Maier, Michaela

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Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela; Makhortykh, Mykola; Gil-Lopez, Teresa; de León, Ernesto; Urmann, Aleksandra; Christner, Clara; Bromme, Laurits (7 March 2024). How populist radical-right attitudes and political involvement affect who tunes out from politics and who prefers attitude-consonant information – combining survey, tracking and automated content analysis (Unpublished). In: Gastvortrag ASCOR, University of Amsterdam. Amsterdam.

Adam, Silke; Makhortykh, Mykola; Maier, Michaela; Aigenseer, Viktor; Urman, Aleksandra; Gil-Lopez, Teresa; Christner, Clara; de León, Ernesto; Ulloa, Roberto (2024). Improving the quality of individual-level online information tracking: Challenges of existing approaches and introduction of a new content-and long-tail sensitive academic solution Cornell University 10.48550/arXiv.2403.02931

Maier, Michaela; Gil-López, Teresa; Bromme, Laurits; Zinkernagel, Axel; Welzenbach-Vogel, Ines C.; Christner, Clara; Adam, Silke; Schmitt, Manfred; Tillman, Erik R. (2023). The interplay between explicit and implicit right-wing populism in Germany and Switzerland. Political Psychology, 44(6), pp. 1235-1258. Wiley 10.1111/pops.12895

Adam, Silke; de León, Ernesto; Makhortykh, Mykola; Rohrbach, Tobias; Keller, Franziska; Valli, Chiara Lisa; Baghumyan, Ani; Gil Lopez, Teresa; Maier, Michaela (13 May 2023). Wie Informationen und Voreinstellungen den Glauben an Verschwörungstheorien beeinflussen (Unpublished). In: Münchenwiler Seminar. Schloss Münchenwil.

Gil-López, Teresa; Christner, Clara; De León, Ernesto; Makhortykh, Mykola; Urman, Aleksandra; Maier, Michaela; Adam, Silke (2023). Do (Not!) Track Me: Relationship Between Willingness to Participate and Sample Composition in Online Information Behavior Tracking Research. Social science computer review, 41(6), pp. 2274-2292. Sage 10.1177/08944393231156634

Adam, Silke; Urman, Aleksandra; Arlt, Dorothee; Gil-Lopez, Teresa; Makhortykh, Mykola; Maier, Michaela (2023). Media Trust and the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Analysis of Short-Term Trust Changes, Their Ideological Drivers and Consequences in Switzerland. Communication research, 50(2), pp. 205-229. Sage 10.1177/00936502221127484

Makhortykh, Mykola; de León, Ernesto; Urman, Aleksandra; Gil-Lopez, Teresa; Christner, Clara; Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela (29 May 2022). Panning for Gold: Lessons Learned From Automated Classification of Political and Populist Radical Right Content for German Textual Content (Unpublished). In: 72nd Annual ICA Conference - "One world, one network?!". Paris, France. 26.05.-30.05.2022.

Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela; Aigenseer, Viktor; Makhortykh, Mykola; Ulloa, Roberto; Urman, Aleksandra; Christner, Clara; Gil-Lopez, Teresa (28 May 2022). One Does Not Simply Analyze Tracking Data: Challenges of Utilizing Large-Scale Tracking Collections for Communication Research (Unpublished). In: 72nd Annual ICA Conference - "One world, one network?!". Paris, France. 26.05.-30.05.2022.

Makhortykh, Mykola; de León Williams, Ernesto Emiliano; Christner, Clara; Sydorova, Maryna; Urman, Aleksandra; Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela; Gil-Lopez, Teresa (2022). Is a single model enough? Lessons learned from systematically comparing automated classifications of populist radical right content in German (Unpublished). In: ECPR General Conference. Innsbruck. 22-26 August 2022.

Maier, Michaela; Adam, Silke; Gil-Lopez, Teresa; Makhortykh, Mykola; Bromme, Laurits; Christner, Clara; De Leon, Ernesto; Urman, Aleksandra (2022). Populist Radical-Right Attitudes and Selective Information Exposure: Studying Who Tunes Out and Who Prefers Attitude-Consonant Information (Unpublished). In: 72nd Annual International Communication Association (ICA) conference. 26.-31. Mai 2022.

