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Number of items: 67.


Wetzel, Mathis; Zufferey, Sandrine; Gygax, Pascal (2024). The role of complexity in the ability to notice incoherent uses of connectives for L2. (In Press). Journal of second language studies John Benjamins


Kempf, Luise; Hartmann, Stefan (2022). What’s extravagant about be-sandal-ed feet? Morphology, semantics and pragmatics of German pseudo-participles. In: Eitelmann, Matthias; Haumann, Dagmar (eds.) Extravagant Morphology. Studies in rule-bending, pattern-extending and theory-challenging morpohology. Studies in Language Companion Series: Vol. 223 (pp. 20-50). Amsterdam: John Benjamins

Overmann, Karenleigh A.; Chacon, Thiago; Payne, Annick (2022). Desana numerical symbols. Written language & literacy, 25(2), pp. 133-158. John Benjamins 10.1075/wll.00064.ove

Wetzel, Mathis; Crible, Ludivine; Zufferey, Sandrine (2022). Processing clause-internal discourse relations in a second language: a case study of specifications in German and French. Journal of second language studies, 5(2), pp. 206-234. John Benjamins 10.1075/jsls.21032.wet


Zúñiga, Fernando; Fernández, Beatriz (2021). Antipassivization in Basque revisited (In Press). In: Janic, Katarzyna; Witzlack-Makarevich, Alena (eds.) Antipassive: Typology, diachrony, and related Constructions. Typological Studies in Language: Vol. 130 (pp. 621-640). Amsterdam: John Benjamins

Britain, David; Grossenbacher, Sarah (2021). Counterurbanisation, dialect contact and the levelling of non-salient traditional dialect variants: The case of the front short vowels in Eastern England. In: Ziegler, Arne; Edler, Stefanie; Oberdorfer, Georg (eds.) Urban Matters. Current Approaches in Variationist Sociolinguistics. Studies in Language Variation (SILV): Vol. 27 (pp. 89-118). Amsterdam: John Benjamins 10.1075/silv.27.04bri

Gildea, Spike; Zúñiga, Fernando (eds.) (2021). Typological Studies in Language. John Benjamins

Marzo, Stefania; Natale, Silvia; De Pascale, Stefano (2021). Language attitudes among mobile speakers. Evidence from Italian speakers living abroad. In: Ziegler, Arne; Edler, Stefanie; Oberdorfer, Georg (eds.) Urban matters. Current approaches in variationist sociolinguistics. Studies in Language Variation (pp. 119-140). Amsterdam: John Benjamins

Kempf, Luise (2021). German so-relatives: Lost in grammatical, typological, and sociolinguistic change. In: Kranich, Svenja; Breban, Tine (eds.) Lost in Change. Causes and processes in the loss of grammatical elements and constructions. Studies in Language Companion Series: Vol. 218 (pp. 291-331). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins 10.1075/slcs.218.10kem


Grollmann, Selin (2020). Diachronic aspects of Bjokapakha epistemic verbal morphology: The role of nominalisers and copulas. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman area, 43(1), pp. 87-123. John Benjamins 10.1075/ltba.18017.gro

Gerber, Pascal (2020). Areal features in Gongduk, Bjokapakha and Black Mountain Mönpa phonology. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman area, 43(1), pp. 55-86. John Benjamins 10.1075/ltba.18015.ger

Zemp, Marius (2020). Evidentials and their pivot in Tibetic and neighboring Himalayan languages. Functions of language, 27(1), pp. 29-54. John Benjamins 10.1075/fol.20003.zem

Gildea, Spike; Zúñiga, Fernando (eds.) (2020). Typological Studies in Language. John Benjamins


Zúñiga, Fernando (2019). Grammatical relations in Mapudungun. In: Witzlack-Makarevich, Alena; Bickel, Balthasar (eds.) Argument Selectors: A new perspective on grammatical relations. Typological Studies in Language: Vol. 123 (pp. 39-67). Amsterdam: John Benjamins

Zúñiga, Fernando; Fernández, Beatriz (2019). Grammatical relations in Basque. In: Witzlack-Makarevich, Alena; Bickel, Balthasar (eds.) Argument Selectors: A new perspective on grammatical relations. Typological Studies in Language: Vol. 123 (pp. 185-212). Amsterdam: John Benjamins

