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Krass, Urte Inga (2024). Like Fire and Earth: Cremation and the Christian Cult of Relics in the Sixteenth Century (In Press). In: Counter-Reformation Sanctity in Global and Material Perspective. Sanctity in Global Perspective. London: Routledge

Krass, Urte Inga (30 August 2024). When Migrations Make a Saint: Sorting out the Transcontinental Movemements Around St. Francis Xavier's Tomb During the 17th Century (Unpublished). In: Cambridge Summer School: Migration - Artefacts, Concepts, Theories, Persons. University of Cambridge, Audit Room of King's College. 28-30 August.

Mazadiego, Elize Marie (July 2024). “Somos libres?! Miguel Angel Cardenas’ mobility towards freedom and the emergence of a queer artistic language (Unpublished). In: Society for Latin American Studies Conference. University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Krass, Urte Inga (21 June 2024). St. Thomas the Apostle on Three Continents: Tracing his Images and Relics in the 16th Century (Submitted). In: Picturing Sainthood: Images and the Making of Saints in Early Modern Global Catholicism. Rome, Bibliotheca Hertziana. 19-21 June.

Krass, Urte Inga (19 June 2024). The Order of the Last Things. In: Paulo Wirz: O encontro das partes partidas / The Encounter of Broken Parts.

Krass, Urte Inga (2024). Incorporations: Christian Relics and Reliquaries from Overseas in European Collections (16th/17th Centuries) [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Incorporations. Christian Relics and Reliquaries from Overseas in European Collections (16th/17th Centuries). University of Bern. 14./15. June 2024

Krass, Urte Inga (14 June 2024). Welcome and Introduction to the Workshop (Unpublished). In: Incorporations: Christian Relics and Reliquaries from Overseas in European Collections (16th/17th Centuries). University of Bern. 14 and 15 June.

Krass, Urte Inga (June 2024). Christian Relics and Other Human Remains in Early Modern Curiosity Chambers (Unpublished). In: Incorporations: Christian Relics and Reliquaries from Overseas in European Collections (16th/17th Centuries). University of Bern. 14 and 15 June.

Saviello, Alberto (2024). Holy Bones and Relics in the Early Modern Christian Missions in Asia [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Holy Bones and Relics in the Early Modern Christian Missions in Asia. University of Bern, Institute of Art History. 24.-25. April 2024

Saviello, Alberto (24 April 2024). The Reception of Roman Relics in Manila in 1597. Manila as a Nodal Point in Christian Relic Transfers (Unpublished). In: Holy Bones and Relics in the Early Modern Christian Missions in Asia. University of Bern, Institute of Art History. 24.-25. April.

Hanhart, Torben (2024). Wer zum Schwert greift. Über die vier kleinen Männer am Berner Gerechtigkeitsbrunnen. theos. Theologisch bedeutsame Orte der Schweiz

Hanhart, Torben (2024). Lament of the Hen. Matthew 23:37–39. Luke 13:31–35. The Visual Commentary on Scripture

Krass, Urte Inga (2024). Corpses, Casts, and Copyrights: Displaying Human Remains [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Corpses, Casts, and Copyrights: Displaying Human Remains. Zurich, Collegium Helveticum. 22 January 2024


Boskamp, Ulrike; Braun, Tabea; Buchholz, Amrei; Kranen, Annette (eds.) (2023). Pasted topographies. Terrain. Studien zu topographischen Bildmedien: Vol. 1. arthistoricum.net 10.11588/arthistoricum.1323

Kranen, Annette (2023). Paving the Way with Snippets. Pasting as a Method of Innovation and Automation in the Route Scrolls of Augustus, Elector of Saxony. In: Boskamp, Ulrike; Braun, Tabea; Buchholz, Amrei; Kranen, Annette (eds.) Pasted topographies. Terrain. Studien zu topographischen Bildmedien: Vol. 1 (pp. 23-47). arthistoricum.net 10.11588/arthistoricum.1323.c18464

Boskamp, Ulrike; Braun, Tabea; Buchholz, Amrei; Kranen, Annette (2023). Pasted Topographies. Introduction. In: Boskamp, Ulrike; Braun, Tabea; Buchholz, Amrei; Kranen, Annette (eds.) Pasted topographies. Terrain. Studien zu topographischen Bildmedien: Vol. 1 (pp. 1-22). arthistoricum.net 10.11588/arthistoricum.1323.c18463

Boskamp, Ulrike; Braun, Tabea; Buchholz, Amrei; Kranen, Annette (2023). Terrain. Studies on Topographic Visual Media. Editorial. In: Boskamp, Ulrike; Braun, Tabea; Buchholz, Amrei; Kranen, Annette (eds.) Pasted topographies. Terrain. Studien zu topographischen Bildmedien: Vol. 1 (vii-xi). arthistoricum.net 10.11588/arthistoricum.1323.c18462

Saviello, Alberto (12 December 2023). „Mit den Knochen predigen wir!“ Bedeutung und Präsentation von Körperreliquien in Gegenreformation und Globalisierung (Unpublished). In: Vorlesung "Material in der Kunst". Technische Universität Berlin. 12. Dezember 2023.

Krass, Urte (2023). Erin Benay, Italy by Way of India. Translating Art and Devotion in the Early Modern World (2022). 21: inquiries into art, history, and the visual : Beiträge zur Kunstgeschichte und visuellen Kultur, 2023(4) arthistoricum.net

Saviello, Alberto (16 November 2023). Die Verehrung von Körperreliquien im Christentum (Unpublished). In: Seminar "“Künstlerische und kollaborative Ansätze in der Provenienzforschung”. LMU München. 16. November 2023.

Saviello, Alberto (9 November 2023). Gebändigte „Nympha“. Pathosformeln in den Werken Tullio Lombardos (Unpublished). In: 380. Sitzung des Bonner Kolloquiums. Universität Bonn. 9. November 2023.

Saviello, Alberto (2023). Inter-pictorial Religious Discourse in Mughal Paintings: Translations and Interpretations of Marian Images. The journal of transcultural studies, 13(1-2), pp. 32-55. Heidelberg University Publishing

Krass, Urte Inga (20 October 2023). Presentación de la nueva publicación "Heraldry in Contact. Perspectives and Challenges of a Connective Image Form" (Unpublished). In: Congreso Internacional de Genealogía y Heráldica. Ronda / Zoom. 20 octubre de 2023.

Kobel, Tamara (2023). Fragmentierte Kopien — Rezeption der Antike und der Neuzeitlichen Künstlerlandschaften in Zeichnungen und Druckgraphiken des 17. Jahrhunderts [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Workshop. München: Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte. 27.09.2023

Saviello, Alberto (27 September 2023). Malerei als Religionsdisput. Islamische Interpretationen und Übersetzungen christlicher Kunst am Hof der indischen Mogulkaiser (Unpublished). In: Jahrestagung der Deutschen Vereinigung für Religionswissenschaft. Universität Bayreuth. 25. bis 28. September 2023.

Kranen, Annette (2023). Distanz zeigen, Nähe erzeugen. Zu den Eremit:innen-Grafiken nach Maerten de Vos. 21: inquiries into art, history, and the visual : Beiträge zur Kunstgeschichte und visuellen Kultur, 4(3), pp. 489-528. arthistoricum.net 10.11588/xxi.2023.3.99104

Saviello, Alberto (26 September 2023). Europa und Christliche Religion aus Sicht der frühen Moguldynastie (Unpublished). In: Jahrestagung der Deutschen Vereinigung für Religionswissenschaft. Universität Bayreuth. 25. bis 28. September 2023.

Krass, Urte Inga (14 September 2023). Why Bones Matter. Presentation of the Project "Global Bones. Entanglements, Transfers and Translations in the Early Modern Era". (Unpublished). In: Collegium Helveticum Weekly Workshop Discussion. Zürich, Collegium Helveticum. 14. September 2023.

Kranen, Annette (2023). Anette Baumann: Karten vor Gericht. Sehepunkte. Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften, 23(6) Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität

Mazadiego, Elize Marie (June 2023). Queer migrations: Latin American artists in Amsterdam in the 1960s and 1970s (Unpublished). In: Relational subjects, objects and institutions: Artistic convergences between Latin America and Europe after 1945 Symposium. University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Krass, Urte Inga; Metelo de Seixas, Miguel (eds.) (2023). Heraldry in Contact. Perspectives and Challenges of a Connective Image Form. Heraldic Studies: Vol. 5. Göttingen: Thorbecke

Krass, Urte Inga; Metelo de Seixas, Miguel (2023). Introduction: Heraldry in Contact. Perspectives and Challenges of a Connective Image Form. In: Krass, Urte Inga; Metelo de Seixas, Miguel (eds.) Heraldry in Contact. Perspectives and Challenges of a Connective Image Form. Heraldic Studies: Vol. 5. Göttingen: Thorbecke

Krass, Urte Inga (2023). The Portuguese Coat of Arms as a Site of Mediation in a Manuscript from Goa (1659). In: Krass, Urte Inga; Metelo de Seixas, Miguel (eds.) Heraldry in Contact. Perspectives and Challenges of a Connective Image Form. Heraldic Studies: Vol. 5. Göttingen: Thorbecke

Krass, Urte Inga (10 May 2023). Wie man Madrid in Rom besiegt: Der Einsatz gedruckter Bilder durch die Portugiesen nach der Restauration von 1640 (Unpublished). In: Abendvortrag. Institut für Kunstgeschichte der Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz. 10.05.2023.

Mazadiego, Elize Marie (May 2023). Alternative Landscapes: earthworks and spatial politics emerging in 1970s Latin America (Unpublished). In: Latin American Studies Association Congress.

Krass, Urte Inga (14 April 2023). "Making a Place of War and Sedition out of a Place Serving as a Safe Refuge for All...": A Broadsheet of a Street Fight between the Portuguese and the Spanish Ambassadors in Rome in 1642 (Unpublished). In: Association for Art History Annual Conference. London, UCL. 14.04.2023.

Saviello, Alberto (1 April 2023). Sexualität und Genderambiguität in Darstellungen des Propheten Mohammed im frühneuzeitlichen Europa (Unpublished). In: Portraiture and the Construction of Identity. Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. 1. April 2023.

Kranen, Annette (2023). Taking, Partaking, Remembering. 17th Century Travelers on the Colossus of the Naxians. In: Objektzeiten. Die Relationierung historischer Zeiten durch Relikte (6.–20. Jahrhundert). Paradeigmata (pp. 143-170). Baden-Baden: Rombach Wissenschaft

Kalyva, Eve; Mazadiego, Elize (2023). Introduction to the Dialogues on the Future of Radical Women: Feminism and Latin American Art. Latin American and Latinx visual culture, 5(2), pp. 72-80. University of California Press 10.1525/lavc.2023.5.2.72

Krass, Urte Inga (2023). The Portuguese Restoration of 1640 and its Global Visualization: Political Iconography and Transcultural Negotiation. Visual and Material Culture, 1300-1700. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press

Saviello, Alberto (15 March 2023). Tutti pazzi per Maria. Bilder als Medien religiöser Aushandlungsprozesse in den christlichen Missionen der Frühen Neuzeit (Unpublished). In: Italienforum Transformationen des Sakralen in der Kunst und Kultur Italiens. Leipzig, Universitätscampus, Hörsaalgebäude. 15.3.-18.3.2023.