Makhortykh, Mykola; de León, Ernesto; Urman, Aleksandra; Christner, Clara; Sydorova, Maryna; Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela; Gil-Lopez, Teresa (2022). Panning for gold: Lessons learned from the platform-agnostic automated detection of political content in textual data (Submitted) (arXiv). Cornell University 10.48550/arxiv.2207.00489

Makhortykh, Mykola; Maier, Michaela; Aigenseer, Viktor; Ulloa, Roberto; Urman, Aleksandra; Christner, Clara; Gil-Lopez, Teresa; Adam, Silke (7 September 2021). Tell me what you browse: Using browser tracking to study (political) information behaviour (Unpublished). In: 8th European Communication Conference (ECREA 2021) - "Communication and trust". Online. 06.09.-09.09.2021.

Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela; Makhortykh, Mykola; Urman, Aleksandra; Christner, Clara; de León, Ernesto; Gil Lopez, Teresa (29 July 2021). Pushing research on user-centric information exposure forward: bringing tracking, survey and automated text classification together (Unpublished). In: IC2S2. Zurich. 27.07.-31.07.2021.

Christner, Clara; Urman, Aleksandra; Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela (2021). Automated Tracking Approaches for Studying Online Media Use: A Critical Review and Recommendations. Communication methods and measures, 16(2), pp. 79-95. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/19312458.2021.1907841

Adam, Silke; Makhortykh, Mykola; Urman, Aleksandra; Christner, Clara; Lopez, Teresa Gil; Maier, Michaela (9 April 2021). Media consumption and conspiracy beliefs in COVID-19 times – combing tracking and survey research (Unpublished). In: Dreiländertagung für Kommunikationswissenschaft (DACH 21). Online. 07.04.-09.04.2021.

Makhortykh, Mykola; Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela; Urman, Aleksandra; Lopez, Teresa Gil; Christner, Clara; de León, Ernesto (9 April 2021). News at the time of crisis: Comparing desktop- and mobile-based browsing behaviour during COVID-19 pandemic (Unpublished). In: Dreiländertagung für Kommunikationswissenschaft (DACH 21). Online. 07.04.-09.04.2021.

Eugster, Beatrice; Adam, Silke; Jansen, Severin; Maier, Michaela (2021). Negativity about Europe: Does it propel parties’ media visibility? Communications, 46(4), pp. 564-587. De Gruyter 10.1515/commun-2019-0145

Gil Lopez, Teresa; Maier, Michaela; Welzenbach-Vogel, Ines C.; Christner, Clara; Zingernagel, Axel; Adam, Silke; Schmitt, Manfred; Tillman, Erik (15 July 2020). The structure of populist radical-right attitudes: Introducing a typology of explicit and implicit PRR attitudes for Germany and Switzerland (Unpublished). In: The 43rd annual scientific meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP) - "Polarization, Misinformation, and Entrenched Group Conflict: Harnessing Political Psychology to Find Solutions to Problems". Online. 14.07.-16.07.2020.

Eugster, Beatrice; Jalali, Carlos; Maier, Michaela; Bathelt, Severin; Leidecker-Sandmann, Melanie; Adam, Silke; Negrine, Ralph; Demertzis, Nicolas (2020). When do European election campaigns become about Europe? West European politics, 44(7), pp. 1425-1454. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/01402382.2020.1778956

Aigenseer, V.; Urman, Aleksandra; Christner, C.; Maier, Michaela; Adam, Silke; Makhortykh, Mykola; Gil-Lopez, T. (24 September 2019). Webtrack – Desktop Extension for Tracking Users’ Browsing Behaviour using Screen-Scraping (Unpublished). In: GESIS Computational Social Science (CSS) Seminar. Mannheim. 24.09.2019.

Jansen, A. Severin; Eugster, Beatrice; Maier, Michaela; Adam, Silke (2019). Who Drives the Agenda: Media or Parties? A Seven-Country Comparison in the Run-Up to the 2014 European Parliament Elections. The international journal of press, politics, 24(1), pp. 7-26. Sage 10.1177/1940161218805143

Eugster, Beatrice; Bathelt, Severin; Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela (26 May 2018). Euroskeptic Parties' Influence on the Media Agenda: A Seven Country Analysis of Media Agenda-Building in the Up-Run to the 2014 European Parliament Elections (Unpublished). In: 68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association - "Communication and the Evolution of Voice". Prague, Czech Republic. 24.05.-28.05.2018.

