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Bittner, Aniela; Ducray, Angélique; Widmer, Hans Rudolf; Stoffel, Michael H; Mevissen, Meike (2019). Effects of gold and PCL- or PLLA-coated silica nanoparticles on brain endothelial cells and the blood–brain barrier. Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, 10, pp. 941-954. Beilstein-Institut zur Förderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften 10.3762/bjnano.10.95
Wiedmer, Linda; Ducray, Angélique; Frenz, Martin; Stoffel, Michael Hubert; Widmer, Hans Rudolf; Mevissen, Meike (2019). Silica nanoparticle-exposure during neuronal differentiation modulates dopaminergic and cholinergic phenotypes in SH-SY5Y cells. Journal of nanobiotechnology, 17(1), p. 46. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12951-019-0482-2
von Niederhäusern, Nicole; Ducray, Angélique; Zielinski, Jana; Murbach, Manuel; Mevissen, Meike (2019). Effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure on neuronal differentiation and mitochondrial function in SH-SY5Y cells. Toxicology in vitro, 61, p. 104609. Elsevier 10.1016/j.tiv.2019.104609
Di Santo, Stefano; Meyer, M; Ducray, Angélique; Andereggen, Lukas; Widmer, Hans Rudolf (2018). A combination of NT-4/5 and GDNF is favorable for cultured human nigral neural progenitor cells. Cell transplantation, 27(4), pp. 648-653. Cognizant Communication Corporation 10.1177/0963689717753188
Di Santo, Stefano; Seiler, Stefanie; Ducray, Angélique; Meyer, M; Widmer, Hans Rudolf (2017). A Subpopulation of Dopaminergic Neurons Coexpresses Serotonin in Ventral Mesencephalic Cultures But Not After Intrastriatal Transplantation in a Rat Model of Parkinson's Disease. Cell transplantation, 26(4), pp. 679-691. Cognizant Communication Corporation 10.3727/096368916X693707
Ducray, Angélique; Stojiljkovic, Ana; Möller, Anja-Maria; Stoffel, Michael Hubert; Widmer, Hans Rudolf; Frenz, Martin; Mevissen, Meike (2017). Uptake of silica nanoparticles in the brain and effects on neuronal differentiation using different in vitro models. Nanomedicine : nanotechnology, biology, and medicine, 13(3), pp. 1195-1204. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nano.2016.11.001
Ducray, Angélique; Felser, Andrea Debora; Zielinski, Jana; Bittner, Aniela; Bürgi, Julia Verena; Nuoffer, Jean-Marc; Frenz, Martin; Mevissen, Meike (2017). Effects of silica nanoparticle exposure on mitochondrial function during neuronal differentiation. Journal of nanobiotechnology, 15(1), p. 49. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12951-017-0284-3
Andres, Robert H.; Ducray, Angélique; Andereggen, Lukas; Hohl, Tabea; Schlattner, Uwe; Wallimann, Theo; Widmer, Hans Rudolf (2016). The effects of creatine supplementation on striatal neural progenitor cells depend on developmental stage. Amino acids, 48(8), pp. 1913-1927. Springer 10.1007/s00726-016-2238-8
Jensen, P; Ducray, Angélique; Widmer, Hans Rudolf; Meyer, M (2015). Effects of Forskolin on Trefoil factor 1 expression in cultured ventral mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons. Neuroscience, 310, pp. 699-708. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2015.10.010
Schawkat, Khoschy; Di Santo, Stefano; Seiler, Stefanie; Ducray, Angélique; Widmer, Hans Rudolf (2015). Loss of Nogo-A-expressing neurons in a rat model of Parkinson's disease. Neuroscience, 288, pp. 59-72. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2014.12.035
Liechti, Rémy; Ducray, Angélique; Jensen, Pia; Di Santo, Stefano; Seiler, Stefanie; Jensen, Charlotte H; Meyer, Morten; Widmer, Hans Rudolf (2015). Characterization of fetal antigen 1/delta-like 1 homologue expressing cells in the rat nigrostriatal system: effects of a unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesion. PLoS ONE, 10(2), e0116088. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0116088
Di Santo, Stefano; Mina, Amir; Ducray, Angélique; Widmer, Hans Rudolf; Senn, Pascal (2014). Creatine supports propagation and promotes neuronal differentiation of inner ear progenitor cells. NeuroReport, 25(7), pp. 446-451. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/WNR.0000000000000112
Jensen, P.; Heimberg, M.; Ducray, Angélique; Widmer, H. R.; Meyer, M. (September 2013). Trefoil factor 1 in the nigrostriatal system of 6-hydroxydopamine-lesiond rats. In: 12th International Symposium on Neural Transplantation & Restoration. Cardiff. 03.-06.09.2013.