Thöny, Luzius (2019). Waves in computer simulations of linguistic diffusion. In: Cennamo, Michela; Fabrizio, Claudia (eds.) Historical Linguistics 2015: Selected papers from the 22nd International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Naples, 27-31 July 2015. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory: Vol. 348 (pp. 616-630). Amsterdam: John Benjamins

van Driem, George (2019). The dynamics of Nepali pronominal distinctions in familiar, casual and formal relationships. In: Bouissac, Paul (ed.) The Social Dynamics of Pronominal Systems: A Comparative Approach. Pragmatics and beyond. New series: Vol. 304 (pp. 151-209). Amsterdam: John Benjamins 10.1075/pbns.304.07van

Hoek, Jet; Zufferey, Sandrine; Evers-Vermeul, Jacqueline; Sanders, Ted J. M. (2019). The linguistic marking of coherence relations: Interactions between connectives and segment-internal elements. Pragmatics & cognition, 25(2), pp. 276-309. John Benjamins 10.1075/pc.18016.hoe

Thurlow, Crispin; Gonçalves, Kellie (eds.) (2019). X-Scapes. New horizons in Linguistic Landscapes, 5(2). John Benjamins

Gildea, Spike; Zúñiga, Fernando (eds.) (2019). Typological Studies in Language. John Benjamins


Cristofaro, Sonia; Zúñiga, Fernando (eds.) (2018). Typological Hierarchies in Synchrony and Diachrony. Typological studies in language: Vol. 121. Amsterdam: John Benjamins 10.1075/tsl.121

Cristofaro, Sonia; Zúñiga, Fernando (2018). Synchronic vs. diachronic approaches to typological hierarchies. In: Cristofaro, Sonia; Zúñiga, Fernando (eds.) Typological Hierarchies in Synchrony and Diachrony. Typological studies in language: Vol. 121 (pp. 4-27). Amsterdam: John Benjamins

van Driem, George (2018). Linguistic history and historical linguistics. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman area, 41(1), pp. 106-127. John Benjamins 10.1075/ltba.18005.dri

Gildea, Spike; Zúñiga, Fernando (eds.) (2018). Typological Studies in Language. John Benjamins


Zufferey, Sandrine (2016). Discourse connectives across languages. Factors influencing their explicit or implicit translation. Languages in Contrast, 16(2), pp. 264-279. John Benjamins 10.1075/lic.16.2.05zuf

Zufferey, Sandrine (2016). Pragmatic acquisition. In: Östman, Jan-Ola; Verschueren, Jef (eds.) Handbook of Pragmatics 2016 (pp. 1-20). Amsterdam, Niederlande: John Benjamins 10.1075/hop.20.pra5


Zúñiga, Fernando (2015). Temperature terms in Mapudungun. In: Koptjevskaja-Tamm, Maria (ed.) The Linguistics of Temperature. Typological Studies in Language: Vol. 107 (pp. 776-791). Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins

Kern-Stähler, Annette; Thiemann, Anna (2015). Autism and the American Dream: Progress and Recovery in the American Autie-Biography. In: Gygax, Franziska; Locher, Miriam A. (eds.) Narrative Matters in Medical Contexts across Disciplines (pp. 17-31). Amsterdam: John Benjamins

Mahrer, Rudolf; De Angelis, Rossana; Del Lungo, Andrea; Grésillon, Almuth; Lebrave, Jean-Louis; Nicollier Saraillon, Valentine; Poibeau, Thierry; Mélanie-Becquet, Frédérique; Vauthier, Bénédicte (2015). Editorial genesis: From comparing texts (product) to interpreting rewritings (process). In: Cislaru, Georgeta (ed.) Writing(s) at the Crossroads (ed. Georgeta Cislaru) (pp. 151-170). Amsterdam: John Benjamins 10.1075/z.194.08mah


Zúñiga, Fernando (2014). Benefaction proper and surrogation. Studies in Language, 38(3), pp. 543-565. John Benjamins 10.1075/sl.38.3.05zun

Kittilä, Seppo; Zúñiga, Fernando (2014). Recent developments and open questions in the field of semantic roles. Studies in Language, 38(3), pp. 437-462. John Benjamins 10.1075/sl.38.3.01kit

Kittilä, Seppo; Zúñiga, Fernando (eds.) (2014). Studies in Language special issue: Advances in research on semantic roles, 38(3). John Benjamins 10.1075/sl.38.3