Kobel, Tamara (2023). A Fleeting Heraldic Collaboration: The Huguenot Tapestry in Bern (Submitted). In: Heraldry in Contact. Perspectives and Challenges of a Connective Image Form. Heraldic Studies: Vol. 5 (pp. 112-117). Thorbecke

Saviello, Alberto (2023). European Matter and Mughal Spirit. Imaging Europe in Early Modern Mughal Painting. In: Knauss, Stefanie; Pezzoli-Olgiati, Daria (eds.) Religion in Representations of Europe. Shared and Contested Practices. Media and Religion: Vol. 8 (pp. 145-165). Baden-Baden: Nomos

Saviello, Alberto (2023). Global Bones and Local Pains. The 1578 Translation Procession of the Roman Relics in Mexico City. In: Relíquias em projeto. Relics in project (pp. 61-86). Lissabon: Grafisol – Edições e Papelarias, Lda.

Mazadiego, Elize (ed.) (2023). Charting space: the cartographies of conceptual art. Rethinking Art's Histories. Manchester University Press

Saviello, Alberto (2023). Hybrid Identity. A Sinhalese-Portuguese Coat of Arms on a Sixteenth-Century Ivory Casket from Sri Lanka. In: Krass, Urte; Metelo de Seixas, Miguel (eds.) Heraldry in Contact. Perspectives and Challenges of a Connective Image Form (pp. 143-148). Thorbecke


Sarfin, Jonathan Sampson (10 December 2022). From Background to Foreground: Describing the Non-Human in Contemporary American Climate Fiction (Unpublished). In: Zwischenbericht of the Sinergia Project Mediating the Ecological Imperative: Formats and Modes of Engagement.

Rossman, Sasha (2022). “Power Play at New Hardwick Hall: On Marriage and Heraldic Joints in an Early Modern English Table (ca. 1568)” (Submitted). In: Heraldry in Contact. Thorbecke

Krass, Urte Inga (16 November 2022). Global Bones. Entangled Histories, Transfers and Translations in the Early Modern Age. In: Actualité de la recherche. Université de Genève, Faculté des lettres, Département d'histoire de l'art et de musicologie. 16. November 2022.

Saviello, Alberto (2022). Natürlich Katholisch?! Die Präsentation außereuropäischer Kulturen und nichtchristlicher Religionen im historischen Missionsmuseum der Societas Verbi Divini in Steyl. Anthropos. International Review of Anthropology and Linguistics, 117(2), pp. 345-360. Academia

Krass, Urte Inga; Kranen, Sophie Annette (10 November 2022). Perspectives on Early Modern Art. Current Research at Swiss Universities (Unpublished). In: Perspectives on Early Modern Art. Current Research at Swiss Universities. Universität Bern. 10. und 11. November 2022.

Rossman, Aleksandr Balashov (10 November 2022). Unsealed Pasts: Ersatz Genealogies and Michael Rakowitz’s Cylinder Seals (Unpublished). In: Mobile Memories. Humboldt University, Berlin (Germany). November 10-11, 2022.

Saviello, Alberto (2022). Negotiating Religion in Mughal Painting. Interpretations and Translations of Christian Marian Images (In Press). The journal of transcultural studies Heidelberg University Publishing

Rossman, Aleksandr Balashov (22 October 2022). On the Leg-Work of Furniture in Early Modern Diplomacy (Unpublished). In: Vorlesung: Diplomatie in der Kunst der Frühen Neuzeit, Prof. Dr. Krass Uni Bern. Universität Bern. 22.10.2022.

Sarfin, Jonathan Sampson (26 September 2022). Non-Human Description and Eco-Ekphrasis in Contemporary American Climate Fiction (Unpublished). In: Images, Imagination, Intermediality: Forms and Content in Anthropocene Media.

Krass, Urte Inga (23 September 2022). Wie kommt die Eidechse von Gujarat nach Sachsen? Goldschmiedekunst des 16. Jahrhunderts und ihre globalen Verflechtungen (Unpublished). In: Seniorenuniversität Bern Studienjahr 2022/23. Universität Bern, HGB, Aula. 23.09.2022.

Rossman, Sasha (2022). “Tabling Peace: on the Political Iconography of Putin’s Table”. Kritische Berichte - Zeitschrift für Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften, 50(3), pp. 67-70. Jonas-Verlag

Rossman, Aleksandr Balashov (2022). EMRAH GÖKMEN & KREUZBERG KIZ MESLEK KOROSU [Performance or Exhibition]. Stations, Berlin. 28.08.2022.

Krass, Urte Inga (6 July 2022). Ossos entrelaçados: circulação de matéria corpórea no mundo manuelino (Unpublished). In: Beyond King Manuel I.: The Portuguese Empire in a Changing World, ca. 1450-1550. Coimbra. 6 - 8 July 2022.

Rossman, Sasha (9 June 2022). The "eglantine" table – wie ein Tisch zum Selbstportrait wird : Materielle Kultur der Frühen Neuzeit (Unpublished). In: Vortragsreihe: PHBern, Fachdidaktikzentrum Textiles und Technisches Gestalten – Design. PHBern.

Rossman, Sasha (19 May 2022). On the Table: Thinking about the Leg Work of Furniture in Early Modern Diplomacy (Unpublished). In: VERHANDLUNGSKUNST. PRAKTIKEN DER DIPLOMATIE IN DER LITERATUR UND DEN KÜNSTEN. Vienna, IFK. 18.05.2022-20.05.2022.

Rossman, Sasha (2022). Dialogue Tour with Sasha Rossman and Melanie Ohnemus on the occasion of the exhibition "Blumen in Vasen" at Kunsthaus Glarus [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Blumen in Vasen. Kunsthaus Glarus. 20.2-5.5.2022

Krass, Urte Inga (23 March 2022). Headless King. The Funeral Apparatus of John IV of Portugal (1656) (Unpublished). In: 36. Deutscher Kunsthistorikertag. Universität Stuttgart. 23. März 2022.

Mazadiego, Elize; Vervoort, Stefaan (2022). When the Sky Is Low and Heavy: David Lamelas and Transnational Heritage in Flanders. Arts, 11(1), p. 24. MDPI 10.3390/arts11010024

Mazadiego, Elize Marie (2022). New alignments in 1970s artistic networks: the case of In-Out Center and transnational artists from Latin America in Amsterdam. RKD Bulletin, 1 Netherlands Institute for Art History


Krass, Urte Inga (25 October 2021). Der Heilige Franz Xaver und sein Grabmal in Goa (Unpublished). In: Unterwegs: Mobilität und Reisen in der Kunst(geschichte) der Frühen Neuzeit. virtuell. 25.10.2021.

Krass, Urte Inga; Straub, Jan (2021). Kunst und Religion im Dialog. In der Ausstellung "Der Weg zum Glück. Die Berner Kebes-Tafel und die Bilderwelten des Barock" [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Kunst und Religion im Dialog. Kunst Museum Bern. 19. September 2021

Krass, Urte; Kranen, Annette (2021). Der Weg zum Glück. Die Berner Kebes-Tafel und die Bilderwelten des Barock [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Austellungen.

Kobel, Tamara (2021). Le théâtre moral de la vie humaine (Kat. 8). In: Kranen, Annette; Krass, Urte; Zimmer, Nina (eds.) Der Weg zum Glück. Die Berner Kebes-Tafel und die Bilderwelten des Barock (pp. 128-132). Bern: Bern Open Publishing 10.36950/kat-wzg-2021-9

Kranen, Annette (2021). Moralische Landschaften. Die Metapher des Lebenswegs. In: Der Weg zum Glück. Die Berner Kebes-Tafel und die Bilderwelten des Barock: Ausstellungskatalog (pp. 103-123). Bern: Bern Open Publishing 10.36950/kat-wzg-2021-8

Kranen, Annette; Krass, Urte (September 2021). Der Weg zum Glück: Schwelgen, Zweifeln und Stark-sein in Bildern des Kunstmuseums. KunstEinsicht: das gemeinsame Magazin von Kunstmuseum Bern & Zentrum Paul Klee(19), p. 46. Kunstmuseum Bern, Zentrum Paul Klee

Kranen, Annette; Krass, Urte; Zimmer, Nina (eds.) (2021). Der Weg zum Glück. Die Berner Kebes-Tafel und die Bilderwelten des Barock. Bern Open Publishing 10.36950/kat-wzg-2021

Krass, Urte (2021). Fülle und Vergänglichkeit, Reichtum und Armut. Fortuna in der visuellen Kultur des Berner Barock. In: Kranen, Annette; Krass, Urte; Zimmer, Nina (eds.) Der Weg zum Glück. Die Berner Kebes-Tafel und die Bilderwelten des Barock (pp. 47-69). Bern Open Publishing 10.36950/kat-wzg-2021-6

Kranen, Annette; Krass, Urte (2021). Fünf Quadratmeter Lebensweisheit. Einführende Überlegungen zur Berner Kebes-Tafel im Kontext. In: Kranen, Annette; Krass, Urte; Zimmer, Nina (eds.) Der Weg zum Glück. Die Berner Kebes-Tafel und die Bilderwelten des Barock (pp. 11-24). Bern Open Publishing 10.36950/kat-wzg-2021-4

Krass, Urte (2021). Joseph Werner d. J., Allegorie des Handels, 1668. In: Kranen, Annette; Krass, Urte; Zimmer, Nina (eds.) Der Weg zum Glück. Die Berner Kebes-Tafel und die Bilderwelten des Barock (pp. 83-85). Bern Open Publishing

Rossman, Sasha (21 August 2021). Table Service! A Public Conversation (Unpublished). In: Table Service!. Machina Loci, Berkeley (California). 18.05.2022-20.05.2022.

Rossman, Sasha (2021). Table Service! [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Table Service. Machina Loci. 6.8.2021-30.8.2021

Krass, Urte (24 June 2021). Die Eidechse am Schloss in Objekten der Goldschmiedekunst aus Goa (16. Jh.) (Unpublished). In: Potentiale der Goldschmiedekunst. Heidelberg, zoom. 24.06.2021.

Krass, Urte (16 June 2021). Force-Fitting: Visual Argumentation and Coats of Arms in Goa (1659) (Unpublished). In: Sessão Academica do Instituto Português de Heráldica. Zoom. 16.06.2021.

Rossman, Sasha (2021). Frankenstein: a deconstructed body - a writing workshop at the Hochschule für Bildende Kunst Braunschweig (class Nathalie Häusler) [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Frankenstein: a deconstructed body - a writing workshop. Hochschule für Bildende Kunst Braunschweig. 15.6.-16.6.2021

Kranen, Sophie (11 June 2021). “On ne lui a laissé ni tête, ni bras, ni jambes”: Reisende des 17. Jahrhunderts über den Umgang mit dem Koloss der Naxier (Unpublished). In: Objektzeiten. Antike Artefakte und historische Zeitvorstellungen in transepochaler Perspektive. Universität Basel, Departement Geschichte (Online). 11.-12.06.2021.

Krass, Urte (13 May 2021). Die globalen Aspekte der Elfenbeinfiguren aus Goa.

Krass, Urte Inga (15 April 2021). Reliquaries as Nodal Objects in Transcultural Negotiation Processes (Unpublished). In: Relics and the Arts between Europe and America: Debating Shared Histories. Bogotà. Kolumbien / zoom. 15.4.2021.

Krass, Urte Inga (15 April 2021). Bones of Contention: Transcultural Negotiations via Bodily Remains in Early Modern Extra-European Contact Zones (Unpublished). In: RSA Virtual 2021, Session "The Art of Collecting, Manipulating, and Manufacturing Early Modern Relics". Zoom. 15.4.2021.