Jensen, Pia; Heimberg, Michel; Ducray, Angélique; Widmer, Hans R.; Meyer, Morten (2013). Expression of trefoil factor 1 in the developing and adult rat ventral mesencephalon. PLoS ONE, 8(10), e76592. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0076592
Andres, RH; Andereggen, L; Ducray, Angélique; Mordasini, P; Guzmann, R; Barth, A; Raabe, A; Widmer, HR (2012). Intracerebral hemorrhage affects the extrapyramidal system and promotes endogenous Neurogenesis in the subentricular Zone and Hippocampus. In: J Neurol Surg A Cent Eur Neurosurg. J Neurol Surg A Cent Eur Neurosurg
Andres, RH; Andereggen, L; Mordasini, P; Ducray, Angélique; Ibatullin, R; Raabe, A; Barth, A; Widmer, HR (2012). Responses of the Dopaminergic and Endogenous Neurogenic Systems in a Rat Model of Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Regenerative medicine London: Future Medicine
Porz, N; Di Santo, S; Ducray, Angélique; Raabe, A; Widmer, HR (2012). Minocyline and HIF-1 stabilization promote survival of cultured dopaminergic neurons. In: DGNC Mannheim.
Di Santo, S; Ducray, Angélique; Porz, N; Raabe, A; Widmer, HR (2012). Neuronal cell viabilitay is promoted by paracrine factors released from endothelial progenitor cells. In: DGNC Mannheim.
Di Santo, S; Ducray, Angélique; Porz, N; Raabe, A; Widmer, HR (2012). Endothelial Progenitor Cells secretome supports vialbility and maturation of cultured neuronal stem cells. In: SSCN Annual Conference. SSCN Annual Conference
Porz, N; Di Santo, S; Ducray, Angélique; Raabe, A; Widmer, HR (2012). Chronic minocyline treatment and HIF-1 stabilization increase the yield of dopamninergic neurons. In: SSCN Annual Conference. SSCN Annual Conference
Jensen, P; Heimberg, M; Ducray, Angélique; Widmer, HR; Meyer, M (2012). Expression of Trefoil Factor 1 in the nigrostriatal system of hemiparkinsonian rats versus unlesioned controls. In: International Neural Therapy and Repair Meeting. Clearwater: International Neural Therapy and Repair Meeting
Di Santo, S; Seiler, S; Porz, N; Ducray, Angélique; Raabe, A; Widmer, HR (2012). Neuroprotective capacity of entothelial progenitor cells in an in vitro model of Parkinson`s Disease. In: NECTAR Meeting. Freiburg.
Andres, RH; Andereggen, L; Mordasini, P; Ducray, Angélique; Ibatullin, R; Raabe, A; Barth, A; Widmer, HR (2012). Responses of the dopaminergic and endogenous neurogenic systems in a rat model of intracerebral hermorrhage. In: NECTAR Meeting. Freiburg.
