Krings, Rabea

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Number of items: 13.

Ulmer, Francis; Krings, Rabea; Häberli, Christoph; Bally, Romina; Schuchmann, Marcus; Huwendiek, Sören; Kabitz, Hans-Joachim (2023). [Patient safety 4.0: "Failure of the Week" It's all about role modelling!]. Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift, 148(15), e87-e97. Thieme 10.1055/a-2061-1554

Wagner, Felicitas L; Feller, Sabine; Schmitz, Felix M; Zimmermann, Philippe G; Krings, Rabea; Guttormsen, Sissel; Huwendiek, Sören (2022). Usability and preference of electronic vs. paper and pencil OSCE checklists by examiners and influence of checklist type on missed ratings in the Swiss Federal Licensing Exam. GMS Journal for Medical Education, 39(2), Doc24. German Medical Science 10.3205/zma001545

Krings, Rabea; Feller, Sabine; Wittwer, Ivana; Schnabel, Kai; Steinlin, Maja; Huwendiek, Sören (2021). Elementary school children as standardized patients in a summative OSCE - A mixed-method study according to the Ottawa criteria for good assessment. Medical teacher, 43(10), pp. 1170-1178. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1918656

Krings, Rabea; Huwendiek, Sören; Walsh, Nathalie; Stricker, Daniel; Berendonk, Christoph (2020). Predictive power of high school educational attainment and the medical aptitude test for performance during the Bachelor program in human medicine at the University of Bern: a cohort study. Swiss medical weekly, 150(w20389), w20389. EMH Media 10.4414/smw.2020.20389

Krings, Rabea (13 September 2017). Qualitativ hochwertige Prüfungsfragen für Aus-, Weiter- und Fortbildung effizient gestalten und verwalten (Unpublished). In: 10. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations und Wirtschaftspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Dresden. 13. -15.9.2017.

Krings, Rabea; Feller, Sabine; Schnabel, Kai; Kroiss, Sabine; Steinlin, Maja; Huwendiek, Sören (29 August 2017). Evaluation of fairness, feasibility, acceptance, realism and educational impact of the involvement of elementary school children as standardized patients as perceived by different stakeholders in a summative OSCE: results from 2016 and 2017. In: AMEE. Helsinki. 29.8.2017.

Wagner, Felicitas Lony; Feller, Sabine; Schmitz, Felix; Zimmermann, Philippe; Guttormsen, Sissel; Krings, Rabea; Huwendiek, Sören (16 September 2016). Vergleich elektronischer Checklisten mit Papierchecklisten im Rahmen der Clinical Skills Prüfung der Eidgenössischen Prüfung Humanmedizin: Ergebnisse einer Umfrage unter den Prüfenden der letzten zwei Jahre. In: Jahrestagung GMA. Abstractband. Bern. 14.-17.09.2016. 10.3205/16gma161

Krings, Rabea; Feller, Sabine; Wiedemar, Lina; Schnabel, Kai; Steiner, Isabelle; Merz, Franziska; Steinlin, Maja; Kroiss Benninger, Sabine; Brem, Beate; Wagner, Felicitas Lony; Huwendiek, Sören (16 September 2016). Grundschulkinder als standardisierte Patienten in einer regulären summativen OSCE-Prüfung: eine Mixed Method Studie bezüglich Fairness, Akzeptanz, Machbarkeit und „Educational Impact“ aus Sicht der Beteiligten. In: Jahrestagung GMA. Abstractband. Bern. 14.-17.09.2016. 10.3205/16gma181

Kroiss Benninger, Sabine; Latal, Bea; Holtz, Sepp; Jünger, Ernst; Krings, Rabea; Feller, Sabine; Schnabel, Kai; Huwendiek, Sören (16 September 2016). Schauspiel-Kinder als standardisierte Patienten (SP) in einer formativen OSCE-Prüfung: eine Mixed-Method Studie hinsichtlich Machbarkeit, Fairness, Validität und Lerneffekt. In: Jahrestagung GMA. Abstractband. Bern. 14.-17.09.2016. 10.3205/16gma257

Krings, Rabea; Feller, Sabine; Schnabel, Kai; Kroiss, Sabine; Steinlin, Maja; Huwendiek, Sören (August 2016). Elementary school children as standardized patients in a summative OSCE: A mixed method study to evaluate fairness, acceptance, feasibility, and educational impact. In: AMEE 2016 Abstract Book.

Krings, Rabea; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Elfering, Achim; Semmer, Norbert K. (2015). Subtly offending feedback. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 45(4), pp. 191-202. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jasp.12287

Krings, Rabea; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Keller, Anita; Semmer, Norbert K. (17 May 2014). Illegitimate tasks, feelings of resentment, and recovery – longitudinal mediation model (Unpublished). In: 29th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology - Making connections. Honolulu, Hawaii. 15.05.-17.05.2014.

Krings, Rabea; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Mühlethaler, Céline; Witmer, Joelle; Semmer, Norbert (April 2012). Appreciation and subjectively perceived performance: The mediating role of goal attainment and resentments. In: Jain, Aditya; Hollis, David; Andreou, Nicholas; Wehrle, Flavia (eds.) 10th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology (pp. 284-285). Nottingham: European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology

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