Krass, Urte (2021). Unsichtbarer Reichtum. Wie Schweizer Künstler der Frühen Neuzeit den Handel visuell verpacken. Traverse - Zeitschrift für Geschichte / Revue d'histoire, 2021(1), pp. 129-143. Chronos

Mazadiego, Elize (2021). Urban Folklore: Marta Minujín's Postwar Assemblage and the modern city. In: Frigeri, Flavia; Handberg, Kristian (eds.) New Histories of Art in the Global Postwar Era. Multiple Modernisms (pp. 70-81). New York: Routledge 10.4324/9780367140854-7

Vervoort, Stefaan; Mazadiego, Elize (2021). Als erfgoed plots ‘in de weg’ staat (When heritage “gets in the way”). De Standaard, p. 32. MEDIAHUIS N.V.

Krass, Urte (29 January 2021). The Big Empty. A New Interpretation of Velazquez's so-called La Mulata (Unpublished). In: KHI 2021+ Lecture Series. Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, Max-Planck-Institut (via zoom). 29. January 2021.

Krass, Urte Inga (22 January 2021). Lusitania Liberata: Images in the Service of Diplomacy (Unpublished). In: Seminar in European Art. Newberry Library Chicago (Online). 22. January 2021.

Klink, Charlotte (2021). Sterben Üben: 12 Positionen. In: Gohmert, Anna (ed.) Sterben Üben.Learning to Die (pp. 146-149). München / Zürich: Edition Taube

Klink, Charlotte (2021). Learning to Die: 12 Positions. In: Gohmert, Anna (ed.) Sterben Üben. Learning to Die (pp. 324-326). München / Zürich: Edition Taube

Krass, Urte (2021). Mulata, Morisco, African Slave? Thoughts on an Elusive Protagonist in a Painting by Velázquez. 21: inquiries into art, history, and the visual : Beiträge zur Kunstgeschichte und visuellen Kultur, 2(4), pp. 3-34. arthistoricum.net 10.11588/xxi.2021.4.83644

Kranen, Sophie (2021). Benoît de Maillet, Beschreibung von Ägypten (1735). (K)eine Ehrensäule für den König. In: Dolezalek, Isabelle; Savoy, Bénédicte; Skwirblies, Robert (eds.) Beute. Eine Anthologie zu Kunstraub und Kulturerbe (pp. 84-90). Berlin: Matthes & Seitz

Mazadiego, Elize (2021). Dematerialization and the Social Materiality of Art. Foro Hispánico: Vol. 62. Brill 10.1163/9789004457881

Strobel, Julia (2021). Bauernhochzeit. In: Kranen, Annette; Krass, Urte; Zimmer, Nina (eds.) Der Weg zum Glück. Die Berner Kebes-Tafel und die Bilderwelten des Barock (pp. 96-99). Bern: Kunstmuseum Bern

Mazadiego, Elize Marie (2021). New alignments of Conceptualism’s networks: In-Out Centre and transnational spaces of art (Unpublished). In: Transnationalism and its Spatial Frames Workshop. University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Mazadiego, Elize Marie; Vervoort, Stefaan (2021). Letters: Heritage and Debt. Art Monthly(445), p. 21.


Smalcerz, Joanna (14 December 2020). The Anatomy of Wrongdoing: Socio-Psychological Dynamics of Unlawful Art Collecting (Unpublished). In: Collecting & Display Seminar. Institute of Historical Research, School of Advanced Study, University of London. 14.12.20.

Rossman, Sasha (2020). “On Neutral Grounds: Gerard Ter Borch’s The Swearing of the Oath of Ratification of the Treaty of Münster, 15 May 1648”. In: Chedeville, Émilie; Jollet, Étienne; Sourdin, Claire (eds.) Le Fond de l'œuvre. Arts visuels et sécularisation à l'époque moderne. Histo.art: Vol. 12 (pp. 153-177). Paris: Editions de la Sorbonne

Kranen, Sophie (20 November 2020). Paving the way with snippets. Pasting as a method of imaging in the route scrolls by Augustus, Elector of Saxony (ca 1550–1575) (Unpublished). In: Pasted Topographies, Workshop of the Network Topographic Visual Media. Online. 20.11.2020.

Krass, Urte Inga (6 November 2020). Ambiguität in der spanischen Bodegon-Malerei (Unpublished). In: Temporalität, Ambiguität, Latenz. Ästhetische Eigenlogiken des europäischen Genrebildes. Eichstätt / online. 05. - 07.11.2020.

Kranen, Sophie Annette (2020). Mobilität 2. Bildende Kunst. In: Jaeger, Friedrich (ed.) Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit Online. Brill online reference works. Leiden: Brill

Rossman, Sasha (October 2020). Thinking Through Things, with Lise Soskolne (Unpublished). In: Ausstellung Lise Soskolne, Humor Then, Kunstverein Nürnberg. Nürnberg, Kunstverein Nürnberg. Oktober 20, 2020.

Krass, Urte Inga (22 May 2020). Fluchterfahrungen in Bildern der Frühen Neuzeit (Unpublished). In: Vorträge der Senioren-Universität Bern. 22. Mai 2020.

Kranen, Annette (2020). Historische Topographien. Bilder europäischer Reisender im Osmanischen Reich um 1700. Berliner Schriften zur Kunst. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink 10.30965/9783846765029_001

Boskamp, Ulrike; Buchholz, Amrei; Kranen, Sophie Annette; Michalsky, Tanja (eds.) (2020). Verkoppelte Räume. Karte und Bildfolge als mediales Dispositiv (In Press). Römische Studien der Bibliotheca Hertziana. München: Hirmer

Kranen, Sophie; Boskamp, Ulrike; Buchholz, Amrei; Michalsky, Tanja (2020). Karte und Bildfolge: Ein gekoppeltes Bildmedium zur Konstruktion komplexer topographischer Räume. In: Michalsky, Tanja; Boskamp, Ulrike; Buchholz, Amrei; Kranen, Annette (eds.) Verkoppelte Räume. Karte und Bildfolge als mediales Dispositiv. Römische Studien der Bibliotheca Hertziana: Vol. 46 (pp. 7-22). München: Hirmer

Kranen, Sophie (2020). Richard Pocockes A Description of the East. Bildordnungen zwischen imaginärer Reise und antiquarischer Systematik (In Press). In: Michalsky, Tanja; Boskamp, Ulrike; Buchholz, Amrei; Kranen, Annette (eds.) Verkoppelte Räume. Karte und Bildfolge als mediales Dispositiv. Römische Studien der Bibliotheca Hertziana: Vol. 46 (pp. 25-47). München: Hirmer

Krass, Urte Inga (20 March 2020). Material Culture and Religion (Unpublished). In: Material Culture in Transit - An International Conference. Bernisches Historisches Museum. 19.-20. March.

Smalcerz, Joanna Beata (21 February 2020). ‘Nous tiendrons nos lecteurs au courant de cette intéressante affaire’: Les fresques de Botticelli pour la Villa Lemmi et leur chemin vers le Louvre (Unpublished). In: Conférence. Musée du Louvre. 21. Februar 2020.

Smalcerz, Joanna (2020). Smuggling the Renaissance: The Illicit Export of Artworks Out of Italy, 1861-1909. Studies in the History of Collecting & Art Markets: Vol. 8. Leiden, Boston: Brill

Krass, Urte Inga (1 February 2020). Coats of Arms as Sites of Mediation in a Treatise from Goa (1659) (Unpublished). In: Arma Virosque... The Coat of Arms in Extra-European Contexts. Uni Bern, Hauptgebäude, Kuppelsaal. 31.1.-1.2. 2020.

Krass, Urte Inga (31 January 2020). Welcome and Introduction to the Conference (Unpublished). In: Arma Virosque... The Coat of Arms in Extra-European Contexts. Uni Bern, Hauptgebäude, Kuppelsaal. 31.1.-1.2. 2020.

Krass, Urte Inga (15 January 2020). Konvergenz der Knochen: Reliquiare als transkulturelle Knotenobjekte in der frühen Neuzeit (Unpublished). In: Vortragsreihe der Kunsthistorischen Gesellschaft der Universität Wien. Wien, Institut für Kunstgeschichte. 15.01.2020.

Krass, Urte Inga (2020). Fluchtbilder in der Frühen Neuzeit. In: Dogramac, Burcu; Szymanski-Dül, Berenika; Rathert, Wolfgang (eds.) Leave, Left, Left. Migrationsphänomene in den Künsten in aktueller und historischer Perspektive (pp. 19-41). Berlin: Neofelis Verlag

Krass, Urte Inga (2020). L'ordre de l'homme blanc. In: Étienne, Noémie; Brizon, Claire; Lee, Chonja; Wismer, Étienne (eds.) Une Suisse exotique? Regarder l'ailleurs en Suisse au siècle des Lumières (pp. 226-227). Zürich: Diaphanes

Krass, Urte Inga (2020). The Order of the White man. In: Étienne, Noémie; Brizon, Claire; Lee, Chonja; Wismer, Étienne (eds.) Exotic Switzerland? Looking Outward in the Age of Enlightenment (pp. 224-225). Zürich: Diaphanes

Krass, Urte Inga (2020). Melancholic, with his House Full of Stones (Decameron VIII,3): On the Narrative Symbiosis between Painters and Stones. In: Jordan, Lisa; Hoffmann, Annette; Wolf, Gerhard (eds.) Parlare dell'arte nel Trecento. Kunstgeschichten und Kunstgespräch im 14. Jahrhundert in Italien. Italienische Forschungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz, I Mandorli: Vol. 26 (pp. 43-60). Deutscher Kunstverlag

Mazadiego, Elize Marie (2020). Concluding roundtable (Unpublished). In: Mythologies/Methodologies: Approaching Feminist Collectivities of the 1970s and 1980s. Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Mazadiego, Elize Marie (2020). Nomadism and new spatial framings of Latin American art: Ulises Carrión, Felipe Ehrenberg and Martha Hellion in exile in the 1970s (Unpublished). In: Universities Art Association of Canada (UAAC/AAUC) Conference. Vancouver, Canada (online).


Rossman, Sasha (2019). The Antoinette Effect: An Interview with Simon Fujiwara. Journal18 : a journal of eighteenth-century art and culture, 2019 Department of Art History, New York University

Krass, Urte Inga (7 November 2019). Schädel und Knochen in der Kontaktzone: Die Verehrung von sterblichen Überresten in globaler Perspektive (Unpublished). In: Dinge des Glaubens. Materialisierte Frömmigkeit in der Vormoderne. Gotha, Schloss Friedenstein. 7. November 2019.

Kranen, Annette (2019). Das Monument als Gemeinschaftswerk. Zum Austausch antiquarischer Zeichnungen zwischen Reisenden im Osmanischen Reich im späten 17. Jahrhundert. In: Jachmann, Julian; Steuernagel, Dirk (eds.) Irrfahrt ins Wissen? Expedition und Tourismus - Künstlerreise und Grand Tour. Regensburger Klassikstudien: Vol. 4 (pp. 73-95). Regensburg: Schnell + Steiner

Kranen, Annette (2019). Métamorphoses. Musée d’Art et d’Histoire, Geneva 10th May 2019–16th February 2020. The Burlington Magazine Publications Ltd., 161(1400), pp. 959-961. Burlington Magazine

Kranen, Sophie Annette (11 October 2019). Das Verschwinden des Apoll von Delos. Zum Fragmentieren als Praxis auf Reisen (Unpublished). In: Über Reste. Kulturen des Fragments. Freie Universität Berlin. 11. Oktober 2019.