Porz, N; Ducray, Angélique; Di Santo, S; Raabe, A; Widmer, HR (2011). Enhanced viability of dopaminergic cells by HIF-1 stabilization and minocycline treatment. In: Clinical Neuroscience Meeting. Bern: Clinical Neuroscience Meeting
Di Santo, S; Porz, N; Ducray, Angélique; Raabe, A; Widmer, HR (2011). Paracrine factors secreted by endothelial progenitor cells support viability of neuronal cells. In: Clinical Neuroscience Meeting. Bern: Clinical Neuroscience Meeting
Porz, N; Ducray, Angélique; Di Santo, S; Raabe, A; Widmer, HR (2011). Enhanced viability of dopaminergic cells by HIF-1 stabilization and mincycline treatment. In: Tag der klinischen Forschung. Bern, November 3th, 2010: Tag der klinischen Forschung
Hohl, T; Ducray, Angélique; Schlattner, U; Wallimann, T; Raabe, A; Widmer, HR; Andres, RH (2011). Donor Age Affects Creatine-Mediated Induction of Differentiaton on Striatal Neural Progenitor Cells. In: Swiss Society for Neuroscience. Basel: Swiss Society for Neuroscience
Mina, A; Di Santo, S; Ducray, Angélique; Widmer, HR (2011). In vito propagation and differentiation of rat spiral ganglion stem cells. In: USGEB Meeting Interlaken, Switzerland. Interlaken: USGEB Meeting Interlaken, Switzerland
Di Santo, S; Ducray, Angélique; Mina, A; Raabe, A; Yang, Z; Widmer, HR (2011). Cell-free strategy for regeneration of ischemic tissues. In: USGEB. Zürich: USGEB
Mina, A; Ducray, Angélique; Di Santo, S; Widmer, HR; Senn, P (2011). Successful long term storage of expanded inner ear stem cells. In: Swiss Society for Neuroscience. Basel: Swiss Society for Neuroscience
Porz, N; Ducray, Angélique; Di Santo, S; Raabe, A; Widmer, HR (2011). HIF-1 stabilization supports cultured dopaminergic neurons. In: Swiss Society for Neuroscience. Basel: Swiss Society for Neuroscience
Schwakat, D; Di Santo, S; Ducray, Angélique; Raabe, A; Widmer, HR (2011). Loss of Nogo-A expressing neurons in a rat model of Parkinson`s disease. In: International Neural Therapy and Repair Meeting. Clearwater: International Neural Therapy and Repair Meeting
Porz, N; Ducray, Angélique; Di Santo, S; Raabe, A; Widmer, HR (2011). Increased yield of dopaminergic neurons by HIF-1 stabilization. In: Department of Clinical Research. Bern: Department of Clinical Research
Di Santo, S; Ducray, Angélique; Seiler, S; Mina, A; Raabe, A; Widmer, HR (2011). Paracrine factors secreted by Endothelial Progenitor Cells support viability of neuronal cells. In: Department of Clinical Research. Bern: Department of Clinical Research
Heimberg, M; Jensen, P; Ducray, Angélique; Di Santo, S; Raabe, A; Meyer, M; Widmer, HR (2011). Trefoil factor 1 expressing neurons in a rat model of Parkinson`s disease. In: Department of Clinical Research. Bern: Department of Clinical Research
Liechti, R; Ducray, Angélique; Jensen, P; Di Santo, S; Raabe, A; Meyer, M; Widmer, HR (2011). Striatal Fetal antigen-1/delta expression is upregulated in a rat model of Parkinson`s disease. In: Department of Clinical Research. Bern: Department of Clinical Research
