Balmer, Maria Luisa

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Journal Article

Arnold, Kim; Dehio, Philippe; Lötscher, Jonas; Singh, Kapil Dev; García-Gómez, Diego; Hess, Christoph; Sinues, Pablo; Balmer, Maria L (2023). Real-Time Volatile Metabolomics Analysis of Dendritic Cells. Analytical chemistry, 95(25), pp. 9415-9421. American Chemical Society 10.1021/acs.analchem.3c00516

Huwiler, Valentina V; Scalise, Melanie; Schönenberger, Katja A; Mühlebach, Stefan; Stanga, Zeno; Balmer, Maria L (2023). The Role of Dietary Fibre in Enteral Nutrition in Sepsis Prevention and Therapy: A Narrative Review. Nutrients, 15(11) MDPI 10.3390/nu15112489

Huwiler, Valentina V; Schönenberger, Katja A; Segesser von Brunegg, Alexander; Reber, Emilie; Mühlebach, Stefan; Stanga, Zeno; Balmer, Maria L (2022). Prolonged Isolated Soluble Dietary Fibre Supplementation in Overweight and Obese Patients: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials. Nutrients, 14(13) MDPI 10.3390/nu14132627

Melhem, Hassan; Kaya, Berna; Kaymak, Tanay; Wuggenig, Philipp; Flint, Emilio; Roux, Julien; Oost, Koen C; Cavelti-Weder, Claudia; Balmer, Maria L; Walser, Jean-Claude; Morales, Rodrigo A; Riedel, Christian U; Liberali, Prisca; Villablanca, Eduardo J; Niess, Jan Hendrik (2022). Epithelial GPR35 protects from Citrobacter rodentium infection by preserving goblet cells and mucosal barrier integrity. Mucosal immunology, 15(3), pp. 443-458. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41385-022-00494-y

Lötscher, Jonas; Martí I Líndez, Adrià-Arnau; Kirchhammer, Nicole; Cribioli, Elisabetta; Giordano, Greta; Trefny, Marcel P; Lenz, Markus; Rothschild, Sacha I; Strati, Paolo; Künzli, Marco; Lotter, Claudia; Schenk, Susanne H; Dehio, Philippe; Löliger, Jordan; Litzler, Ludivine; Schreiner, David; Koch, Victoria; Page, Nicolas; Lee, Dahye; Grählert, Jasmin; ... (2022). Magnesium sensing via LFA-1 regulates CD8+ T cell effector function. Cell, 185(4), 585-602.e29. Cell Press 10.1016/j.cell.2021.12.039

Balmer, Maria L; Ma, Eric H; Thompson, Andrew J; Epple, Raja; Unterstab, Gunhild; Lötscher, Jonas; Dehio, Philippe; Schürch, Christian M; Warncke, Jan D; Perrin, Gaëlle; Woischnig, Anne-Kathrin; Grählert, Jasmin; Löliger, Jordan; Assmann, Nadine; Bantug, Glenn R; Schären, Olivier P; Khanna, Nina; Egli, Adrian; Bubendorf, Lukas; Rentsch, Katharina; ... (2020). Memory CD8+ T Cells Balance Pro- and Anti-inflammatory Activity by Reprogramming Cellular Acetate Handling at Sites of Infection. Cell metabolism, 32(3), 457-467.e5. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cmet.2020.07.004

Moor, Kathrin; Fadlallah, Jehane; Toska, Albulena; Sterlin, Delphine; Balmer, Maria Luisa; Macpherson, Andrew; Gorochov, Guy; Larsen, Martin; Slack, Emma (2016). Analysis of bacterial-surface-specific antibodies in body fluids using bacterial flow cytometry. Nature protocols, 11(8), pp. 1531-1553. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/nprot.2016.091

Balmer, Maria Luisa; Ma, Eric H; Bantug, Glenn R; Grählert, Jasmin; Pfister, Simona; Glatter, Timo; Jauch, Annaïse; Dimeloe, Sarah; Slack, Emma; Dehio, Philippe; Krzyzaniak, Magdalena A; King, Carolyn G; Burgener, Anne-Valérie; Fischer, Marco; Develioglu, Leyla; Belle, Réka; Recher, Mike; Bonilla, Weldy V; Macpherson, Andrew; Hapfelmeier, Siegfried Hektor; ... (2016). Memory CD8(+) T Cells Require Increased Concentrations of Acetate Induced by Stress for Optimal Function. Immunity, 44(6), pp. 1312-1324. Cell Press 10.1016/j.immuni.2016.03.016

Martin, Juliette; Balmer, Maria Luisa; Rajendran, Saranya; Maurhofer, Olivier; Dufour, Jean-François; St-Pierre Dufour, Marie Vivien (2016). Nutritional stress exacerbates hepatic steatosis induced by deletion of the histidine nucleotide-binding (Hint2) mitochondrial protein. American journal of physiology - gastrointestinal and liver physiology, 310(7), G497-509. American Physiological Society 10.1152/ajpgi.00178.2015

Slack, Emma; Balmer, Maria Luisa; Macpherson, Andrew (2014). B cells as a critical node in the microbiota-host immune system network. Immunological reviews, 260(1), pp. 50-66. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/imr.12179

Balmer, Maria Luisa; Slack, Emma; De Gottardi, Andrea; Lawson, Melissa; Hapfelmeier, Siegfried Hektor; Miele, Luca; Grieco, Antonio; Van Vlierberghe, Hans; Fahrner, René; Patuto, Nicola; Bernsmeier, Christine; Ronchi, Francesca; Wyss, Madeleine; Keogh-Stroka, Deborah M.; Dickgreber, Nina; Heim, Markus H; McCoy, Kathy D; Macpherson, Andrew (2014). The liver may act as a firewall mediating mutualism between the host and its gut commensal microbiota. Science translational medicine, 6(237), 237ra66. American Association for the Advancement of Science 10.1126/scitranslmed.3008618

Balmer, Maria L.; Trueb, Beat; Zhuang, Lei; Slack, Emma; Beltraminelli, Helmut; Villiger, Peter Matthias (2013). Splicing defect of CD33 and inflammatory syndrome associated with occult bacterial infection. Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 132(2), 490-493.e2. Mosby 10.1016/j.jaci.2013.03.027

Cahenzli, Julia; Balmer, Maria Luisa; McCoy, Kathleen (2012). Microbial-immune cross-talk and regulation of the immune system. Immunology, 138(1), pp. 12-22. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1365-2567.2012.03624.x

Balmer, Maria Luisa; Siegrist, Kathrin; Zimmermann, Arthur; Dufour, Jean-François (2009). Effects of ursodeoxycholic acid in combination with vitamin E on adipokines and apoptosis in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Liver international, 29(8), pp. 1184-8. Oxford: Blackwell Munksgaard 10.1111/j.1478-3231.2009.02037.x

Balmer, Maria Luisa; Dufour, Jean-François (2008). Treatment of hypercholesterolemia in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis might be more beneficial than indicated. Swiss medical weekly, 138(29-30), pp. 415-9. Muttenz: EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag

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