Seehafer, Michèle (21 August 2019). Representing Privacy: Art – Showing and Concealing (Unpublished). In: Vortrag im Rahmen des Privacy IARU Summer Course „Privacy Challenged in Past, Present, and Future: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach“. Universität Kopenhagen.

Smalcerz, Joanna (28 May 2019). "Schweigen ist überhaupt die erste Devise meines Geschäftes." Über das Kunstschmuggeln und Museumsarchive, die nicht schweigen (Unpublished). In: Sonderanlässe: Vortrag. Kunstmuseum Bern. 28.05.2019.

Kranen, Sophie Annette (24 May 2019). Antiquities in Layers. Franch Travellers’ Approaches to Historic Buildings in the Ottoman Territories (Late 17th Century) (Unpublished). In: 44. Basler Renaissancekolloquium: "Travel, Maps and Ethnography". Universität Basel. 24. Mai 2019.

Krass, Urte Inga; Jacobs, Tino (2019). Junger Papst vor alten Meistern. Zum Einsatz von Gemälden in Paolo Sorrentinos Fernsehserie "The Young Pope". Kritische Berichte - Zeitschrift für Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften, 47(1), pp. 69-78. Jonas-Verlag

Mazadiego, Elize (2019). “The “social turn”: a brief history on art’s activist engagement (Unpublished). In: SIB-Groningen Symposium: Art in Activism. Groningen, the Netherlands.

Mazadiego, Elize Marie (2019). Indisciplinary Measures: Extended Salon (Unpublished). In: Performatik 2019. Brussels, Belgium.


Seehafer, Michèle (3 December 2018). Room, Materiality, Immersion: Spatial Conceptions at the Court in Copenhagen During the Seventeenth Century (Unpublished). In: Vortrag im Rahmen des Center for Privacy Studies. Universität Kopenhagen.

Smalcerz, Joanna Beata (8 November 2018). Wilhelm von Bode and the Art Market, Welcome and Introduction (Unpublished). In: Wilhelm von Bode and the Art Market. Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Universität Bern. 8.-9.11.2018.

Seehafer, Michèle (13 June 2018). Interview with Marta Ajmar. In: Materialized Identities. Objects, Affects and Effects in Early Modern Culture 1450-1750. SNF

Li, Yumin; Rossman, Aleksandr Balashov (2018). Entgrenzte Souveränität. Der Schurke als Spiegel der Macht in Mad Max, Captain Phillips und Mission Impossible. In: Gradinari, Irina; Immer, Nikolas; Pause, Johannes (eds.) Medialisierung der Macht: Filmische Inszenierungen politischer Praxis (pp. 255-272). Paderborn: Fink Verlag 10.30965/9783846763414_015

Smalcerz, Joanna Beata (June 2018). Who Has the Right to Art? The Italian Debate on Art Export Policy and the Lobby of the Association of Art Dealers (Unpublished). In: Un'abbazia tra due mondi.San Nicolo' a San Gemini e le alienazioni monumentali nella prima meta' del Novecento. San Gemini, Italy.

Seehafer, Michèle (24 May 2018). Transformation and Imitation: Spaces and Materiality in the Early Modern Danish Kunstkammer (Unpublished). In: Präsentation im Rahmen des Forums der Graduate School of the Arts and Humanities GSAH, organisiert vom Walter Benjamin Kolleg. Bern. 24.05.2018.

Krass, Urte Inga (10 May 2018). The Miraculous Crucifix of Lisbon 1640 – And Why it Was Successful (Unpublished). In: Exuviae: Distributing the Self in Images and Objects. Cambridge, CENTRE FOR RESEARCH IN THE ARTS, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES. 10 May 2019 - 11 May 2019.

Krass, Urte Inga (20 April 2018). Fluchtbilder und ihre Kontexte im 17. Jahrhundert (Unpublished). In: Leave, left, left. Migrationsphänomene in den Künsten in aktueller und historischer Perspektive. München, Center for Advanced Studies. 20.-21.4.2018.

Seehafer, Michèle (22 March 2018). A Collection without an Inventory? The Emergence of the Royal Danish Collection at Rosenborg Castle (Unpublished). In: 64. Konferenz der Renaissance Society of America (RSA). New Orleans. 22.–24. März 2018.

Raband, Ivo (March 2018). Collecting, Displaying, Using: The Inventory of Archduke Ernest of Austria, Brussels, 17 July 1595 (Unpublished). In: 63rd Annual Conference of the Renaissance Society of America. New Orleans, USA. 22.–24. März 2018.

Seehafer, Michèle (20 February 2018). Transformation und Imitation: Aspekte von Materialität in der frühneuzeitlichen dänischen Kunstkammer (Unpublished). In: Workshop vom „Netzwerk Neuzeit (Bern-Konstanz-Zürich)“. Berner Fachhochschule. 20. Februar 2018.

Rossman, Aleksandr Balashov (15 February 2018). Schaulust und moderne Gesellschaft (Unpublished). In: DAS IST ÄSTHETIK!. Offenbach am Main. 14. - 17.02.18.

Raband, Ivo (February 2018). Fliegen und Schweben in der Skulptur der Vormoderne (Unpublished). In: 3. Tag der Junior Fellows im Walter Benjamin Kolleg. Universität Bern, Schweiz. 27. Feb. 2018.

Seehafer, Michèle (19 January 2018). Imitation of the Unknown: ,The Princess's Lacquered Chamber' at Rosenborg Castle (Unpublished). In: ELinC2018: European Lacquer in Context. Brüssel, Belgien. 18.-19. Jan. 2018.

Mazadiego, Elize (2018). Performatik 2017 : 'Bodily Attempts at Social Sculpting': a reflection. Kaaitheater

Göttler, Christine (2018). Extraordinary Things: 'Idols from India' and the Visual Discernment of Space and Time, circa 1600. In: Göttler, Christine; Mochizuki, Mia M. (eds.) The Nomadic Object: The Challenge of World for Early Modern Religious Art. Intersections: Vol. 53 (pp. 37-73). Brill

Göttler, Christine (2018). Imagination in the Chamber of Sleep: On a Pen-and-Ink-Drawing by Karel van Mander. In: Lüthy, Christoph; Swan, Claudia; Bakker, Paul J.J.M.; Zittel, Claus (eds.) Image, Imagination and Cognition. Intersections: Vol. 55 (pp. 147-176). Leiden: Brill 10.1163/9789004365742_008

Raband, Ivo (2018). The Archduke and the Exotic: Archduke Ernest of Austria and his Collecting Ambitions (Submitted). In: Nuno, Senos (ed.) European Courts in a Globalized World, 1400–1700. Palatium e-Publications. Leuven University press

Raband, Ivo (2018). Unkonventionell/Unkonfessionell? ‚Reformierte Grabmonumente’ protestantischen Adels in der Frühen Neuzeit (1540–1620) (Submitted). In: Karsten, Arne (ed.) Tod im Rampenlicht. Gebrüder Mann Verlag

Raband, Ivo (2018). Collecting Early Modern Festival Books: On MS. Douce 387 in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. In: Gáldy, Andrea M.; Heudecker, Sylvia (eds.) Collecting Prints & Drawings. Collecting Histories (pp. 87-104). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Raband, Ivo; Raband, Ivo (2018). Review of Katie Heyning, Turbulente tijden: Zorg en materiële cultuur in Zierikzee in de zestiende eeuw (Hilversum: Uitgeverij Verloren 2017) (In Press). Renaissance Quarterly

Raband, Ivo (2018). Otto and Gijsbert van Veen’s Portrait Engraving of Archduke Ernest of Austria: Negotiating the "Ownership" of a Joyous Entry in the Spanish Netherlands (Submitted). Emblematica: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Emblem Studies AMS Press

Göttler, Christine; Enenkel, Karl A. E. (eds.) (2018). Solitudo: Spaces, Places, and Times of Solitude in Late Medieval and Early Modern Cultures. Intersections : Interdisciplinary Studies in Early Modern Culture: Vol. 56. Boston: Brill

Göttler, Christine (2018). Showing by Hiding: Hendrick Goltzius's Allegory of the (Alchemical) Arts in the Kunstmuseum Basel (In Press). In: Congress Proceedings; 34th Congress of the International Committee of the History of Art. CIHA

Göttler, Christine (2018). 'Sacred Woods': Performing Solitude at the Court of Duke Wilhelm V of Bavaria. In: Göttler, Christine; Enenkel, Karl A. E. (eds.) Solitudo: Spaces, Places, and Times of Solitude in Late Medieval and Early Modern Cultures. Intersections: Vol. 56 (pp. 140-176). Leiden, Boston: Brill

Göttler, Christine (2018). Realms of Solitude in Late Medieval and Early Modern European Cultures: An Introduction. In: Enenkel, Karl A. E.; Göttler, Christine (eds.) Solitudo: Spaces, Places, and Times of Solitude in Late Medieval and Early Modern Cultures. Intersections: Vol. 56 (pp. 1-28). Leiden: Brill 10.1163/9789004367432_002

Krass, Urte Inga (2018). Sigismondo Fanti, Triompho di Fortuna (Kat. 4). In: Döring, Annalena; Hefele, Franz; Pfisterer, Ulrich (eds.) Platz da im Pantheon! Künstler in gedruckten Porträtserien bis 1800. Veröffentlichungen des Zentralinstituts für Kunstgeschichte in München: Vol. 45 (pp. 94-100). Passau: Klinger

Krass, Urte Inga (2018). Carlo Cesare Malvasia: Felsina Pittrice, Vite de`pittori bolognesi. In: Döring, Annalena; Hefele, Franz; Pfisterer, Ulrich (eds.) Platz da im Pantheon! Künstler in gedruckten Porträtserien bis 1800. Veröffentlichungen des Zentralinstituts für Kunstgeschichte in München: Vol. 45 (pp. 243-247). Passau: Klinger

Krass, Urte Inga (2018). Luigi Crespi: Vite de`pittori Bolognesi non descritte nella Felsina Pittrice. In: Platz da im Pantheon! Künstler in gedruckten Porträtserien bis 1800. Veröffentlichungen des Zentralinstituts für Kunstgeschichte in München: Vol. 45 (pp. 398-401). Passau: Klinger

Krass, Urte (2018). Naked Bones, Empty Caskets, and a Faceless Bust: Christian Relics and Reliquaries Between Europe and Asia During Early Modern Globalisation. In: Göttler, Christine; Mochizuki, Mia (eds.) The Nomadic Object. The Challenge of World for Early Modern Religious Art. Intersections: Vol. 53 (pp. 369-405). Brill 10.1163/9789004354500_014


Zierholz, Steffen (14 December 2017). „Spiritual and Visual Discernment in ‚The Temptation of Saint Anthony‘ by Antonio Tempesta“ on pietra paesina (Unpublished). In: Workshop Unruly Landscapes. Producing, Picturing, and Embodying Nature, organisiert von Christine Göttler, Ivo Raband, Michèle Seehafer und Steffen Zierholz. 14./15. Dezember 2017.

Seehafer, Michèle (14 December 2017). Transforming Landscapes: ,The Winter Room' at Copenhagen's Rosenborg Castle (Unpublished). In: Unruly Landscapes: Producing, Picturing, and Embodying Nature in Early Modernity.

Seehafer, Michèle (1 December 2017). Interview with Pamela H. Smith.

Raband, Ivo (December 2017). Eine kurze Kulturgeschichte des Sammelns in der (Frühen) Moderne (Unpublished). In: Fachschaftstag der gymnasialen Kunst- und GestaltungslehrerInnen des Kantons Bern. Thun. 5.12.2017.