Andereggen, L; Schawkat, K; Di Santo, S; Ducray, Angélique; Raabe, A; Widmer, HR (2011). Dopaminergic Nogo-A expressing neurons are preferentially lost in a rat model of Parkinson`s disease. In: Clinical Neuroscience Meeting. Bern: Clinical Neuroscience Meeting
Di Santo, S; Ducray, Angélique; Porz, N; Raabe, A; Widmer, HR (2011). Endothelial progenitor cells promote neuronal cell viability through paracrine factors. In: Clinical Neuroscience Meeting. Bern: Clinical Neuroscience Meeting
Heimberg, M; Jensen, P; Ducray, Angélique; Di Santo, S; Meyer, M; Widmer, HR (2011). Striatal Trefoil factor 1 positive cells are upregulated in a rat model of Parkinson`s disease. In: Clinical Neuroscience Meeting. Bern: Clinical Neuroscience Meeting
Porz, N; Di Santo, S; Ducray, Angélique; Raabe, A; Widmer, HR (2010). Non- hypoxic HIF-1 stabilisation results in higher numbers of cultured dopaminergic neurons. In: 6th Clinical Neuroscience Bern Meeting. Bern: 6th Clinical Neuroscience Bern Meeting
Andres, RH; Ducray, Angélique; Mordasini, P; Barth, A; Raabe, A; Widmer, HR (2010). Intracerebral Hemorrhage Compromises the Nigrostriatal Dopaminergic Projection System and Promotes Endogenous Neural Stem Cell Proliferatioon. In: German Society for Neurosurgery. Mannheim: German Society for Neurosurgery
Hohl, T; Ducray, Angélique; Schlattner, U; Wallimann, T; Raabe, A; Widmer, HR; Andres, RH (2010). Age-dependent Effects of Creatine Supplementation on Striatal Neural Progenitor. In: Clinical Neuroscience Meeting. Bern: Clinical Neuroscience Meeting
Ducray, Angélique; Liechti, R; Jensen, P; Di Santo, S; Jensen, CH; Raabe, A; Meyer, M; Widmer, HR (2010). Increased numbers of Fetal antigen-1/delta-like expressing neurons in the striatum of 6-OHDA lesioned rats. In: Cell Transplantation (p. 337). Clearwater: Cell Transplantation
Ducray, Angélique; Liechti, R; Jensen, P; Di Santo, S; Jensen, CH; Raabe, A; Meyer, M; Widmer, HR (2010). Fetal antigen-1 positive cell numbers are upregulated in the striatum of 6-OHDA lesioned rats. In: NECTAR Meeting (p. 87). Freiburg: NECTAR Meeting
Di Santo, S; Bähler, S; Ducray, Angélique; Raabe, A; Wallimann, T; Widmer, HR (2010). Cholinergic neurons of adult rat forebrain and spinal cord display different expression patterns of the creatine transporter and GAMT. In: FENS Meeting. Amsterdam: FENS Meeting
Ducray, Angélique; Liechti, R; Jensen, P; Di Santo, S; Jensen, CH; Raabe, A; Meyer, M; Widmer, HR (2010). Unilateral striatal 6-OHDA lesions modify the nigrostriatal expression pattern of Fetal antigen-1/delta-like homologue in rats. In: FENS Meeting. Amsterdam: FENS Meeting
Mina, A; Ducray, Angélique; Di Santo, S; Widmer, HR; Senn, P (2010). Creatine promotes propagation of rat inner ear stem cells from postmortem temporal bones. In: USGEB Meeting Lugano. Lugano: USGEB Meeting Lugano
Di Santo, Stefano; Bähler, S.; Ducray, Angélique; Raabe, Andreas; Wallimann, T.; Widmer, Hans Rudolf (2010). Different expression pattern of the creatine transporter and guanidinoacetate methyltransferase between adult rat forbrain and spinal cord cholinergic neurons. In: SSN Meeting. Lausanne.