Eugster, Beatrice; Adam, Silke; Bathelt, Severin; Maier, Michaela (26 May 2018). Does negativity about Europe push parties on the media agenda? A seven-country comparison on parties' influence on the media agenda in the up-run to the 2014 European Parliament elections (Unpublished). In: European elections and political structuring - Workshop. WZB, Berlin, Germany. 25.05.-26.05.2018.

Bathelt, Severin; Eugster, Beatrice; Maier, Michaela; Adam, Silke (22 November 2017). Still the question: Who sets Europe on the agenda – political parties or mass media? A seven country comparison in the run-up to the 2014 European Parliament elections. (Unpublished). In: ECREA Pol Com Interim Conference 2017. Zürich. 22.11.-23.11.2017.

Adam, Silke; Eugster, Beatrice; Antl-Wittenberg, Eva-Maria; Azrout, Rachid; Möller, Judith; De Vreese, Claes; Maier, Michaela; Kritzinger, Sylvia (2017). News media’s position-taking regarding the European Union: the synchronization of mass media’s reporting and commentating in the 2014 European Parliament elections. Journal of European public policy, 26(1), pp. 44-62. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/13501763.2017.1375546

Maier, Michaela; Bacherle, Patrick; Adam, Silke; Leidecker-Sandmann, Melanie (2017). The interplay between parties and media in putting EU issues on the agenda. Party politics, 25(2), pp. 167-178. Sage Publications 10.1177/1354068817700532

Maier, Michaela; Adam, Silke; Maier, Jürgen (2017). Does the messenger matter? A comparison of the effects of Eurosceptic messages communicated by mainstream and radical right-wing parties on citizens’ EU attitudes. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 27(3), pp. 330-349. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/17457289.2016.1273227

Adam, Silke; Antl-Wittenberg, Eva-Maria; Eugster, Beatrice; Leidecker-Sandmann, Melanie; Maier, Michaela; Schmidt, Franzisca (2017). Strategies of pro-EU parties in the face of a Euroskeptic challenge. European Union Politics, 18(2), pp. 260-282. Sage 10.1177/1465116516661248

Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela (2016). Campaigning on or downplaying EU integration? Explaining the salience parties attach to EU matters in European Parliamentary election campaigns. In: Brug, Wouter van den; Vreese, Claes H. de (eds.) (Un-)Intended Consequences of European Parliamentary Elections. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Maier, Michaela; Leidecker, Melanie; Adam, Silke; Eugster, Beatrice; Bacherle, Patrick (18 September 2015). The Interplay between Parties and Media in Putting EU-Issues on the Agenda. A temporal pattern analysis of the 2014 European Parliamentary election campaigns in Austria, Germany, and the United Kingdom (Unpublished). In: First annual International Journal of Press / Politics Conference. Oxford, Grossbritannien. 16.-18. September 2015.

Maier, Michaela; Adam, Silke; Leidecker, Melanie; Eugster, Beatrice; Antl-Wittenberg, Eva; Schmidt, Franzisca (28 August 2015). Strategies of pro-EU parties in times of a Euroskeptic challenge. A six country comparison of strategic party communication in the run-up to the 2014 European Parliament election (Unpublished). In: ECREA Political Communication Conference. Odense, Dänemark. 27.-28. August 2015.

Maier, Michaela; Maier, Jürgen; Baumert, Anna; Jahn, Nico; Krause, Stefan; Adam, Silke (2015). Measuring citizens' implicit and explicit attitudes towards the European Union. European Union politics, 16(3), pp. 369-385. Sage Publications 10.1177/1465116515577454

Adam, Silke; Antl-Wittenberg, Eva; Eugster, Beatrice; Leidecker, Melanie; Maier, Michaela; Schmidt, Franzisca (14 March 2015). The interplay between Euroskeptic challenger and pro-European mainstream parties – A six country comparison of strategic party communication in the run-up to the 2014 European Parliament election (Unpublished). In: SGKM-Jahrestagung "Kontexte und Konsequenzen: Ansätze und Erträge der vergleichenden Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft". Bern, Schweiz. 13.-14.03.2015.

Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela (18 November 2014). The role of national parties for the politicization of EU integration (Unpublished). In: Campaigning for Europe 2014. Parties, Mass Media and Voters in the European Parliamentary Elections 2014. Annweiler / DE. 18.11.2014.

Adam, Silke; Leidecker, Melanie; Maier, Michaela; Antl-Wittenberg, Eva-Maria (14 November 2014). Downplaying or Pushing Euro-Skepticism in the Context of the Euro Crisis? Strategic Political Communication in the Run-Up to the 2014 European Parliament Elections in Germany and Austria. (Unpublished). In: European Communication Conference (ECC ECREA) 2014. Lissabon. 12.-15.11.2014.

Adam, Silke; Eugster, Beatrice; Maier, Michaela; Leidecker, Melanie; Arlt, Dorothee; Schmidt, Franzisca (5 September 2014). Politicization of EU integration – the right-wing challenge for mainstream parties‘ 2014 EP campaign communication (Unpublished). In: European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Conference. Glasgow. 03.-06.09.2014.

Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela; Maier, Jürgen (9 July 2014). Distinguishing Effects of Content and Source in Party Communication on Citizens‘ Attitudes towards Europe (Unpublished). In: ISPP Konferenz. Rom. 04.-09.07.2014.

Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela; De Vreese, Claas; Schuck, Andreas (2014). Politicization of EU integration. Codebook for mass media coverage [Dataset].

Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela; De Vreese, Claas; Schuck, Andreas (2014). Politicization of EU integration. Codebook for party communication [Dataset].

Maier, Michaela; Krause, Stefan; Maier, Jürgen; Jahn, Nico; Adam, Silke (September 2013). Measuring Citizens’ Implicit and Explicit Attitudes towards the European Union (Unpublished). In: ECPR-Konferenz. Bordeaux, Frankreich. 4.-7. September 2013.

Maier, Michaela; Adam, Silke (June 2013). Party Communication About Europe. Who puts Europe on the Agenda (Unpublished). In: Netherlands Institute of Advanced Studies. Wasenaar, Niederlande.

Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela; de Vreese, Claes H.; Schuck, Andreas R. T.; Stetka, Vaclav; Jalali, Carlos; Seeber, Gilg U. H.; Negrine, Ralph; Raycheva, Lilia; Berganza, Rosa; Róka, Jolán; Dobek-Ostrowska, Boguslawa; Nord, Lars; Balzer, Matthias; Baumli, Manuela (2013). Campaigning Against Europe? The Role of Euroskeptic Fringe and Mainstream Parties in the 2009 European Parliament Election. Journal of Political Marketing, 12(1), pp. 77-99. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/15377857.2013.752245

Maier, Michaela; Adam, Silke; Retzbach, Andrea (7 July 2012). The impact of identity and economic cues on citizens‘ EU support. An experimental study on the effects of party communication in the run-up to the 2009 European Parliament elections (Unpublished). In: ISPP-Konferenz. 6.-9. Juli 2012.

Maier, Michaela; Adam, Silke; Maier, Jürgen (2012). The impact of identity and economic cues on citizens' EU support: An experimental study on the effects of party communication in the run-up to the 2009 European Parliament elections. EUROPEAN UNION POLITICS, 13(4), pp. 580-603. Sage 10.1177/1465116512453957

Maier, Michaela; Adam, Silke; de Vreese, Claes; Schuck, Andreas; Berganza, Rosa; Stetka, Vaclav; Negrine, Ralph; Jalali, Carlos; Raycheva, Lilia; Roka, Jolan; Dobek, Boguslawa; Grusell, Marie; Seeber, Gilg; Baumli, Manuela (2011). Between Integration and Demarcation: Effects of Europeanized and national campaigns on voters in the 2009 European Parliament election. In: Maier, Michaela; Strömbäck, Jesper; Kaid, Lynda Lee (eds.) European Political Communication: Campaign Strategies, Media Coverage, and Campaign Effects in European Parliamentary Elections (pp. 233-256). Ashgate Publishing Limited