Seehafer, Michèle; Hanß, Stefan; Scuro, Rachele (7 November 2017). Third Workshop of the Materialized Identities Group, Basel, 27th-29th September 2017.

Zierholz, Steffen (2 November 2017). „Ignatius of Loyola as a normative Image“ (Unpublished). In: Konferenz Contested forms. The Limits of the sacred Image and the normative Power of Art in Early Modern Europe, organisiert von Chiara Franceschini und Cloe Cavero de Carondelet. München. 02.–03. November 2017.

Göttler, Christine (November 2017). Imagination and Image Making in Van Mander's Cave of Sleep (Unpublished). In: Early Modern Vision: The Imagination and the Religious Image. 6.11.2017.

Raband, Ivo (November 2017). 'quod genus animantis à plurimis annis Antverpia non viderat': Habsburgische Kamele in den Spanischen Niederlanden am Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts (Unpublished). In: Bilder exotischer Tiere zwischen wissenschaftlicher Erfassung und gesellschaftlicher Normierung 1500-1800. Universität Augsburg. 10.–11.11.2017.

Raband, Ivo (November 2017). Elevatio: On Theory, Form, and Metaphoric of Flying and Floating in Early Modern Sculpture (Unpublished). In: Kolloquium des ERC-Projekts SACRIMA (LMU München). LMU München. 23.11.2017.

Mazadiego, Elize (2017). La Línea” and “La Lleca Colectiva. In: Kelley Jr., Bill; Kester, Grant H. (eds.) Collective Situations: Readings in Contemporary Latin American Art 1995-2010. Duke University Press

Smalcerz, Joanna Beata (14 October 2017). What Happens When a Raphael is Taken Away? (Unpublished). In: Collecting Raphael. Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino in the Collections and in the History of Collecting. Bibliotheca Hertziana - Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte, American University of Rome. 13-14.10.2017.

Seehafer, Michèle (6 October 2017). Deceiving the Eyes of the Beholder: Cornelis Gijsbrechts' Paintings as a New Perspective on the Royal Danish Kunstkammer (Unpublished)

Krass, Urte Inga (4 October 2017). Handreliquien und Handreliquiare (Unpublished). In: Handgebrauch. Geschichten von der Hand aus dem Mittelalter und der Frühen Neuzeit. Venedig, Centro Tedesco di Studi Veneziani. 4.-7. Oktober 2017.

Seehafer, Michèle (2 August 2017). Workshop Knowledge: Formation and Perception of Art. Conference Report ,WerkStattWissen - The Work of Art. Material and Technology in Sources and Workshop Practice'.

Seehafer, Michèle (2 August 2017). Interview with Ann-Sophie Lehmann.

Seehafer, Michèle (2 August 2017). Interview with Sven Dupré.

Krass, Urte Inga (27 July 2017). Wege der Bilder im 17. Jahrhundert Zur politischen Ikonographie Portugals auf drei Kontinenten (Unpublished). In: Abendvortrag. Institut für Kunstgeschichte der Universität Augsburg. 27. Juli 2017.

Seehafer, Michèle (20 July 2017). Lacquered Chambers at Rosenborg Castle (Unpublished). In: Bodensee-Gespräche über Kunst.

Raband, Ivo (July 2017). A Habsburg Collector in the Periphery? Archduke Ernest of Austria and his Brussels Collection, 1594/95 (Unpublished). In: Bodensee-Gespräche über Kunst. Bodman, Ludwigshafen. 19.–22.7.2017.

Smalcerz, Joanna Beata (28 June 2017). A Lost Masterpiece is a Potent Thing: On the Social Agency of Artworks (Unpublished). In: Werkstattgespräch. Bibliotheca Hertziana - Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte. 28.6.2017.

Mazadiego, Elize (2017). Sociale sculpturen. Etcetera(149), pp. 22-26.

Göttler, Christine (June 2017). Goldmachen / Bildermachen: Magie und Alchemie bei Martin Delrio (1551-1608) und Hendrick Goltzius (1558-1617) (Unpublished). In: Magische(s) Gestalten und die Lenkung der Dinge. Universität Stuttgart. 30.6.2017.

Zierholz, Steffen (13 May 2017). „Pietra paesina. Considerations on the Materiality and Imagination of the Desert“ (Unpublished). In: Workshops Imaginaries of the Desert in the Arts, organisiert von Toni Hildebrandt, Vega Tescari und Steffen Zierholz. Bern. 13. Mai 2017.

Krass, Urte Inga (9 May 2017). Blickwechsel 1640: Handelnde Christusbilder in Goa und Lissabon (Unpublished). In: Abendvortrag. Kunstgeschichtliches Seminar, Hamburg. 9. Mai 2017.

Göttler, Christine (May 2017). Waste Lands at the Court of Wilhelm V of Bavaria: The Poetry, Ecology, and Spirtuality of Wilderness, circa 1600 (Unpublished). In: Imaginaries of the Desert in the Arts. Universität Bern. 13.5.2017.

Göttler, Christine (2017). The Art of Solitude: Environments of Prayer at the Bavarian Court. Art History, Special Issue (Art and Religious Reform in Early Modern Europe), 40(2), pp. 405-429.

Raband, Ivo (April 2017). Conflicted Beliefs: On Funeral Monuments of Protestant Princes in Northern Europe, ca. 1600 (Unpublished). In: Colloquium of the Medieval/Renaissance Studies Program der University of Nebraska, Omaha. University of Nebraska, Omaha. 4. April 2017.

Zierholz, Steffen (31 March 2017). „The Image as Mirror in Bernini’s Sant’Andrea al Quirinale in Rome“ (Unpublished). In: The Mirror, organisiert von Elena M. Calvillo and Monika A. Schmitter. The Renaissance Society of America, Annual Meeting, Chicago.

Göttler, Christine (18 February 2017). Fertile Waters: Salt and Saltcellars in Early Seventeenth-Century Antwerp (Unpublished). In: College Art Association. 105th Annual Conference. New York. 15.–18.02.2017.

Seehafer, Michèle (3 February 2017). Shell Gold – Production, Usage, and Handling of a Historical Artisanal Technique (including a hands-on experiment). In: Materialized Identities. Objects, Affects and Effects in Early Modern Culture.

Krass, Urte Inga (1 February 2017). Der Gute Hirte zwischen Asien und Amerika. Zur globalen Ikonographie des "Quinto Império" (Unpublished). In: Global Arts in the Early Modern World. Kunstgeschichte der Welt 1300 bis 1800. München, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte. 1. Februar 2017.

Smalcerz, Joanna Beata (19 January 2017). 'The Agony of Getting It Out of the Country': Emilio Costantini, Bernard Berenson and Exporting Artworks from Italy (Unpublished). In: Art Dealers, America, and the International Art Market, 1880-1930. Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles. 18-19.1.2018.

Göttler, Christine (2017). Vulcan’s Forge: The Sphere of Art in Early Modern Antwerp. In: Göttler, Chrstine; Dupré, Sven (eds.) Knowledge and Discernment in the Early Modern Arts (pp. 52-87). New York: Routledge

Göttler, Christine; Dupré, Sven (2017). Introduction: Hidden Artifices. In: Göttler, Christine; Dupré, Sven (eds.) Knowledge and Discernment in the Early Modern Arts (pp. 1-16). New York: Routledge

Zierholz, Steffen (2017). Kapelle (Submitted). In: Reading Room: A bis Z. Hatje Cantz

Zierholz, Steffen (2017). Andrea Pozzo, Durante Alberti und Pedro Ribadeneiras Vita Ignatii (Submitted). Römische Historische Mitteilungen Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

Raband, Ivo (2017). ‘Aurea Aetas Anverpiensis’: Landscape, Agriculture, and Sovereignty in Antwerp’s Joyous Entries (Unpublished). In: Unruly Landscapes: Producing, Picturing, and Embodying Nature in Early Modernity.

Smalcerz, Joanna Beata (2017). A Lesson in Loopholes: Stefano Bardini, and the Export of the Botticelli Frescoes from Villa Lemmi. In: Dealing Art on Both Sides of the Atlantic, 1860-1940 (pp. 291-309). Leiden: Brill

Smalcerz, Joanna Beata (2017). Smuggling the Renaissance: The Illicit Export of Artworks Out of Italy, 1861-1909 (Unpublished). (Dissertation, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Universität Bern, Philosophisch-historische Fakultät)

Göttler, Christine (2017). Introduction to Unruly Landscapes: Producing, Picturing, and Embodying Nature in Early Modernity (Unpublished). In: Unruly Landscapes: Producing, Picturing, and Embodying Nature in Early Modernity. Universität Bern. 14.–15. Dezember 2017.

Göttler, Christine; Mochizuki, Mia M. (eds.) (2017). The Nomadic Object: The Challenge of World for Early Modern Religious Art. Intersections: Vol. 53. Brill

Raband, Ivo (2017). A Habsburg Collector in the Periphery? Archduke Ernest of Austria and his Brussels Collection, 1594/95 (Unpublished). In: 62nd Annual Conference of the Renaissance Society of America. Chicago. 30.3-1.4.2017.

Krass, Urte Inga (ed.) (2017). Visualizing Portuguese Power. The Political Use of Images in Portugal and Its Overseas Empire (16th to 18th Century). Bilder-Diskurs. Zürich/Berlin: Diaphanes

Krass, Urte Inga (2017). Loyalty Made Visible: Pyrotechnics and Processions for King John IV. in Macao in 1642. In: Krass, Urte (ed.) Visualizing Portuguese Power. The Political Use of Images in Portugal and its Overseas Empire (16th to 18th Century). BilderDiskurs (pp. 141-171). Zürich/Berlin: Diaphanes

Krass, Urte (2017). Visualizing Portuguese Power: Between Imperial Agenda and Agency of the Image. An Introduction. In: Krass, Urte (ed.) Visualizing Portuguese Power. The Political Use of Images in Portugal and its Overseas Empire (16th to 18th Century). Bilder-Diskurs (pp. 9-18). Zürich/Berlin: Diaphanes

Rossman, Sasha; Haselbeck, Sebastian (2017). Das Reale der Gummihandschuhe: Zur Taktilität in Robert Wienes Orlac’s Hände. Augenblick: Konstanzer Hefte zur Medienwissenschaft(69/70), pp. 31-48. Schüren Verlag


Zierholz, Steffen (2016). „Conformitas crucis Christi. Il ‚Cristo portacroce‘ nella grafica gesuita seicentesca alla luce della visione di La Storta“. Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu

Seehafer, Michèle (13 December 2016). Conference Report ‘The Materialities of Knowledge in Early Modern Cities.

Etienne, Noémie; Dumont, Etienne (10 December 2016). NET/Le site "Journal18" se propose d'étudier le XVIIIe siècle dans tous ses états. Bilan

Zierholz, Steffen (3 December 2016). Lebens-Kunst: Zum künstlerischen Selbst-Entwurf bei den Jesuiten (Unpublished). In: Subject and Subjectivization in Art(History) and Philosophy. A Definition of the Problem. Florenz, Italien. 02.–03.12.2016.

Etienne Schuler, Noémie (1 December 2016). Native American Dioramas in New York, 1900 (Unpublished). In: Seeing Through? The Materiality of Dioramas. University of Bern. 01.-02.12.2016.

Seehafer, Michèle (1 December 2016). Imitation of the Unknown: ‘The Princess’s Lacquered Chamber’ at Rosenborg Castle (Unpublished)

Zierholz, Steffen (30 November 2016). Bild und Spiegel. Zur Rahmeninszenierung in Berninis Sant’Andrea al Quirinale (Unpublished). In: Vorlesung „Die fünf Sinne“ von Prof. Dr. Victor Stoichita. Fribourg, Schweiz. 30.11.2016.