Mina, A; Di Santo, S; Ducray, Angélique; Widmer, HR; Senn, P (2010). Creatine promotes propagation and neural differentiation of rat inner ear stem cells. In: SSN Meeting. Lausanne: SSN Meeting
Ducray, Angélique; Bähler, S; Di Santo, S; Raabe, A; Wallimann, T; Widmer, HR (2010). Subpopulations of ventral mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons express the creatine transporter and AGAT but not GAMT: Implications for therapeutic application of Creatine for Parkinson`s disease. In: SSN Meeting. Lausanne: SSN Meeting
Schwakat, K; Di Santo, S; Ducray, Angélique; Raabe, A; Widmer, HR (2010). Expression pattern of Nogo-A and NgR1 in the adult rat nigro-striatal system. In: Department of Clinical Research. Bern: Department of Clinical Research
Heimberg, M; Jensen, P; Ducray, Angélique; Di Santo, S; Meyer, M; Widmer, HR (2010). Characterization of Trefoil Factor 1 expression in the nigrostriatal system of adult rats and in a rat model of Parkinson`s disease. In: Department of Clinical Research. Bern: Department of Clinical Research
Mina, A; Di Santo, S; Ducray, Angélique; Widmer, HR; Senn, P (2010). The effects of creatine on porpagation and neural differentiation of rat inner ear stem cells. In: Department of Clinical Research. Bern: Department of Clinical Research
Heimberg, M; Jensen, P; Ducray, Angélique; Di Santo, S; Meyer, M; Widmer, HR (2010). The expression pattern of Refoil Factor 1 positive cells is altered in a rat model of Parkinson`s disease. In: Clinical Neuroscience Meeting. Bern: Clinical Neuroscience Meeting
Schwakat, K; Di Santo, S; Ducray, Angélique; Raabe, A; Widmer, HR (2010). Nogo-A and NgR1 expression in the adult rat nigro-striatal system. In: Clinical Neuroscience Meeting. Bern: Clinical Neuroscience Meeting
Andereggen, Lukas; Meyer, Morten; Guzman, Raphael; Ducray, Angélique; Widmer, Hans Rudolf (2009). Effects of GDNF pretreatment on function and survival of transplanted fetal ventral mesencephalic cells in the 6-OHDA rat model of Parkinson's disease. Brain research, 1276, pp. 39-49. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.brainres.2009.04.021
Andres, Robert H; Meyer, Morten; Ducray, Angélique; Widmer, Hans R (2008). Restorative neuroscience: concepts and perspectives. Swiss medical weekly, 138(11-12), pp. 155-72. Muttenz: EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag
Andres, Robert H; Guzman, Raphael; Ducray, Angélique; Mordasini, Pasquale; Gera, Atul; Barth, Alain; Widmer, Hans R; Steinberg, Gary K (2008). Cell replacement therapy for intracerebral hemorrhage. Neurosurgical focus, 24(3-4), E16. Charlottesville, Va.: American Association of Neurological Surgeons 10.3171/FOC/2008/24/3-4/E15
Andres, Robert H; Ducray, Angélique; Schlattner, Uwe; Wallimann, Theo; Widmer, Hans Rudolf (2008). Functions and effects of creatine in the central nervous system. Brain research bulletin, 76(4), pp. 329-43. New York, N.Y.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.brainresbull.2008.02.035
Constantinescu, Mihai A; Alfieri, Alex; Mihalache, George; Stuker, Florian; Ducray, Angélique; Seiler, Rolf W; Frenz, Martin; Reinert, Michael (2007). Effect of laser soldering irradiation on covalent bonds of pure collagen. Lasers in medical science, 22(1), pp. 10-14. London: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s10103-006-0411-0
Ducray, Angélique; Qualls, Rachel; Schlattner, Uwe; Andres, Robert H; Dreher, Ekkehard; Seiler, Rolf W; Wallimann, Theo; Widmer, Hans Rudolf (2007). Creatine promotes the GABAergic phenotype in human fetal spinal cord cultures. Brain research, 1137(1), pp. 50-7. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.brainres.2006.12.038
Ducray, Angélique; Schlappi, JA; Qualls, R; Andres, RH; Seiler, RW; Schlattner, U; Wallimann, T; Widmer, HR (2007). Creatine treatment promotes differentiation of GABA-ergic neuronal precursors in cultured fetal rat spinal cord. Journal of neuroscience research, 9(85), 1863-75.. New York, N.Y.: Wiley-Liss 10.1002/jnr.21337
Ducray, Angélique; Kipfer, Stefan; Huber, Alexander W; Andres, Robert H; Seiler, Rolf W; Schlattner, Uwe; Wallimann, Theo; Widmer, Hans Rudolf (2006). Creatine and neurotrophin-4/5 promote survival of nitric oxide synthase-expressing interneurons in striatal cultures. Neuroscience letters, 395(1), pp. 57-62. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.neulet.2005.10.051
Ducray, Angélique; Krebs, Sandra H; Schaller, Benoît; Seiler, Rolf W; Meyer, Morten; Widmer, Hans R (2006). GDNF family ligands display distinct action profiles on cultured GABAergic and serotonergic neurons of rat ventral mesencephalon. Brain research, 1069(1), pp. 104-12. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.brainres.2005.11.056