Kaid, Lynda Lee; Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela (2011). Televised Advertising in the 2009 European Parliamentary Elections. Comparing Campaign Strategies and Videostyles. In: Maier, Michaela; Strömbäck, Jesper; Kaid, Lynda Lee (eds.) European Political Communication: Campaign Strategies, Media Coverage, and Campaign Effects in European Parliamentary Elections (pp. 91-110). Ashgate Publishing Limited

Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela (2011). National parties as politicizers of EU integration? Party campaign communication in the up-run to the 2009 European Parliament Election. European Union politics, 12(3), pp. 431-454. London: Sage Publications 10.1177/1465116511410234

Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela (2011). Recipients' characteristics and country contexts as moderating factors for framing effects. An experimental study of party campaign effects in 11 countries in the run-up to the 2009 EP elections. WAPOR conference, Amsterdam, September 2011.

Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela (2011). The politicization of EU integration? Agents and effects Presentation at the Netherlands Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), January 2011.

Maier, Michaela; Adam, Silke (2011). The impact of identity and economic cues on citizens' EU support: An experimental study on the effects of party communication in the run-up to the 2009 European Parliament elections (Unpublished). In: Presentation at the colloquium of Prof. Claude Messner. University of Bern. November 2011.

Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela (2010). Does the type of campaign make the difference? An experimental study of campaign effects on citizens’ EU evaluations in 11 countries.

Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela (2010). Domestic or Europeanized election campaigns? The role of euro-skeptic parties in the 2009 European Parliament election.

Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela (2010). Effects of Personalized TV Ads on Candidate Evaluation and Voting Decision. In: ohne Verlag.

Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela (2010). Personalization of Politics - Towards a Future Research Agenda. A Critical Review of the Empirical and Normative State of the Art. In: Salmon, Charles T. (ed.) Communication Yearbook, vol. 34 (pp. 213-259). London: Routledge

Lee Kaid, Linda; Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela (2010). Gli spot televisivi nelle elezioni europee del 2009. Strategie di campaigning a confronto. Comunicazione politica - com pol(1), pp. 33-48. Milano: FrancoAngeli 10.3270/31638

Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela (December 2009). National Political Parties as Promoter of Ideas About Europe? The 2009 EP Election (Unpublished). In: KFG Conference The Transformative Power of Europe. Berlin, Deutschland.

Maier, Michaela; Adam, Silke (October 2009). Between integration and demarcation: effects of party campaigns in the 2009 European Parliament elections (Unpublished). In: Campaigning for Europe. Landau, Deutschland.

Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela (August 2009). Party mobilization on Europe? Theoretical and methodological considerations (Unpublished). In: Jahrestagung Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 2009 (EPOP).

Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela (August 2009). Effects of first- and second-order campaigns on voters in the 2009 European Parliament election (Unpublished). In: Jahrestagung Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 2009 (EPOP).

Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela (June 2009). Politicization of European Parliament election campaigns? (Unpublished). In: “The Delphic Oracle on Europe: Policies and Politics” der Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP). Delphi, Griechenland.

Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela (April 2009). Die Personalisierung der Politik – eine Forschungsagenda für die Zukunft (Unpublished). In: Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK). Bremen, Deutschland.

Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela (2009). Parteikampagnen bei der Europawahl. Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 22(2), pp. 78-84. De Gruyter 10.1515/fjsb-2009-0210

Maier, Michaela; Adam, Silke (July 2008). Between Integration and Demarcation – Strategies and Effects of party campaigns in the context of the 2009 European Parliament Elections (Unpublished). In: Pre-Conference „Campaign Strategies and Messages, Media Coverage, and Effects. A conference on Comparative Research on the 2009 European Parliamentary Elections”. Sigtuna, Schweden.

Adam, Silke; Berkel, Barbara (2006). Media Structures as an Obstacle to the Europeanization of Public Spheres? Development of a Cross-National Typology. In: Maier, Michaela; Tenscher, Jens (eds.) Campaigning in Europe – Campaigning for Europe. Medien : Forschung und Wissenschaft: Vol. 12 (pp. 45-63). Berlin: Lit

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