Göttler, Christine (November 2016). Epistemic and Enigmatic Imagery in the Work of Hendrick Goltzius (Unpublished). In: Epistemic Images in Early Modern Germany and its Neighbours. Cambridge. 10.-11. Nov. 2016.

Göttler, Christine (November 2016). Mount Potosí in Antwerp: The Imagery of Labor and Wealth in Rubens’s Arch of the Mint (1635) (Unpublished). In: The Materialities of Knowledge in Early Modern Cities. Antwerpen. 18.–19.11.2016.

Seehafer, Michèle; Calvi, Sonia; Hanß, Stefan; Scuro, Rachele (26 October 2016). First Workshop of the Materialized Identitites group, Cambridge, 6th – 7th October 2016.

Etienne Schuler, Noémie (21 October 2016). Life-Casts, Relics, and Human Remains. The Return of Museum Tools (Unpublished). In: What do Contentious Objects Want?. Florence, Kunsthistorisches Institut – Max-Planck-Institut. 21.10.2016.

Zierholz, Steffen (20 October 2016). Andrea Pozzo in Sant’Ignazio. Bilder jesuitischer Berufung (Unpublished). In: Forschungskolloquium Prof. Dr. Tristan Weddigen. Zürich, Schweiz. 20.10.2016.

Etienne Schuler, Noémie (14 October 2016). Unformal Market: Fayolle’s Cabinet and his Private Networks (1750-1800) (Unpublished). In: All the Beauty in the World. Berlin, Technishe Universität. 14.10.2016.

Etienne Schuler, Noémie (12 October 2016). Dioramas as Mobile Objects (Unpublished). In: Cluster of Excellence, Image, Knowledge, Gestaltung. Berlin, Humboldt University. 12.10.2016.

Rossman, Aleksandr Balashov (2016). On Border Play in Eighteenth-Century Europe. Journal18 : a journal of eighteenth-century art and culture Department of Art History, New York University

Etienne Schuler, Noémie (28 September 2016). Americana. L'art du diorama à New York, 1900 (Unpublished). In: Actualité de la Recherche, Guest Lecture. Geneva, University of Geneva. 28.09.2016.

Zierholz, Steffen (19 September 2016). Andrea Pozzos Langhausfresko in Sant'Ignazio (Unpublished). In: Himmelsphantasien. Römische Deckenmalerei des Barock. Rom, Italien. 18.–24.09.2016.

Raband, Ivo (18 September 2016). Civic and Archducal Emblems: ‚Owning‘ a Joyous Entry (Unpublished). In: Annual Conference of the Sixteenth Century Society. Brügge. 18.–20.09.2016.

Etienne Schuler, Noémie (5 September 2016). Epistemic Images: Diorama, Science, and Resistance (Unpublished). In: Apparatuses of Simulation: From the 19th Century to the Present. Geneva, University of Geneva. 05.09.2016.

Raband, Ivo (2016). Staging Genoa in Antwerp: The Genoese Arch for the Blijde Inkomst of Archduke Ernest of Austria into Antwerp, 1594. In: Burghartz, Susanna; Burkart, Lukas; Göttler, Christine (eds.) Sites of Mediation: Connected Histories of Europe, 1350–1650. Intersections: Vol. 47 (pp. 46-70). Leiden/Boston: Brill

Göttler, Christine; Burghartz, Susanna; Burkart, Lucas (eds.) (2016). Sites of Mediation: Connected Histories of Objects, Processes, and Interactions in Europe and Beyond, 1450–1650. Intersections: Vol. 47. Leiden, Boston: Brill

Göttler, Christine; Burghartz, Susanna; Burkart, Lucas (2016). Introduction: Sites of Mediation in Early Modern Europe and Beyond: A Working Perspective. In: Göttler, Christine; Burghartz, Susanna; Burkart, Lucas (eds.) Sites of Mediation: Connected Histories of Objects, Processes, and Interactions in Europe and Beyond, 1450–1650. Intersections: Vol. 47 (pp. 1-20). Leiden/Boston: Brill

Krass, Urte Inga (19 July 2016). The Political Iconography of the Good Shepherd: Indo-Portuguese Ivory Figures Reconsidered (Unpublished). In: Society for Renaissance Studies 7th Biennial Conference. University of Glasgow. 18.-20. Juli 2016.

Raband, Ivo (6 July 2016). Der Porträtstich der Gebrüder van Veen für Erzherzog Ernst von Österreich: Markierungen einer niederländischen Blijde Inkomst (Unpublished). In: Internationales Doktorandennetzwerk Aisthesis „Deutung und Bedeutung in historischen und gegenwärtigen Kunstdiskursen“. Bodman, Ludwigshafen. 06.–09.07.2016.

Zierholz, Steffen (26 June 2016). Bild und Rahmen. Zu Berninis Hauptaltar in Sant’Andrea al Quirinale in Rom (Unpublished). In: 17. Internationaler Barocksommerkurs der Stiftung Bibliothek Werner Oechslin: Die Inszenierung des Heiligen. Einsiedeln, Schweiz. 26.–30.06.2016.

Krass, Urte (16 June 2016). Hybrid, opak, bedeutungsoffen. Bringt frühneuzeitliche globale Kunst die Ikonographie an ihre Grenzen? (Unpublished). In: Ikonographie und Ikonologie heute: Ansätze, Methoden, Perspektiven. Hamburg, Warburg-Haus. 16.-17. Juni 2016.

Krass, Urte Inga (25 May 2016). Picture Acts and the Portuguese Restauration of 1640: Reconstructing the Role of a Revolution's Imagery (Unpublished). In: Encontros sobre Arte e Império. Lissabon, CHAM, Universidade Nova. 25. Mai 2016.

Zierholz, Steffen (8 April 2016). "Mettere mano all’opera." Überlegungen zur Händigkeit des Materials (Unpublished). In: Forum Kunstgeschichte Italiens. Berlin, Deutschland. 07.–09.04.2016.

Zierholz, Steffen (2016). Sacred Landscapes. Solitude in the Chapel of Fra Mariano Fetti in San Silvestro al Quirinale. In: Spaces, Places and Times of Solitude in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Intersections: Vol. 56. Leiden: Brill

Vogt, Aline; Rabe, Jennifer; Jankovic, Simeon (2016). Bericht zum 38. Basler Renaissancekolloquium «Renaissance Books. A Mediology» Basel: Renaissancen

Göttler, Christine (2 March 2016). Kunst der Diätetik / Diätetik der Kunst um 1600 (Unpublished). In: Vortragsreihe des Collegium generale: In aller Munde: Essen und Ernährung. Universität Bern. 02.03.2016.

Etienne Schuler, Noémie (29 January 2016). Native American Objects at Versailles (Unpublished). In: Versailles in the World. New York, New York University. 29.01.2016.

Göttler, Christine (18 January 2016). The Idols of Antwerp, circa 1620: Entangled Histories in the Early Modern European Collection (Unpublished). In: The Nomadic Object: Early Modern Religious Art in Global Contact. NYU Abu Dhabi. 18.-20.01.2016.

Krass, Urte Inga (18 January 2016). Moving Body Parts. The Dissemination of Saints' Relics and the Traffic of Reliquaries Within the Portuguese Global Empire (Unpublished). In: Nomadic Objects. Abu Dhabi, NYU. 18.-20. January 2016.

Göttler, Christine; Meganck, Tine (2016). Sites of Art, Nature and the Antique in the Spanish Netherlands. In: Dupré, Sven; De Munck, Bert; Thomas, Werner; Vanpaemel, Geert (eds.) Embattled Territory: The Circulation of Knowledge in the Spanish Netherlands (pp. 333-369). Ghent: Academia Press

Göttler, Christine; Dupré, Sven (eds.) (2016). Knowledge and Discernment in the Early Modern Arts. New York: Routledge

Raband, Ivo (2016). Rezension zu: Simona Cohen, Transformations of Time and Temporality in Medieval and Renaissance Art (Leiden/Boston: Brill 2014). Journal für Kunstgeschichte, 20(3), pp. 207-210. Schnell & Steiner

Raband, Ivo (2016). Tamar Cholcman, Art on Paper: Ephemeral Art in the Low Countries: The Triumphal Entry of the Archdukes Albert and Isabella into Antwerp, 1599 (London/Turnhout: Brepols 2014). Journal für Kunstgeschichte, 20(4), pp. 375-379. Schnell & Steiner 10.11588/jfk.2016.4.69399

Zierholz, Steffen (2016). Solitude in the Chapel of Fra Mariano del Piombo in San Silvestro al Quirinale in Rome. In: Spaces, Places and Times of Solitude in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Brill

Zierholz, Steffen (2016). "to make yourself present". Jesuit sacred Space as enargetic Space. In: Boer, Wietse de; Enenkel, Karl A. E.; Melion, Walter S. (eds.) Jesuit Image-Theory in Europe and the Overseas Mission 1540–1740. Intersections: Vol. 45 (pp. 419-460). Leiden: Brill Publishing 10.1163/9789004319127_015

Göttler, Christine (2016). Indian daggers with idols’ in the early modern constcamer: Collecting, picturing, and narrating things in the Netherlands and beyond. In: Weststeijn, Thijs (ed.) Netherlandish Art in its Global Context. Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art: Vol. 66 (pp. 80-109). Leiden: Brill

Etienne Schuler, Noémie (2016). Conservation as Activation: The Agency of Things in the Contact Zone (In Press). In: van Eck, Caroline (ed.) Presence and Agency. Leiden University Press

Etienne, Noémie (2016). A Family Business: Picture Restorers in the Louvre Quarter. Journal18 : a journal of eighteenth-century art and culture(2) Department of Art History, New York University 10.30610/2.2016.2

Etienne, Noémie; Martin, Meredith; Williams, Hannah (eds.) (2016). Journal18. A Journal of Eighteenth-Century Art and Culture, (1). WorldPress

Petrella, Sara (2016). Jean Baudoin et la réception des mythographies italiennes au XVIIe siècle. In: Pioffet, Marie-Christine; Spica, Anne-Elisabeth (eds.) S’exprimer autrement : poétique et enjeux de l’allégorie à l'Âge classique (pp. 105-122). Tübingen: Narr

Göttler, Christine (2016). Kunst der Diäthetik – Diäthetik der Kunst. UniPress - Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Universität Bern, 167, pp. 24-26. Abteilung Kommunikation, Universität Bern

Göttler, Christine (2016). Antwerp and the Emperor’s Indies: Rubens’s Arch of the Mint for Cardinal-Infante Ferdinand (1635) (Unpublished). In: The Renaissance Society of America, The Sixty-second Annual Meeting. Boston. 31.3–2.4.2016.

Göttler, Christine (2016). Artists in Groups: Articulating Collective Identities in Seventeenth-Century Haarlem (Unpublished). In: CIHA. 34th World Congress of Art History. Peking. 16.–20.09.2016.

Göttler, Christine; Dupré, Sven (2016). Reading the Inventory: The Possessions of the Portuguese Merchant-Banker Emmanuel Ximenez (1564-1632) in Antwerp (Unpublished). In: Epistemologías transculturales. La producción de conocimientos en zonas de contacto en América Latina. Berlin. 01.-02.12.2016.

