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Hirschi, Andreas; von Allmen, Nicola; Burmeister, Anne; Zacher, Hannes (2021). Action Regulation at the Work–Family Interface: Nomological Network and Work–Family Consequences. Journal of Business and Psychology, 37(2), pp. 369-387. Springer 10.1007/s10869-021-09751-6
Burmeister, Anne; Wang, Mo; Hirschi, Andreas (2020). Understanding the motivational benefits of knowledge transfer for older and younger workers in age-diverse coworker dyads: An actor-partner interdependence model. Journal of applied psychology, 105(7), pp. 748-759. American Psychological Association 10.1037/apl0000466
Burmeister, Anne; Gerpott, F.H.; Fasbender, Ulrike (2019). Consequences of knowledge hiding: The differential compensatory effects of guilt and shame. Journal of occupational and organizational psychology, 92(2), pp. 281-304. Wiley 10.1111/joop.12249
Hirschi, Andreas; Steiner, Rebekka; Burmeister, Anne; Johnston, Claire S. (2019). A whole-life perspective of sustainable careers: The nature and consequences of nonwork orientations. Journal of vocational behavior, 117, p. 103319. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jvb.2019.103319
Burmeister, Anne; Lazarova, Mila B.; Deller, Jürgen (2018). Repatriate knowledge transfer: Antecedents and boundary conditions of a dyadic process. Journal of World Business, 53(6), pp. 806-816. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jwb.2018.06.004
Burmeister, Anne; Fasbender, Ulrike; Deller, Jürgen (2018). Being perceived as a knowledge sender or knowledge receiver: A multistudy investigation of the effect of age on knowledge transfer. Journal of occupational and organizational psychology, 91(3), pp. 518-545. Wiley 10.1111/joop.12208
Gericke, Dina; Burmeister, Anne; Löwe, Jil; Deller, Jürgen; Pundt, Leena (2018). How do refugees use their social capital for successful labor market integration? An exploratory analysis in Germany. Journal of vocational behavior, 105, pp. 46-61. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jvb.2017.12.002
Burmeister, Anne (2018). Knowledge transfer in age-diverse co-worker dyads in China and Germany: How and when do age-inclusive HR practices have an effect? Human Resource Management Journal, 28(4), pp. 605-620. Wiley 10.1111/1748-8583.12207
Puppatz, Martin; Burmeister, Anne; Deller, Juergen (2017). The assessment of organizational culture in cross-cultural settings: Investigating the psychometric quality and cultural equivalence of three quantitative instruments. International journal of selection and assessment, 25(1), pp. 43-60. Wiley 10.1111/ijsa.12159
Burmeister, Anne; Deller, Jürgen (2016). Knowledge Retention From Older and Retiring Workers: What Do We Know, and Where Do We Go From Here? Work, aging and retirement, 2(2), pp. 87-104. Oxford University Press 10.1093/workar/waw002
Burmeister, Anne; Deller, Jürgen (2016). A practical perspective on repatriate knowledge transfer: The influence of organizational support practices. Journal of global mobility, 4(1), pp. 68-87. Emerald 10.1108/JGM-09-2015-0041
Burmeister, Anne; Deller, Jürgen; Osland, Joyce; Szkudlarek, Betina; Oddou, Gary; Blakeney, Roger (2015). The micro-processes during repatriate knowledge transfer: the repatriates' perspective. Journal of Knowledge Management, 19(4), pp. 735-755. Emerald Group Publ. Ltd. 10.1108/JKM-01-2015-0011
Engelhardt, Regula S.; Burmeister, Anne; Hirschi, Andreas (2018). Career management of talents. In: Ritz, Adrian; Thom, Norbert (eds.) Talent Management. Talente identifizieren, Kompetenzen entwickeln, Leistungsträger erhalten (3. Auflage) (pp. 33-44). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler 10.1007/978-3-658-19100-9_2
Burmeister, Anne (2017). Repatriate Knowledge Transfer: A Systematic Review of the Literature. In: Bader, Benjamin; Schuster, Tassilo; Bader, Anna Katharina (eds.) Expatriate Management: Transatlantic Dialogues (pp. 225-264). London: Palgrave Macmillan 10.1057/978-1-137-57406-0_8