Zúñiga, Fernando (2014). Nominal compounds in Mapudungun. In: Danielsen, Swintha; Hannss, Katja; Zúñiga, Fernando (eds.) Word Formation in South American Languages. Studies in Language Companion Series: Vol. 163 (pp. 11-31). Amsterdam: John Benjamins 10.1075/slcs.163.02zun

Danielsen, Swintha; Hannss, Katja; Zúñiga, Fernando (eds.) (2014). Word Formation in South American Languages. Studies in Language Companion Series: Vol. 163. Amsterdam: John Benjamins 10.1075/slcs.163

Zúñiga, Fernando (2014). Introduction and acknowledgements. In: Danielsen, Swintha; Hannss, Katja; Zúñiga, Fernando (eds.) Word Formation in South American Languages. Studies in Language Companion Series: Vol. 163 (pp. 1-10). Amsterdam: John Benjamins 10.1075/slcs.163.01dan

Hundt, Marianne; Schreier, Daniel; Britain, David (eds.) (2014). English World Wide, 35. John Benjamins

Bodt, Timotheus Adrianus (2014). Ethnolinguistic survey of westernmost Arunachal Pradesh: A field worker's impressions. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman area, 37(2), pp. 198-239. John Benjamins 10.1075/ltba.37.2.03bod

Haurholm-Larsen, Steffen (2014). Dixon, R.M.W. 2012. Basic Linguistic Theory. Volume 3. Further Grammatical Topics. Studies in Language, 38(4), pp. 1005-1013. John Benjamins 10.1075/sl.38.4.11hau

Zufferey, Sandrine; Cartoni, Bruno (2014). A multifactorial analysis of explicitation in translation. Target, 26(3), pp. 361-384. John Benjamins 10.1075/target.26.3.02zuf


Post, Mark William (2013). Person-sensitive TAME marking in Galo: Historical origins and functional motivation. In: Hyslop, Gwendolyn; Jansen, Joana; Thornes, Timothy; Andvik, Erik (eds.) Functional-Historical Approaches to Explanation: In honor of Scott DeLancey. Typological Studies in Language: Vol. 103 (pp. 107-130). Amsterdam: John Benjamins 10.1075/tsl.103

Meyer Pitton, Liliane (2013). Russian language maintenance through bedtime story reading?: Linguistic strategies and language negotiation in Russian-French speaking families in Switzerland. In: Approaches to Slavic Interaction. Dialogue Studies: Vol. 20 (pp. 295-315). John Benjamins

van Driem, George (2013). Biactantial agreement in the Gongduk transitive verb in the broader Tibeto-Burman context. In: Thornes, Tim; Andvik, Erik; Hyslop, Gwendolyn; Jansen, Joana (eds.) Functional-Historical Approaches to Explanation. In honor of Scott DeLancey. Typological studies in language: Vol. 103 (pp. 69-81). Amsterdam: John Benjamins

Gildea, Spike; Zúñiga, Fernando (eds.) (2013). Typological studies in language. John Benjamins

Vorwerg, Constanze (2013). Language variation and mutual adaptation in interactive communication. Putting together psycholinguistic 
and sociolinguistic perspectives. In: Wachsmuth, Ipke; de Ruiter, Jan; Jaecks, Petra; Kopp, Stefan (eds.) Alignment in Communication: Towards a new theory of communication. Advances in Interaction Studies: Vol. 6 (pp. 149-166). Amsterdam: John Benjamins

Phillips, Maxwell Perkins (2013). Ergative case attrition in Central-Indo-Aryan. Studies in Language, 37(1), pp. 196-213. John Benjamins

Cartoni, Bruno; Meyer, Thomas; Zufferey, Sandrine (2013). Using the Europarl corpus for linguistic research. Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 27(1), pp. 23-42. John Benjamins 10.1075/bjl.27.02car


Zufferey, Sandrine; Cartoni, Bruno (2012). English and French causal connectives in contrast. Languages in Contrast, 12(2), pp. 232-250. John Benjamins 10.1075/lic.12.2.06zuf


Rippl, Gabriele (2011). Iconicity and Intermediality in Charles Simic's Dime Store Alchemy. In: Michelucci, Pascal; Fischer, Olga; Ljungberg, Christina (eds.) Semblance and Signification. Iconicity in Language and Literature: Vol. 10 (pp. 313-325). Amsterdam: John Benjamins

Reisigl, Martin (2011). (Critical) Discourse analysis and pragmatics: Commonalities and differences. In: Hart, Christopher (ed.) Critical Discourse Studies in Context and Cognition (pp. 7-26). Amsterdam: John Benjamins