Wyssenbach, Stefanie (2016). Riches of the Sea: Collecting and Consuming Frans Snijders’s Marine Market Paintings in the Southern Netherlands. In: Burghartz, Susanna; Burkart, Lucas; Göttler, Christine (eds.) Sites of Mediation: Connected Histories of Places, Processes, and Objects in Europe and Beyond, 1450–1650. Intersections: Vol. 47 (pp. 328-352). Leiden/Boston: Brill

Krass, Urte (2016). L'iconografia della Beata Veronica da Binasco. In: Romagnoli, Alessandra Bartolomei; Paoli, Emore; Piatti, Pierantonio (eds.) Angeliche visioni. Veronica da Binasco nella Milano del Rinascimento. La mistica cristiana tra Oriente e Occidente: Vol. 26 (pp. 417-437). Florenz: Sismel

Rossman, Sasha (2016). The Currency of Europe? Representing Unified Europe as Film in the Age of the Euro. Transit: A Journal of Travel, Migration, and Multiculturalism in the German-speaking World, 10(2), pp. 1-31. Univ. of California


Baadj, Nadia (15 December 2015). Early Modern Cabinets as Catalysts of Knowledge (Unpublished). In: Catalysts of Knowledge: Cultures of Collecting in Early Modern Europe. Ghent University. 15.12.2015.

Göttler, Christine (15 December 2015). A Javanese Dagger in a constcamer painting by Frans Francken the Younger: Collecting Idols and Weapons in the Seventeenth Century Netherlands (Unpublished). In: Catalysts of Knowledge: Early Modern Cultures of Collecting. Workshop, organisiert von Sven Dupré, Koenraad Jonckheere und Marlise Rijks. Universität Ghent. 15.12.2015.

Göttler, Christine (9 December 2015). The re-invention of solitude in late sixteenth- and seventeenth-century art (Unpublished). In: Solitudo: Spaces, Places, and Times of Solitude in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Universität Bern. 9.-11.12.2015.

Raband, Ivo (December 2015). Die Welt begrüßt den Erzherzog: Die Aufbauten der ausländischen Handelsnationen (Unpublished). In: Forschungskolloquium von Prof. Dr. Christine Göttler, Institut für Kunstgeschichte. Bern. 17.–18.12.2015.

Göttler, Christine (25 November 2015). Wildachtige Constructionen: Einsamkeitsräume am Hof von Herzog Wilhelm V. von Bayern (Unpublished). In: Kunstgeschichtliches Seminar der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. 25.11.2015.

Baadj, Nadia (12 November 2015). The Cabinetization of Art, Knowledge, and the Exotic in Early Modern Europe (Unpublished). In: Art & Knowledge in Premodern Europe. Max Planck Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin. 12.11.2015.

Raband, Ivo (11 November 2015). Der Porträtstich der Gebrüder Otto und Gijsbert van Veen (1594) (Unpublished). In: Kolloquium Prof. Dr. Philipp Zitzlsperger. Berlin. 11.11.2015.

Zierholz, Steffen (2015). Raum und Selbst. Kunst und Spiritualität in der Gesellschaft Jesu (1580–1700) (Unpublished). (Dissertation, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät)

Rabe, Jennifer (3 October 2015). Imperial Eyes. Van Dycks Porträtmalerei als globale Technologie (Unpublished). In: Internationale ANKK Konferenz 2015: Methodik zwischen Theorie und Praxis. Bonn/Köln. 02.-04.10.2015.

Göttler, Christine (2 October 2015). Keynote Lecture: Rubens’s saltcellar, Drebbel’s perpetuum mobile and an idol of the New World: Theorizing and imagining artifacts in early modern Antwerp and beyond (Unpublished). In: ANKK Jahrestreffen: Methodik zwischen Theorie und Praxis. Historische und aktuelle Ansätze in der niederländischen Kunst und Kunstgeschichte. Universität Bonn. 02.-04.10.2015.

Baadj, Nadia (17 September 2015). The Cabinetization of Art and Science in the Early Modern Low Countries (Unpublished). In: Art & Science in the Early Modern Low Countries. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. 17.-18.9.02015.

Smalcerz, Joanna Beata (14 September 2015). The Illicit Export of the Bust of the Princess of Urbino from Rome to Berlin: A Legal Perspective (Unpublished). In: Werkstattgespräch. Bibliotheca Hertziana - Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Rom. 14. Sept. 2015.

Preisinger, Raphaèle (26 August 2015). The Power of the Local Site: A Comparative Approach to Colonial Black Christs and Medieval Black Madonnas (Unpublished). In: New Worlds: Frontiers, Inclusion, Utopias. Rio de Janeiro. 25.-29.08.2015.

Preisinger, Raphaèle (2015). Taddeo Gaddis Lebensbaum. Experimentierfreude und Innovation im Trecento. In: Marek, Kristin; Schulz, Martin (eds.) Kanon Kunstgeschichte. Einführung in Werke, Methoden und Epochen 1 (pp. 366-381). Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink Verlag

Göttler, Christine (11 June 2015). Umwölkte Gestalten: Somnus und Morpheus in der niederländischen Kunst und Kunsttheorie um 1600 (Unpublished). In: Vorlesungsreihe: Ästhetik des Immateriellen: Künstlerische Konzepte des Unsichtbaren. Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen. 11.06.2015.

Rabe, Jennifer (8 June 2015). Room for Experiment: The Countess of Arundel’s "Site of Medication" (Unpublished). In: Lives and the Life Cycle: Selves and Others 1400-1800. University of Oxford. 07.–09.06.2015.

Göttler, Christine (11 May 2015). Der Künstler als Morpheus: Der Stoff der Bilder bei Karel van Mander (Unpublished). In: Vorlesungsreihe Forschungsstelle Naturbilder / Images of Nature. Universität Hamburg. 11.05.2015.

Preisinger, Raphaèle (28 March 2015). Die 'unsagbaren Worte' des Seraphs: Das Geheimnis der Stigmatisation in einem Wandbild der italienischen Vor-Renaissance (Unpublished). In: The Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting. Berlin. 26.-28.03.2015.

Göttler, Christine (26 March 2015). Hendrick Goltzius’s Protean Allegory of the (Alchemical) Arts (1611) in the Kunstmuseum Basel (Unpublished). In: The Renaissance Society of America, The Sixty-first Annual Meeting, Session “Reflexive Image-Making (1500–1600) I: Allegories of Virtue and Virtuosity”. Berlin. 26.-28.03.2015.

Rabe, Jennifer (2 March 2015). Scientific Instruments in Van Dyck's Portraits (Unpublished). In: Art History Seminar. Warburg Institute, University of London. 02.03.2015.

Göttler, Christine (January 2015). Imaginationen der Seefahrt im Antwerpen des frühen 17. Jahrhunderts: Peter Paul Rubens’ Geburt der Venus für den portugiesischen Handelskaufmann Emmanuel Ximenez (Unpublished). In: Sammlungen im Spannungsfeld von Gelehrsamkeit, Meraviglia und heroischer Repräsentation. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. 22.-23.01.2015.

Raband, Ivo (2015). Collecting the Painted Netherlands: The Art Collection of Ernest of Austria in Brussels. In: Gáldy, Andrea; Heudecker, Sylvia (eds.) Collecting Nature (pp. 109-123). Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Raband, Ivo (2015). Rezension zu: Art, Music and Spectacle in the Age of Rubens: The Pompa Introitus Ferdinandi, hrsg. von Anna C. Knaap u. Michael C. J. Putnam (London/Turnhout: Brepols 2013). Journal für Kunstgeschichte(19), pp. 245-254. Schnell & Steiner

Raband, Ivo (2015). The Forgotten Archduke: The Funeral Monument for Ernest of Austria in Brussels (Unpublished). In: 61. jährliche Konferenz der Renaissance Society of America im Panel Remembering the Habsburgs I: Crafting Dynastic Monuments. Berlin. 26.–28.03.2015.

Koppenleitner, Vera Fionie (2015). "Nase ab, Schnurrbart weg", Rezension des Ausstellungskatalogs The Sultan’s World. The Ottoman Orient in Renaissance Art, hrsg. v. Robert Born u. a., Ostfildern 2015. Zenith, 3, pp. 120-123. Deutscher Levante Verlag

Enenkel, Karl A. E.; Göttler, Christine (eds.) (2015). Intersections. Interdisciplinary Studies in Early Modern Culture. Brill

Borkopp, Birgitt; Göttler, Christine; Gramaccini, Norberto Giov.P.; Nicolai, Bernd; Schneemann, Peter Johannes (eds.) (2015). Neue Berner Schriften zur Kunst. Lang

Mazadiego, Elize Marie (2015). Happenings in Translation: Media and the Event. Czas Kultury, 186, pp. 138-143.


Smalcerz, Joanna Beata (1 November 2014). Wilhelm von Bode and His Networks of Contacts in the Art Market for Old Masters Sculpture in Europe around 1900 (Unpublished). In: Burlington Conference: The Art Market Past and Present: Lessons for the Future?. The Burlington Magazine, Sotheby's Institute of Art, London, UK. 30. Okt. - 1. Nov. 2014.

Schober, Sarah-Maria; Hilfiker, Franziska; Rabe, Jennifer (2014). Bericht zum 33. Basler Renaissancekolloquium «Schiffbruch: Erfolgsgeschichten des Scheiterns» Basel: Renaissancen

Göttler, Christine (October 2014). Self-Cultivation and Interior Retreat in Jesuit and Courtly Culture: Spaces of Prayer at the Court of Wilhelm V of Bavaraia (Unpublished). In: Jesuit Image-Theory in Europe and the Overseas Missions, 1540-1740. Münster. 09.-11.10.2014.

Göttler, Christine (September 2014). Eremiten, Bilder, Automaten: Die Gebetsgrotten Herzog Wilhelms V. von Bayern (Unpublished). In: Wie entstehen Raumkonzeptionen? 1600 und 1900 im Vergleich. Forum Scientiarum, Tübingen. 25.-26.09.2014.

Göttler, Christine (July 2014). Connecting Worlds in Early Seventeenth-Century Antwerp: Peter Paul Rubens’s Birth of Venus for the Portuguese Merchant-Banker Emmanuel Ximenez (Unpublished). In: Historians of Netherlandish Art Conference / American Association for Netherlandish Studies Conference. Boston. 05.-07.06.2014.

Göttler, Christine (April 2014). Connecting Seas in Early Seventeenth-Century Antwerp: Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) and Emmanuel Ximenez (1564-1632) (Unpublished). In: Connecting Seas Conference. Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles. 23.-24.04.2014.

Göttler, Christine (April 2014). The World of the Portuguese Merchant-Banker Emmanuel Ximenez in Early Seventeenth-Century Antwerp (Unpublished). In: Poetics and Pragmatics in the Portuguese World Empire. University of California, Berkeley. 03.04.2014.

Göttler, Christine (March 2014). Vulcan’s Forge: The Sphere of Art in Early Modern Antwerp (Unpublished). In: The Renaissance Society of America, The Sixtieth Annual Meeting. New York City. 27.-29.03.2014.

