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Rüttimann, Céline; Nissen-Kratzert, Annika; Mostacci, Nadja; Künstle, Noëmi; Marten, Andrea; Gisler, Amanda; Bacher, Katharina; Yammine, Sophie; Steinberg, Ruth; Schulzke, Sven; Röösli, Martin; Latzin, Philipp; Hilty, Markus; Frey, Urs; Gorlanova, Olga (2023). Antibiotics in pregnancy influence nasal microbiome and respiratory morbidity in infancy. ERJ Open Research, 9(4) European Respiratory Society 10.1183/23120541.00225-2023
Gorlanova, Olga; Oller, Heide; Marten, Andrea; Müller, Loretta; Laine-Carmeli, Jessica; Decrue, Fabienne; Salem, Yasmin; Vienneau, Danielle; Hoogh, Kees de; Gisler, Amanda; Usemann, Jakob; Korten, Insa; Yammine, Sophie; Nahum, Uri; Künstle, Noemi; Sinues, Pablo; Schulzke, Sven; Latzin, Philipp; Fuchs, Oliver; Röösli, Martin; ... (2023). Ambient prenatal air pollution exposure is associated with low cord blood IL-17a in infants [letter to the editor]. Pediatric allergy and immunology, 34(1), e13902. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/pai.13902
Gisler, Amanda; Eeftens, Marloes; de Hoogh, Kees; Vienneau, Danielle; Salem, Yasmin; Yammine, Sophie; Jakob, Julian; Gorlanova, Olga; Decrue, Fabienne; Gehrig, Regula; Frey, Urs; Latzin, Philipp; Fuchs, Oliver; Usemann, Jakob (2022). Pollen exposure is associated with risk of respiratory symptoms during the first year of life. Allergy, 77(12), pp. 3606-3616. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/all.15284
Decrue, Fabienne; Gorlanova, Olga; Salem, Yasmin; Vienneau, Danielle; de Hoogh, Kees; Gisler, Amanda; Usemann, Jakob; Korten, Insa; Nahum, Uri; Sinues, Pablo; Schulzke, Sven; Fuchs, Oliver; Latzin, Philipp; Röösli, Martin; Frey, Urs (2022). Increased Impact of Air Pollution on Lung Function in Preterm vs. Term Infants: The BILD Study. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 205(1), pp. 99-107. American Thoracic Society 10.1164/rccm.202102-0272OC
Gisler, Amanda; Korten, Insa; de Hoogh, Kees; Vienneau, Danielle; Frey, Urs; Decrue, Fabienne; Gorlanova, Olga; Soti, Andras; Hilty, Markus; Latzin, Philipp; Usemann, Jakob (2021). Associations of air pollution and greenness with the nasal microbiota of healthy infants: A longitudinal study. Environmental research, 202, p. 111633. Elsevier 10.1016/j.envres.2021.111633