. 17-62. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jiel/jgn038
Burri, Mira (2009). Rezension zu: Inge Govaere and Hanns Ulrich (eds.): Intellectual Property, Public Policy and International Trade. European journal of international law, 20(3), pp. 923-925. Oxford University Press
Burri, Mira (2009). Rezension zu: Irini Katsirea, Public Broadcasting and European Law. European Law Review, 34(2), pp. 336-338. Sweet and Maxwell
Burri, Mira (2009). International Regulation of Postal Communications. In: Wolfrum, Rüdiger (ed.) Max Planck Encyclopedia of public international law. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Burri, Mira; Graber, Christoph Beat (2008). Intellectual Property and Traditional Cultural Expressions in a Digital Environment. Preface. In: Burri, Mira; Graber, Christoph Beat (eds.) Intellectual Property and Traditional Cultural Expressions in a Digital Environment. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
Burri, Mira (28 February 2008). Cultural Diversity (Unpublished)
Burri, Mira; Bigdeli, Sadeq Z. (26 January 2008). Commentary of GATS Article IX : Business Practices (Unpublished) (Working Paper Series). University of Bern Law School - World Trade Institute 10.2139/ssrn.1307671
Burri, Mira (2008). Defining Regulatory Objectives for Contemporary Electronic Communications : Between a Rock and a Hard Place. International journal of communications law and policy IJCLP, 12, pp. 274-312. IJCLP
Burri, Mira (2008). New Technologies and the Protection and Promotion of Traditional Cultural Expressions. In: Madhuri, V. (ed.) Traditional knowledge : Impediments to IPR Protection (pp. 131-168). Hyderabad: Icfai University Press
Burri, Mira (2007). The Changing Environment of Audiovisual Media. New Technologies, New Patterns of Consumer/Business Behaviour and Their Implications for Audiovisual Media Regulation. Medialex - Zeitschrift für Kommunikationsrecht, 10(4), pp. 171-177. Stämpfli
Burri, Mira (2007). The New Audiovisual Media Services Directive : Television without Frontiers, Television without Cultural Diversity. Common market law review, 44(6), pp. 1689-1725. Kluwer Law International
Burri, Mira (2007). The New Concept of Universal Service in a Digital Networked Communications Environment. I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society, 3(1), pp. 117-146. The Ohio State University : Michael E. Moritz College of Law
Burri, Mira (2007). The Law of the WTO and the Communications Law of the EC : On a Path of Harmony or Discord? Journal of world trade, 41(4), pp. 833-878. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business
Burri, Mira (2007). EC Electronic Communications and Competition Law [Textbook] . London: Cameron May Publishing
Burri, Mira (2007). The Reform of the EC Audiovisual Media Regulation : Television Without Cultural Diversity. International journal of cultural property, 14(2), pp. 169-204. Cambridge University Press 10.1017 / S0940739107070105
Burri, Mira (2007). Book Review: M. Holoubek, D. Damjanovic, M. Trainer: Regulating Content. The European Regulatory Framework for the Media and Related Creative Sectors. Common market law review, 44(6), pp. 1835-1837. Kluwer Law International
Burri, Mira (7 July 2006). Regulatory Objectives for Contemporary Electronic Communications : Talking Business or Talking Culture? (NCCR Trade Working Paper 9). NCCR Trade Regulation
Burri, Mira (25 May 2006). European Community Communications Law : An Introduction (Unpublished) (Working Paper Series). University of Bern Law School - World Trade Institute 10.2139/ssrn.1306960
Burri, Mira (25 May 2006). Typology of the Tools of EC Communications Regulation (Unpublished) (Working Paper Series). 10.2139/ssrn.1306921
Burri, Mira; Graber, Christoph Beat; Girsberger, Michael (2004). Collecting Societies - Not Yet 'Six Feet Under'. INDICARE Monitor, 1(4), pp. 29-32. Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)