Göttler, Christine (2014). Druon Antigoon, der unzerstörbare Koloss: Städtischer Raum, antiquarische Kultur und Künstlerwissen im Antwerpen des 16. Jahrhunderts. In: Nova, Alessandro; Hanke, Stephanie (eds.) Skulptur und Platz. Raumbesetzung, Raumüberwindung, Interaktion. I Mandorli: Vol. 20 (pp. 141-172). Berlin, München: Deutscher Kunstverlag

Göttler, Christine; Ramakers, Bart; Woodall, Joanna (2014). Trading Values in Early Modern Anterp: An Introduction. In: Ramakers, Bart; Woodall, Joanna; Göttler, Christine (eds.) Trading Values in Early Modern Antwerp. Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art: Vol. 64 (pp. 8-37). Leiden: Brill

Göttler, Christine (2014). Wit in Painting, Color in Words: Gillis Mostaert’s Depictions of Fires. In: Ramakers, Bart; Woodall, Joanna; Göttler, Christine (eds.) Trading Values in Early Modern Antwerp. Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art: Vol. 64 (pp. 214-237). Leiden: Brill

Göttler, Christine (2014). Imitation as Animation: The Multiple Lives of a ‘Vesperbildt’ attributed to Quinten Massys. In: van Eck, Caroline; van Gastel, Joris; van Kessel, Elsje (eds.) The Secret Lives of Artworks (pp. 152-175). Leiden: Leiden University Press

Göttler, Christine; Moran, Sarah; Dupré, Sven (2014). Reading the Inventory: The Possessions of the Portuguese Merchant-Banker Emmanuel Ximenez (1564-1632) in Antwerp. In: Website.

Göttler, Christine; Ramakers, Bart; Woodall, Joanna (eds.) (2014). Trading Values in Early Modern Antwerp. Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art: Vol. 64. Leiden: Brill

Göttler, Christine (2014). Allegorien des Feuers und der Künste. In: Dupré, Sven; von Kerssenbrock-Krosigk, Dedo; Wismer, Beat (eds.) Kunst und Alchemie: Das Geheimnis der Verwandlung (pp. 132-145). München: Hirmer

Raband, Ivo (2014). Printed Narrative: The Festival Books for Archduke Ernest of Austria from Brussels and Antwerp 1594. In: Hirakawa, Kayo (ed.) Aspects of the Narrative in Art History (pp. 17-32). Kyoto University Press

Raband, Ivo (2014). Ernst von Österreich und die Spanischen Niederlande: Die triumphalen Einzüge, die erzherzogliche Sammlung, das Grabmonument. Projektbericht zur gleichnamigen Dissertation, Teil eines interdisziplinären Forschungsprojekts. Frühneuzeit-Info (Kunstsammlungen), 25, pp. 236-243. Institut für die Erforschung der Frühen Neuzeit

Raband, Ivo (2014). The Forgotten Archduke: Ernest of Austria and the Spanish Netherlands (Unpublished). In: Kolloquium des Forschungszentrums Rubenianum. Antwerpen. 13.01.2014.

Raband, Ivo (2014). Archducal Acquisitions in Antwerp: The Account Book of Ernest of Austria (Unpublished). In: Göttler, Christine (ed.) 60. jährliche Konferenz der Renaissance Society of America im Panel Cultures of Things in Early Modern Antwerp III: Networks of Objects and Knowledge. New York, NY. 27.–29.03.2014.

Raband, Ivo (2014). A Forgotten Original or an Original Copy? On MS. Douce 387 in the Bodleian Library: Collecting Early Modern Festival Books (Unpublished). In: Collecting Prints and Drawings. Irsee. 14.–16.06.2014.

Raband, Ivo (2014). Sovereignty and the City: The Joyous Entry of Ernest of Austria into Brussels and Antwerp as a Site of Social Negotiation (Unpublished). In: Visualising Difference: Objects, Space and Practice in Early Modern Europe. Stockholm. 10.–11.09.2014.

Mazadiego, Elize (2014). Happenings to Anti-Happenings: The Avant-garde and Obsolescence in 1960s Argentina. In: Maroja, Camila; Menezes, Caroline; Poltronieri, Fabrizio Augusto (eds.) The Permanence of the Transient: Precariousness in Art. Cambridge Scholars Publishing


Göttler, Christine (21 November 2013). Environments of Art and Prayer at the Bavarian Court in Munich, circa 1600: The Miraculous Lives of a Vesperbildt ascribed to Quinten Massys (Unpublished). In: Invited lecture at the Institute for Reformation Studies. University of St Andrews. 21.11.2013.

Göttler, Christine (9 November 2013). Converso Collectors. The (Religious) Worlds of the Portuguese Merchants in Seventeenth-Century Antwerp: Emmanuel Ximenez and His Circle of Friends (Unpublished). In: Nord et sud, protestant et catholique? Les conséquences de la réforme pour la production artistique des Pays-Bas du XVIIe siècle. Universität Genf. 8.-9. November 2013.

Rabe, Jennifer; Benkert, Davina; Schober, Sarah-Maria (2013). Bericht zum 29. Basler Renaissancekolloquium «Invidia - ein Affekt zwischen Ökonomie und Moral» Basel: Renaissancen

Göttler, Christine (13 September 2013). Der Riese von Antwerpen: Materialität und Künstlerwissen im Antwerpen des 16. Jahrhunderts (Unpublished). In: Praktiken der Frühen Neuzeit, Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Frühe Neuzeit, Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen in Deutschland. Universität München. 12.-14. September 2013.

Göttler, Christine (11 June 2013). The Chamber of Sleep: On a Drawing by Karel van Mander (Unpublished). In: The Possessions of the Portuguese Merchant-Banker Emmanuel Ximenez (1564-1632): Connecting (Art) Histories in Early Modern Antwerp (workshop). Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, Max-Planck-Institut. 11.-12.06.2013.

Göttler, Christine (25 May 2013). The Giant of Antwerp: Durability and Materiality in Early Modern Festival Culture (Unpublished). In: Ephemerality and Durability in Early-Modern Visual and Material Culture. Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, Universität Cambridge. 24.-25. Mai 2013.

Raband, Ivo (25 May 2013). An Archducal Collection in Brussels: Archduke Ernest of Austria and his Collecting Ambitions (Unpublished). In: Collecting Nature. Irsee. 24.05.-28.05.2013.

Göttler, Christine (23 May 2013). Golgotha in the 'constcamer': Art and prayer at the court of Emperor Rudolf II in Prague (Unpublished). In: Das Gebet in den Konfessionen und Medien der Frühen Neuzeit. Missionsakademie der Universität Hamburg. 21.-24. Mai 2013.

Zierholz, Steffen (26 April 2013). Beten in Bildern. Affekt und Gebetspraxis bei den Jesuiten (Unpublished). In: Graduiertenkolleg Religiöses Wissen im vormodernen Europa (800-1800). Transfers und Transformationen - Wege zur Wissengesellschaft der Moderne. Tübingen. 26. 04.2013.

Mazadiego, Elize (2013). Oscar Tuazon. Frieze, 154 Frieze Publishing Ltd.

Göttler, Christine (11 April 2013). Die Versuchungen von Bischof Antoon Triest: Räume religiöser Imagination im 17. Jahrhundert (Unpublished). In: Invited lecture in der Ringvorlesung des Berner Mittelalterzentrums. Universität Bern. 11.04.2013.

Raband, Ivo (9 April 2013). Erzherzog Ernst von Österreich in den Spanischen Niederlanden (1593–1595) (Unpublished). In: 3. Forum für IKG-NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen. Bern. April 2013.

Göttler, Christine (2013). The Place of the 'Exotic' in Early Seventeenth-Century Antwerp. In: Schrader, Stephanie (ed.) Looking East: Rubens's Encounter with Asia, exh. cat., The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles (pp. 88-107). Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum

Göttler, Christine (12 January 2013). The World Within: The Cave of Somnus and Other Dreamscapes (Unpublished). In: The World from Above: New Studies and Approaches of the 'World Landscape'. Lille und Brüssel. 10.-12. Januar 2013.

Schindler, Tabea (2013). Plaster as a Matter of Memory: Auguste Rodin and George Segal. In: Posman, Sarah; Reverseau, Anne; Ayers, David; Bru, Sascha; Hjartarson, Benedikt (eds.) The Aesthetics of Matter: Modernism, the Avant-Garde and Material Exchange. European Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies: Vol. 3 (pp. 144-157). Berlin: De Gruyter

Preisinger, Raphaèle (2013). Vers uns "science de l'image": Une esquisse des modèles dominants de la "Bildwissenschaft" (Unpublished). In: Journée d'études sur "Histoire de l'art et philosophie de l'art". Universität Rennes. 13.12.2013.

de Boer, Wietse; Göttler, Christine (eds.) (2013). Religion and the Senses in Early Modern Europe. Intersections: Vol. 26. Leiden: Brill 10.1163/9789004236653

Göttler, Christine (2013). The Alchemist, the Painter, and the 'Indian Bird': Joining Arts and Cultures in Seventeenth-Century Antwerp. Adriaen van Utrecht's 'Allegory of Fire' in the Royal Museums of Fine Arts in Brussels. In: Hoffmann, Annette; de Giorgi, Manuela; Suthor, Nicola (eds.) Synergies in Visual Culture / Bildkulturen im Dialog. Festschrift für Gerhard Wolf (pp. 499-512). München: Wilhelm Fink

Preisinger, Raphaèle (2013). Review of "Stumbling Blocks Before the Blind: Medieval Constructions of a Disability" by Edward Wheatley (Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2010). Modern Philology, 111(2), E157-E159. University of Chicago Press 10.1086/671943

Preisinger, Raphaèle (2013). Rezension zu: Sehen und Sakralität in der Vormoderne. Hrsg. von David Ganz und Thomas Lentes (Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag 2011). Sehepunkte. Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften, 13(5) Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität

Raband, Ivo; Bego-Ghina, Benedikt; Guyer, Nanina (2013). Bericht zum 27. Renaissancekolloquium am 15. März 2013: ‚Briefgefühle‘ ohne Verlag

Raband, Ivo (2013). The Archduke and the Exotic: Archduke Ernest of Austria and his Collecting Ambitions (Unpublished). In: European Courts in a Globalized World 1400–1700. Lissabon. 06.–08.11.2013.

Raband, Ivo (2013). Printed Narrative: The Festival Books for Archduke Ernest of Austria from Brussels and Antwerp 1594 (Unpublished). In: Aspects of the Narrative in Art History. University of Kyoto, Japan. 02.–03.12.2013.


Göttler, Christine; de Boer, Wietse (2012). Introduction: The Sacred and the Senses in an Age of Reform. In: de Boer, Wietse; Göttler, Christine (eds.) Religion and the Senses in Early Modern Europe. Intersections: Vol. 26 (pp. 1-13). Leiden: Brill

Göttler, Christine (2012). The Temptation of the Senses at the Sacro Monte di Varallo. In: de Boer, Wietse; Göttler, Christine (eds.) Religion and the Senses in Early Modern Europe. Intersections: Vol. 26 (pp. 393-451). Leiden: Brill

Raband, Ivo (2012). Erzherzog Ernst von Österreich in den Spanischen Niederlanden (1594-1595): Sites of Representation (Unpublished). In: Forschungskolloquium von Prof. Dr. Philipp Zitzslsperger. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 27.11.2012.

Krass, Urte (2012). Nah zum Leichnam. Bilder neuer Heiliger im Quattrocento. I Mandorli. Italienische Forschungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz Max-Planck-Institut: Vol. 16. München/Berlin: Deutscher Kunstverlag


Smalcerz, Joanna Beata (2011). Madonna Cieszynska i nagrobek Przemka I Noszaka jako przyklady parleryzmu o praskim rodowodzie w rzezbie na terenie Ksiestwa Cieszynskiego. Rerum Artis, 6, pp. 98-111. Uniwersytet Warszawski

Mazadiego, Elize Marie (2011). Silent Witness: Violence and Representation. pros* Journal

Mazadiego, Elize Marie; Kester, Grant; Moreno, Jenn (2011). Interview with artist Ken Gonzales-Day. pros* Journal, pp. 7-24.


Mazadiego, Elize Marie (2010). New Public Art: Redefining or Reconsidering Community-Based Art? pros* Journal, pp. 29-38.

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