Post, Mark William (2011). Nominalization and nominalization-based constructions in Galo. In: Yap, Foong Ha; Grunow-Harsta, Karen; Wrona, Janick (eds.) Nominalization in Asian Languages: Diachronic and Typological Perspectives (pp. 255-287). Amsterdam: John Benjamins

Toutain, Anne-Gaëlle (2011). Relecture jakobsonienne de la distinction saussurienne langue/parole. De la constitution d'un concept à l'acceptation d'un objet donné. In: Hassler, Gerda (ed.) Selected papers from the eleventh International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (ICHoLS XI), 28 August - 2 September 2008, Potsdam. Studies in the History of the Language Sciences: Vol. 115 (pp. 327-339). Amsterdam: John Benjamins 10.1075/sihols.115.30tou


Bürki, Yvette (2010). "La cuestión de la lingua" y la defensa del judeoespañol en la prensa sefardí de Salónica (1901-1902). Spanish in context, 7(1), pp. 78-99. Amsterdam: John Benjamins

Arcodia, Giorgio F.; Grandi, Nicola; Wälchli, Bernhard (2010). Coordination in compounding. In: Scalise, Sergio; Vogel, Irene (eds.) Cross-Disciplinary Issues in Compounding (pp. 177-197). Amsterdam: John Benjamins

Pfister, Jonas (2010). Communicative Signs Meaning Naturally. Pragmatics & cognition, 19(1), pp. 40-67. Amsterdam: John Benjamins 10.1075/pc.18.1.03pfi

Post, Mark William (2010). Book Review: A Reference Grammar of Thai by Shoichi Iwasaki and Preeya Ingkaphirom. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman area, 33(1), pp. 99-108. John Benjamins

Zufferey, Sandrine (2010). Lexical Pragmatics and Theory of Mind: The Acquisition of Connectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins


Leemann, Adrian (2009). Intonational Variation in Swiss German. In: Tsiplakou, Stavroula; Karyolemou, Marilena; Pavlou, Pavlos (eds.) Language variation. European perspectives II. Studies of Language Variation: Vol. 5 (pp. 135-143). Amsterdam: John Benjamins

Haller, Felix (2009). Switch-reference in Tibetan. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman area, 32(2), pp. 45-70. Amsterdam: John Benjamins

Deonna, Julien A.; Teroni, Fabrice (2009). The Self of Shame. In: Salmela, Mikko; Mayer, Verena (eds.) Emotions, Ethics, and Authenticity. Consciousness and emotion book series: Vol. 5 (pp. 33-50). Amsterdam: John Benjamins

Basile, Pierfrancesco (2009). Back to Whitehead? Galen Strawson and the Rediscovery of Panpsychism. In: Skrbina, David (ed.) Mind that Abides. Panpsychism in the new millenium (pp. 179-199). Amsterdam: John Benjamins

Betzler, Monika (2009). Authenticity and Self-Governance. In: Salmela, Mikko; Mayer, Verena (eds.) Emotions, Ethics, and Authenticity. Consciousness and emotion book series: Vol. 5 (pp. 51-68). Amsterdam: John Benjamins

Post, Mark William (2009). The phonology and grammar of Galo “words”: A case study in benign disunity. Studies in Language, 34(4), pp. 931-971. John Benjamins


Werlen, Iwar (2007). Receptive Multilingualism in Switzerland and the Case of Biel/Bienne. In: ten Thije, Jan D.; Zeevaert, Ludger (eds.) Receptive Multilingualism. Linguistics analyses, language policies and didactic concepts. Hamburg Studies in Multilingualism: Vol. 6 (pp. 137-158). Amsterdam: John Benjamins

Post, Mark William (2007). Grammaticalization and compounding in Thai and Chinese: A text-frequency approach. Studies in Language, 31(1), pp. 117-176. John Benjamins


Locher, Miriam (2006). Advice Online. Advice-giving in an American Internet Health Column. Pragmatics & Beyond New Series: Vol. 149. Amsterdam: John Benjamins

Haller, Felix (2006). Verbal valence in Shigatse Tibetan and Themchen Tibetan. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman area, 29(2), pp. 63-77. Amsterdam: John Benjamins

Post, Mark William (2006). Compounding and the structure of the Tani lexicon. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman area, 29(1), pp. 41-60. John Benjamins

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